Chapter 345 - [Bonus ]HOW MUCH DID SHE SEE AND HEAR?

Ruth was scrupulous since the morning. She kept looking at her back. The note she received last evening had her on the edge. She was sure that Florence could not damage even a single strand of her hair. And if she dared to cross her limits, then Ruth had her powers at her aid.

After she recovered from the attack, Ruth had worked well on the strength of her mind. She was learning to keep her mind as calm and focused as possible, so if she faced any similar situation again in the future, she could use her powers for her benefit.

"Ruth, will you pick the the bag Henry has brought from the market? I need to take these clothes to the washerman." Ida sounded in hurry.

Ruth was cleaning Elsie's chamber and was almost done with it.

"Yes of course!" She answered.

"You are such a sweetheart Ruth! Love you! See you around." Ida said loudly, already on her way.

Ruth smiled, shaking her head at her friend. She washed her hands and walked out of Elsie's chamber. Elsie was in the library looking for the next set of books that she wanted to read.

Ruth began walking towards the area where Henry usually parked his vegan. Until now, everything was fine, so Ruth hoped the same for the rest of the day.

She was only a few metres away from Henry's wagon when she saw Edwin walking towards the waiting room in his building.

Her heart raced at his sight, but it immediately sunk when she saw a woman walking behind him. She could not see her face as the woman had her back to Ruth. She did not need any confirmation to know that the tall giant walking ahead of that woman was indeed Edwin.

She had observed every single little detail on him that she could recognise him in the crowd of hundreds.

Who was that woman? And what was he doing with her?

Ruth's heart raced in the wrong direction. Picking up her dress, she ran. By the time she reached that waiting room, her chest was pumped up with rapid breaths.

Ruth peeked inside the room, after making sure that no one had noticed her hiding there.

Edwin stopped after entering the waiting room. He was on his way to meet Lord Augustus but had to turn on his way when a guard came with a message that a woman was there to meet him.

He recalled how he asked Florence to meet him.


Florence noticed that Edwin was in a better condition than yesterday and was also colder than then.


Ruth harshly sucked a breath. Florence?!

So this was her surprise?

Ruth clenched her jaw when she took a step ahead. She could not see her face as she still had her back towards Ruth.

"Master, something very unfortunate happened with me."

Florence said with an emotional voice. Ruth was sure that she even had crocodile tears in her eyes.

"What happened Florence?"

Why the hell he was so calm about this? Ruth was getting anxious.

"Master, I... I lost everything Master. I lost all of my money that I had earned all over my life." Florence broke into tears, hiding her face in her palms.

Edwin shifted from one foot to another uneasily.

"How did it happen?" He asked.

"Master... I... I met this man. He was a good looking person and was very respectful towards me. With our every meeting, we grew closer. I did not realise how and when I fell in love with him. But he made me happy."

Edwin narrowed his eyes at her. He tried studying her heartbeats. They seemed normal. But the way she was crying hysterically, her heartbeats should have fluctuated.


Ruth rolled her eyes in annoyance. How far this fraud woman would go? Most importantly, would Edwin be able to see through her lies?

"He... he wanted to start his own business, and for that, he needed financial help. I was so in love with him that I offered him all of my savings. I still remember how grateful he was to me.

But... he... he cheated on me. He ran out of here, he just disappeared. I tried looking for him but did not get any clue. He left me to beg on the streets, Master! I loved once and, this is what I got in return."

Saying that Florence started crying more. Edwin observed her keenly. He was trying to believe in her story but could not.

Ruth stopped herself from marching towards them and slap that lying pig across her face.

Ruth's mouth opened in shock when Edwin stepped ahead and grabbed Florence in his arms.

"Florence are you okay? Come sit here."

Did Ruth hear the concern in his voice?

Edwin walked Florence to a wooden chair. He helped her sit in it. He gave her a glass of water which she took gladly.

"Are you fine now?" He asked.

Florence wiped her kohl-lined eyes with the back of her palm.

"How may I help you in this?" Edwin asked although, he was not yet completely convinced by her story.

"Master I know what you think of me. Perhaps I was like that before. But the days I was in love, have changed me a lot.

I will not ask you to take me in again. I have lost that respect in your eyes. I am aware of it. But today I want to ask you for a job in 'the great manor'. I will do anything. Please, Master, I need a way to get money." Florence requested earnestly.

A job?

'Please say no! Please say no!' Ruth prayed silently.

"You still have many clients Florence."

It was not a question. It was a certain statement. He had his eyes and ears everywhere.

'Aahhhaa! Now answer him.' Ruth smiled. At that moment, she found him too cute.

But Florence was ready for this beforehand.

"Yes, Master. But now I have realised that this is just temporary. I can not go like this for a lifetime. I need to find a suitable and respected job that will provide me with stable income."

Edwin was now in dilemma. The Florence he knew would have not admitted this or talked about money in such a straightforward way. She was the kind of woman who liked to get things the other way.

"I am afraid, but I do not have any job to offer you in 'the great manor'," Edwin told calmly.

Ruth literally jumped in joy upon hearing that. She was so happy that she wanted to run to him and kiss him.

Her eyes widened at that thought. Her lips tingled recalling his lips on hers. She felt the blood rushing to her face and her ears.


"However, I have something that will help you for the time being. Collect a bag of coins before you leave. I will see if there is any suitable work for you in the town."

Florence's face brightened.

"Thank you... thank you so much Master!"

Ruth almost jumped to run towards them when Florence took both her and Edwin by surprise when she suddenly got up and hugged Edwin.

Edwin stilled.

"Thank you master! I knew you would help me. I am not a good woman, I know. But the times we have spent in each others arms will always remain in my heart. No one and I mean no one can ever take your place in my heart!"

Florence could not stop herself from feeling his hard muscles as her hands moved on his back.

Ruth clenched her hands into fists till her knuckles turned white.

"I know that you were lonely then. You needed somebody to talk to, to be with you. And I am glad that you chose me for that. I can never forget what you have done for me! I will always be grateful to you. Thank you!" she said.

Edwin did not like her touching him. After he had felt Ruth against him, the thought of touching another woman had become sin for him.

But he could not bring himself to push Florence away. She was right. She was there for him when he had nobody. She did everything to please him, to make him feel wanted and special. That was the truth to which Edwin did not wish to turn blink eyed.

Ruth's heart sank when she saw Edwin moving his hands. They slowly wrapped around Florence. He welcomed her hug.

Ruth could not see it anymore. No, she could not.

She ran from there with her mind and heart filled with many unnatural thoughts, and both were in conflict.

Pulling away from Edwin, Florence smiled.

"Wait here, A guard will get you the bag of coins. Now I need to go." Edwin said.

"Of course, Master. Thank you for precious time and also for your help. Just do not forget about the job."

Edwin nodded and walked out of there. He paused at the door. He sniffed the air around. His eyes widened when he realised it was Ruth's scent.

She was here?

Edwin cursed the high dosage of wolfsbane potion that he was consuming to tame his beast after he kissed Ruth.

How much did she see and hear?

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