Chapter 270 - ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

Since Ruth had talked with Ida, her mind was constantly at work of revisiting the strange incidences of her past. After hours and hours of pondering, she had finally realised that in every one of those situations, one thing was common- her strong will!

Her strong will of wanting something made her step out of the line and, act in a way that not only surprised the others but also her.

One such long lost memory resurfaced again. After little Ruth's fight over a toy with one of the neighbouring kids and the way the kid's mother acted strangely, thereafter had put Bertha Moore in a wondering state.

"Mother... what are you thinking?" Little Ruth asked innocently, not happy to see her mother sitting in a corner quietly for a long.

Bertha observed her little daughter as if she was trying to figure out something.

"Ruth, what happened between you and that aunt?" She asked, pulling her daughter to her chest.

"In the afternoon?" Ruth asked to confirm.

Bertha nodded her head.

Ruth smiled, showing her fallen front teeth innocently.

"I only told her that I want that toy and she agreed. Maybe she is not as bad as I thought. She is a good person, right mother?"

Bertha could not understand what was going on, but a strange fear lurked behind her eyes.

She nodded her head, then said, "Ruth, you are too young to understand this yet I want to say something."

"Tell me, mother. Do you need anything? Should I help you with something?"

Bertha smiled at how caring her daughter was. "No, my dear. I just want to tell you something."

Ruth nodded then listened carefully to her mother's words.

"Life is a complicated game, my baby. And we all have to play. We can not stop, we should not give up. We only have to play it till the very end."

"What if I get tired or do not want to play it anymore?" Ruth asked.

"The clock keeps ticking, Ruth. It does not stop for anyone... not even for the strongest man on the earth. You can not get tired, you should not lose your hope.

There is always an easy escape. You will have a chance to quit the game, but that only meant you will quit on this beautiful life that God has given us. By quitting the game, you will insult his wishes and his blessings. So never ever seek for an easy escape at any point of your life, no matter how difficult the game turns."

Ruth listened, fascinated by her mother's words. "Then I want to win this game."

Bertha looked at her daughter in amusement. "Win? But dear, everyone who finishes this game is no less than a winner."

Little Ruth shook her head. "I want to play this game like a master! I want everyone to clap and cheer for me when I will finish this game better than the others." She told her mother.

Bertha's eyes watered hearing that. Her little piece of heart was the exact replica of her father.

"There will be many obstacles in your way Ruth. And no, you can not eliminate them all."


"Because if you try to eliminate every obstacle, then you might turn into a bad person. Not every obstacle is a bad obstacle. Some should be treated with patience and find another way of passing by them."

Ruth's young brain fell into a thoughtful silence. Sensing that, Bertha continued, "Do you want me to tell you a clue of winning this game?"

Excitedly Ruth nodded her head vigorously.

"Will you follow it by heart?"

"yes, mother! Please tell me."

Bertha smiled at her impatience. Taking her small hand in hers, she kept it on Ruth's chest, right above her beating heart.

"Do you feel that? The beating of your heart?"

Ruth nodded her head.

"That little thing will guide you through this game. Ruth, there may come times when you will feel conflicted between what is right and what is wrong. Irrespective of how overpowering your brain seems, if your heart is against it, then always let your heart lead you.

Feel its pain, live its joy and ask it what it desires. Listen to its instincts, and it will lead you to great heights in life. Your heart will never betray you! Just keep faith in it!"

Ruth did not grasp the real meaning of her mother's words then, but now she realised how important they were.

Emotions and stubbornness. Those were the two qualities she had lived by. All her life, she considered them as her reasons for not giving up.

After her mother's death, she was broken and did not see a light ahead. But her emotions connected with her mother, made her take miles to reach Vincardine because that was what her mother's last wish was.

And her stubbornness helped her to not kneel down in front of the brutalities of life.

Now that the picture was getting clearer, new confidence bloomed in her. Maybe that was what the instructions given in the books of witches meant?!




Mrs Payne's was at Welby's house. Rees's mother asked Rees to bring her with him when he and Edwin were supposed to come home and meet Mr Welby.

Mrs Welby wanted to show her the preparations she had made and see if anything was left. While the men locked themselves in Mr Welby's study room discussing some important matter.

About an hour later, the door opened by Edwin. He walked into the kitchen, where Mrs Payne was preparing something that Mrs Welby had asked her.

Seeing Edwin unexpectedly in the kitchen, Mrs Payne reacted only by a small smile.

Edwin nodded in response and filled a glass of water for himself. While he drank the water, he listened to her heartbeat. To his surprise, it was steady. He did not know why he was surprised, but something about the old lady always made him observe her a little more.

"You should ask the things on your mind. My heart beats might not answer all of them, Lord Edwin O'Dell."

Edwin almost spat the water in his mouth. He put down the glass and, composing himself, stared back at her calmly.

"How do you know?" He asked, his face not giving away anything.

Mrs Payne stopped working and matched his gaze unfalteringly.

"I know many things, My Lord. You may consider it as the power of life experiences." She replied firmly.

He could see how unaffected she was after knowing his identity. Hmm!

Edwin did not say anything and only nodded curtly. He resumed drinking water, his mind running in different directions.

"Why are you interested in Ruth?"

Her next question made him even more surprised.

Clearing his throat, he searched for an answer that would satisfy a human's expectations. When were the humans get interested in someone? Of course, love or attraction.

Edwin was surely attracted towards Ruth because of their mate bond and, as he had started learning more about her, his human was also getting smitten by her charm.

But love?

He was not sure to name his feelings for her with that tag.

"And do not tell me that you are attracted to her because she is kind and beautiful. You may find many such women in addition of their social status that matches with yours. Then why Ruth?" She stopped him before he said anything.

Edwin narrowed his eyes by a fraction. "I could have denied your very first assumption, Mrs Payne."

She smiled. "You are not that kind of person, My Lord. And hence I expect nothing but truth from you."

Inhaling a breath, Edwin said, "I apologise that I am not able to explain everything to you at this moment. There are certain things that I can not tell you or Miss Moore.

All I have to give you right now is my word. I assure you, Mrs Payne, that my intention regarding Miss Moore is as pure as this water."

He lifted the half-filled glass in front of her.

"I know that my image is not quite pleasant, and I do not deny the things people say about me as most of them are indeed true.

I promise you that I can never do anything that would bring shame to Mrs Moore if that is what you are concerned about."

She gave him a long look. Edwin had received many kinds of looks- condescending, envious, angry, worthless, doubtful and much more.

But never had in his life, he had received the kind of look Mrs Payne gave him. As if she was telling him something important that he could not comprehend.

"I am not concerned about that My Lord. Because I am sure Ruth is too proud and wise to take a wrong step. There are other things that concerns me. Those which you can not tell, yet can not hide."

Edwin sensed that there was a deep underlying meaning to her words.

"Then are not they better hidden?"

"That the time will tell. And I hope you bring them to Ruth's notice before its too late.." Saying that, she left the kitchen and a confused Edwin behind.

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