33 Risen#re

Chapter 173 - 173 – Lirian’s Ire

The sun was slowly creeping up when the vehicles arrived.

As Lirian's cold and mirthless laughter echoed the first rays of light fell onto his body allowing everyone to see him clearly.

His clothes were cover in thick layers of blood and his silver hair wasn't spared from the red dye, even his face held splatters of blood on it, that coupled with his small demeanour adorable appearance only served to make him look all the more terrifying as he shook with mad laughter.

"No one is going anywhere!" he said once more gaining control of himself and stopping the body jerking laughs he was experiencing.

"My girlfriend is very kind," said Lirian in a slow pace not caring about the annoyed looks he felt coming from the extraction teams.

"But you see you all made a very big mistake if you see, I imagine that all of you seem to believe that the extraction teams are the only reason we candidate's will live, but well it's as Edith said you really are bunch of imbeciles,"

"It wasn't us that needed the extraction teams to survive, it was all of you, but you see I don't give a shit about who came on those vehicle's, it have been every leader in the empire, or every emperor and empress who ever lived, I couldn't give a shit,"

Lirian's words were slow and powerful, and everyone was focused intently on him because at that moment they could see a red tinge surrounding him, like little wisps of blood and they seemed to resonate with his words and fury, and it left everyone locked in position unable to move or even breath properly.

It was like the world itself was holding them in place and bending their bodies making it impossible for them to look away.

From the space that the elites of the families were watching they should have been frowning after hearing Lirians words, however at that moment all of their eyes were shaking wildly because at that moment they saw laws materializing around Lirian.

Laws that they could barely even understand as they looked at it, it was reminiscent of slaughter laws only it seemed more potent and more terrifying, but even more scary was the fact that the laws seemed to come running to him, like he was some type of immortal or god.

Lirian took a step forward and the crowd couldn't help but take a fearful step back in all directions, "You see today all of you committed a sin that earns you the right to a painful death," Lirian said with a sneer towards the thirty fools.

"First you pointed your weapons at my woman," Lirian said taking another step forward however despite the might they could see rolling out of him they could see his body shaking slightly as if he was in pain.

"But…" Lirian said pointedly taking another slow step forward, "You bunch of little shits, dared to point your weapons at me!" Lirian roared loudly and in his words they could fell his boundless pride.

They could all tell that the main reason he was so furious was because he felt that they were completely unworthy to even speak to him let alone point their weapons at him.

"I would truly love to know which god gave you the guts, so that one day when I stand in the god realm I can break that god to bits," his words were filled with such pride that it could put all the great leaders in the universe to shame and despite it they felt almost convinced as they looked at him that they were looking at a future god.

As he drew closer to the group all of them couldn't stop their bodies from shaking and their knees even collided repeatedly.

But just before Lirian approached a sword suddenly flashed in front of him blocking his path.

The person in front of him was none other than sergeant Ixel, she herself felt truly horrified as she looked at Lirian, but she had to do her duty first.

"These students have all left the expedition, since they are alive now that I arrived I have to take them back alive," she spoke quickly.

But Lirians next words only left everyone feeling that he was some kind of demon, that cared nothing about life.

"Since they are no longer in the expedition that means their deaths won't affect my expedition scores in the slightest," Lirian lightly shrugged and pushed her sword away with his hand.

Ixel's eyes contracted at his response, and it reminded her of many of the nobles that looked at the lives of the people as nothing but a number, and they weighed their lives over benefits, if someone didn't hold a high enough value they would be thrown and discarded like trash.

Clearly Lirian was doing exactly that, now that these people's lives had no affect on his person, he was going to kill them without a care in the world.

Once more she went up to Lirian and reached out with her blade, the flat part facing him, she didn't have the guts to let the tip or edge face him as that would be taken as her threatening a candidate's life.

"Please don't do this," she implored him, "You can deal out what ever punishment you want when you return but right now these student are currently under my jurisdiction," but as her words landed in Lirians ears they had no effect, actually they seemed to make the killing intent grow.

She noticed Lirian tightly frown at her and in the next moment a wave of fear rushed into her bones, and she couldn't help but retreat rapidly as she felt a thick wave of thick bloodlust coming towards her.

But just as she thought it was going to strike her, it came to a stop and she saw Lirian standing directly in front of her.

"That's twice that you've blocked me now," Lirian said coldly but a cruel smile appeared on his face, "Since you want to play hero, I'll give you a choice, if you defend these little shits one more time, I'll spare all of their lives, but afterwards I'll add your name to my list of names," Lirian reached out a hand and curdled her chin with his fingers as if he found her to be an amusing object.

Ixel's eyes constricted into tiny points as fear flooded her mind, all cultivators eventually developed a special list of names, it was the list of people they wanted to kill, and for cultivators especially it had a special meaning.

All cultivators believed in the ties of karma and these ties influenced ones ability to cultivate and evolve from mortal to immortal.

The list of names was all the people that one had to kill to free their minds

There are some people's names that would automatically enter the list of names, those that they had grievances with, those that wronged them or killed their loved ones and so on.

To sever the karmic tie, one would have to resolve all the names on their list, it could be solved diplomatically, but most commonly it was solved by killing the person.

"Or you can just stay put and get out of my way," Lirian offered in an amused tone.

Ixel was in between a rock and a hard place and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't afraid of Lirian, and she had nothing she could to him, if she acted against him, the consequence's would be the empress skinning her alive before killing her, and that was if she was lucky.

But if she didn't do anything it would be a dereliction of her duty to let something like this happen, as she looked over at the circled-out students she could see their desperate pleas for help in their eyes.

She soon sighed and lowered her head, as she noticed that none of the students even had the slightest bit of real talent, it wasn't worth making such a big enemy over a couple of nobodies that wouldn't even remember her name when she needed protection.

She cast them one last pitiful glance and took a step back sheathing her sword.

Lirian chuckled dryly, "It's always so much fun to watch a hero of justice who claims to put the lives of others before their own become a hypocrite," he chuckled amusedly and walked past her.

Lirian continued to walk forward bare handed his katana was still embedded in the corpse of the mammoth but still the group of thirty trembled as he approached, "What happened to all that earlier bravado that all of you had I thought that I couldn't even help myself," Lirian sneered at the pitiful bunch of fools.

"Please spare us we are sorry," a girl from the group came forward and kowtowed to him pressing her head onto the ground he had just walked on.

"You are not even worthy to be in my presence let alone touch the ground that I graced with my feet," Lirian said with arrogance and stomped on her head.

Before the eyes of everyone her head splattered open and splashed onto the ground, with her body falling limp, she probably didn't even know how she died.

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