Part Wolf

Chapter 461 - 461: Answering Him Carelessly

Chapter 461 – 461: Answering Him Carelessly

She watched the princess struggle against Isaac as he escorted her out of the mansion with a heavy guard. But she was only a human struggling against a wolf. Luna laughed inside, finding the state of her creations humorous. It was Sol's idea to keep a power imbalance between the earthlings. And for once, she agreed with him. 

As the carriage left with Alicia and a few of the mansion's guards, the beta's shoulders slumped in relief. The poker face he had been keeping up all this while disappeared as he turned towards the two of them, looking up at the window and bowing slightly before he disappeared. 

The goddess turned to her right to face the alpha, whose grip on her wrist had been sending all kinds of tingles through her body from the moment they came back to his room a while ago. The fact that she could smell his arousal didn't help. But she held back. There were things that she wanted to ask him and she was sure that he hadn't brought her here for nothing. 

As if feeling her gaze on him, Liam turned to her, dropping her hand in embarrassment as soon as he noticed. Luna chuckled, shaking her head as she leaned against the window. The man was adorable. She crossed her hands above her chest and raised a brow. 

"Would you like to answer me now?" The goddess asked in her musical voice. 

She could see the alpha's hesitation by the way that he was fidgeting with his fingertips. There was also something that looked very similar to fear in his eyes. What was he scared of, she wondered? Did he still not trust her after all that physical contact? Liam's question answered her doubt. 

"Can I trust you?" The alpha asked, searching her face desperately. 

At first, she wanted to play with him a little more. He was too innocent. But seeing how he was being all nervous about it, she decided to give him a straight answer. 

"Yes," Luna replied, smiling at him reassuringly. 

Liam sighed, as if in relief. But something still seemed to be bothering him. Luna wished that she could read his mind. Tell him that whatever he's worrying about is temporary. She was going to take him away soon- as soon as she got that damned curse out of his system that was twisting his soul with every passing moment. 

The alpha hesitated for a second before turning to her. "Are you and William-"

"No." She cut him off, answering the question even before he could complete it. 

Her answer had an immediate effect on his mood. Luna tilted her head to the side, raising her brows in question. He looked like a jealous man in love. But was that what he was scared of? Was that what was holding him back? If then, he was much more innocent than he looked, she thought, her gaze remaining on his beautiful face. It didn't seem like the years on this corrupt place tainted his soul. 

Liam cleared his throat, taking a nervous breath before asking the next question. "Is the woman who attacked me his sister?" He asked, searching her face for an answer. 

Luna shook her head. "No." She replied, looking at him curiously. 

Now, what was this about? She wondered. The conversation was not moving in the direction she expected it to. There was a certain spell that she wished to talk to him about. 

"Then?" The alpha asked, his eyes betraying the shock that the rest of his face hid under a mask.

"That was Circe." The goddess replied with a sigh, letting on more than he ought to know at that moment. "A witch who practices dark magic." 

The man appeared thoughtful for a moment, lines appearing on his otherwise smooth forehead. She wondered what was going on in that gorgeous head of his. Maybe he'd tell her if he trusted her enough. Maybe, he would if she told him enough. 

"I see," Liam murmured, his eyes still on the ground. But the moment he gazed at her, she knew that something had changed. He looked more determined than ever. "And who is she to him?"

"It's complicated," Luna replied with a shrug, her mind struggling to make a decision whether to let him into the secrets that she knew. 

'Master, why are you answering him so carelessly?' The Tohar Sehlah's panicked voice echoed in her head, 'You know that we can't interfere with their lives in this timeline or else-'

The goddess cleared her throat impatiently, irritated at the stone's warning. It immediately shut up, observing the soul shard in the room through its master's eyes. It squirmed uncomfortably as the man turned towards Luna. 

"Can you differentiate between his sister and the witch?" Liam asked, looking anywhere but at her.

"Yes," Luna replied with a nod. "But why are you asking?" She asked, curious as to his curiosity.

He was hesitant once again. A few strands of his wavy brown hair fell forward, hiding the brilliance of his emerald eyes from her. She yearned to reach out and push it aside, to tuck it behind his ear and turn his beautiful face towards her. 

And without her being conscious of the action, her feet carried her forward. She had hardly taken two steps when Liam's fingers pushed his hair back to reveal the nervous expression painted on his chiseled features. Luna stopped, catching hold of her emotions. 

"What is it?" She asked, the corners of her lips pulling down into a frown.

Liam sighed, running his hands through his hair. "I can't reveal too much but William's sister has come to the mansion." He said, finally looking up to her.


"Here?" She asked, her eyes growing wide as she stared at him.

The goddess was surprised by the statement. The girl had been extremely sick when she had seen her last on the Island. It was not possible for her to come all the way here miles away from the coast without putting her life in jeopardy. 

She depended on Circe's blood to live. But if she really was here, then it was no joking matter. Time only knows what kind of plans she was plotting now, she thought, the frown on her lips deepening at the thought. 

Liam nodded. "So I need your help to have the upper hand." He paused, "If we take her to the king, then he would not come looking for you."

"Hmm?" The goddess asked, looking at the man with a raised brow. 

The alpha clenched and unclenched his hands as he started off in hesitation. "Alicia is.." He trailed off, not completing the sentence. The green in his eyes turned lighter with nervousness as he took a deep breath. "Well, it wouldn't be long before everyone knows that you're here. And they all think that you're a witch. So-"

"Right," Luna said, interrupting him. 

It was a good plan, she thought, nodding to herself. The man had thought about the one side she hadn't.. The plan was just enough to buy her some time and keep her from unwarranted exposure to the timeline that could alert the elders up there. 

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