Chapter 169 - BETTER PLACE

The dinner was delicious at Welby's home. The previous awkwardness that had settled after Ruth's questions about the wolf painting had dissipated by now.

Ruth was silent amongst the chattering heads. She was remembering her mother and missed her. The words fell on her ears but, her mind was too lost to hid them. Now and then she would feel Mr Welby's eyes on her.

It was not strange in a creepy way but, it was strange. As she felt like he was trying to solve a mystery. As if he was seeking an answer to a question. But what confused her was why he thought that she could be a way to get that answer.


"Yes, Mrs Welby?"

"If you do not mind me asking, have you found your suitor yet?"

Thea and Rees froze in their place.

~"Mother!"~ Rees warned, but his mother ignored him.

Ruth took a sip of water from her glass. She had expected Mrs Welby to ask that question, and she was ready to answer it.

"No, Mrs Welby. I have not." She answered politely.

Mrs Welby looked surprised. "You have not? Ruth, you are a beautiful woman. Why you do not have a suitor yet?"

Ruth shrugged her shoulders. "I.. I do not know."

"Is there anyone you like? We can talk with that man and his family on your behalf." Mrs Welby suggested.

That perked up Mrs Green's interest. Mr Green shook his head lightly at his wife's excitement.

"Exactly, Mrs Welby. That is the only thing I am telling this girl but she always manages to dodge my suggestions." Mrs Green quipped.

"Mother, please!" Thea tried, but she also knew that Ruth was in a hard time. Her mother and mother-in-law were ready to unleash their arrows of suggestions Ruth's way.

Mrs Welby nodded her head. Then turned to Ruth. "Ruth, you are a grown up sweet woman now. Any man will be ready in a blink of an eye to marry you. Women can not spend their lives without getting married." She said.

Ruth's cheeks burned in uncomfortableness, but she only nodded, not being disrespectful to the lady who only wished her good.

"Darling!" It was Mr Welby.

He seemed to be a man with few words. But every word he said was meaningful. His personality and deep voice commanded attention, and no one could refuse it.

"A woman does not need to get married to a man only for spending her life, because she can not. If a woman decides, she has a right to spend her life the way she desires. Not only a woman but a man also needs to get married at the right age.

Marriage is a partnership that every human need for a better turn in their life. One should do it not because they have to but because they want to.

Do you get that Ruth?"

Ruth gulped her spit nervously. Mr Welby's words were encouraging, but they also held a silent warning. She did not know why, but she felt like he was trying to convey a message to her, that he did not want others to understand. It was only for her, but she could not understand if it was true or it was only her thinking.

"Y-yes, Mr Welby!" She stuttered.

Instead of nodding in approval, he narrowed his eyes at her. Maybe he did not like the way she stuttered.

"Mrs Welby, I have a man in mind for Ruth." Mrs green clapped her hands excitedly.


"Yes. He is Rees's childhood friend. Mr Edwin Berrycloth!"

Except for Mr and Mrs Green, everyone's face paled hearing that name.

"Mother!" Thea hissed.

"Oh, shush, Thea. You can not be that selfish now, can you? You and Rees will get married soon. Have you two ever thought about Ruth? What will she do then?" Mrs Green scolded, staring at Thea and Rees.

"Mrs Green, I said that-"

"Edwin Berrycloth?"Mrs Welby cut Ruth's sentence in the middle. She tasted that name rolling on her tongue.

Her eyes met Rees's, and the picture was clear in front of her eyes.

~"Who is Edwin Berrycloth, Rees?"~ She asked.

"Yes. Rees introduced that fine man to us months ago. Mrs Welby why have not you mentioned him before? I think he can be a perfect match for our Ruth. What do you think?" Mrs green asked expectantly.

Rees had no choice but, to tell the truth to his mother. He could feel his father's harsh gaze drilling holes in his face, but he avoided looking at him.

~"She is talking about Young Master, mother"~ He confessed.

Mrs Welby's eyes widened at that. She wanted to know what exactly happened that night and why Edwin went to Green's home with Rees. But, she could not ask those questions in front of her guests, so she decided to stay silent on that for now.

