33 Risen#re

Chapter 196 - 196 – Rampant Laws 1

Anya was racing through the forests with a worried look in her eyes, a short while ago Lirian's signal vanished from her watch.

She was having no trouble tracing it as she ran in a straight line towards the signal, not slowing her footsteps in the slightest, she knew that she was close when the signal disappeared.

Anya gnashed her teeth in anger and began to emit her blood lust, enough to overwhelm everything around her, just a short distance behind her she noticed someone falling from the air as she turned to look she recognised the base commander Pexis falling to the ground with blood leaking from his ears.

He had insisted on joining Anya when the expedition was called off, as the commander he was responsible for any unforeseen problems that occurred on world but Anya only sighed as she looked at him.

He was the only seventh grader from the army on the planet, and he fell on the weaker side of the spectrum even amongst seventh graders, it was evident from the fact that he couldn't even handle Anya's blood lust for a few seconds before losing the ability to fly.

Anya didn't bother with him, because she was far too worried about Lirian, she grabbed the watch on her hand and began to rapidly initiate a search again and again, but nothing worked as she grew more annoyed a red tint entered her green eyes.

"Your excellency, is something wrong," commander Pexis asked with caution after noticing that Anya had completely stopped moving.

"I can't track Lirian anymore," she said through gritted teeth, fearing that the worst had already happened.

The commanders eye's lit up as he pulled out a device and began to type on it, after a minute he brought it to Anya, "The watches that we gave to each of the students are tracked, I'm unable to find Lirian but I do have his last position," the commander explained and pointed to a position on the device.

Unknown to Anya and the commander it was the exact location that Lirian had entered into Mallark's spatial world.

Anya didn't seem to hold onto much hope, with Lirian's signal gone she was certain that he was dead which put her in an extremely foul mood but she quickly continued to rush forward, that position was the only hope she had left.

Anya and the commander rushed for several more minutes when Anya came to a halt with a serious frown as she hovered in the air and scanned the area intently, it was only for an instant but she was almost certain that she felt a fluctuation of energy in her surroundings.

She looked around for a good half minute but found nothing so she turned to the commander, he might be useless in a fight but as a mental psychic his detection abilities were top notch.

"Did you feel any energy trace around here?" she asked.

The commander looked at her blankly and shook his head, little did they know that this was the place that Mallark had just been pulled into the shadow domain.

It wasn't their fault that they couldn't detect anything, that was the essence of shadow magic to hide things and make it impossible to discover.

The commander flew higher into the air and used his most powerful methods of detection, after a while he was about to give up when his face lit up after finding something.

"What is it?" Anya asked expectantly.

The commander shook his head and sighed, "I didn't find anything here, but I detected the expedition group, they aren't too far from here, if you want to know what happened we can go to them," he said.

A look of indecision entered Anya's eye's, to proceed towards Lirian's last location or the expedition group, as for all that she knew it was possible that Lirian was currently with the group, but there was the chance that he wasn't and that was only if he was alive.

"Your excellency how about we split up, I'll go to the expedition group and you can investigate Lirian's last position," the commander suggested.

Anya gave a quick nod of her head, it was the best solution and she didn't have anytime to waste, she grabbed the tracking device from the commander and rushed towards Lirian's last known position.

Anya travelled at her fastest speed, but long before she could even reach the location, she was able to sense over a hundred aura's, and some of them were quite decent in her eyes.

She found it hard to believe that there were so many seventh graders in a battle as she drew closer she discovered that there were many people garbed in black outfits, and then she saw the green uniform of the Eden family and the white uniforms of the Jane family.

She recognised a few of the more important figures and sighed in relief, she didn't bother with figuring out what they were doing here, because in her book if they were here it was most likely good news for Lirian.

She soared over the battle field and unleashed her unbridled killing intent, along with her slaughter energy, it went crashing down onto the battle field, stifling everyone present, then two red blades appeared in her hands one long and one short.

As everyone looked up they could see her looking on them like a red spectre of death and as they watched a sound could be heard, it was like a melody as sweet melody yet it caused their hairs to stand on end as they realised that the melody was in fact a song, a song being sung from the blood red blades in Anya's hands.

