33 Risen#re

Chapter 150 - 150 – Fate Forged 3

The white light surrounding the katana looked like a glowing cocoon, with every passing second the cocoon of light shrunk, and soon it became even smaller than the blade, yet the blade didn't poke out.

As it continued to shrink Lirian stood by calmly until the cocoon of light shrunk to the size of a ball that one would enjoy kicking around, yet the blade was completely unseen.

Lirian took a deep breath and began to channel the energy around him as he heard the sound of liquid inside the cocoon of light.

The sword had completely changed form, its not that it melted, but that it was being reconstructed by fate.

The students watched from the distance in awe as Lirian's entire body flowed as he bent the energy in a way they had never seen before, stands of silver spiralled around the cocoon like treads of silk and every time a thread struck the glowing ball, they could hear liquid move.

It was like two massive waves lapping against each-other with perfect harmony, and the sounds would echo in their ears.

With every movement Lirian made they could see the energy split and flood into the cocoon of light through a thousand tiny streams.

The threads of energy seemed to stitch the cocoon into shape, as the cocoon slowly began to elongate the thread held it in place and where ever the glowing cocoon lost its shape the threads of energy would quickly cut it away and return the severed piece to the ball to be shaped.

Had Lirian left it to take shape by itself it would have been a good weapon, but he wanted it to be perfect for him, so he intervened in its forging process.

The liquid slowly returned to the form of the katana and as the light still shone brightly he reached in, he knew that the blade was ready, and the glow was just the remnant fate energy.

As soon as his hand wrapped around the hilt he felt the clouds above still and electric energy charged the air, before he got time to inspect his new mystic grade katana a sharp cry of lightning shot down at the blade.

Lirian swivelled the katana and sliced the bolt as it reached him, and the blades newfound sharpness cut the bolt of lightning in half, causing the onlookers to gap in awe.

As the blade cut through the bolt, the bolt split in half and crashed into the ground leaving two trails of blue light etching two enormous scorch marks into the earth.

Lirian awaited the next wave, since it was a mystic grade katana, there would be two waves of tribulation, the first wave with a singe bolt of lightning and a second wave with two bolts of lightning, but because it was fate forged a third wave of three bolts would descend.

With each wave the bolts would also get stronger and Lirian stood proudly facing the tribulation cloud.

The two bolts came crashing down but one came slightly ahead of the other and Lirian used it to his advantage he reached out with the katana as the first bolt reached him and caught it with the katana's blade.

He spun in an arch creating a purple crescent in the air and flung the bolt at the second one, as the two bolts collided an explosion occurred ripping through the forests, entire trees were ripped apart by the violent collision and sent flying like little meteors.

Lirian gripped the pummel with both hands and took a deep breath, just from his few moves he could feel the katana was giving him a boast to his strength and buried deeper he could feel a special skill ingrained into the blade.

Instead of using outside energy he used his internal mana to trigger it as the final volley of the tribulation began.

This time all three bolts came streaking across the sky, giving it a purple glow.

The bolts came crashing down as Lirian breathed out and brought the blade down with a single swing from above his head it was the way a katana was meant to be used and with it came the full might of his blade.

Lirian felt every drop of mana his body could store leave him as a thick six-foot-wide beam of blue lightning erupted from the katana's edge, all three bolts were caught by the violent energy and followed its momentum as it crashed into the newly formed slope.

The destruction spread across the entire slope, creating a clear cut in the centre where the waterfall used to be, and the entire area seemed to crumble inwards where the blue lightning had struck.

Lirian praised himself for the destruction he had caused, he knew that it would have been weaker if it didn't pull the tribulation lightning along with the katana's skill.

He breathed heavily as it was his first time using his actual mana, with having cultivated, it was impossible for him to use it, and the quality and quantity of the energy he could use with energy control was much higher than what was in his body.

The only thing his mana was useful for currently was to activate things like a dimensional storage or skills of an item like what he had just done.

As the tribulation clouds began to dissipate Lirian used the system to inspect the katana.

<Fate Forged Tungsten Alloy Katana – Mystic grade>

- While fate forged the katana was folded and addition twenty times giving it 40 folds and over 1 trillion layers it has reached an impossible level of sharpness and can even cut through single cells with precision.

- The materials used to create this weapon are not meant to reach such a level as a result the blade will degrade 8 times faster.

- Condition: Perfect


- <Storm Caller> - the blade remembers when it injured a mighty rock drake and recalls the ability it used; the damage output is proportional to the mana used.

- <Slow Holder> - the blade disregards all those who are not its master, if wielded by any other it will absorb the electricity traveling through their synapses, slowing down all their brain activity and response functions.

- <Keen Tip> - use lightning to further enhance the already extreme piercing ability of the blade, with this ability you can severe even lightning.

- <Destructive Edge> - The lightning infused into the blade has increased it destructive properties. (Passive)

- <Body Booster> - The blade grants its master a 20% boost in strength. (Passive)

Lirian was extremely happy with the weapon he had created, there were three things that stood out on the blade that proved that it was fate forged, the passive ability <Body Booster>, <Destructive Edge> and the <Slow Holder> ability.

On a normal weapon any form of strength boosting would require the wielder to supply it with energy, while he would get it by simply holding the katana, the most important part was that it would that grant that boost only to him as it deemed him as it's master.

With his current body state hitting 87 the 20% boost would lift his body to 104, placing his strength in the first-grade category.

The enhanced destructive properties was actually the effect he loved the most, it was apparent from the last strike he released, under ordinary circumstance's such a skill would cost tremendous amounts of mana yet it cost him nothing at all, because he had somehow forged a weak destruction law into the blade, he didn't know how but it was the only explanation.

Sometimes fate forging still baffled him, there was no perfect science to it, while you could create something almost identical it would never truly be identical.

As for <Slow Holder> it didn't do much to help him unless his opponent somehow got his weapon, but it was proof of the weapon's dedication to him, it wanted no other master.

As for the problem with the sword degrading, it wasn't unexpected, the materials had exceeded their natural limits, but the material would still last for centuries, by which point he would have long since outlived the katana's usefulness.

There were only two problems or at least long-term problems, once he reached the third grade the passive effect of the sword would be useless and so would most of the abilities except for the destructive edge.

But most importantly was that once he broke out of the first accord cultivation techniques the <Body Boaster> would disappear.

Once someone enters the higher accords their power centres merge together, <Mind +Body = Saint>, <Body + Energy = Pugilist> and <Energy + Mind = Warlock>, those were the second accord classes, they erase the two systems and create one singular system.

A first accord person would have, Mind, Body and Energy as their energy centres, while a second accord would have, Saints Grace and Mind as their energy centres, and a third accord being would have only Espers Breath as their energy centre.

For Lirian who planned to use esper cultivation techniques he'd lose his body centre of power and the <Body Boaster> would no longer work on him after all he'd be operating on a superior form of energy that the Katana would be unable to reproduce to enhance him.

What that meant for Lirian was that he'd always have to create his own weapons for himself, because while there were about a dozen people in the entire mortal realm that claimed be espers, he knew that they were most likely false espers who thought that they were espers just like how Anya believed that she had found the cross roads of the third accord, but she had just found the part of false espers.

Since that was the case it was impossible for anyone to create equipment for him that would use real espers breath.

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