"Rees…" Thea called for Rees's attention.

He sighed, then ran his hands on his face. "I know what you want to say. I saw Ruth walking out of here." His voice came tired.

"She is truly apologetic, Rees. She is going through a hard time. She needs us." Thea took his hands in hers to intertwine their fingers.

"I understand. But I need some time Thea. There is a lot happening around me and I am not in a sane state of mind. I just can't pass the fact that she didn't trust me. I considered her as my friend, just like you. But she never gave me that privilege. She always considered me as someone she didn't trust and only had to put up because I am your fiancée."

Yes, he had finally said it aloud. Although werewolves could read their human mate's thoughts through the mate link, humans were not able to do so. They could only feel their mate's extreme feelings like hurt, anger, happiness or fear.

Hence, Thea couldn't read his thoughts but only felt what he was feeling.

"Rees, I understand you. But it is not like that. I am not presenting her case, but I don't want you to misunderstand her. She has always lived a hard life. She had seen and experienced only hardships. Life has taught her to not trust anyone even if her heart wants to.

But she trusts me, you and Mr and Mrs Payne. If she had not trusted you, then would she had tried to make me understand how much you love me? Would she had talk sense into me and helped me overcome my insecurities?

She never had once told me anything wrong about you, Rees. She has always believed in you and your intentions. Whatever happened between you was only a misunderstanding. The same thing happened between us, but then we talked, and look where we stand now.

Why don't you consider giving her another chance? She is desperate to gain her friend back."

Rees's insides churned in turmoil. He couldn't tell Thea the truth of Ruth's destiny, and he couldn't muster up the courage to face her again. But he knew that it was inevitable.

Even though Edwin had decided to stay away from her, Rees knew it was an impossible task for a werewolf. Sooner or later, Edwin's wolf would hunt down his mate, and no one could stop him.

By not giving in to the call of his wolf and heart, Edwin was only buying some time, but some things were not in control of even an alpha of alphas. The destiny had been written, and it was irrevocable.

Sighing deeply, Rees nodded. "I will think about it."

Thea smiled and didn't press on the matter anymore. His answer was enough for her for the time being.

They changed the course of their conversation to lighten up the mood.

"I wish I could read your mind too. Isn't it unfair with us humans to not able to read our mate's mind?" Thea pouted.

Whenever she and Rees spent time together, she always brought up the topic of the werewolf world or supernatural beings. The more she learned, the more fascinated she became with every new piece of knowledge. Her excitement and curiosity had become Rees's headache.

But he didn't mind her chains of questions unless she touched the restricted territory.

"I don't think it is unfair. Humans can feel their mate's emotions and that is good enough, isn't it? And everything is created by Moon Goddess for a reason, to maintain peace and harmony between the humans and werewolves." He explained.

"Right! Your Moon Goddess can never be unjust, I got it!" Thea rolled her eyes.

But Rees's heart sank hearing that. He used to think that their creator could never be unjust, but she had proven his belief wrong by intertwining Edwin and Ruth's destinies.

'It shouldn't have been this way!'

"Oh, by the way, I was reading this book. I wanted to show you-"

Thea pulled out a book- she was reading from the drawer of the bedside table, but it slipped out of her hand and fell on the floor.

She was about to bend down to pick it up, but Rees held her back and turned, bent down. Thea smiled at his adorable gesture, but soon her smile faded to turn into a horrifying gasp.

"REES! Your n-neck!" Her hands flew to cover her open mouth, her eyes bulged out with terror.

Rees looked at her in confusion. As soon as he saw her shocked face, and heard her pointing at his neck, he knew the thing he was trying to hide from her for some days was not hidden anymore.

"Thea! Is everything okay?" He heard Mrs Green calling from outside. She must have heard Thea's loud voice.

"Yes, Mrs Green. Everything is fine. I just dropped her favourite book." He replied loudly.

He strained his ear to hear Mrs Green muttering something about her daughter's overreacting trait.

He turned to look at Thea, who seemed like, had turned into a statue.

