The first day working in 'the great manor' was a whole new experience for Ruth. Yesterday Ida only showed her around, and half of the time went in a conversation with Theodora.

But today, Ida showed Ruth everything that she needed to do and take care of, as Elsie's head maid. By the afternoon, Ruth's ankles wailed in pain. The most tiresome task of her job was running around the vast property.

Ruth was used to walking the distance between her home and Mr Cooper's shop. She then used to spend her day sitting in her chair in the shop.

For collecting Elsie's favourite flowers, Ruth needed to walk a long distance, that felt like reaching to the moon. Nonetheless, Ruth enjoyed the whole experience so far.

Ida taught her etiquettes she had to follow in front of Elsie, her family and the guests respectively. Ruth also learned about the commands these elites give using various gestures.

Ruth was astonished to learn that blinking slowly did not mean the person was tired. Instead, it meant they were calling you or affirming.

Ruth learned about Elsie's likes and dislikes which were not too many. The O'Dell daughter was not as choosy as her elder sister. Yet Ruth could not understand the difference between a coral pink shawl and a baby pink shawl, out of which Elsie preferred only coral pink shawl.

A shawl is a shawl. No matter its colour or length, it was supposed to keep a person warm. That was the simple logic Ruth's naive brain was aware of.

During her visits to various places in 'the great manor,' Ruth had to walk by Edwin's building. No matter how much she scolded her eyes to not travel that direction, they unmistakenly did the same.

The day went by, and it was already seven past thirty in the night. Ruth was tired yet satisfied after hearing compliments from Elsie. She did not get much time to chat with her, but the short time in which they interacted, Elsie was kind with her praises for Ruth's efforts.

Ruth waited near the fountain for Rees. A guard informed her that Rees had requested her to wait for him near the fountain.

"Aaaahhh.." Ruth's heart jumped into her throat when someone whispered deadly right in her ear from behind.

"Rees! You idiot!" Ruth hissed and lifted her hand to hit him on his chest, but he gripped her wrist firmly in his hand.

"Uhhuuh Ruth. Here I have a higher position than you. If you dare to hit me then I can put you behind the bars." Rees said playfully.

Ruth scoffed at him. "Yes, you can. And then Thea will roast you alive and treat Vincardine with grilled meat."

"Are not you very confident about your little friend?!"

"Why should not I?!"

They both burst out laughing at what Ruth suggested. Thea surely was brave and insane enough to do that to any person, who dared to hurt her family or friend.

"So why did you told me to wait here? Are we leaving for home toegther?" Ruth asked after their laughter died down.

"I am sorry. I wish we could but I have some important work to do." Rees gave an apologetic smile.

"You know, I used to think that this- I have some important work to do- thing you used only as an excuse. But on my very first day, I am with you sharing your feelings. God, I had no idea that a head maid have to do so much work!" Ruth groaned dramatically as her soul was leaving her body.

Rees laughed at her antics. "See! That is why we get the best pay in Vincardine. We are the heroes who carry this empire of the O'Dells on our powerful shoulders!" Rees bulged his arms then patted his round shoulders.

Ruth bit back the laugh and cocked her brow at him. "Did not it got stretched too far?"

Rees only shrugged with a smile.

"Ruth, I have done something without your knowledge and I do not want you to pull my ear infront of my subordinates. So..."

"I am all ears, Mr Welby." Ruth crossed her hands over and waited patiently to hear him say.

"Ruth, the distance between your home and 'the great manor' is a long one. You also have time to follow. You are expected to be punctual. You have to come early in the morning and can only leave when Lady Elsie allows you.

She told me that you have refused the facility of living in the servants quarters."

"I have not refused it. I just asked for some time to think." Ruth corrected him.

Rees only rolled his eyes, then continued, "you can not keep going on like this Ruth. I know why you are hesitant in shifting in the servants quarters, and I am not going to push you for that.

But I am also not letting you travel alone after dark. Especially not after what happened two days ago."

