33 Risen#re

Chapter 70 - 070 - The Way Of The Sword 2

"How the hell do you know about that?" Alastor tried to shout but his booming voice had lost its power and carried weakly, everyone saw his reaction and was stunned that the weakest insult got the most severe reaction.

"Guess!" Lirian answered condescendingly with a large grin stretching across his face.

Pollock looked at the scene and murmured, "Evil Lirian is gone and Devil Lirian has taken his place."

Modred nodded in agreement, "Never thought I would say this but I think we are going to miss Evil Lirian.", the orphan boy and the noble boy had a moment of coming together as Devil Lirian took his place on the battlefield.

Lirian charged forward with a wide grin on his face and he felt the growing blood lust intensify as he spun the blade casually.

He gave Alastor no room to think as he pushed his skill to the next level Tension Forms, what would happen if free striking was mixed into the forms, the answer was that every strike would release its maximum potential and Alastor could feel it, he had no idea how Lirian had the stamina to keep it up.

Especially in the heat of the training field where the air was thin, but not one strike from Lirian had anything less than his full power.

This was as far as Lirian could push his body all those years ago when he fought his mother, from the first strike against her he used the Tension Forms, and for his current body, it was as easy as breathing.

When he reached this stage, he battled with himself to stay in control it was at this point that his mind would become so focused that the laws would move and he had to calm himself to keep in control.

Alastor quickly pushed himself to use Tension forms but not a second later the air around Lirian changed entirely and ripped forward with a savage form, that Alastor had never seen before.

He recognised the change in the air around Lirian to be something many steps ahead of the current level, it was 'form and man as one', it was when one merged a form into their body, but not only that, Lirian was merging with a self-created form.

Self-created forms were only made by masters with a deep understanding of a weapon, he could hardly believe what Lirian was doing and he was in disbelief as it was completed successfully.

Alastor re-adjusted his entire self and used one of his very own forms to merge, but as he met Lirian's strikes he cursed savagely in disbelief, the form Lirian created was in a league far beyond his own.

Lirian had taken centre stage and his every move completely outstripped Alastor, it started off like a duet dance but Lirian outstripped him in every way and made it into a solo act, even the savage strikes looked like works of art, as his sword spiraled and left streaks of light in the air the entire class was taken aback by its beauty.

"Devil Lirian has left the building and Monster Lirian has taken his place," Eido squealed in the warriors' group, Lirian's entire body was emanating a savage aura and releasing intense waves of hea.

Steam poured out of his mouth with every breath, and the steam seemed to curdle around him wrapping him in an illusory cocoon of cottony steam, it sent chills down their backs as they watched him slowly vanish into the cloud.

"Would anyone in our class be able to beat him?", Hinata asked in the mages circle, she looked on enviously at the ability Lirian displayed and she couldn't help but envy, 'If only I had been taken, that power would have been mine.' she thought willfully.

Shen Xie scoffed at her, the common girl really was a fool, "As he is right now, I doubt our entire class combined could beat him even if he doesn't use energy control against us."

Hinata frowned in indignation, "No way, we are all cultivators surely..." she tried to reason with the other mages.

"Stop being such as idiot and recognise your limit's he is a prince candidate, he's in a league all by himself, and besides for mages like us it's a pipe dream to go up against him," one of the boys said abruptly.

Hinata was always going on about beating Lirian and putting him in his place behind his back and they had seen what happened to the poor mage in a higher grade that tried to use her ability against Lirian.

Lirian effortlessly turned her energy against her using energy control on her body and made the spell go out of control while still in her body, she was in critical condition in the hospital and her days as a cultivator came to an unceremonious close.

Lirian slammed the sword forward paying no mind to the growing cracks on its surface, with every swing he left arcs of brilliant light in his wake.

He felt elated as he lashed out, for the first time since his rebirth, it send droves of ecstasy coursing through his body, the more he fought the more he missed the smell of fresh and hot gushing blood.

He stepped forward with a wild and savage aura enrapturing him, "I told you that I'd show you the difference between a genius and trash," he mocked as he brandished his sword with his full strength.

Alastor blocked the blow but he was stupified when the entire blade in his hand bent out of shape from where Lirian sword had struck it.

He felt furious as Lirian gave him no room to breathe, he was a genuine monster, and that aura of his felt more savage and brutal than any cultivator he had ever met, he could vaguely make out a blood-red vapor surrounding Lirian.

Luckily for Lirian, Alastor was too furious to pay it much attention, for the law of true massacre had shown a slight trace of its self in response to his intense blood lust.

Alastor only wanted to claw out those silver eyes that looked down on him with disdain, 'If I were to use just a sliver of my real strength,' he thought and slowly he felt his reason fading away.

When he looked at Lirian again, he suddenly felt a strong desire to see him dead, he didn't care about the consequences and let that strange feeling take control of him once more.

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