Chapter 219 - [Bonus ]NOT AN EASY TASK

Fannie's curious ears and hawk-like eyes caught on the news of Ruth's arrival in 'the great manor'. What caught her by surprise as she was directed straight to Elsie's chamber. Ida was waiting for her that meant Ida was ordered by someone to assist Ruth.

Was it Rees?

But then why would Ida take Ruth to Elsie?

When Fannie's brain started hurting thinking about the whys, she ran to her mistress, who was enjoying a book in the parlour.

When Fannie informed Theodora about Ruth, Theodora was surprised and wanted to meet this woman who was so special to Rees.

Ruth took small steps behind Ida while her fingers fidgeted with her dress. She was nervous to face the other family members, but Lady Theodora... she was an altogether different case.

Ruth had heard many things about her, and most of them were good. People of Vincardine respected her and considered her as their mother figure.

Those who were scared to approach Lord Augustus first went to Theodora. Ruth had heard how polite she was. She had even seen her on the night of celebrations.

Ruth only hoped that the episode with Eloise would not repeat with Lady Theodora.

As soon as they reached a door, Ida stopped abruptly to face Ruth.

"Miss Ruth, I think you should go alone inside."

Ruth suddenly became more nervous. "Why? Please come with me. I..."

"I can not, Miss Ruth. If Lady Theodora has asked to meet specifically you, then she is expecting only your presence and not anyone else's."


"Do not worry. I am waiting for you here. Promise!" Ida smiled assuringly.

Ruth was not sure of this but had no other choice than to nod her head in agreement.

"Miss Ruth."


Ida hesitated, her eyes flickered around. She then leaned close to Ruth's ear and whispered. "Be careful of what you say and how you act."

Ruth blinked dumbfoundedly. What was that supposed to mean?

Before she could ponder over that some more, she was ushered inside the parlour. Ruth was mesmerised by the detailed carving on the wooden furniture and the construction of the room.

It was where the guests enjoy their tea. The room was nothing less than a dream home. Ruth saw Theodora sitting elegantly on a couch with a teacup in her hand. A book remained open beside her.

As soon as she came into Theodora's vision, the latter's eyes snapped at her. Theodora observed her curiously, but her eyes lingered on Ruth's face for a long minute. Something about Ruth strike Theodora, but she could not pinpoint it.

"My Lady, this is Ruth Moore." Fannie said.

Remembering why Eloise got angry at her, Ruth hurriedly bowed in respect. "Good afternoon, My Lady! It is a pleasure meeting you!"

Theodora nodded curtly in response but smiled faintly. Leaning back on the couch more, she asked, "Miss Ruth Moore. Hmm! You are related to the old man who died more than a month ago, if I am not mistaken."

"Y-yes, My Lady. I was like a daughter to him."

"The O'Dell family is extremely sorry for your loss. Is there anything else we can do for you?"

Ruth was not surprised to hear the words of condolences from Theodora as it was expected if she wanted to maintain her image. But her next sentence took her by surprise.

"Thank you, My Lady. But we are living the best way we can." Ruth answered with a small smile.

Theodora took a sip from the cup then nodded. Her hazel eyes were studying Ruth carefully. She could tell how nervous the young woman was. She scoffed.

'She should be!', Theodora thought.

"What bring you here in 'the great manor', Ruth?"

She came straight to the point. Ruth noticed how she did not hesitate to use her first name, but she did not mind it. Ruth felt awkward when people add any formal addressing words before her name.

Ruth answered truthfully that she was appointed as Elsie's head maid. Theodora's eyes darted towards Fannie to see her shaking her head slightly, telling her she had no idea about this.

"Head maid? I assume you must possess the required experience and knowledge if Elsie has appointed you to such higher position." Theodora narrowed her hazel eyes, the smile never left her face.

Ruth was about to open her mouth and spill the truth that she was not eligible for this position, but then she remembered what Ida told her before.