"Ruth gulped her saliva. Rees's words had a tinge of anger in them. Ruth could still not get over the fact that a respectable man of Vincardine misbehaved with her, and she was chased by the goons the same night.

If it was not for Rees, then only God knew what might have happened with her. She did not want to think about it.

"I am sorry. I should not have brought that up." She heard him say softly.

She shook her head and forced a smile. "It is alright!"

"So I have a solution to this problem and you are not permitted to say no!" Rees declared.

"What?" Ruth was confused.

"Henry" Rees called someone instead of answering her.

Ruth turned her head to see a young man around her age walking in their way.

"Hello Mr Welby." He bowed.

Ruth noticed the sudden change in Rees's mood, which was playful and easygoing before, was now turned in serious and authoritative. She stifled a laugh as she understood him.

"Ruth, this is Henry. He helps the staff with transportation when they need to step out of 'the great manor' for running errands. He has a wagon and also lives in the Eastern part."

Rees told. Ruth could not understand what Rees was suggesting, but she did not interrupt him and listened patiently.

Before Rees continued, she smiled at the man. "Hello!"

"Hello, Miss Ruth!"

"He will bring you to 'the great manor' every morning and will drop you at your home every night." Rees's voice was firm and commanding.

Ruth's eyes darted between Henry and Rees unsurely. How could she travel alone with a stranger every day?

"Do not worry Ruth. He is my trusted man." Rees said assuringly, sensing her hesitance.

But that was not the only thing that bothered Ruth. She pointed Rees to have a private talk.

"Henry, prepare your wagon. Ruth will be there in five minutes."

"yes, Mr Welby." Henry left.

"Rees... thank you for considering that but... I do not think I can afford paying him." Ruth said, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Ruth, who told you that you need to pay anything to him?"


"Yes. You do not need to pay him a penny. He lives nearby and travels alone. You will only share the ride and I do not see any problem in that."

"But... how can I take advantage of his goodness. He deserves to get paid."

"Ruth! Do you think your monthly fair can make any difference in his financial life? He gets paid enough by the O'Dell family. If it was his friend or, relative then would he have taken money from them?

I could have done that for you myself, but you know I do not have a specific schedule. I do not want to bother you because of me. If it was me, then would you have hesitated to share the ride for the sake of money?"


"Exactly! Now do not think too much and go. He must be waiting for you."

Sensing that there was no use of arguing, Ruth bid her bye to Rees and walked in the direction where a simple wagon carried by one horse stood.

Henry smiled at Ruth when he saw her walking his way. Ruth returned his smile and climbed up in the open large seat.

"Shall we go, Miss Ruth?" Henry asked as he placed himself behind the reigns.

"Yes, please!" She replied.

Rees watched the wagon running away and out of his sight.

~"Master, Ruth agreed for travelling with Henry."~

~"Was she suspicious?"~ Edwin asked.

~"No, master."~

He did not hear Edwin for a couple of moments.

~"Come back to the office. Elsie has got a message from Zoe."~

~"Yes Master!"~

Rees returned to Edwin's office. He paused when he caught some movement on the first floor. As if someone was standing there. Rees sniffed but got no unfamiliar scent, and the familiar ones were mixed together that he could not decipher which one was whose.

"Ida." Rees called her to make her stop walking when he reached Edwin's building.

"Rees. Has Miss Ruth left for home?"

"Yes, she did. Was she summoneed by Lady Theodora again?" Rees asked.

Although Theodora and Ruth had a general conversation, Edwin had heard all of it from where he stood. His sharp hearing senses helped him listen to their conversation from the distance.

"No. Not today at least."

That was a relief.

"Very well." Rees was about to leave when Ida stopped him.

"Rees, the eyes are watching Miss Ruth because of her sudden appointment at a higher position and..."


"And because she is your friend. People- most of them- think that she got the job because you used your weight in her favour."

Rees scoffed. "This is all bullshit! I do not care about what people think until we are going well with our plan."

Ida wanted to say more but decided against it.. She hoped their plan would go as well as Rees thought it should.

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