Chapter 136 - SLAP BY A TIGRESS

That loud sound of Thea's slap made Ruth jump on her spot. Her hands flew to cover her mouth after a loud gasp left it. Lester had not expected that between every possibility. But more than getting shocked, he was amused at Thea's action.

Rees was a well-known warrior, one of the best their breed had. His position as a bodyguard of the leader of the werewolves had made his immaculate and powerful image. And watching the same man getting slapped by his mate was more entertaining than watching two warriors fight during the practice for Lester.

For a moment, a laugh threatened to escape, but he covered it up with a mild cough.

And Rees… he was stunned- not angry, not confused but stunned. His face that was thrown sideways by Thea's hard slap slowly returned to its previous position.

"Now it's better!" Thea commented.

"Hmm… you have got a tigress for yourself Rees! But Ms Green, he is-"

"A keeper, I know. And before anyone of you" Thea cast a glance in Ruth's way. "lecture me for my action, I would like to explain myself. May I?"

Lester was truly impressed with this young woman. She was brave and outspoken- the perfect match for Rees.

"Of course, milady!"

Thea smiled at Lester's word. "This foolish man-my fiancée just decided to disappear one day without any hint. His family then gets a message that he is safe and nothing else. I was looking for him, thinking about him for these six days. And not even once a thought of me crossed his mind, I assume.

Then I heard some stupid things about him, and my mind went into turmoil that I couldn't just sit and wait for him to return home. I couldn't discuss this with anyone else but my best friend Ruth.

Only she understood me and came with me here. The guard on the main gate not only denied us entry but also humiliated us with his degrading comments.

Then we had to decide for ourselves, and we chose the way that seemed right for us. Milord, we are not here to do any damage or steal or disrupt the peace. We only came here because we both were worried for Rees's safety.

I wanted to meet my fiancée, and Ruth wanted to see her friend safe and sound. If you still think that we are worthy of punishment, then I am ready to take it!"

Lester was stunned to hear Thea's monologue, and Rees was ashamed to meet his eyes.

"Me too!" A small voice came from the other side. "I am equally at fault along with Thea. I will take whatever punishment you deemed fit for us."

Lester was served with a thread of surprises tonight.

"Rees, I think you should talk with your fiancee while I keep Ms Ruth a company."

Not giving time for anyone to react, Lester stretched his hand to show Ruth away and give some privacy to embarrassed Rees and raging Thea. Lester would have liked to enjoy Rees getting bashed by his mate, but he had an interesting company for the time being.

Ruth hesitantly looked at Thea and Rees but nodded at Lester anyway.

They walked side by side with two hand's distance between them in silence. Now that they were away from the two lovebirds, Lester slowed down his pace but didn't stop.

He had already alerted Edwin's band of guards about the two human presences and had told them to handle the other guards.

"May I know your last name, Miss Ruth?" He kept his face ahead, and that comforted Ruth considerably.

"My name is Ruth Moore, milord!" She answered timidly.

Another brief moment of silence passed between them and Ruth started getting accustomed to Lester's presence. Although he was intimidating and had a commanding aura, he was a soft-spoken and patient person, unlike someone with cerulean blue eyes.

Ruth blinked at her derailed thought. 'How the hell he came in between this?'

"How do you get in here?" Lester asked with such a calmness that compelled Ruth to answer truthfully. She wouldn't have lied anyway though.

"Th-there is a gap in the security wall in the side of the bushes. Rees showed that secret passage to Thea a long time ago, and they used that to meet each other when he was on the duty.

Thea brought me here through that passage on the night of the celebrations."

"You were here that night? Lester asked, raising his brows.

"Y-yes. But why that broken wall is not repaired? If we can then anyone can sneak in 'the great manor'." Ruth voiced out the thought that lingered in her head since she had stepped a foot on the O'Dell property.

"How it can be when we just got to know about it? Even Rees didn't mention it." Lester grumbled.

