33 Risen#re

Chapter 242 - 008 – Lirian Alone

Lirian felt utterly weightless all of a sudden, the trip through the portal felt instantaneous, but Lirian immediately worried when he left the portal.

Lirian could feel himself being pulled by gravity, 'Seriously, that portal doesn't have a fixed destination and it dropped me in mid-air,' Lirian groaned internally.

"System, check my distance from the…," Lirian started.


"Arg, never mind," Lirian groaned painfully as his body slapped water, filling him a stringing sensation throughout his body.

Lirian tumbled through the water and after a brief struggle of trying to tell up from down and left from right Lirian pushed his head above the water and started sucking in deep breaths of air.

"Try dropping a blind man from the sky, they said, you can't get any worse ideas than that," Lirian muttered sarcastically as he orientated himself.

"On no, it can get worse, let's drop a blind man from the sky and let him crash into a mass of water, where his unable to navigate at all," Lirian shouted at the sky and waved his fist.

"If you are trying to kill me then perfect plan," Lirian continued ranting for a good half hour as he floated in the water aimlessly.

Lirian scooped up some water and brought it to his mouth, but instead of drinking it he swished it around in his mouth for a brief second before swallowing.

"Lucky me," he said with feigned enthusiasm, "It's only river water," he said after tasting the water properly, if he was dropped in the middle of an ocean it might have proven problematic at best.

"System which way to some sweet mother earth," Lirian said and he got an instant answer.

[Swim to your left carry on for 300 yards,]

Lirian sighed in relief and dove in to the water, moving very quickly.

Lirian soon walked out of the river onto a rather rocky riverbank and in his hands were several fish that he plucked out of the water on his way.

"Hello Mr. Fishes and Mrs. Fishes of course, my name is Lirian, you will all have the honour of being my…" Lirian suddenly paused and sighed.

"Well I'm not to sure what the time is given that I just arrived and I'm blind, so you guys could be breakfast lunch or dinner," Lirian said to the fish.

[Sun's position indicates that it's approaching evening,] the system informed Lirian automatically.

"You guys will serve as my dinner," Lirian said to the fish as they flopped around in his arms trying to escape.

"Oh, you guys are right, you are unworthy, but a mans got to eat and you guys are within eating reach," Lirian said and the fish suddenly went still.

It a short few minutes Lirian found a sharp rock and started to prepare his meal, after getting the fish ready, Lirian found some tinder to make a fire.

Soon a big fire was burning, and Lirian sat close to it warming up his body and drying of his clothes as the fish were roasting on skewers he made out of tree branches.

Lirian took a bite and sighed, "You guys would have tasted so amazing if you were back home, or if the emperor let me have just a little spice when I was sent here," Lirian complained as he sunk his teeth into the crispy outer layer of the fish.

"Every morning I would have a grand banquet, eating any delicacy I could desire, well except for that one time mom tried to cook for me, the village girl is still very alive inside her, but that village girl was no cook," Lirian said to the fish that were still roasting.

"Then later in the day at the academy we'd all get down to eat together, I'd order something great, but it seemed like everyone else was always better at choosing good dishes, so I'd help myself to a little of everyone's food," Lirian said with a chuckle.

"It was just me and my pals," Lirian said but suddenly frowned, "Scratch that I don't have any pals, I don't need them, but maybe Cole qualifies, he was smart for a mortal he knew his place so he didn't over push his boundaries instead he was friendly with everyone, while always planning for the day he'd get a chance to shine,"

"Oh, there's Mordred too I guess, he did risk his life to take down that drake with me, but never mention that tall freak Tobias to me, he is completely unworthy," Lirian said gnashing his teeth together.

"Then there was Edith," he said, and his breathing slowed, he didn't even take a bite of his food for a very long time after that, almost as if he were asleep.

"Anya too," Lirian said shaking his head, "But she probably hates me now, because I'm a fool," Lirian said with a gloomy air.

"Just moments ago I had so many people I could speak to, but now look at me, I'm alone again," Lirian said in a whisper.

"Loneliness! It can do things to one's mind," Lirian said with a knowing look.

"For fourteen years I've always had someone by my side, but now it's just like the past, my great break has come to an end, and I can see the future from here on out, it's a slaughter an endless road of blood as I conquer your world, then Efrideet and by then I suppose I'll have even greater enemies,"

"But it all ends the same, you see, I'm the scariest monster of them all you know, everyone fears me and I can't blame them, I'd fear me too, because when all is said and done, I'm just way to incredible, it's a futile hope to beat me" Lirian said with a heavy air to his voice.

"Hahaha," Lirian chuckled and the shadows mimicked his movement creeping up behind him slowly creeping closer, as the last of the light trickled away.

When the last rays of light vanished, the shadows passed through the shadows made by the flickering flames, and two scythe like black blades came ripping down, one came for his neck the other for his heart.

Lirian remained seated and just twisted his body slightly while tilting his neck and the two blades just narrowly brushed past him.

As soon as the blades missed the creatures jumped back, seeing that their attack failed, but no new attack came, and neither did the creatures leave, they stood their frozen in place.

"Oh, that reminds me," Lirian said as if he didn't even receive an attack at all, "This time I'm heaven chosen," as Lirian spoke the two creatures fell over and began to throw up a disgusting smelling fluid.

"If no one stood a chance before, now it's just going to be a massacre," Lirian said as the fire's light flickered through across his face and lit up his silver hair like a beacon.

"As long as I don't make the provocation or attack first, or make an enemy of a great organisation, they'll be powerless to stop me, if they miss their first shot at killing me, then they shall face the heavens curse," Lirian said as he picked the bones clean of one of the fish and moved on to the next and the next.

"Whether, man, beast, woman, child, emperor, immortal or god, the curse of the heavens care nothing for your great status, for the heaven's curse is without discrimination," Lirian recited.

Lirian patted his belly in satisfaction and climbed to his feet, he grabbed one of the skewers he used to roast the fish and walked on over to the creature in a leisurely pace.

The creature was a mess unable to move and just barely able to make sounds of pain, but that was all Lirian needed as he smashed skewer after skewer into the body of the creature, making it release howls of agony.

"That's right keep screaming just like that, and let your pained howls keep my mind company," as Lirian spoke his body shuddered in ecstasy as if a heavy set of shackles had just been released from his body.

Lirian would have happily gone to the other worlds, even if the other empires came for him he could always rely on the curse, the reason he insisted on Nebula-6 was not because of the image the steps showed him.

No, it was what the emperor had told him, that even the empires could not monitor this world, since that was the case he could do exactly as he pleased and unleash his true self.

Finally, Lirian smashed the skewer through the creature's throat.

[Killed Shadow Wraith first-grade +500 fate particles]

[x2 for killing a creature of a grade higher than your own]

Lirian heard the familiar tone and walked over to the other shadow wraith and did the same thing as he exuded a thick blood lust and tore into the creature and skewered it to death.

[Killed Shadow Wraith first-grade +500 fate particles]

[x2 for killing a creature of a grade higher than your own]

"I did try to warn you that it was futile," Lirian said with a smile of pure euphoria as he walked back to the camp fire, he could hear the other creatures becoming crazed with the smell of blood that had just been spilt.

"Of course, I could play things safe," Lirian whispered into the fire, "But what kind of god would I be if I do things like that," Lirian said as his blood lust began to poor out of his body and engulfed the entire region.

"I did promise that I'd do my best to live a happy life," Lirian mused as he climbed to his feet with the skewers in hand and raced to the closest creature, this time he went on the attack.

The night had only just begun.


There's a map of Nebula-6 in the comments, check it out.

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