33 Risen#re

Chapter 228 - 228 – God Breaker

"You will apologise for being an inadequate waste of space, that is incapable of disciplining your family members," Lirian said coldly, this time even disregarding his mother, with that he burnt all bridges of reconciliation.

"You little bastard," lord Draco roared and this time he launched himself forward in anger and landed directly on the talent steps before anyone could stop him.

The empress and emperor both dashed towards the talent step when they saw him land, they knew that things had spiralled out of control, and as long as someone was on the steps, it was impossible for them to retract it.

Lirian however only snorted coldly, "It seems that you care nothing for your successors survival," he said with a twisted grin.

"Killing this trash is easy, but you know what I wonder, what will happen when I forcibly pull some up a step or two," Lirian said with a cruel smile as Lord Draco ascended as fast as possible, but no matter what he'd never be as fast as Lirian.

Lirian took a step up and pulled Kaher with him in just a second he reached the 17th step and Kaher started to roar at the top of his lungs, blood splattered from his mouth so did a ton of other liquids, Lirian took a sniff and realised that the pressure was actually liquifying his organs, most of that liquid that spilt was mushed organs.

"So that's what it does," Lirian said with a chuckle as Lord Draco reached him.

Lord Draco was breathing heavily and sweating profusely when he reach the 17th step two more and it would be his limit, but he reached Lirian in time, and a cold grin extended on his face.

"You disrespectful bastard, I'll teach you the meaning of discipline!" he roared at Lirian and step in to attack Lirian.

Lirian chuckled, "Just you alone?" he asked and to Lord Draco's disbelief he could feel the conviction behind Lirian's words, he was truly asking if he thought he had what it takes.

"You little bastard," he roared through gritted teeth.

And his aura began to soar, his cultivation was sealed but his techniques weren't as a saint he had achieved great hights in frontal combat, first came forms, second was the combination of forms, then came free striking and tension forms.

But after that is where people were tested the next stage was called form creation, it was the stage that took saints the longest to achieve and it was the most difficult to attain, with that one had to create a set of forms tailored to themselves.

All other forms were just imitations it was at this realm that true talent was shown and after that came form merging, to become one with your form, and finally the next realm was called mastery, where one would remain in a state of form merging permanently, their every action would extend their understanding of combat.

Lord Draco hadn't reached that stage but he did grasp onto form merging firmly so he unleashed that, it was a skill he attained over countless years so the steps couldn't restrict it.

"Path Breaker," Lord Draco said the name his self-created technique.

Lirian scowled coldly at lord Draco, "What's the matter, you scared brat," he laughed wildly as he prepared to kill Lirian, that's right he wanted to kill Lirian at that moment, at that moment both the emperor and empress entered the steps and started to rapidly climb.

As they climbed they could hear what was being said and the emperor especially was shocked by what he heard.

"Scared!" Lirian laughed, "You've reached the seventh grade as a saint and you can only use form merging, you're a disgrace," Lirian said coldly.

Lirian had grown up training with his mother so he had a high expectation of all other members in the empire, his mother reached the state of mastery, which was also the reason she didn't like to use her weapon when sparing with Lirian, she feared injuring him because in the state of mastery even her weak attacks were powerful, which made it difficult for her to hold back.

Holding back was a lot harder than unleashing all of her power.

"But, oh well a disappointment of a prince and disappointment of a family leader, it all adds up," Lirian said shaking his head.

"Your form is called Path Breaker, so I'll show you one that I know with a similar name, though don't try comparing the two it's the literal definition of the difference between heaven and earth," Lirian said.

"You should be honoured that I'm using it against you, you are unworthy of it's use, but well I need to make a point,"

"GOD BREAKER!" Lirian's words sounded like a divine decree as he took a quick step forward, his aura completely stifled Lord Draco allowing Lirian to break through his guard with ease and a single punch push through landing directly on Lord Draco's chest.

Lord Draco's entire being warped as his ribs shattered, every last one without discrimination broke and he fell over puking up blood and howling in pain, if not for his top quality clothing that absorbed 90 percent of the blow, his body would have broken in two from Lirian's strike.

