Chapter 145 - BRUTAL THURSTS

WARNING: Triggered Warning. Mature content ahead with a twist. If you are not ready, then please skip this part.


"Well... well. It seems that you are not happy to see me after a long time, dear Fannie?!"

His hot breath reeked of alcohol entered her nostrils. It was not a disgusting smell but somewhat tolerable for her.

Fannie considered giving him a befitting reply, but she held her tongue back.

Harold Davies was not a man to mess with. Stay on his good side, and you will be benefitted. Get on his bad side, and no one will ever find your traces.

"It's not like that My Lord. How can I not desire for your company?" She sugarcoated her words, but they came strained from her mouth as Harold kneaded her breast in his large palm.

"That's like a good girl." He whispered in her ear and ducked his head low in the side of her neck.

Fannie gulped nervously. She knew what kind of man Harold was. She had been on the receiving end of his commands and his dirty ways of pleasure.

No young woman was safe with him around. She was naive and young back then. That feeling of excitement had blinded her rationality.

And she had not caught sight of Edwin then. She was too afraid to look in his way. But after the night of the celebrations when she was in his arms, she had found what she was seeking.

Admiration, feelings, power, pleasure and a promise of a fortune. She saw that everything dancing in Edwin's cerulean blue eyes that night.

Since then, she had made it her mission to get Edwin for herself by hook or crook.

"My Lord, you shouldn't be here. This place is-"

"I know what this place is and what it is used for. Do not teach me, you ungrateful servant." Harold tightened his grip on her till she felt her life squeezing out of her body.

If she wished to survive, then she couldn't offend him.

"No, My Lord. How can a worthless human like me teach a noble man like you?" She greeted through her teeth.

Slipping his hand inside the front of her dress, he hummed in satisfaction. "Now you learned it. Come now."

He nibbled her lower earlobe, and all the hair on her body stood up in alarm. "Wh-what?"

Her mind raced, thinking about his suggestive words.

Turning her to face him, Harold looked down upon her. Fannie gulped in nervousness at the command in his eyes.

"Do not act that innocent now, Fannie. You know what I mean. I am in no mood to find a woman when I have a jezebel like you in my hands. Why search for a flower when you have a garden for yourself?"

His words crawled upon her mind like the termites crawling upon the wood to eat it to their heart's content. She did not want this. If it had been Edwin in Harold's place, then Fannie would have offered herself to him without a second thought.

But this was Harold Davies. She had heard stories about his past flings and their sudden disappearance. She did not want her life to march that way.

She knew that the man enjoyed a chase. He liked the challenge. If she resisted, then he would come back for her time and again. And for not letting that happened, she had to comply with him.

"My Lord, It is my pleasure that your eyes caught my sight. But I do not think this is the right place for what you have in your mind." She smiled at him.

His brow shot up in amusement. "And what could be the other appropriate place?"

"Maybe you can invite me to your mansion. We can have a whole night for ourselves with exotic wine and-"

Before she could finish her words, he already captured her mouth in his. He was not gentle. In fact, he was far from that.

He was a hungry predator who did not have the patience nor a will to hear her more. All his ears wanted to hear were her screams of submission.

He had a meeting with Lord Augustus some time back. He was about to propose a business deal to him that he had on his mind for quite some time. But his plan was ruined after Douglas's entry.

He had not expected that. The tussle between the two men had turned intense after Harold got the rights of the important property in the main square of Vincardine from Lord Augustus.

Douglas had also found about Harold's espionage network and had threatened to expose him. Douglas anticipated Harold's plan and was on time to ruin it.

Again Douglas managed to insult him by implying that he didn't belong to the elites. Harold was in a sour mood, to say the least. He needed to feel his dominance, and what could be a better way than using a human for the very purpose?

If it was not for Fannie, then he would have found another human to satiate his beast. Fannie was just happened to be unlucky today.

Fannie struggled at first by pushing his chest. But his huge and bulky form did not move an inch. Her fight only enticed him more. He fancied her struggles because that gave him that sense of authority.

He grabbed a handful of her hair, intertwining his thick fingers through the silky strands. Her mouth opened in a gasp when he tugged hard at them.

Like a thirsty man, he entered his warm tongue inside her little mouth, devouring and exploring. Fannie's body shook in shock that soon turned into lust. She tried to imagine Edwin's face again and again.

But her body reacted to Harold's every touch as if it had its own mind. Her resolve to not give in started breaking violently with his tongue's every thrust in her mouth.

She made some noises of protest, but Harold's ears were deaf to them. He knew very well that they would not be disturbed by anyone as that room was used by Theodora to enjoy her time with Douglas Morgan.

Harold smirked when he felt Fannie's struggles mild down slowly. Not wasting more time, he picked her up by crossing his hands under her knees.

A gust of air hit her thighs under the dress, followed by the feel of cold and hardwood. She realised that he had placed her on a nearby table and at that moment she knew what was about to come in her way.

But with every passing second, the will to object seemed far away to her lust-filled eyes. Edwin's face turned blur in her mind. All that remained was passion and need.

It had been a long time that she had not let any man touch her after Edwin did. Whatever rational part remained awake in her told her to give in to her desires and not think too much.

She could use this opportunity to her advantage by getting something valuable in return, and the satisfaction was a cherry on the cake. She had experienced how skilled Harold was with these things.

And she had never regretted offering herself to him. Her mind was set on Edwin, but the little fun was not bad after all.

She moaned, purring like a cat, and that made Harold's chest rumbled in satisfaction. She rounded her legs around his waist to pull him closer.

Leaving her mouth, Harold's tongue started exploring the skin on her neck and chest. He was wild and harsh, but she liked that about him.

He was always straightforward and didn't keep pressing and wasting time. Once he got what he want, he would just leave without a word as if nothing happened.

His calloused fingers skimmed the length of her leg from knee to upwards, feeling the softness of her skin against his rough one. His hand stopped moving upwards, and Fannie pulled back to look at him with her hooded eyes.

"Before that, I would like to know something, My Lord." Her voice came panting and full of desire.

Harold did not like the talking in between. All he enjoyed were the screams coming out of the women's mouths when he used them to achieve the peaks of pleasure for himself while bequeathing some to them.

"What?" He grumbled.

His breaths were loud and rapid. The tightness between his legs twitched continuously, and he shifted on his feet to fix it.

Smirking at him seductively, Fannie said, "What would I get after this, My Lord?"

Harold knew it. These women were all the same. They would not give you what you need unless you give them what they want.

"What do you want, poor thing?" He was not pleased with this unwanted conversation just before he was about to get his game.

Fannie gave it a thought for a couple of moments. Meanwhile, only Harold and the Moon Goddess knew how he constrained his companion down there.

"Hurry up, you slut!" He lost it.

Fannie's jaw clenched hearing that title given by a manwhore, but she knew better than ruin the sudden opportunity.

Leaning forward, she whispered in his ear. "I will ask when the time comes."

Not replying to that, Harold tried to move his hand to reach her warmth, but she tightened her grip on his wrist.

"Words, My Lord. I want a verbal promise, and I know you will not break it."


In the very next breath, he had ripped the thin cotton panty she had to cover her womanhood.

Sliding down his pants, he pulled her closer, positioning her in the place where he wanted her. Fannie held her breath to face the beast.

But no preparation could save her from the shock of his enormous and thick length entering her tight and warm hole.

A cry left her mouth, and for a moment, she thought pushing him away from her. It was too much for her to take.

But that hungry predator did not care. He held her tight in his hands and fucked her viciously till her throat hurt crying his name and begging for his mercy.

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