Part Wolf

Chapter 457 - 457: Shall We?

Chapter 457 – 457: Shall We?

Luna closed her eyes, laughing at herself for being so childish. She had not only gotten jealous of the princess but had also scared the servants who had dared to gossip without knowing who she was. 

'It's not your fault, milady.' The Tohar Sehlah offered sympathetically. 'It's just the time trying to engulf you into its fold.'

The goddess sighed, knowing that the stone was right once again. Time travel was not child's play. It had its own dangers attached to it. There was a charm attached to time that would pull one into its fold, no matter how powerful one was. Only the elder controlling the universe's time could then release you from its traps. 

But that would mean that everyone in the spiritual realm would then get to know about the incident. And Luna had no plans to go back before completing her mission. She wondered how Meifeng was holding up, up there. Watching the older woman place the shoes in front of her, the goddess raised her brows. 

"Is there something else that you wanted to say?" She asked, noticing the servant's fidgeting hands. 

Alma gulped, raising her eyes towards the goddess's face finally. "I-is it true?" She asked, appearing nervous. 

"What?" Luna asked, cocking her head to the side. 

The servant hesitated, leaning down to pick up a jeweled pin from the decorated wooden box before turning back to her. "Are you the witch from the Hidden Island?" She asked, her voice dropping down to a whisper as her eyes shifted nervously back and forth between the doors and the goddess. 

Luna raised her brows in amusement, taking in the woman's words before bursting out laughing. Her bell-like voice echoed in the room, filling it with a musical air. Alma's jaw dropped, watching the laughing goddess with awe, unable to help herself as she got caught in her charm. 

"Is that what everyone thinks?" Luna asked, finally calming herself down. 

The servant blushed in embarrassment. "I apologize, my lady. I asked too much." She said, bowing her head low. "I will wait outside."

Luna chuckled as she watched the woman rush out the doors, closing them behind her hurriedly. Picking up the pin she nervously dropped on the carpet, the goddess slid it into her lavishly braided hair, taking a minute to adjust her dress before walking gracefully towards the doors.


As she walked down the stairs with an entourage of servants and guards, Luna was reminded of the Golden Palace. It felt like it had been too long since she had gone anywhere feeling like the princess she was, she thought as she keenly observed the well-lit stairway. 

The walls had metal sconces attached to it every few steps on which were mounted burning torches that emitted a light scent of burning wood and oil. It was a far cry from the magical orbs that lit up the hallways of the golden palace, but it had a strange charm to itself- something so intrinsic to the earth and its inhabitants. 

Luna paused in front of a large window, her figure reflecting on its clear surface. The warm glow of the torch tinted her pale skin gold. She was breathtakingly beautiful, as evident from the loud heartbeats of those waiting behind her. But the goddess's attention was taken up by something outside the window. 

The waxing moon was almost at its end. Tomorrow would be a full moon night. But there was something wrong with the moonlight that fell on the palace grounds, she thought, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. Whispering the spell under her breath, the goddess leaned further against the window, the corners of her mouth dragging down into a frown as the strands of moonlight started becoming clearer. 

There, in the middle of a thousand pristine silver strings were two strands stained red. It could only mean one thing, she thought, her heart shuddering at the possibility of the imminent disaster. Luna followed the direction of the beams, her head turning towards her right as the sweet scent of forest and honey pushed into her senses. 

Her hands grew cold as she made her way downstairs hastily, hoping that she would be wrong. The goddess stilled in front of an awestruck Liam waiting for her. His heart was thumping hard against his chest as his jaw slackened. Every inch of his being was raptured by her presence. 

Luna sighed, following the path of the strings to his right. Standing beside the alpha was the princess, her dark brown eyes full of hostility. The red light strings wound around the two of them like a poisonous vine, intertwined tightly around each other. 

The Tohar Sehlah's panicked voice rang in her head. 'Master, that is-'

"Yes, I know," Luna whispered through clenched teeth.   

It seemed like the princess was not as simple as she thought she was. The spell staining the moonlight strands red was not a simple love spell. She wondered how she had missed it before. Although it seemed to have no effect on Liam, it was bound to lead him to death soon, she thought, her blood boiling with rage. 

"How dare you!" Alicia's voice rang high in the corridor as she raised a finger towards the goddess. "Lower your eyes, slave!" 

Luna narrowed her eyes at the princess, the magic inside her pushing at the tip of her fingers for the release. But she held back. She knew that if anything were to happen to the princess, it would affect the shard too, the goddess thought to herself irritatedly. 

"Alicia!" Liam's voice boomed in the corridor, making the princess cower in fear. "If you can't behave, then you might as well see yourself out." He warned, glaring at the girl mercilessly. 

Alicia's eyes filled with tears as she stuttered. "L-Liam, I-"

Before her outreached hands could touch the alpha, a flash of blue brushed past between the two, stopping right in front of the princess. 

"Alicia, please." Isaac pleaded, nervously holding onto the princess's shaking hand nervously. 

The girl turned to face the man, the softness in her eyes quickly vanishing. Her view of the two was cut off when a huge frame moved in front of her. Liam extended a hand towards her expectantly. 

"Shall we?" He asked, offering an awkward smile to her. 

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