Lester was injured badly because of Edwin's attack while he searched for his mate. His wolf growled and whimpered, seeing her limp form. He wanted to reach for her, but his leg was slashed substantially.

The guard came running with the amber coloured bottle in his hand.

"Make him inhale some and put some into his mouth. Hurry!" Lester ordered.

Here the guard who was trying to wake up Rees got worried more.

~"Rees, please wake up! Wake up before the situation gets out of control."~ He again splashed some water on Rees's face and shook his shoulders.

As soon as Edwin's wolf caught the sight of the amber coloured bottle, his struggles multiplied. He tried to free his hands and thrashed his legs.

"We-We need help!" One of the guards called.

The guard who was trying to wake up Rees looked in a dilemma. His eyes moved between his master and half-conscious Rees. Reluctantly he rushed to help his pack members with Edwin.

"Give it to me." Lester managed to stand up.

The pain in his leg was so absolute that he hissed loudly. The warm blood gushed out of the wound to stain the expensive carpet on the floor.

He took the amber coloured bottle from the guard's hand, and the man rushed towards Edwin to hold him.

Somehow and with lots of effort, the six men managed to get Edwin on his knees. Edwin kept baring his teeth at them, the blue streaks in his obsidian eyes had turned into a shade of electric blue like the bolts of thunder in the dark sky.

Lester looked around, searching for cloth and what he found was the brown piece that lay on the floor, which had triggered Edwin's wolf. He picked it up and soaked it in the wolfsbane potion till the drops of the liquid dripped from it on the ground.

Not wasting more time, Lester drew his hurt feet with force, and upon reaching Edwin, he covered the beast's nose with that cloth.

Edwin struggled, fought till the last ounce of his energy, but he couldn't beat the power of the magical potion that was made centuries ago by a family of witches to get used for such occasions.

Edwin's fight subsided slowly as the strange odour of the rufous coloured liquid in the amber coloured bottle hit his senses. His growls lowered, rumbling in his throat. His eyes turned heavy so did his head.

Taking advantage of his state, Lester removed the brown cloth from Edwin's nose and opened his mouth with one hand to pour the rufous wolfsbane liquid into Edwin's mouth.

Edwin flailed but had no choice to gulp it when it slid down his throat in the rivulet.

Lester removed the bottle away from Edwin's mouth, careful to not make him drink the excessive quantity, or it could have been fatal for his life.

After five minutes, all that left were the ragged breaths of sweaty, worried and tired bodies, angry Lester, and Rees, who had started to regain his consciousness.

"M-master!" Rees's unsteady eyes searched for his master, and as soon as he spotted his lying form on the floor, his heart twisted in concern.

He dragged himself to Edwin's side. Edwin's eyes were half close, and through them, his cerulean blue pupils looked normal than their previous obsidian colour with electric blue streaks. His canines and claws had turned to their human features.

Rees was about to touch Edwin's head when a thunderous voice fell on his ears.

"Put this monster into dungeons!" Augustus was so angry that one could see his grey eyes darkened by a shade, his skin redder and smoke coming out of his ears.

All the six guards cowered under their Lord's murderous gaze. For a moment, his outburst took Theodora by surprise. She had not seen her husband this riled up in a long time. But she didn't blame him.

Rees's eyes moved to heavily breathing Lester, who had a deep frown on his face, his leg bleeding. Rees expected him to say something to Augustus, but he didn't.

Lester was very upset with Edwin for losing his control like that. And Lester's wolf… he wanted Edwin's blood on his claws and canines for hurting his mate. Only Lester knew how he had controlled his wolf from appearing to fight Edwin till he satisfied his retribution.

"Didn't you hear it? I said lock that monster in the dungeons! He is a threat to every person living in 'the great manor', and their peace. He don't belong here. He is a monster!" Augustus's body shook in anger.

He had been turning a blind eye to everything that Edwin did wrong. But this time, he couldn't let the matter slid easily. His daughter could have been dead, along with Lester.

"Lady Theodora-" Rees started but was stopped when she showed her palm.

"I don't like this either Rees. But your Lord is right. Edwin has turned a threat to the people around him. Look at my poor Elsie. And Lester… Edwin attacked his own cousin and best friend. We are not safe around him, Rees. You have to understand this." Theodora patted the corner of her eyes, and Rees had a hard time figuring if there were any tears or not.

Rees was about to try one more time, but one glare from Augustus made him shut his mouth. Even though he was loyal to Edwin, Augustus was his Lord, and he couldn't offend him in any way.

The six guards shifted uncomfortably in that tensed air. They were all loyal to Edwin. But just like Rees, they couldn't deny their Lord's order.

Unwillingly they pulled Edwin up and were about to leave to take him to the dungeons when Rees decided to try his luck for the last time.

"Allow me to suggest something milord." He said politely by bowing his head.

Augustus was getting impatient, but Lester gave a small nod to him. Augustus sighed, then signalled Rees to speak.

"The dungeons in the main complex are not enough to keep Master's wolf in control. For that we need silver chains to tie him down." Rees's heart pained at the thought, but that was the only way to save his master.

Augustus considered his words with furrowed brows. He had not thought about that before.

"I-I suggest that we keep him in the dungeons of the southern building. Only those cells have the silver chains and they are at a distance from the main complex so no humans will get to know if he loses his control again."

Lester's green eyes observed Rees's confident face for some moments.

'This moron has some loyal people around him.' He couldn't help but admire.

Augustus's eyes shifted towards Theodora for a split second and then again found Rees's face.

"Hmm… I think you are right. Get him there and make sure that no one gets a whiff of what happened here."

With that said, Augustus stomped out of the chamber to find a way to release his and his wolf's anger. Theodora didn't wait and with the help of Eloise, took Elsie to her chamber.

Sparing a condemning glance at unconscious Edwin, Lester followed his mate in worry. Rees waved one guard to go with Lester and get some medical help for him too.

The remaining five guards took Edwin to the Southern building in 'the great manor', where Edwin's base was, to chain him down behind the bars.

And Rees… he motionlessly stood on his spot trying to get his head wrapped around what just happened in a matter of a few minutes. Before leaving, his eyes stared at the brown piece of cloth that lay on the ground like trash.

The piece of cloth that was Edwin's anchor had been used as a knife to cut the ropes of his ship.




A knock on the door made Barret Addington look up through his glasses. The door opened, and Ripon asked for permission to enter Barret's office.

"Take a seat Ripon." Barret commanded and removed his glasses with a gold chain from his nose.

He put it on the table carefully then leaned back, giving Ripon time to adjust himself comfortably.

"You called me, chairman?!"

"Yes. Have you heard more from them?" Barret enquired.

"No, chairman. They didn't contact us after that." Ripon informed.

They both fell in silence for some minutes. Barret Addington got lost in his thoughts, evaluating the situation for his benefit. And Ripon quietly observed his face trying to guess what he must be thinking.

After some time, Barret broke the silence. "I want you to do something for me, Ripon."

His eyes stared directly into Ripon's. It was not a request, neither an order. It was the mandatory obligation that Ripon had to do with or without his will.

Clearing his throat, Ripon responded. "Of course, Chairman."

"I want you to go and see how our dear friends - the O'Dells are doing."

Ripon was confused and sensing it, Barret elaborated further.

"I heard that Lester Wright has gone back to Vincardine. I want to know where this investigation has reached. Remind them that their deadline is near to end."

Ripon had many questions on his mind, but he decided not to reveal them just now. The sinister smile on Barret Addington's face was enough to ensure him that the man had something planned in his mind.

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