Part Wolf

Chapter 425 - 425: And What Would That Be?

Chapter 425 – 425: And What Would That Be?

She didn't think twice before walking away from the place. Thankfully, the alpha was the only one who had noticed her. And she didn't want to wait for him to catch up to her- especially not in the state that he was in. Besides, she felt like she had committed a crime by witnessing what she shouldn't have. 

Her gut feeling screamed at her that this was not going to end well for anyone. As the one who created life on earth, it was hard watching them tear it down with their very hands. The alpha's fate could surely be redirected to a better path if she were to interfere. Her hands itched to do the necessary. 

Luna shook her head, shoving her guilt to the side. It didn't matter. She wasn't supposed to get involved in anyone else's matters. It was too risky. And if the higher-ups got alerted, she'd be in huge trouble with the Council of Elders. Not to mention that her brother would probably hunt her down and carry her back to the Golden palace, never to see the light of day again. 

All she had to do, was get the soul shard and move on to the next timeline before getting caught by any of those from up above, she thought, her eyes wandering over the forest overgrowth. Realizing that she had reached the main road, the goddess slowed down, glancing to her sides to see if anyone was following her. It was odd, but she couldn't sense the alpha anywhere around.

Luna sighed, rubbing the side of her arms vigorously to warm herself. "Hey stones, what do you think of the spell?" She asked, lowering her voice. 

'It's mind-blowing!' The Dam Sehlah exclaimed, its voice rising in excitement. 'How could they set up a whole blood spell array without a witch?!'

The goddess nodded in agreement. "Hmmm. I'm thinking about the very same thing. It was not an easy array after all. It's a magic transfusion blood spell." She paused, her brows knitting together in thought. "I wonder how they even got to know about such a thing."

Magic transfusion spells were quite complicated. It usually required a really powerful magical object. Depending on the potency of and energy contained in the object, the spell would transfer its magic to its performer. But such spells were ranked among the forbidden spells, mainly because if it went wrong even by an inch, it could result in the instant death of the performer. 

And because of that, such spells were not easily found. It was surprising that the pack had not found the spell but had somehow managed to perform it without the help of a witch. Luna remembered the darkness that surrounded the alpha. Was William's dark fate somehow linked to the whole incident? She wondered, her brows creasing in concern. 

'Master,' The Tohar Sehlah interrupted, sounding thoughtful, 'Couldn't it work if someone had already set it up beforehand?'

The goddess nodded. "That could be." She said, thinking back to the nine-pointed structure of the spell array. "But arrays cannot be reused after a spell. And it didn't look like anyone retouched it recently."

Luna frowned as she thought over and over about the incident. It just didn't make sense. But then again, why was she trying to make sense of it? None of it mattered anyway. It was not like she could save any of them from their fates even if she wanted to, she thought, shaking the thoughts off of her head. 

She rubbed her hands together again. The temperature had dropped a few degrees than when she had first stepped out of the alpha's hut. Though it wasn't freezing, it wasn't comfortable either. But what bothered her more was the fact that she couldn't shake off the feeling that all of this was somehow related to her in some way. 

The goddess closed her eyes for a second, praying that the shard was safe. At least, she hadn't spotted it among the crowd that had gathered at the strange temple structure. That left only two possibilities. Either the shard wasn't in the body of an adult like the Tohar Sehlah had earlier said, or else it had not arrived at the island yet. 

'But why is master is trying to run away?' The Dam Sehlah asked, interrupting her thoughts. 'The man had already seen you.' 

Luna huffed, pushing her long, silky hair behind her ears. "I'm not running." She lied, trying her best to sound convincing. "Besides, I have other things to do."

"Oh? And what would that be?" A deep male voice asked from behind her. 

The goddess froze on the spot. For a second, she forgot to breathe. A hundred questions flashed in her mind. How much of the conversation had he heard? Was he waiting for her to give herself away? And why the hell hadn't she heard him approach?! She cursed, her hands clenching into fists. 

The stones instantly grew quiet as well, in anxiousness. She could now clearly hear his soft footsteps pressing against the mud-paved forest path, drawing close to her in lightning speed. Luna took a deep breath, steadying herself. 

Right, even if her senses were a bit duller than his for now, she was faster than all of them combined. She was not just anyone. She was Al'lat, the moon goddess- the one who played with time in the palm of her hands. She had no reason to be intimidated by a mere werewolf, Luna told herself as she turned towards the alpha. 

"None of your business." She said, looking him dead in his clear brown eyes.

William suddenly started laughing, stopping an inch short of her. Luna resisted her urge to back off as the wind from his movements pushed against her. It blew her hair back, loosening a few baby strands from behind her ears in the process. The alpha smiled, baring his bloodied fangs at her. 

It reminded her of the scene that she had witnessed at the temple only a few minutes back. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she recalled his fangs sinking into one of his servants' chests. The man raised his brows, stepping closer in amusement. 

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