Ruth stopped in her tracks. "You- you didn't know?"

Lester's brows creased in the middle. "No!" He shook his head.

"He didn't tell anyone?" Ruth was utterly confused.

"Miss Moore, I just said that Rees didn't-"

"NO. Not Rees. I am talking about your friend."

Now was Lester's turn to get confused.

"Who are you referring to? Is it Edwin?"

Ruth nodded her head, confirming his doubt. "He knows about that broken wall. On the night of the celebrations, he almost caught me while I and Thea ran to escape through that gap."

"He did?" Lester's voice rose with shock.

"Of course, he did! He even tore my dress...." Before saying more, Ruth clamped her mouth.

But it was already too late. Her words had sown seeds of various theories in Lester's mind, and his brain instantly started watering them with his thinking.

The silence that followed made Ruth uncomfortable. It was not because of Lester, but she thought that she shouldn't have said the things that she already had.

Ruth's eyes wandered to where Rees and Thea were. And the way, they stared deeply into each other's eyes and Rees's relaxed shoulders, she concluded that they had sorted out the issue between them.

"I think we should get back to them." Ruth suggested gently and not arguing to her, Lester wordlessly matched her steps in Rees and Thea's direction.

"Miss Moore."


"Will you answer truthfuly if I ask you something?"

Ruth paused before answering. "I will if I can."

"What do you think of Edwin O'Dell?"

Ruth was surprised at his question. She didn't understand why he would bring his friend's name in their conversation, but she had to answer. She had no choice.

"I don't know him that well to say much. But whatever I have experienced and heard about him till now doesn't make him the man I consider as good enough to associate with."

Lester only nodded, and Ruth didn't elaborate more as they walked the remaining distance in silence.

Rees watched Lester and Ruth walking in their direction. He had managed to calm Thea, but he didn't tell the entire truth. He promised her to tell everything when he gets time. He also told Thea that he needed to stay in 'the great manor' because his master needed him.

He informed her about the incident that happened with Elsie in Edwin's chamber and that made Thea so frighten that her face went pale.

"Why is he dragging his foot?" Thea asked while observing Lester. It was not that obvious, but she noticed it nonetheless.

"He was attacked by Master's wolf."


"Shhh... Thea. I said I will tell you everything when we meet next time. This is not a right time and place to discuss these things. And yes, don't mention any of what I told you to anyone." Rees warned.

"Okay. But I really don't understand why your Master is adamant on harming people around him." Thea agreed slowly, but her heart was still worried for Rees.

The words of Fannie still lingered in her head, but she stopped thinking about that, fearing Rees might read them.

"Was she really worried for me?"

Thea's face softened upon hearing his question. She smiled faintly, looking at him, but his eyes were trained on the woman walking beside Lester.

"Yes. She is here right in front of you. Doesn't that prove it?"

Rees didn't answer but gulped down his saliva.

"Rees, I know this is not an ideal time to bring this up but I want to tell you something."

Rees tore his gaze from Ruth after hearing the urgency in Thea's voice.

"Tell me."

"Someone is keeping an eye on Ruth."

Rees blinked, not believing what he heard.

"What do you mean, Thea?"

"Someone is following her all the time for days now. She is so scared that she barely steps out of her building and avoids isolated places. She is very scared, Rees. And..."

"And what?" There was a hint of anger and worry in his voice.

"And she thinks that it is Young Master."

Rees closed his eyes momentarily. He didn't expect this to happen. He had done everything in his power to stop Edwin, but he managed to get Rees busy in the works and slipped into the commoners secretly to follow Ruth.

Even though Ruth only had a suspicion, Rees was sure that it was indeed Edwin following Ruth.

"I will see what I can do. You don't worry and take care of yourself." Rees took Thea's hand to kiss her knuckles.

His sweet gesture and the touch of his soft lips made her blush, but she didn't resist him. She had missed him so much and needed something of him to spend more time without him.

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