-"Be careful of what you say and how you act."-

Ruth held back her tongue and only smiled widely in response. That was a safe move.

Theodora realised what game this naive looking woman was playing with her smart brain. She was avoiding giving direct answers.

Theodora then asked her some more questions that felt more like an interrogation than just getting acquainted with each other.

"I heard you are somehow related with Rees." Theodora finally pulled out her MasterCard from the deck.

Now Ruth was more attentive with not only her words, but also with how much her body language gave out. During their conversation, Ruth had realised what Ida meant by her words. Theodora O'Dell was a sharp-minded woman with twisted ways.

She did not dig herself for the information. Instead, she compelled the other person to spill the beans with her sweet talking.

"Yes, My Lady. We are friends." Ruth decided to trade safely.

Every minute around this powerful woman made her nerves tense. She had never been so alert around any person ever in her life.

Ruth could not decide what to draw from her encounter with Theodora. Her ways did not settle well with Ruth. However, she understood the woman to some extent.

She was practically equal to the queen of Vincardine. The leading lady of the originators. She must have gone through many things that Ruth could only imagine and some she might not imagine. It was natural that the woman had such kind of complex personality.

"Only friends?" Theodora cocked her brow questioningly.

Ruth bit the inside of her cheek but maintained her calm from outside. "He is fiancee of my best friend and thus is a very good friend of mine."

"You mean he is like a brother to you." Theodora added.

Ruth's brows creased in the middle a little. "No, My Lady. He is not my brother. He is my best friend." She told the woman firmly.

Theodora's eyes shone in the excitement of her prey falling in her trap.

"Ruth, you must be so naive to not know that a woman and a man can be anything but JUST friends!"

Ruth's lips pursed, and she wanted to show her disagreement with the woman's opinion vehemently. Taking a deep breath she said, "I would like to differ from your opinion, My Lady. I do not understand who and why this obscure and baseless rule was made by anyone.

In my opinion, a man and a woman can be friends just like two men or two women. We should not need to always label their relationship under the tags of father-daughter, husband-wife, lovers or brother-sister.

The foundation of the existence of relations is love. If a man and a woman love each other the way a woman loves her female friend, or a man loves his male friend then they also can be JUST friends!

I am sure you must have loved someone as a friend."

Ruth did not mean to say the last part, but the words had already been released, and there was no going back now. So she waited to gauge Theodora's reaction.

Theodora, who was initially irritated by the woman's sharp tongue, was taken aback by her last comment. Ruth thought that she saw sadness flickered on her proud face and hazel eyes.

But the emotion washed away as fast as it came that she wondered if it was all her imagination.

Having enough of Ruth's smart mouth, Theodora felt too annoyed. How dare a worthless poor woman talk back to her?

Fannie was awed by Ruth's replies. She was working for Theodora for years. She had cleaned her mess, kept her secrets, did everything she was ordered to and yet not a single time she could put her opinion so confidently in front of her.

And this woman whom she considered as a fool, dared to do that in her very first encounter with Theodora. Fannie sensed her mistress's uneasiness and anger.

Ruth had managed to rub on her ego, and now she had become a permanent target of her radar.

"I will see you again Ruth. I hope your experience in 'the great manor' will be pleasant!" Theodora smiled coldly.

It was not wishful thinking but a silent warning that Ruth failed to decipher. Theodora did not wait for Ruth's reply and walked out of the room hurriedly. If she had stayed even for one more minute, then she might have left her facade of a respectable and loving woman to teach Ruth a lesson.

Fannie glared at Ruth. "Working in 'the great manor' is not an easy task. I hope you are well prepared for it!" She then smirked and walked away, following her mistress.

Ruth stood there puzzled, not knowing what went wrong. She then turned to leave the parlour when something caught her attention out of the open window.

A pair of cerulean blue eyes stared right back at her intently that widened her eyes in shock.

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