"Mrs Welby?"

"Yes?" She looked startled at Mrs Green's call.

"I asked what do you think about Edwin Berrycloth and Ruth?"

Mrs Welby's eyes locked with her husband, and she realised there was something more to the story than she knew.

"Have you met him Ruth?"

Ruth shifted in her chair. She nodded her head.

"How do you like him?"

'Ask me if I hate him or loathe him, Mrs Welby.' Ruth wanted to correct the lady.

"I... I..."

"Do not ask her that question, Mrs Welby. Ruth is very shy unlike Thea. That girl is a humble human. But I am pretty sure that Ruth has caught Mr Berrycloth's eyes that night." Mrs Green is adamant about complicating the matter.

Ruth cast a pleading glance to her two friends, but their hands were tied, and mouths were sealed in front of their mothers.

Ruth could not help but look at Mr Welby. He deliberately chewed the chicken slowly, waiting for her answer.

To conclude this topic, Ruth finally said. "Mrs Green, Mrs Welby, I want to tell you something honestly."

Thea and Rees were confused. They did not know what Ruth was about to tell. They only prayed that she would not come up with a lie or it will lead her to more difficulties.

"Edwin Berrycloth is a handsome man. He is charming and sensible. Any woman will be happy to have him as her husband." Only Ruth knew how much those words felt foreign to her ears.

"But I do not think that I am that lucky woman. I can never be. I do not deserve a man like him. I know that you all want me to get married or my good. But..."

"But what, Ruth?" Mrs Green's voice came sharper that made Thea winced.

Her mother was upset.

To gain some encouragement, Ruth spoke looking at Mr Welby. For some strange reason, she found his harsh gaze comforting. She knew if not anyone but he would understand her well if she had analysed the man correctly.

"But I do not want to marry just now."

"Why?" Mrs Welby asked.

"Because I want to be someone. I want to work and earn. I want to live my life some more on my terms. I have new found responsibilities and I do not want to let down those who are dependent on me." Ruth explained.

Mrs Green rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Ruth, you have done enough. You do not need to earn money after marrying a man. Is not men supposed to work and earn while you rest and take care of your home?"

Thea narrowed her eyes at her mother.

"Is that what you think mother?"

"Is not what you have decided Thea?"

Thea clenched her fist in irritation. How could her mother say something like that?

"Mother! I CHOSE staying at home after the marriage because that is what I want to do and not what I suppose to do. I may change my mind and find another job. Because that is what I will WANT to do and not what I will be expected to do."

Rees smiled proudly at his mate. She did not hesitate to speak her mind.

"Thea, this is not about you. It is about Ruth. Your mother did not mean it that way. All she is trying to say is Ruth has been working all her life. She needs a break and marriage is the only option." Mr Green tried to calm his daughter.

A moment of silence prevailed in the room. Ruth was very awkward, to say the least. She had not expected her answer would turn out to be like this. If only she was good with words and speaking her mind like Thea.

"Everyone! I understand what Ruth is trying to say. She is not saying that she does not want to marry ever. She is ready for that, but before that, she wants to be equal to the man she wants for herself.

And I agree with her. If she wants a well capable and descent earner as a suitor, then to get him, she first needs to reach that level. Why a woman should restrict herself only for her home, family and secondary jobs?"

Mr Welby's question left everyone pondering. He was right. Why a woman always had to restrict and suppress her capabilities only for relying on a man when she can take care of her and her family on her own?

Ruth was amazed at the man's revolutionary thoughts. She praised him and wanted to stand up and clap in appreciation.

"Thank you for understanding me, Mr Welby!" She said with gratitude.

The man only nodded his head once then resumed eating the rest of his food.

Ruth did not know that the gender equality that sounded like a foreign concept to the human ears was a traditional and natural practice amongst these supernatural creatures. They never considered their females subordinate to them.

In their world, the females had equal rights and equal powers. They fought in the battlefields along with men-shoulder to shoulder.

Maybe their world was a better place than the human world could ever be?!

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