Ruth was now more careful around Edwin. They did not interact much other than whenever their eyes met, Edwin kept staring at her with such intensity that it made Ruth tear away her gaze from him.

This weekend Ruth had to help Thea and Rees in packing their belongings. Ida had already cleaned their home in the service quarters, which was a two-bedroom house left of the three buildings where Ruth lived with other servants.

As Rees had a higher position in the hierarchy as a bodyguard of Edwin, he was allotted one of the best houses they had. Usually, people working at such higher ranks preferred to live in more lavish houses near 'the great manor'. Hardly any such higher-ranked soldier lived in the servants quarters.

But Rees and Thea had many reasons to shift there.

Thea's appointment as Edwin's head maid bothered many people's interest. Theodora took it as a challenge by Edwin. Her perspective was that Edwin hired Thea only to ascertain his authority after the incident that happened with Fannie and Ruth.

Even Augustus was bothered by the fact that Edwin was slowly raising an army of his loyal supporters.

Eloise had a dual problem with the current situation. She got to know that the group went for a picnic, and none of them bothered to invite her. They did not even inform her. She felt excluded.

After her outburst on the terrace in front of Edwin and Lester, she expected at least they would care, but clearly, they did not!

Every time she came face to face with them, she saw the hostility and disappointment on their faces. And it all happened for and because of that poor leech Ruth!

And now, her best friend was appointed as Edwin's head maid.

Not only Eloise but everyone knew how important that position was. Many servants who were loyal and were working for decades for the family were eyeing that position.

When Edwin was asked, he discarded the idea of having a head maid because his lifestyle was way different then than now. Since Rees was appointed as his personal bodyguard, he also became Edwin's shadow.

Edwin did not trust anyone easily and with Rees, he did not feel the need for a head maid.

Then why now? Why did he feel that is needed now?

That was a topic of gossips in 'the great manor'.

"Aaahhhh... oohhh... oh my God! M-my hands..." Ruth whined, putting down the bag she carried with a thud.

"Hey... be careful! It has my favourite dresses Miss Moore!" Thea frowned at Ruth as she packed some utensils.

"You are more worried about the dresses that you do not even wear than your best friend?! Oh, this heartless world!" Ruth said exasperatedly and sat on the floor as her legs ached after so much hustle.

They saw Rees coming with two cups of tea in his hand. He gave one to his wife with a complimentary kiss on her forehead. He then walked to Ruth, where she was waiting with her hands dancing in the air in excitement.

"Give it to me... give it to me. Oh I need you love!"

Rees gave her the cup and sat beside her on the floor while shaking his head at her overacting.

"Do not worry Ruth! I will always be there for you even when nobody will!" Rees smiled, ruffling her hair like a kid.

Thea only rolled her eyes at them. Ruth laughed, punching him on the chest playfully. Thea ignored them as they busied themselves in dramatic dialogue deliveries.

"If only these two idiots had acting skills in their bones then I would have been a millionaire by now!" Thea grumbled as she could not decide if she wanted to take red designed bowls or the blue ones that her mother gave her.

"You know, Ruth is very lucky that Rees has got a human mate and not a werewolf or she would have been in torn in shreds by now." Ida commented as she came to pick up another bag.

Thea shrugged her shoulder with a cocky grin. "Humans are better in some aspects!"

"You wish!" Ida rolled her eyes at her.

"Oh my stars! You kids! You are not done with even half of the work yet!"

Ruth and Rees abruptly stopped hearing Mrs Welby's displeased voice.

"Come on mother, we have it under control. Do not worry." Rees said, leaning behind and resting his palms on the floor.

"No! WE have it under control because you two are busy in guffawing only." Thea glared at them.

"Yes, Mrs Welby. She is right." Ida was instantly by Thea's side.

Rees frowned at Ida.

~"This is for not offering me tea."~ Ida smirked.

Rees narrowed his eyes at her and was about to reply when he heard his father's stern voice.

"Why you all are wasting time when there is so much work to do? Get up and start working!"

All four of them ran in different ways picking up anything their hands got on as if a tiger was on their chase.

By late afternoon they reached the servants quarter with everything loaded in the carts. Mrs Payne and Mrs Green were already waiting there with food.

As soon as they set feet on the ground, they ran for the food. They had not eaten much except two cups of tea each. And after working laboriously for hours, an unfathomable pit was formed in their stomachs.

After lunch, they began unloading the carts. Now setting the house was another difficult task. Rees and Thea went through four rounds of arguments before deciding the position of the couch.

Mrs Welby kept complaining about how loud the kids were even though her own son was twice the age of her daughter-in-law.

Mr Welby had to remind them of his presence when the noise got louder. By this time, the entire property knew that Mr and Mrs Rees Welby had arrived to live in their sweet home.

Mrs Green was very proud and impressed with the respect her son-in-law received from everyone.

She had never been into 'the great manor' and, Mrs Payne had to drag the lady into the kitchen before she ran into the various buildings.

Finally, a night arrived and, most of the work was done. Ruth and Ida sprawled on the bed, not caring how unladylike they might look. Their whole body was screaming for rest.

Where Ruth had to put extra effort while carrying heavy things, Ida on the other hand, had to be cautious to not use her werewolf strength. And both were tiring things to do.

The maids prepared their dinner, and after eating, the men excused themselves.

"Oh God! Mrs Payne I think I can see the stairs to heaven. Look, an angel is smiling at me." Ruth said with droopy eyes.

"Shut up Ruth! And get up. We all need to sleep now. You have to go on your duty in the morning." Mrs Payne tsked.

"Oh noo!" Ida and Ruth cried in unison.

"Oh yes!" They stopped to look at Thea weirdly.

"What? Tomorrow is my first day of working as Young Master's head maid!" Thea said, pushing her chin up in the air.

"Well all the best for that!" Ida smirked as if she knew something that Thea did not.

Thea only winked in response.

"Mrs Welby I think we should leave too. Thea's father must be waiting for me." Mrs Green said while checking the time.

"Oh mother. Why do not you all stay tonight?" Thea pouted.

"You know how your father-in-law is Thea. He is not comfortable living here." Mrs Welby said.

"Yes dear. And you are now living in 'the great manor'. You should not invite people for the stay. You have to be careful for Rees's status and security of the O'Dell family." Mrs Green said.

Thea sighed in defeat. "Okay. If you say so."

Ten minutes later, they stepped out of the house, looking for Rees and Mr Welby.

At some distance, Rees, Mr Welby, Edwin and Lester were discussing the current problems of rogues.

"My Lord, if Lord Lester is right then we should not take this issue lightly. We have to investigate in details." Mr Welby said.

Mr Welby was Edwin and Lester's mentor in the Academy for the subject of weaponry. He was also in charge of the arsenal, that provided weapons to not only royals but also the O'Dells.

"Yes, Mr Welby. Rees is working on that."

"Please let me know if I would be of any help."

The men were discussing not being aware of the women walking in their way.

"It was nice meeting you Mr Welby!" Lester said, meeting him after a long time.

"It is my pleasure, Lord Lester!"

"Rees have you settled well? Do you need anything else?" Edwin then asked.

Rees bowed his head in respect before saying. "Thank you for asking Master! But everything is fine!"

"Mr Berrycloth?"

An abrupt moment of silence took everyone by surprise. Edwin slowly turned to see Mrs Green with a deep frown on her face.

"Rees why are you calling your friend Master?"

Lester was confused, but when he saw Edwin and Rees' tensed forms, he put two and two together to guess what was happening.

"Yes, Rees, do tell us why do you call Mr Berrycloth as Master?"

While every person remained silent in discomfort, Lester was the only one laughing madly.

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