33 Risen#re

Chapter 220 - 220 – Fate’s Vengeance

The nobles all looked at Lirian with profound gazes, from the description the zealots gave, they were on the verge of killing Lirian, when that serpent appeared bringing doomsday to the planet.

To say that Lirian was beyond lucky was like saying the sun is hot, it went without question.

The nobles were chattering excitedly when they noticed that Lord Callum was walking forward to the zealots, "Since you've served your purpose you can die now!" he said coldly and a huge body length executioners blade appeared in his hand, he offered it to Lady Xuanuan she was a saint which made her far more suitable to wield it.

As she took the executioners blade it seemed like a perfect fit in her hand, it was the same for almost any saint, put even a tree branch in their hands and it will look like a mighty weapon, she stepped forward and with a swing the heads of almost all the zealots rolled.

The only remaining one was Alice who killed Edith, Lord Callum would naturally want to deal with Edith's murderer personally, just as she wanted to kill the one who killed a member of her family.

As Lord Callum prepared a spell, "Wait," Lirian suddenly shouted, "That one carries more secrets that needs to be exposed, you can kill her when I'm done," he explained and took the submission disc from Lord Callum.

"Would you care to explain to everyone how you came to be one of Telamon's zealots," Lirian said to her surprising everyone with his question.

The way that all nobles generally chose their zealots, was by looking for a discarded child with a decent amount of talent, it wasn't a complicated process, from there they would feed them, give them a home, make them feel needed while cutting them off from the rest of the world and slowly they'd brain wash them into worshipping them as their master.

Alice seemed to want to bite of her own tongue but due to Lirian's commands she was unable to, as she divulged her origins.

She explained to them where she was born and the academy she attended as well as the fact that she was in the class of the empress's third son Caleb, she explained how she used to spy on him and report his actions to Telamon.

She told them how a few years after she completed the academy she feigned her death and became a zealot for Telamon.

"Now then I have two more questions for you, Telamon is a warlock, so it make sense that he was able to pass his advanced warlock technique to you and the other zealots, but the other zealots possessed advanced pugilist and saint techniques would you explain how you obtained those," Lirian ordered.

This was an extremely big deal, in the empire the only ones granted advanced techniques were the emperor/empress candidates and a very rare few who performed meritorious deeds to the empire, one such person was Telamon which is how he got his technique.

Yet the zealots all possessed second accord techniques, just sharing his own technique was already a serious crime but illegal possession of the other techniques was enough to seal him beneath the earth in a cell until he died.

"Master was able to obtain intel, in the Golgoth empire, it was enough intel to give an organization in the Golgoth empire complete control over a star zone, master sold it to a power in exchange for the techniques, I handled the trade personally," she said exposing Telamon's crime.

In the hands of the empire such knowledge would have granted them a whole new star zone, Telamon could have given it to the empire but if he did it would have made it extremely suspicious if he requested the other techniques when he was already a warlock.

Lirian could hear the gasps of shock from the nobles but he paid no heed to them as he moved onto his final question, "Now tell them about the assassinations on the children of the empress," Lirians words were soft but this time it truly caused an absolute dead silence to spread out.

And their hearts began to race violently, Lirian could hear their hearts pulsing out of control and most of all he could hear his mother's heartbeat, it was already unstable to begin with and now it seemed like she had forgotten how to breathe.

"Under the orders of master, I was involved in the assassinations of three of her majesties children when they were undergoing their trials, and I orchestrated and personally witness the death of her majesties last daughter and child, the princess candidate Al-Mira," she spoke those words through clenched teeth, she was clenching so tightly that everyone could clearly hear her teeth shattering.

As soon as she finished speaking, power that certainly did not belong to the mortal world came crashing down with unbridled might.

Not a second passed before Alice was ripped into bloody shreds by the power, and then her body exploded, everyone knew who did it, their was no need to even think about it.

Even if they didn't feel the immortal energy, they knew that the only one who had any reason to react in such a manner was the empress and they could feel her surging blood lust as golden energies wrapped around her.

An unspeakable pressure descended on the world making it impossible for anyone to resist, every noble was pressed into the ground by the power, and not even the aides of the empress was spared, only one person remained standing beside the empress and that was Lirian.

He could feel the life hierarchy pressure being released, but it had absolutely no effect on him, and Lirian could tell that it was quasi-immortal energy after all his mother still had one centre of power in the mortal realm, the moment she completed the transition, the laws of the world would eject her from the mortal realm and toss her in the immortal realm.

"Why?!" Taliyah bellowed at Telamon as tears poured down her face, he of all people knew what being a mother meant to her, so she just couldn't fathom why he would do such a thing to her.

She was already furious as she learned that he tried to kill Lirian, but on some level she could understand that it was due to Lirian's disrespect of him, but her other children, what did they ever do to him.

Her single word crashed on to everyone it was deafening as it was the pressure was making them incapable of thinking clearly but now the empress's shout made them fell like they were inside a ringing bell as it completely rattled their heads.

Telamon was pushed to his knees as he looked at Taliyah, "Everything I've done was for the empire, I saw the future, and in it I saw a fiend wrapped in shadow, I learned that the fiend was your child, that fiend will bring ruin and destruction to the entire empire and it won't stop there Taliyah,"

"I had to do it for the empire, all of the crimes I did, it was for the empire, and that boy I know that you love him Taliyah, but he will bring about this worlds ruin, you have to kill him even if you love him, I'm certain that he was the one I saw,"

Telamon knew that it was over, so he took his last chance it was probably hopeless, but he had to try, "That boy is a monster Taliyah," Telamon cried in desperation.

"You're right I am a monster," Lirian said walking through the field of suppression with ease, both Telamon and Taliyah were astounded to see him walking in the field of suppression created by Taliyah, within the mortal realm it should be impossible for anyone to resist the pressure, yet Lirian was doing so with ease.

"But you know what at least I'm not a fool who gleams at a potential future and takes it to be reality," Lirian said as he stepped forward, he pulled of the blind fold and looked into Telamon's eyes.

Lirian had expected his eyes to go dark before he reached Xelia, but the remnant effects of the revival embryo still lingered, but he felt that there were just hours left before his blindness returned.

"That must me the reason you joined Efrideet, she showed you a future and you believed her," Lirian said with a laugh while locking his eye's with Telamon.

In his eyes that all other would call beautiful Telamon saw hatred and killing intent, that could wash the darkness of space in red.

"But let me tell you a secret, fate is a vengeful bitch, it hates when others peer at it's secrets directly, when you do such a foolish thing, it makes those who act on that future craft the future they fear," Lirian said coldly.

"You killed every last one of my mothers children, which led my mother to make a wish, a wish so powerful that a mortal was able to summon me, and it made my mother adopt me," Lirian said with a laugh.

"And guess what, it's all your doing Telamon, no one else's, so now you can die with the knowledge that in your fear of me, you created the future you so desperately tried to prevent," Lirian explained and enjoyed looking at the twisted expression that appeared on Telamon's face.

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