Chapter 249 - [Bonus ]BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!

Florence stopped her feet as she searched for Ruth. What the hell does that woman have to do with Edwin? Why did Edwin recommend her name?

Was it because of Rees?

Florence wanted to believe that, but her mind refused. It told her that there was something else that she did not know.

"Excuse me. Do you know where Ruth Moore is? She is head maid of Lady Elsie." Florence asked a servant, who was passing by.

"Ruth? yes, I saw her entering that building." He pointed to the neighbouring building.

"Thank you!" Saying that dryly, she hurried towards the said building.

Today she would squeeze everything out of that woman's mouth. Florence was raging at the thought that Ruth was somehow connected with Edwin. Her beauty always fascinated Florence and made her insecure too.

Was she a threat to her dream of getting Edwin?

No! Florence would never allow that to happen. Today she would settle her score with Ruth no matter what.

Her steps faltered when she saw two maids cleaning something on the floor, a bucket, and a pot scattered on the ground and water was everywhere. They must have crashed into each other, she thought.

Her foot remained lifted in the air as she saw Edwin coming from behind the corner. She heard him asking about what happened to the maids, and the women blushed in embarrassment or at the fact that Edwin took efforts to speak with them.

He looked the same, and Florence's heart still leapt in joy at the sight of him. She was about to call him, but the smile on her face disappeared as she saw Ruth appearing from behind the same corner.

Edwin and Ruth's eyes met as if speaking some secrets that only they should know. Ruth was the first one to break their eye contact, and when Florence saw her face, it looked flushed. The rosy tint on her cheeks was something Florence had never seen before.

Were they two together, and if they were, then what the hell they were doing alone?

The possibilities made her blood coiled in anger. Although Edwin had brushed off Florence's claim on him, she had yet not given up on her dream of being his wife and having his power and wealth.

And this sneaky woman was trying to compete against Florence- the one who was admired by every man in Vincardine and the neighbouring towns.

Edwin walked away in the other direction, and Ruth turned around. Her eyes blinked with surprise when they landed on Florence.

Florence watched as she walked towards her. The jealousy she always had about Ruth had intensified by multiple times.

"Florence? What are you doing here?" Ruth asked.

Her voice still came breathy, as if she was doing some effortful work. Did she?

Florence was about to roast her alive, but when she saw in Ruth's hazel eyes, the memories of their previous fight flashed in front of her eyes. The same fear started growing in her, and the words felt difficult to push out of her mouth.

"I... I was..." Florence stuttered.

Florence did not know what exactly happened at that time, or what Ruth did, but she distinctively recalled how scared she was by Ruth's dominance.

Ruth waited patiently for her to say something.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" she asked.

Say? Florence wanted to strangle her right then and there, but her mind did not cooperate with her will. She could not reprimand Ruth. No, she could not!

Her eyes caught the blue stoned necklace that was hung around Ruth's neck. It looked so beautiful and even expensive.

Was it a gift from Edwin?

He used to give such gifts to Florence too.

Sucking a deep breath, she tried maintaining her calm. "I... I was actually here to meet Mrs Payne." She finally came up with an excuse to save the situation.

She could hear her heartbeats, and the thin layer of perspiration was evident on her forehead.

"Oh. She is in the servants quarters. You can go there and meet her." Ruth told and gave her directions.

Florence did not mind with the formal talk like 'how are you?' as she had seen how Ruth was with her own eyes.

Not bothering with prolonging their conversation, she cut it short and left to meet Mrs Payne in the servants quarters. If she could not get answers from Ruth, then she would try it with the old lady.

Florence was sure that she would tell everything one way or another.




"Darling, where are you going?" Theodora asked as she saw Augustus putting on his coat.

"I have some business to attend."

Clearly, he was in no good mood. She helped him wear his gold pocket watch as she asked, "and may I know what it that?"

He did not meet her eyes that validated her doubt that he was hiding something from her.

"I have an important meeting regarding business."

This particular tone he used, Theodora never liked. It made her realise that she had not yet gained complete control over her husband.

Circling her arms around his waist, she looked up at him.

"I know you were again in that room of paintings that night."

His face softened, and his eyes flickered with different emotions hearing the care in her voice.

Theodora rested her face on his chest, hugging him before continuing, "Augustus, just know that even though the whole world turns against you, you will find me siding with you. You are not alone, my love! You have me!"

Augustus's heart swelled with many emotions. His wife always brought that reaction within him.

"I love you, Theodora! Yes, you are the only one I have and I promise the dream that I saw in the childhood and then you shared it too, will become a reality soon. We will have everything that is rightfully ours. And you will be by my side living no less than a queen!" He promised determinedly.

And that was what Theodora had ever wanted.

Live the life that was no less than a queen!

"Oh, honey! I love you very much!" She exclaimed in joy.

After sharing some more moments with his wife, Augustus walked out of 'the great manor' and towards the carriage, that was ready waiting for him.

His bodyguards took their positions beside the coachman as Augustus wanted to be alone inside the carriage.

The way to the place was not that far. He reached the decided place on time. Sniffing around he made sure that there were no other guests waiting for his arrival in the hideouts around.

He told his guards to be on alert at the door of a small cottage. He knocked thrice on the door, and it was soon opened by none other than Ripon.

"Lord Augustus, welcome!" He said in respect.

Augustus, stepping inside the cottage, only nodded in acknowledgement. Ripon closed the door and guided him inside.

"Welcome... welcome Lord Augustus!" Barret stood up for shaking hands with Augustus as soon as he entered the room.

After exchanging the formalities, both men sat on the wooden chairs with a round table between them. Ripon had already arranged for tea and cookies, placed on the table.

"I was doubtful that you would come, especially without the fleet of bodyguards with you. But I am glad you came." Barret commented, smiling.

Augustus's cold grey eyes held his in the hold. "A predator is never afraid of a prey, Mr Addington. A wolf does not fear anyone!"

"Very well!"

Augustus got Barret's letter two days back. He had requested this meeting, and since then, Augustus was planning everything in his head. Now was the time to see if his speculations and analysis matched with reality or not.

"So how are you doing these days Lord Augustus?" Barret continued.

But Augustus was in no mood for this. "Stop with these useless questions and tell me why you asked for this meeting."

Ripon watched silently.

Barret's face also turned serious. Augustus was right. There was no need of wasting time on useless things.

"I have a proposal for you, Lord Augustus. The one that will benefit both you and me."

Augustus remained silent, waiting for him to continue. He was the kind of person who would not react before he learned everything.

"I propose an alliance between you and me. Together we will finsih the Garfield's existence. I will handle the things in human world and you will handle the things in your world. So what do you think?"

A moment later, Augustus chuckled dryly. "You are in no position of offering me an alliance Mr Addington. Because for that one needs to be in a strong place and if you are here proposing me this, then it is clear that you do not have that place."

"Lord Augustus!"

"Lower you voice Addington or you know what may happen in this isolated cottage. As nobody knows my presence here, the same case is with you. No one will come looking for you, trust me. So it is better you behave well with a werewolf leader." Augustus's eyes darkened in threat.

But Barret had not come without any preparations. He had anticipated Augustus's denial at first.. But he was ready to mend his mind by hook or by crook.

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