Rees selected ten of their best men. On Edwin's orders, they went to the place where Edwin and Lester had smelled the scent of the rogues.

The Sun blazed above their head. The wind was absent and thus any relief from the Sun's scorching heat. Ten men, their foreheads glistening with the thin layer of perspiration, stood in line behind Rees.

After searching the place, one of the guards found droplets of dried blood. Rees crouched down and picked the dry leaf that had bloodstains on it. His movements were careful.

He brought it near his nose and sniffed. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"This is not a familiar scent. Does anyone of you recognise it?"

Rees passed the leaf to all his men. Every one of them sniffed it, shook their head in negation and, passed the leaf to the next man until all of them had the same answer.

None of them recognised that scent.

Rees told to collect that leaf and keep it safely in the evidence box. Evidence box was a wooden box with compartments inside that had different sizes. Everything that they collected as a clue or evidence during the investigations, was collected in that box.

That way, it became convenient for them to study all the collected items before getting to the conclusion.

They searched around some more for any such evidence but found none other than the faint scent of pee of the rogues.

After the great war, the werewolves had to use solutions that masked their body scents. But they were yet to invent a solution that could mask the scent of their pee which was stronger and lasted longer than their body scent.

"Rees, is it possible that they might have just passed by here? I mean this is a buffer zone and rogues are allowed to use this part." One of the men opined.

Another one shook his head. "If it was so then what about this blood?"

"Maybe one of them was injured?" The other man suggested.

"But we should be careful after those six murders in the woods. We have to weigh every possibility." The man at the right end said.

As the men gave their opinions and ideas, Rees stood silently. The two vertical lines on his forehead indicated that he was in deep thought. He had a bad feeling about this.

"Listen everyone!"

The silence prevailed immediately in the group, as everyone straightened their shoulders and shifted their attention to their senior.

"I want you all to divide yourself into five groups of two people each. Four groups will check four borders of Vincardine. One group will communicate with the neighbouring packs.

See if they also had visitors at their borders or anything they think is suspicious. I want all reports before the sundown." Rees barked orders in a hard voice.

"But Rees, how are we going to do that in such a short time? Although Vincardine is a smaller town as compared to other major ones, its borders are vast and difficult." A man concerned.

"I do not care!" Rees said, looking straight into his eyes.

"We can not buy more time in such situations. If this is a sign of danger, then we need to find it out quickly and be prepared to handle the situation.

I need to report to Young Master as soon as possible. We have to do it for our people and, for those who trust our leader with their safety and peace. Are we understood?" Rees yelled.


The men chose the groups and immediately ran in their respective directions. Rees thought of going back to 'the great manor'. But then he decided otherwise.

~"Master!"~ He reached Edwin.


~"We searched the place you mentioned. We found droplets of dry blood but it is not familiar. The scent of their pee is still strong that means they were here not long ago."~ Rees told.

He did not hear anything from Edwin for a few seconds then heard, ~"And?"~

~"And I have sent our men to check all borders. I have also sent one team to the neighbouring packs to see if they know something about it."~

~"Okay. I want all the reports before the night. And bring that leaf to me."~

~"Yes Master!"~

Rees knew his master well and, thus he gave such a short timeline to his men to follow. He stayed there for some more time. His eyes moved all over the place.

Rees sighed and prayed, "Keep your blessings on your children Moon Goddess!"

He now had an important thing to do. Rees ran again in the woods. He wanted to check the woods and see if anything was wrong there.




Edwin slumped down on the couch in his office. He was very tired and, not sleeping last night made him more annoyed. He solved one thing and, immediately, another thing came up.

Why could not his life turn normal even for once?

At such times he wished he was his old self. He was unbothered and yet had his eyes and ears open all the time. Since that incidence of murders in the woods, he had to take responsibility for his actions. And since then, his life had become chaotic.

He stretched his legs and put them on the coffee table in front of him. Relaxing back on the couch, he stretched his arms wide, resting them on the back of the couch. He threw his head backwards and rested it on the couch.

Wow! This silence felt so good!

Edwin closed his eyes. His body sighed in bliss. Minutes ticked by and, he found all the thoughts in head-clearing and, only one thought remained back dancing in front of his closed eyes.

The morning beauty he had seen today.

Edwin had noticed every detail of her body. The way her hair looked dishevelled after waking up. That small smile on her face. How she stretched and twisted her perfect body. And the way her mouth opened wide for a yawn.

She was picture perfect in his eyes!

And suddenly, the memories of her in his arms came rushing o him. Edwin felt his blood coursing faster in his veins. His body felt a little warmer than before.

Before he could delve more into that fascinating world of an enchantress, he heard a knock on the door. He was annoyed at the disturbance. He ignored the knock and did not move.

A few seconds later, he heard his favourite rhythm and then smelled the most intoxicating scent that he had ever experienced.

She was here!

His eyes snapped open and, he moved his head to look at the door.

"Come in!" He called from inside.

The door slowly opened and, stepped inside the woman who had stolen his heart. Seeing her in a better condition, especially after he knew the name he should give to his feelings, felt so different than before.

Edwin was excited to see her just like a child.

The guard outside closed the door after Ruth entered the office. Edwin did not move. He was lost in checking her from head to toe, feeling overwhelmed that she was finally better after that attack.

She walked his way with corners of her lips lifted slightly upwards. Was she smiling at him?

Edwin blinked a few times.

"Good afternoon!" She said and, the corners of her mouth lifted even more like a sharp turn on the road in the mountains.

Edwin forgot how to speak thus only nodded in return. He had not expected her to come into his office after their last encounter. He racked his brain to recall any memory where she had smiled his way first- willingly. Then he realised that this was the first time she had ever done that. She never failed to surprise him!

She fidgeted her fingers in nervousness.

Edwin narrowed his eyes. What was she nervous about?

"Erm... I... I hope I have not disturbed you." She said while glancing at his table then looking at him again.

Edwin observed her keenly. Her heartbeats did not give away much as they always beat on unusual beats whenever they were alone.

However, he could see something changed in her. Her hazel eyes were not holding the previous apprehension. Her face was not set in a frown or displayed fear or uncertainty like before.

She looked... the way she looked when she was with her favourite people. So did that mean he was now one of them?

"Why are you not saying anything? If you are busy then I can go back-"

"No! I mean... you have not disturbed me." Edwin said after clearing his throat.

Ruth watched how he sat on the couch like a King. Now that she thinks of it, she found him more intimidating than before and, yet he looked very much approachable than she considered him.

He was always approachable to her. She realised it just now.

"Do you need any help Miss Moore?" He asked.

Ruth did not understand why her excitement screeched to halt when he called her Miss Moore and not Ruth. Did anything change between them? If yes, then Ruth had already decided to change things between them for the better!

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