Zoe, after jumping out of the window of Ruth's home, went straight towards the woods. The three men waited for her as per her expectation. The early hours of the down were peaceful.

She shifted into her human form to stand in front of them.

"Have anyone seen you?" Lester asked the first question.

"No. They did not. They were asleep when I left."

"Thea told me that she would again try to convince Ruth to shift in the servant quarters. Did they discussed about that?" Rees asked.

"Yes. They did. But Ruth is reluctant because of Mrs payne. If you want her in 'the great manor' then you first need to convince Mrs Payne. Ruth will never leave her alone." Zoe shrugged.

A moment passed, and Edwin finally asked. "Did you get any news from your family?"

Zoe became serious. "No. But I am sure my father must be on his way to find me. I should have told him about a friend who lived in the other continent." She groaned.

When Edwin asked for Zoe's help, she lied to her family that she needed a change of air and is going to visit her friend who lived far away from her territory.

The shades were not on either side- werewolf and vampires. They took sides where their interests lay. They were the deceiving creatures, known for betrayal and treachery.

During the great war, the shades kept switching their alliance with werewolves and vampires, and the results were disastrous. The aftermath of the great war blotched their name in the supernatural world forever.

Zoe could not tell her father that she was going to help Edwin- the leader of the werewolves. Or the consequences would not have been good. Especially after her younger brother took the reigns from her father.

Edwin walked towards her while she was distracted by her thoughts. She tensed at the gentle touch on her shoulder but relaxed after realising it was Edwin.

"Zoe, thank you for helping me when I needed it! And I am sorry to put you in difficult position with your family." His words were sincere, and so were his cerulean blue eyes.

Zoe stared deep into them, willing to get lost for eternity. How much this man had occupied her mind and heart over the decades!

As she stared closely at him, she realised he had not changed much, yet had evolved significantly. Her heart pained at the thought that now she needed to say goodbye to him, not knowing when their destiny would decide to cross their paths. And in what circumstances considering the current situation in their world.

"Please do not apologise, Edwin. I... I came to help you because once you did the same for me. I was indebted, and now I have freed myself from that debt. You helped me get the most precious thing of mine-my freedom!

And now I have returned your favour by protecting the most precious thing of yours." She smiled sadly.

Only she knew how much it hurt when she said that. It was torture for her to live with a woman who had his heart at her feet without her knowledge, and when she did not deserve it.

Yet Zoe ensured that only because she had hope. A hope that one day Edwin would realise his mistake and accept her love. Was that even possible against the Moon Goddess's wish?

Now Zoe felt stupid for thinking that. But is not what love make you do? Believing in the foolishness, and disregarding the reality!

"Thank you! I will always be there if you ever need me." Edwin said genuinely.

Zoe's throat felt heavy with the lump that formed in it. Her eyes glistened.

"Can I... can I ask you for something?"

Edwin nodded his head.

"Can I have a goodbye gift? Or a reward for not strangling your mate in sleep or for not peeing on her face every night?"

Edwin did not like the scenarios she described. He would have gone ballistic if Zoe had done that to Ruth. But she did not!

He did not move, but his eyes gave her an answer.

"Can I hug you for the last time?" He could feel her heart racing and her voice trembling slightly in the end.

He stared at her, observed her. And when Lester and Rees thought that Edwin was about to push her away for asking such a thing, Edwin surprised everyone including Zoe by pulling her to his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her frame as she rested her face on his wide chest. Only Zoe could tell how she got a feeling of getting the best of both worlds in his arms. This was the place she was supposed to get.

She had imagined this moment over gazillion times after they parted their ways after finishing their days in the Academy. The day when her silly crush became something more passionate and intense; when Edwin fought with her father for forcing her to become the leader of the shades against her will, was still fresh in her memory.

She could not forget the brave and confident boy facing a leader of a supernatural breed matching his glare. How conveniently Edwin knocked sense into her father that what Zoe treasured and aspired was her freedom. She was not born to live with the shackles of responsibilities.

She was a free soul and wanted to explore the world and discover a new one. She did not want to become a leader after her father as the eldest child. That was how Edwin helped her with getting her freedom, and her younger brother was chosen as the leader after her father.

Edwin's arms loosened around her when someone cleared their throat from behind. Zoe wanted to gag him to death for ruining the best moment of her life.

Edwin stepped away from her and she was suddenly greeted by the coldness. Zoe turned to glare at Lester. If looks could kill, then he would have been buried under six feet in the ground by now.

"Take care of yourself, Zoe! I hope to meet you again soon." Edwin smiled.

"Of course, you can invite her in your and RUTH'S wedding." Lester suggested, not hiding the taunt.

Zoe clenched her jaw, barricading the urge to punch that stupid man in the face.

"Have a safe journey, Lady Zoe. Hope to see you again!" Rees bowed his head.

He did not particularly like her, but he did not despise her either. Fo him, she was just another Lady from the elite class, only closer to his master than the others.

Besides, he was thankful for protecting Ruth all these days.

"Thank you for sending us the message that night when Ruth was attacked. If not for your message then I might not have been able to reach on time." Rees added.

Zoe nodded curtly then said, "She is a lucky woman indeed. She has got friends like you and Thea, a motherly figure like Mrs Payne and a mate like Edwin. What else a woman could ask for!"

They sensed the sadness and envy in her voice. Zoe then walked towards Lester, who pretended to not look at her by glancing at his surroundings.

"I know it is late. But I want to apologise to you." She said.

Lester was surprised to hear that from her. She was not the kind of woman who would apologise easily.

"Are not you decades late for that?!" He said sarcastically.

"Yes. I am. I was sorry then too but had no guts to say it aloud. I should not have used you to get closer to Edwin."

Lester turned his face to the side to hide the emotions in his eyes. All those memories and a feeling of getting used by her ran in his mind, but he had closed his mind link to not let the other two know what he was feeling.

Lester had always considered Zoe as his best friend. He used to flaunt their friendship in the Academy for the most unapproachable, and one of the great warriors amongst the females was his best friend.

But when he got to know that Zoe did not want to befriend him because she liked him as a friend and did that only to reach Edwin, he felt betrayed and broken. Soon the news spread in the Academy, and he became a laughing subject for years.

He could never forgive Zoe for that. NEVER!

"I know it is not easy to forget all of that. But I want to confess something to you."

Lester although not interested in her talking, glanced her way through the corner of his eyes out of curiosity.

Zoe smiled genuinely as she said, "You were the best person I could ever get as a friend. Lester. I am the unfortunate one who could not value your friendship then."

Zoe did not wait for his reaction and had already started walking away as Lester stood speechless, watching her back.

"I still think you are smitten only by her beauty Edwin." She called, not looking back at him.

Edwin did not say anything for a moment, only to hissed in warning.

"It is Lord Edwin for you Zoe. Do not make me repeat it!"

She smirked, then shifted back to her cat form and soon disappeared from their vision.

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