Just as quickly as it came Lirian's aura vanished and a layer of sweat covered his body, that move was definitely to much for his body but he had a point to make and he did it beautifully, though he was disappointed as he looked at Lord Draco.

"It would seem that I've thought to highly of the leaders of the super worlds," Lirian said coldly, and the nobles were all gasping in utter disbelief.

The person lying down like a dead dog, was a Lord, a sacred Lord that stood at the top of the civilization like a king, he'd been taken down in just a single blow from Lirian.

Even Albus and Taliyah stopped in their tracks, just a step away, looking on without being able to fathom what just happened, Lord Draco was thousands of years old and his body had been tempered to be able to reach such a state, but what about Lirian he'd only done one serious tempering on his body.

While it was extreme, it certainly wasn't enough for his body to attain such a level of power, even Taliyah was shaking from seeing that blow, even with all her power and mastery she feared that strike, she felt that if used with actual saints grace energy that attack would rip a whole through a solar system with ease, it was that scary and she didn't doubt that she'd be just as broken after being hit by it.

Lirian stepped up to Lord Draco and pulled him up and whispered into his ear, it wasn't loud enough for the audience to hear but Albus and Taliyah could hear.

"When you leave here, be a good dog and tell your master that I have a message for her,"

"Tell Efrideet that Lirian offers his congratulations on her miraculous recovery, and tell her that I said she aught to treasure the next 86 years of life, treating everyday as if it's her last, because when I return I'll be repaying her for Edith's death and my eyes with 86 years of interest," Lirian whispered coldly into his ear.

The heavens chosen curse was something that would attack anyone who tried to kill a heaven chosen without having been already attacked or harmed by that heavens chosen, when Efrideet severed Lirian's fate string she triggered that curse.

However when Lirian raised his cultivation to get revenge for Edith, it broke the curse, returning to Efrideet her power and health.

Every word sounded like it could take a life and when he was done he threw Lord Draco of the steps, Lord Draco landed with a heavy thud, but since his power returned he didn't receive anymore damage, but that didn't change what had already been done to him, his condition was bad if one was being optimistic.

Lirian took a step and faced Kaher, who was still dangling in his arm, that was the aspect most of the nobles were fixated on, in all that time Lirian had taken care of Lord Draco using a single strike, using only one hand, because his other hand was still occupied.

Lirian walked down the steps until he reached the 9th step, "I have warned every last one of you time and time again, that I am not one to be played with because I am not your toy!" Lirian's voice was smooth yet oddly dominant.

"But it seems that the message never goes through your thick skulls, you people thought you could humiliate me here today, but I will show you what humiliation is today," as he finished speaking a ripping sound was heard, and before everyone's eye's Prince Kaher was buck naked, with his shrivelled up penis showing to the crowd, it was barely long enough to dangle but it just barely managed.

Lirian lifted him up and tossed him on the floor, but Lirian wasn't done yet, he immediately went to the prince's and princess's who were still on the steps he ripped of their clothes and dresses, he cared little if they were man of woman.

In the end of the day they were the same, utter trash that deserved no humility in Lirian's eyes, and he threw them as naked messes onto the floor he laughed coldly.

"The next time you want to humiliate someone, you best think about who it is that you're messing with," Lirian said coldly as he ripped the dress of the last begging and crying princess, before throwing her to the floor.

"Cry all you want, but be glad that you are unworthy of me, or I would have had my own fun with you in front of the crowd," Lirian scoffed at the princess and everyone went pale at his words.

'Did he just say that he'd **** the princess in front of everyone if he didn't think her unworthy?' they were all asking each other with questioning eyes, and disbelief.

Lirian started to walk back up the steps without a care as he walked past the emperor and empress who were still staring at him with gapping eyes.

"Let's get this over with," Lirian said softly as he placed his foot on the 18th step and the pressure suddenly increased by 4 times as the colour of the stairs changed again from grey to blue.

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