"Thea… love…" He approached her cautiously.

Tears brimmed her eyes, her breaths turned ragged due to shock. "Y-your neck. Those w-wounds. What?"

She was shaken after watching the marks on Rees's neck.

He had tried to hide them with a scarf or collar of a shirt. But today, his fear had come true. Thea had seen the injuries Edwin's wolf had made with his claws when he got to know that Ruth was his mate.

He was mad at Rees, thinking he had betrayed him by hiding that truth from him. Werewolves generally healed faster than humans. If the injuries were given by any other werewolf, then Rees would have healed by that time.

But these were given by the leader of the breed, who was much stronger than the strongest alpha of any werewolf pack. And hence it took more time for the healing.

"Thea… please calm down. Listen to me." Rees palmed her round face in his large hands. His rough skin touched her soft one.

"H-How? Why didn't you tell me? I-it looks painful, Rees!" She said through tears.

Rees's body tensed seeing her crying and scared for his safety. He didn't want that. Her body was still regaining its strength, and her mind had just started getting accustomed to this new side of her life after their mating. He didn't want to worry her in that state.

"Shhh… don't cry, love. I will tell you everything, okay? But first stop crying, please!"

Thea somehow controlled another wave of fresh tears and waited for his explanation. She had seen nothing like that before. She understood that was done by a werewolf. No human was capable of harming a trained warrior werewolf-like Rees.

Numerous possibilities ran in her head, but she wanted to hear the reality out of them.

"W-who did it?" His body tensed more at her question.

"Don't you dare to lie with me, Rees. We have promised to not keep more secrets." She didn't leave him any way other than the truth.

"Y-young Master."

Thea sucked a deep air in another shock. "Edwin O'Dell? B-but why?"

She was confused. She couldn't understand why Edwin would harm Rees, when he trusted him the most, as per her knowledge.

Rees ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He was in a dilemma. He couldn't tell the truth, and he didn't want to lie to his mate. But he had to answer her, he had no choice.

"Thea, there are some things that you are not aware yet. I can not tell you everything just now."

Thea's face hardened in anger. "Why can't you tell me? Do you think that a weak human like me is not capable to understand the things about your supernatural world?"

Her words reminded him of Ruth. "You both are same. Ruth and you! You always rush to the conclusion, instead of trying to understand the other person's reasoning." He said with a frown.

"Don't bring Ruth in this. Why Edwin did this? I want to know. I can't understand why the man who opened my eyes towards my love for you has done something like this to you. Is he insane?" She spat, unable to control her anger.

She didn't care if her mother had heard her. She didn't care if she had crossed the line. All she cared about was her mate was harmed. And she wanted to know why!

Rees closed his eyes momentarily. After he opened them, the warm brown in them was replaced by brownish-black with golden streaks.

Thea backed away from him spontaneously. She gulped nervously, watching Rees's awoken wolf. Her eyes darted to the door of her room for a split second, then turned to settle back on him.

"Don't. Ever. Call. My master insane! Understood?" His voice was cold like frost.

"R-Rees… please come back!"

Thea whisper pleaded, trying her best to hold back her tears.

She slowly reached for his face. A sound that rumbled in his chest frightened her, but she dared not back away. Instead, mustering all her courage, she leaned slowly towards him to place a soft kiss on his lips.

At first, Rees stilled, but the familiar scent of his mate lured him to reciprocate her kiss. He pulled her closer and moved his lips along with hers, tasting her and teasing her.

Slowly, his human form regained control, and his eyes turned back to their warm brown colour.

When Thea came short of breath, she pulled away from the kiss. Rees groaned in disapproval but let her.

Staring deep into her eyes, he said, "I promise I will tell you everything when the time comes. But trust me, Thea, I need you as much as Ruth needs you.

Please trust me! Master has done nothing wrong. His wolf was furious, and I did something wrong to anger him more. But he is not the demon that the world accuses him to be.

He is just like us, you and me but with more responsibilities and twisted destiny!"

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