Chapter 164 - WE NEED OUR LEADER

"Fannie, is everything ready?" Theodora walked into the kitchen, where four cooks were working in front of the stove. Two maids assisted them, and Fannie placed the last plate of cookies in the tray.

"Yes, My Lady." Fannie answered.

Theodora checked everything for the last time and nodded in satisfaction.

"Come now."

Theodora walked in her black dress, Fannie hot on her tail. Turning at the corner of the hallway, Theodora stopped to let the guard open the door for her.

They entered the room where three men- Augustus, Harold and Douglas were sitting around a round table. Augustus sat in his chair that was placed right under the golden roaring lion emblem.

Now, some would question why they chose a lion emblem instead of a wolf. But Augustus had an answer to that. A lion is a King of the jungle. The wolves are considered cunning creatures and can not be trusted.

Before George O'Dell senior settled down in this town and named it Vincardine, the folklores said this area used to be lion's heaven.

The feelings of natives believed that folklore and the brave ancestor of the O'Dells needed their faith and support to begin his rule. Hence, he decided to take the lion emblem instead of a wolf.

Theodora instructed Fannie to serve the tea and the cookies to the guests while she took the empty chair beside her husband with a proud face.

Fannie saw this as a chance to know what is really happening in 'the great manor'. She had tried with the maids and the other guards after her failed attempt with Theodora, but their lips were sealed tightly.

She was frustrated with their silence. She knew something scandalous had happened, but what?

She did not care if it was about anything else, but she wanted to know where Edwin was. That was all she cared about. After all, once he had him in her palm, she did not need to worry about anything else. And then, she would teach Theodora a lesson for humiliating her and questioning her status.

After pouring Douglas's cup, she advanced towards Harold. His face was straight, but she could feel his eyes roaming all over her body flirtatiously.

That afternoon was still alive in her mind and then was his member made her core ache and trembled in plead weakened her knees in demand of more.

She could not help but rub his thigh with her side while filling his cup with hot piped tea. She bent a little lower to bless his eyes with her half-exposed cleavage. The others were busy discussing some political affair, and she thought it to be a good opportunity.

She would not have tried with a man like Harold Davies, but she was desperate and needed a distraction from Edwin's absence.

"Fannie, prepare lunch on time. Our guests will stay for lunch." Theodora ordered.

"Yes, My Lady!"

Fannie was disappointed for two reasons. First, she did not get anything about Edwin's whereabouts or what was happening in 'the great manor'. Second, She could not gain Harold's attention, for he sat there like a rock.

She groaned in frustration but marched towards the kitchen anyway.

"Lord Augustus, we have heard some rumours. And before jumping to any conclusions, we thought of discussing them with you first.

Augustus knew this time would come sooner or later."

"I know what you want to discuss."

Harold and Douglas shared a look. Although these two men could not get along, they decided to cooperate for this one time. Because this time, it was not only about their personal benefit but was also about the well being of their pack and their breed.

This time it was about their leader!

"You are here to ask about what is wrong with Edwin and where he is." Augustus pointed.

Before Harold could open his mouth, Douglas stole the chance.

"Pardon, Lord Augustus. But I am worried about my pack. The rumours had not yet reached the human ears, but it will not take long for that.

I met one of my acquaint from the Dragonland. And he asked what he heard about Edwin was true or not. I could not answer him, My Lord. How could I when I do not know the truth?"

Harold mentally rolled his eyes at Douglas's splendid performance. He did not like how Douglas talked only about himself and did not point that it was Harold's idea to speak with Augustus.

"Yes, My Lord. I suggested Mr Morgan that we should not believe those rumours and first confirm them with you. We are all under your wings, and we want to be there with you through every thick and thin. We want to know where our alpha is."

Douglas's frown at Harold but let him enjoy Lord Augustus's attention for a while. For him, the information was what mattered the most.

Augustus glanced at Theodora's way for a fleeting second. She nodded her head, even though she did not trust Harold.

"What rumours you have heard, Gentlemen, are false. The truth is Edwin has lost control of his wolf and is currently dealing with his situation.

He is in 'the great manor' only away from the prying eyes and ears. There is no need to worry. His family and Lester are there for him to help."

Augustus did not like discussing his family affairs with the outsiders. He blamed Edwin for putting him in that uncomfortable position where he had to explain his private matters and his relations with his family members to the world time and again.

"How did that happen? We have never heard of that." Harold wondered.

Theodora saw Augustus's finger twitched in irritation. She placed her hand over his, and that instantly calmed him.

"That we do not know, Mr Davies. We do not want to presurise Edwin. Let him take his time. We are sure he will get over it soon." She said.

"Of course, Lady Theodora. If this is what you have to say, then we do not have any other choice than trusting them. After all, our Lord also trust every word coming out of your mouth."

Theodora clenched her free hand in anger. She understood the hidden meaning in Harold's words. He was taunting her about her and Douglas's affair.

"Of course, Mr Davies. For achieving that trust, you have to earn it over a long time and through your relentless actions. Am I right, honey?" she cooed at Augustus.

He nodded his head and kissed her hand that rested on his. "Of course, my love!"

Harold smirked when he noticed Douglas's unpleasant expressions at Agustus's action.

"My Lord, may I ask about the progress of the investigation?"

Douglas quickly changed the course of their discussion.

Now that was something Augustus was willing to share.

"They are Garfields!"

Harold, Douglas and Theodora froze in their spot for a moment. Garfield- that name alone was enough to send a chill down one's spine if they knew who they were.

Recovering first from the shock, Harold asked, "Garfields? But they have never crossed Kinsville's borders before. Then why now after so many centuries?"

Augustus sipped on his tea then put the cup down on the table.

"My suspicion is that it is not something they are doing willingly. Someone has incentivised them, encouraged them to do it."

Theodora gulped in nervousness. She had spent years with Augustus and thus had met many other supernatural kinds. But she had never met a vampire before. She only had heard the stories of their power and cruelty, what happened centuries ago during the great war.

And that only made her guts hate those night creatures.

"Who would dare such thing?" Douglas questioned with a frown.

Augustus paused for a moment. "I do not know yet. But I will find it soon."

"Should we inform this to the royals?" Theodora suggested.

Augustus shook his head. "No, Theodora. That will not be of much use. The royals are mortals-humans. Their only power is human support. They know they are no match with the supernaturals.

They will try to mediate, but they can not stop the vampires. They will blame us or pressurise us if we demand any action from them, for they will not put their people in danger." He explained.

A minute passed in silence as the four people used that time to absorb what Augustus told them.

During that time, Augustus enjoyed his tea and the sweet cookies.

"If they have decided to challenge us now, then they must have a strong reason for it. They would not have dared to spill blood on the lands of Vincardine, no matter how much they were encouraged by anyone."

Harold had a valid point that even Douglas nodded his agreement.

"We can not think of it at this moment. But all I know is we have to do something before this news leaks to the other leading families. We need our strong alliances." Augustus replied.

"But for that we need our leader, Lord Augustus. We can not fight them without Edwin. He is born with a purpose. He is entrusted by the Moon Goddess for guiding us. I beg your pardon, but no one else is capable and powerful enough to play the deciding role if another war breaks."

Theodora glared at Douglas with her hazel coloured eyes, but Douglas disregarded her, for he knew he was right about what he said.

Augustus clenched his jaw with furrowed brows. He saw Harold nodding his head in agreement with Douglas. But as soon as he sensed his stare, he bowed his head in submission.

"I hope to see you all at lunch.." Augustus did not wait for their reactions and marched out of the meeting room with tensed shoulders.

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