It wasn't just the zealots that were terrified even the elites were looking at Anya in terror, for her blade were singing, it was the legendary song of death that could only be used by saints.

It was just like the saying went, "When a saints sword sings, the song of death begins."

The power released by Anya made their blood run cold simply looking at her floating above them like a sovereign of death made even the elites feared for their lives and they knew that Anya was on their side yet they still feared her.

"Tell me where Lirian is?" Anya's voice resounded in their ears making all them feel tiny in comparison, each and everyone of them were standing at the pinnacle in the respective worlds yet they felt tiny in front of Anya's power.

Those from the families were even more terrified some of them were acquainted with Anya during her glory days as an empress candidate, yet the power she was displaying left them in disbelief, it wasn't even a century since then yet her power was in a completely different league.

They strongly believed that aside from those that pushed two of their centres of power into the immortal realm no one would be able to compare with the current her, they even suspected that some of the emperors and empress's of the other great civilizations were likely to lose out when compared to her.

"Lirian is safe, I sent him away with one of my subordinates," Milan answered Anya respectfully and released a heavy breath.

Anya released a sigh of relief and the killing intent she emitted lessened significantly, her gaze turned to the zealots, "For the crime of attacking a candidate of the civilization of Clovis, I sentence you to death," Anya said coldly and prepared to strike the zealots down.

"Your excellency please wait," Milan shouted in a panic, Anya snapped her head to Milan and Milan felt chills run down her spine as Anya's killing intent was directed onto her.

"We are here under orders of his majesty the emperor, we are required to take a few captives," she said in a rush to explain herself.

A look of surprise entered Anya's eye's but she nodded in understanding, and turned her focus onto all the weak ones, if captives were needed, the stronger ones would have most of the information so she brought her swords forward to kill all the small fry with a single attack.

As she was about to release her attack something caught her eye in the distance, a strange ripple burst forth it spread in every direction as if it would enshroud the entire world.

Anya looked at the ripple strangely as it had a black tint to it but mostly there was a strange silver light, it didn't seem all that dangerous but it gave her a strange feeling.

But just as the ripple passed through her she felt that something was wrong, the laws that were infused into her body began to spiral out of her control.

It started of a s a mild annoyance but soon she felt her two most powerful laws, slaughter and severance, that she spent an endless amount of time imprinting into every cell of her body struggling to break free.

She released a pained cry and began to cough up droplets of blood, she looked down in worry fearing that she was going to be attacked, but she realised that it wasn't just her who was suffering as she looked at the pugilist, she could see the elemental energies in their wreaking havoc on their bodies.

The warlock's laws that were bound to their energy was struggling to break free and the saints were in the same position as her, all those of the first accord however had fallen unconscious with blood leaking from their seven orifices.

Anya was looking around in confusion when she felt a sensation being released from the laws into her, it was grief pure heart wrenching grief, that made her heart tighten in pain.

Tears began to leak from her eyes and she didn't understand why, she only knew the pain that was scorching her heart, and it wasn't only her, even the zealots who were trained to suppress all their emotions, were crying loudly as if they had lost their beloved.

Anya looked around in shock as some of the elites began to curl up it to balls on the ground and beg for death as they slammed their heads against the ground, and she felt no different from them, it was like some part of her felt that only death would offer her release from the pain she was feeling.

She looked back into the sky to the direction the ripple originated from and high up in the sky she could see a monumentally large apparition that blocked out the light of the sky, and in its place a gigantic serpent appeared in the sky.

The serpent emitted a holy and sacred light onto the world, as it formed a circle with the serpent's mouth closing onto its own tail.

It was an ouroboros that was shining down onto the world.

"What is going on?" Anya asked in bewilderment, she knew about the abnormal signs brought about by people with special body constitutions, and not even the emperor's apparition was so lifelike and powerful when he broke through into the seventh grade.

That spectacle was recorded for the entire universe to witness yet the golden eagle apparition of the emperor's heavenly body was tiny in comparison to the snake that covered the entire sky and seemed like it could swallow the entire world whole.

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