Chapter 267 - THIS IS A PARADISE!

The time was passing fast yet, Ruth could not get over the four books that she had found in the cupboard. She indirectly tried asking Mrs Payne about it, but as expected, her answers did not satisfy Ruth.

Her nightmares were another story. No matter what she tried, they did not allow her to get any peaceful sleep. Those images kept chasing her sanity, and she was afraid of losing it sooner or later if those nightmares did not stop.

Ruth sighed first, then yawned by opening her mouth a hippo's size. She was in a dire need of good sleep.


"Yes, Lady Elsie?" Ruth stood up after seeing Elsie walking her way. She was sewing Elsie's favourite scarf that was torn in a corner.

Elsie pointed at the table to her right side.

"I have finished reading those books. Please take them into the library and put them on their right place. They are from father's collection and I want to return them before father gets mad at me for the delay."

"Sure, My Lady! I will take them right away." Ruth left her half-done work, and after counting the number of books, she picked it in her arms.

She stumbled as their weight was more than what she expected.

"Careful Ruth! Are you sure you can manage them? Or should I call Ida to do it?"

Although Elsie had only good intentions, Ruth did not like why she thought Ida more suitable for the job than her. They were only a bunch of thick books. She could handle it.

"No... no, Lady Elsie. I will handle it. Do not worry."

Ruth hurried out of Elsie's chamber. Walking half of the distance, Ruth panted like a ragged dog. Those bunch of books were very heavy. Heavier than a sack of potatoes.

Ruth was afraid for her wrists. But she could not let anyone else do her work. These days, she was hyperemotional. She got angry, excited, jealous, upset and sad very quickly.

Mrs Payne even complained about her mood swings a day before. She warned Ruth to change her behaviour, or she would hurt people around her with her sharp tongue.

Was it really her fault?


Ruth was acting that way because of lack of sleep and those stupid chemicals inside her body that kept changing their levels, affecting her emotions. She had read about them in one of the books on Elsie's shelf.

What was the word they used for those chemicals? Oh yes! Hormones!

Somehow after much struggle, Ruth stood in front of the library. This was Lord Augustus's building, and she had no reason to come here as she had not encountered him yet. She had only seen his glimpses while passing through the corridors or in the dining room.

Other than a few glances, there was no interaction between them.

The guard offered his help before opening the door of the library. Ruth politely declined it and smiled.

The moment her eyes focused on the scene in front of her, her mouth left open ajar. Her eyes went saucer-shaped, and her heart swelled with astonishment.

This was freaking the whole world of the books!

Ruth forgot about the pain in her wrists as she gawked at the roof length shelves overflowing with various books. She had been to a local library a couple of times, but other than that, she had never seen a place like this.

"This is a paradise!" She squealed in joy like a little girl.

Her eyes could not settle on one place for a moment longer. They kept hungrily sweeping over the place. There were thousands of books. Literally!

When the hell did Lord Augustus collect them? She wondered.

She put the bunch in her arms on a nearby long table and started roaming through the rows of the shelves. There were books on every topic, with every length and thickness, on every topic that humankind could think of.

Ruth was so fascinated by the sight. It felt like a dream, and she would not complain if she got trapped in this world.

Twenty minutes later, Ruth realised to take a tour of the whole library, she would need more than an hour. She had to go back soon.

Thought of asking Lord Augustus about an entry in the library and reading these gems crossed her mind. But, she became hesitant. Lord Augustus did not seem like an approachable person. He always kept aloof himself.

Well... she can convince Elsie to send her here more often. Ruth proudly smiled at her smartness.

Picking up the books she had brought with her, Ruth started looking for the right shelf. She then placed every book at its right place one by one.

A few minutes later, she was almost done with the task when a familiar book cover caught her attention.

Surprised, she pulled out the book from its place. 'Witches and their secret powers.'

That was the same book she had seen that night. Why was Mrs Payne hiding that book from her?

Curious as she was, Ruth pulled out a chair and sat in it. She opened the book to find handwriting that was written in the centuries-old style. Some of the words did not make any sense as per her knowledge of vocabulary.

She flipped the pages, scanning every line and the diagrams provided in it. Some of the words were faint after years of time. The copy she found in her home was a recent one.

But this one looked like an original copy.

Fascinated, Ruth started reading the introductory part of the book, where 'who are the witches?' was explained in great detail. Ruth was surprised to know that the cunning women they described in the folklores with a gigantic long nose, old age and dirty teeth were actually a false perception.

The witches, as per this book, looked just like humans.

Ruth was suspicious of its authenticity, but the way the things were explained in great detail and the appropriate illustrations, made her believe that the book was not a mere result of someone's creative imagination.

Ruth jumped on the next topic, which was about the powers the witches possessed. While going through the list, which was a new discovery for her, she paused on one particular point.

Mind Control.

Ruth started reading more information given in the book about it. In the end, she learned that some witches possessed the power of mind control. They could read, control and manipulate a person's mind.

Ruth's mind fell back in the past memories, where she had experienced some strange encounters with people.

The woman was first angry when Ruth stubbornly asked for the same toy as her daughter.

Her skirmish with Florence when she insulted her and her friends.

Then her conflict with Eloise when she called Elsie a thief.

And the most recent one with Fannie!

Ruth's heart started pounding fast in her chest. Although she did not understand what exactly happened at each of these times, she was sure by the reaction of the people present then that she had done something weird.

When she came back to her senses, the person she was engaged in a conflict with, was either scared of her or, acted as if someone had erased their memory or compelled to her wishes.

Numerous outlandish possibilities made their way towards her mind, but she held them at bay with all her might.

If the things given in the book were true, then could she be... a... witch?

Ruth shook her head vigorously. No! It could not be true! She was a human... a normal human girl with some strange experiences, and that was it! She could not be a witch! NO!

With trembling fingers, she flipped some more pages and, came to the section where they had given instructions on how to use powers.

Ruth focused on the words written in black ink.

Step 1- Believe in your powers.

Step 2- Close your eyes or focus on your target.

Step 3- Summon your powers.

Step 4- Concentrate every being of you in fulfilling the result you want

Step 5- When your mind and heart are aligned on the same path, you will get the desired results.

What rubbish was it! Ruth held her head in both her palms as it began spinning.

How could this be possible?

She closed her eyes for some moments till she calmed down.

A knock on the door startled her. She jumped in her seat when a guard peeked inside.

"Miss, are you done yet?" He asked.

Ruth did not realise that she was in the library for more than an hour. Lord Augustus was very strict about people entering and using his library.

Clearing her throat, she nodded stiffly. "Y-yes. I am sorry it took me long to find the right places."

"That is fine. Do you need any help?" The guard asked, looking at the small pile of books that remained in front of her.

"No. Thank you! I will be done in next ten minutes."

The guard nodded. "Please hurry up, Miss. Lord Augustus may come here any moment now."

She detected urgency in his voice. "Yes."

The guard left her alone again to complete her task. After a last glance at the book in her hand, Ruth closed it a little harshly as if she was trying to run away from it.

Ten minutes later, when she stepped out of the library, she still had the content of the book on her mind.

And one question kept bugging her.

Was she a witch? If yes, then how?

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