33 Risen#re

Chapter 215 - 215 – Revelation

The garden had tables filled with food, and the sweet smell of fresh baked goods drifted into Lirian's nose as he walked around the garden with his cane in hand, but he was using it more like a walking stick as he strode around the garden with familiarity.

Once Lirian got out of the range of the portal it quickly closed, to everyone's surprise they had been expecting the entire expedition group to come out at this location.

It was why there was so much food at this place, it was set up for the successful expedition group to enjoy upon their return home.

It took a while for the nobles to calm down as they were spiritedly discussing the sudden change in events, they were expecting a celebration, but the first thing they got was Lirian living up to his name of being a rude and disrespectful child.

It wasn't what they came here for but it certainly made things more interesting and their were many nobles muttering words to each other in giddy tones.

They were making bets, some of them were making bets with each about the severity of Lirian's punishment for calling his excellency Telamon by name in front of the entire crowd, some of them were betting that the empress would be spanking Lirian until his ass started bleeding in front of the entire crowd.

They all turned their gazes to Telamon who they just realised was floating in the air slightly as if preparing to leave, but faced with the numerous eyes Telamon forced himself to look calm and landed back besides the empress.

Taliyah however was looking at Lirian with a whole range of emotions but most of all there was a strange glint in her eyes, she could sense a thread of Lirian's killing intent, at one point in time she was subjected to that killing intent and she remembered how dreadful it was.

At that moment she could feel that killing intent in Lirian it was barely disguised but it was fixed on Telamon, she didn't know why that was the case but a feeling of foreboding filled her as she looked at Lirian.

The crowd was very surprised by the lingering silence, in that time Lirian had grabbed a few items from the table took a seat began to chow down on them as if this was completely natural while facing Telamon and his mother.

Yet in all that time no one said a word, not Telamon nor the empress and the nobles were all looking on in anticipation as the silence filled the entire garden, even the music stopped leaving only silence.

"Did you eat as yet?" Lirian asked while cracking down on a pastry in his mouth, everyone knew that his question was voiced at Telamon.

And to everyone's surprise Telamon was trembling slightly when Lirian questioned him they all thought that it was probably due to the anger of being disrespected by Lirian but when Telamon spoke he was surprisingly very polite to Lirian.

"Young Lirian, I know that I was hard on you in the past, but after speaking with your mother, my beloved disciple, I've realised that my treatment of you was unfair and I'd like to make it up to you with a gift if you'll allow me, I need only a moment to retrieve it," Telamon already knew that things were bad so he tried the only thing he could.


It was the most effective solution to get out of any bad situation, it was hopeless to beg, it was useless to try defending himself before Lirian threw any accusations at him, and it was the worst choice to lash out at Lirian from the start, since Lirian was here it meant he came prepared.

If he tried to slander Lirian, Lirian would just use what ever evidence he had and end things, but he saw a sliver of hope, Lirian was offering him a chance to speak, before accusing him, it was typical situation when someone knows that they won but instead of taking out the person they beat, they turn them into a follower.

Using the knowledge of their crime as leverage, in other words it was what nobles loved to call diplomacy.

His offering of a gift was the same as him saying that he was accepting defeat and it fit in with what he discussed with the empress, it was his only hope so he desperately clung onto it.

"Huh," Lirian let out a disappointed sigh and shook his head, "It was such a simple question," Lirian mused as he poured a cup of hot tea and sipped on it.

"Mother," Lirian called out turning to the empress, "Has the treacherous dog of the Clovis civilization besides you had anything to eat yet?" Lirian asked.

Those words seemed to completely still even the movements of the nobles, earlier they still whispered to their friends spiritedly, but this was no longer a funny joke to them.

Lirian just called Telamon Dao a traitor to the civilisation of Clovis, an accusation like that was extremely stupid, even for the empresses son, that was an offence worthy of beheading, not even the lords and ladies of the super worlds would dare to utter such words in their tight circles of friends.

Yet Lirian had made such a declaration in front of the nobles of at least 5 star zones, and most important of all he said it to his mother, the empress and disciple of Telamon.

The person who was the most shocked of all was undoubtedly the empress, from the very beginning she felt that something was wrong, but this was completely out of her expectations, she looked at Lirian with a shaking heart then she looked to her master, to see that he was shivering.

Whether anger or fear, she didn't know she only knew something wasn't right with her masters reaction, and she was starting to understand that something extremely bad must have happened on the expedition.

It would also explain why Albus had contacted her and had her arrange this event on such short notice, she did find it odd, but didn't have any reason to suspect her husband, he never lied to her about anything.

But know she understood why he lied, it was because he didn't want her to seem off when facing her master, this entire thing was just a trap, hatched by her husband and son to trap her master.

"Master?" Taliyah question, with a shaky voice as she looked at Telamon, and she recalled all his behaviour from the moment she mentioned that Albus told her about Lirian's attainments, it was like he was radiating guilt, that was also why he was so desperate to leave.

This turn of events took everyone by surprise, seeing the empress question her master instead of Lirian, it was all just too far from what they expected.

"Your majesty," a noble suddenly spoke out from the crowd, "Surely you are jesting with us, to question your own master and believe the words of your nip-twit of a son, a child who hasn't even sprouted his first hairs," Lord Draco the lord of a super world spoke up.

Lord Draco was one of the few with enough authority to speak up, the main reason he dared to address the empress like that was because he was one of the Emperor's first followers back when he campaigned to become emperor, it put him in the eternal good graces of the emperor, and it is also how he became a very successful leader of a super world.

It was only the lords and ladies of super worlds that had any authority to speak in such a situation, and shortly after Lord Draco spoke, there were two other Super world leaders that stepped forward in agreement.

However there were two lords standing side by side, one of them was Lord Eden the other was Lord Haltz, he was from the neighbouring star zone and the two of them had always been extremely close, so it came as no surprise that they were together, but the fact that they didn't stand with the other leaders of the Super Worlds caught everyone's attention.

Lord Draco frowned as he looked at the two of them and he said in an annoyed tone to them, "Callum, Stanley don't tell me that your buying any of this bullshit, it's a very well known fact that her majesty favours her children to much, but this one is pushing it don't you think,"

"To chose her child over a pillar who has held up our empire since before we were born, not to mention that the person is her master, this is absolutely unfilial behaviour, it's a disgrace for one carrying the title of empress," Lord Draco said vehemently.

Lord Stanley Haltz was at a loss as to what he should do the only reason he didn't stand with the others was because his friend advised him not to act rashly.

Lord Callum Eden however was rather calm in the face of Lord Draco's words, he had sent his own elites to back up Lirian under the emperors orders and it was all on the crazy speculation that Telamon was a traitor, then Lirian strode in here and announced that Telamon was a traitor how could he not connect the dots.

"I think that we should learn what happened on the expedition first, before we say anything foolish," he said taking a jab at Draco, because if Lirian's words were true, it meant that Lord Draco had seriously offended the empress with the last words he said.

All eyes soon returned on Lirian who was happily indulging himself in a meal as if he wasn't the one who caused this entire mess.

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