33 Risen#re

Chapter 222 - 222 – Quantum Transfer

The Emperor stood with the support of the Taliyah, as she fussed over the severe injuries that covered his body.

He flashed her a light smile between pained coughs as the nobles one by one fell to their knees and bowed respectfully and seeing that the emperor was still butt naked they directed their gazes to the ground.

However much to the annoyance of Taliyah she noticed a fair number of the woman who kept chancing glances at the emperor when they thought she wouldn't notice.

She already barely tolerated her husband's concubines, but she accepted it since he needed to produce heirs, and she didn't need anyone else running and offering themselves to him.

"D-did I miss it?" the emperor asked Taliyah in a weak voice as she took a shawl from her spatial ring and wrapped it around his waist.

Taliyah took a deep look at her husband, she was aware that he helped Lirian in some way to get rid of Telamon, so she figured that he was talking about the execution of Telamon.

"Telamon's dead, I killed him," Taliyah said after taking a deep breath to calm herself, "But that doesn't matter now just what did you do to put yourself in such a state?" she said angrily but her eyes flashed as she thought of something.

"Your quantum transportation device worked?" Taliyah said with disbelief as she looked at her husband.

Quantum technologies were the current trend in all the civilizations, with it the entire universe would become a much smaller place, but it was an ongoing race for over a billion years.

To achieve Quantum transfer of living beings would also revolutionise war, to appear from within your enemies ranks and attack them, or to suddenly pop up in your enemies home base and launch a surprise attack, the ability to reach a new destination months or even years ahead of others.

Those were the perks of quantum technologies that every empire was desperately trying to have.

Quantum information transfer had long since been achieved, and it was why intel could be sent across the universe so quickly and with such ease, however the next step was matter transference.

Until the present day the best that people had been able send through quantum transportation was top of the range calamity grade items, they were the only objects that didn't disintegrate during the process.

All living trials to date had been absolute failures, even peek seventh grade cultivators would arrive on their last breath.

Albus shook his head glumly, "No it was a complete failure," he said in a hoarse voice and Taliyah could hear the frustration behind his voice.

"I activated it when Lirian was still approaching Xelia," Albus said, "It should have been an instantaneous relay but it's probably been a few hours and it almost killed me, if not for my heavenly body, I'd have died," Albus explained as he started recovering.

Spells started to take effect all over the emperor's body and with it all the wounds on his body were rapidly healing, but everyone could feel that his aura was still weak.

"Why would you do something so stupid?" Taliyah complained in his ear as he healed up, for the emperor to act as a test subject on experimental technology, it wasn't just stupid in Taliyah's book it was downright irresponsible.

Taliyah could already hear the voices of the council when Albus returned to the home world, they'd be utterly furious at him, and they'd take the opportunity to rant about everything that dissatisfied them while they were at it, just the thought gave her a headache.

"Well I had to send the talent steps over for the test," the emperor said pointing to one of the rings that survived the transmission, "So I figured I'd test my improvements on the technology and I do want to see just how high the boy will climb with my own eyes," he said flashing a smile to Taliyah.

The main reason that he resorted to such means was because the trip from the home world to Xelia was a lengthy one and eighteen days was nowhere close to enough time to get it to Xelia.

"You risked your life just for that," Taliyah yelled at him no longer caring that there were thousands of nobles watching.

"No of course not," the emperor argued back with a feint smile, "I also really wanted to spend some quality time with my wife," he said cupping her chin as a charming smile filled his face.

Taliyah's entire haughty demeanour changed and her face even took on a shade of deep crimson as she stared at the emperor intently with a fluttering heart.

While the nobles were busy giving the emperor a thumbs up internally for his wise choice of words, Lirian made an audible gagging noise which made both Taliyah and Albus turn to him with slightly embarrassed smiles on their faces.

"If you two are going to flirt, please do it when others aren't in your presence," Lirian said in a dry tone, he knew his mother really well and judging from her heart beat he could tell just how excited she was to see the emperor.

Lirian also knew just how little self-control his mother had when she got caught up in something, with how his mothers heart was fluttering like some newly wedded bride, he feared that he'd have to witness a very long a passionate kiss if they were left uninterrupted, so he took it on himself to save everyone from witnessing such a scene.

There was an awkward silence that filled the air for a while when Lirian felt a buzzing sensation in his pocket, it was the controller for his cruiser, it was telling him that the cruiser was coming down.

Lirian turned to the servants and told them to receive the expedition group as he walked away from the crowd and into the manor.

As he walked away Lirian felt two people glaring at his back with killing intent, he recognised the gaze of one person it was Lord Draco, that he had humiliated earlier, and the other gaze was coming from right next to him.

Lirian looked at the system with a very satisfied smile at that moment, he exposed Telamon and all his secrets, made a massive impact on the nobles and achieved his own personal revenge, if that wasn't enough for Lirian to celebrate, his fate particles that flat lined when he tried save Edith was now thrice as fat as it was before.

There were over 2.7 quadrillion fate particles on the system, Lirian had a great need for those particles and he didn't know if what he had was enough for what he had in mind to activate three esper techniques simultaneously but he felt that with it he had a good chance of succeeding in one go.

If he activated all three techniques at once at the very beginning of his journey, it would be a first even for him.

Since he had the large number of fate particles, Lirian decided to probe into the other person, from his aura Lirian could tell that he was of the younger generation, but it was impossible for him to get anything else without his system.

[Initiating…] the system chimed quickly and soon brough up a basic read of the person beside Lord Draco.

[Name: Kaher Draco

Tittle: Prince of Clovis

Affiliation: Clovis Empire/House Draco/House Capriska

Cultivation: Fifth Grade, Third Stage


"Prince Kaher," Lirian muttered to himself as he processed the relevant intel about him, he did read up on all the princes/princess of the empire, as well the emperor/empress candidate's, but well there was a very extensive list of them.

But Lirian was no ordinary person even without the system his memory itself was exceptional, so he quickly thought about everything he knew about Kaher.

In truth Kaher didn't do all that much, but there were various rumours that said he would be able to take a spot as an emperor candidate in due time.

"It would seem that it's not just Lord Draco that is in cahoots with Efrideet, he is secretly allying his younger generation with Efrideet as well," Lirian muttered to himself softly.

'Oh, and it seems that he's not the only prince here,' Lirian realised, he felt a little foolish for not thinking about it sooner, but it was only natural that many of them would attend a gathering like this.

The prince/princess phase was all about building up a network of contacts and finding supporters, and right then he could fell plenty of the other glaring at him with dissatisfaction.

Most of them were lucky to have a few seventh grade cultivators in their crews, it made their current achievements very miniscule, aside from maybe helping to conquer a new world none of them had any other noteworthy achievements, yet Lirian who was a candidate had just held a trial and execution for a hero of the empire.

It was like they belonged to two completely different worlds, had they made that speech that he just gave they'd be luck if the nobles only laughed them, yet not just the ordinary nobles but the family leaders took his words seriously.

If they were to compare themselves they would be utter disgraces, which left a foul taste in all their mouths, without even realizing it the princes and princesses had marked Lirian as a threat in their minds.

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