33 Risen#re

Chapter 123 - 123 – Lirian's Last Resort

Lirian had intended to get a bit of rest, but the sudden appearance of a fate conflux threw a wrench in his plans.

"Anya," he called out, he knew that she was always close by, and she had no doubt heard everything that just happened, 'She's going to have a field day messing with me,' he thought glumly.

Anya appeared from the shadows as he approached his room, "Guess what I just heard?" she said with a smile as soon as she arrived.

Lirian sighed and braced himself for the teasing, "A little birdy just told me that someone got an official girlfriend," she said in a teasing tone.

"All of Edith's guards believe that she's the one in charge in your relationship, since you agreed to all her conditions without even fussing, and what was that all about when you said that she's yours we totally cringed when we heard it," she smiled cheekily.

"None of that matters for now," Lirian sighed as he pulled his bags out and threw them on the bed, "Something big is about to happen, something that can change everything," he said seriously.

"Oh," Anya said with exaggerated surprise on her face, "I know that first relationships change things but aren't you being a little too intense, you know if you're too serious you could chase her away before you even start," she chuckled.

Lirian rolled his eyes behind the blind fold, "I'm not talking about my relationship with Edith," he said as he reached into his bag and pulled out a box.

"Why did you bring that here?" Anya chided him as she saw the box with the blasters, she had given to him.

"This is a good place for anyone that wants to attack me, but those new rules make it impossible for me to bring it along," he answered handing it to Anya.

"You would have been disqualified if anyone found out, even if was for your own protection," she said trying to reign in her frustration.

'I know that he used to be a god, but sometimes he does such stupid things that I wonder how he ever made it,' she said to herself as she snatched it away from him.

As she pulled it out from his hands, he pulled out another device which made her want to scream at him, she almost lost control of herself.

Lirian was holding the controller for his cruiser fleet that he received from the Jane family, he had received some of the Jane family's highest quality cannons on those ships, the baster could be considered as a 2 on a list from 1 to 10, while the cannons were an 11.

"What are you thinking, have you lost all your reasoning?" she said as she snatched it from his hand.

"Can you travel back and forth from the academy?", Lirian ignored her question and asked his own as if he had done nothing wrong.

Anya stomped her foot and the entire room shook as she glared at Lirian waiting for an explanation.

Lirian gritted his teeth, he really hated explaining himself, "I told you something is going to happen something bad, and I need every advantage I can get," he said with a rare seriousness.

Anya folded her arms under her breasts and looked at him with a tinge of suspicion, "How do you know that something bad is going to happen?"

"Let's just say that I have a feeling," Lirian said solemnly, slight hinting that it had something to do with his godly identity.

Getting the hint Anya created a barrier around them, "What is it this time Lirian this had best not be some lame excuse, because I don't feel anything strange with fate, no bad premonitions or anything like that."

"Of course you don't, I once told you a little about fate confluxes," he said slowly, he had only brushed on confluxes once when he told Anya about the intricacies of fate.

Since it wasn't a common occurrence and rendered all fate techniques useless, he didn't say much on the subject only that it represented change, great change in some instances.

"We have just entered into one, and I have no clue what it means, Anya I don't know what could happen, but I do know that it will have the power to effect the entire empire."

"Or at least it could affect the entire empire," he quickly added, "I really have no idea how far this could reach but it will without a doubt bring about some significant change," he said with such an intense look that made Anya feell obligated to nod along.

"What do you need me to do?" Anya said after a while.

Lirian snatched the controller back from her hands, "Answer my question can you travel back and forth from the academy!", he said as he tinkered with the controller.

"Yes," Anya nodded wondering where he was going with this.

"Good," Lirian said with a smile, and returned the controller to her, "Give this to Alastor, tell him that I'm giving him his first assignment, he has to come here in stealth mode and remain hidden until I signal him."

"Lirian I can't just give out the location of your expedition grounds," she said with tight shoulders.

"Yeah I know," Lirian waved his hands like it was no big deal, causing her to look at him wide-eyed, "You did not!", she cried out as her whole-body stiffened.

"I know that you can't so I just hacked into the bases system and got the coordinates and plugged it into the controller, it was easy," Lirian chuckled.

Anya felt her entire face twitch, she remembered how diligent and by the book she had behaved in her days as a candidate, and Lirian's ability to commit crimes made her doubt her ways, especially since he did it openly, yet he never faced any serious problems.

"Okay, but how will he be able to find you? I'm not allowed to venture around on this planet unless you chose to give up on the expedition and signal me using your watch."

"Oh, don't worry about that, he'll know it when he sees it," he said with a grin, as he rolled three of the energy cartridges from the blaster under his clothes.

'I can't smuggle anything big, but three energy cartridges should be easy,' he thought silently as he imagined the big explosion, the three cartridges each with enough power to kill a third-grader with a single shot, could make.

Lirian took a piece of paper, and begun to scribble a few things onto it, "Give that to Alastor," he said as he folded the page neatly and placed it in Anya's hand.

Anya removed the barrier and headed for the door, but then she quickly turned around and lunged at Lirian wrapping him in a tight hug.

Lirian was taken by surprise but as he felt her racing heart he quickly hugged her back, "I'll be fine I always come out alive no matter what happens," he smiled as she hugged him, it was intimate acts like this that he had always wished to have during his years all alone.

Anya pulled back and cupped his face, "You better comeback kiddo... or old man," she said with a forced chuckle, "You still have to keep your promise to teach me how to use fate."

"Is that the only reason," Lirian said with a forced pout that made Anya's heart soften, she rarely ever saw him deliberately being cute, he usually only did it to make someone feel embarrassed.

"I'll also miss all your stupid antics," she admitted.

She gave him one more quick squeeze and left, she took one last look at his face as he smiled at her before shutting the door.

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