"Will you please wait till my helper brings everything you need?" The shopkeeper asked politely.

"Yes, of course!"

Hearing Ruth's response, the shopkeeper turned to attend to another customer. It was early in the morning and that was why there was no rush in the grocery shop. Ruth was thankful for it because she couldn't handle the suffocating crowd in her current state of mind.

Ruth had given the list of the groceries and essentials that she and Mr and Mrs Payne needed. By this time, she had made sure to take her mind off of the two incidences that happened since the morning.

Right now she waited outside a small grocery shop from where she usually bought the things she needed. The shopkeeper was a kind person and had given Ruth groceries when she was short on money.

She had taken out some money to clear her debt with him from her salary. And the feeling of lessening the burden of debt was satisfying much.

The churchbell ringed in the distance and the flock of birds flew in the opposite direction because of the loud sound.

"Have you heard that they are carrying a low-key investigation?" Ruth couldn't help but perk up her ears when the murmur fell on them.

"Really? How do you know?" The woman asked in surprise.

"I saw a team of guards around the woods and they are not letting anyone use the route which goes from the woods."

The two women, who were there for the shopping forgot about it and started gossiping in hushed voices.

Ruth was not a gossiper and she didn't like it either but the topic of their conversation was important, she felt.

"You know, I have told my husband to come back home before the night. I am very scared because of those five murders."

A chill ran down Ruth's spine and she remembered her time in the woods. Thinking about that day made her goosebumps erupt on her skin. The sound of wolves that she heard that night in the woods still scared the daylights out of her.

'Where that courage came from that day? Was it courage or my stupidity?' She questioned her past actions when she decided to go to receive the parcel alone. She was warned by the woodcutter but she still ignored his advice.

If it was not Rees then only the god knew what would have happened with her.

"I have heard many things. People say that the bodies were pale and drained of blood. There was not even a single drop left in them. They were torn and bruised. I can't imagine it, you know! Who could be this cruel to do such a felony?!" The woman said with her hand rested on her thumping chest.

Ruth shifted her weight uncomfortably on her other foot. She was living in a safe environment and had a fixed schedule. Except for that day when she needed to get Mr Payne's parcel, it was unlikely for her to go near the woods.

But she couldn't slide away from the fear that settled in her heart. She was well aware of the mishappenings in the Vincardine but she always tried to not ponder upon it much. But the denial was not going to change the reality that there was a danger lurking upon the Vincardine.

"The O'Dells believe that the murders are done by some wild animal." the other woman shared a piece of news that she knew.

Ruth was sure that she heard a wolf that night while returning to her home but Rees and everyone other that she had talked with had denied it.

Were they wrong and ignorant or it was her delusion?

Was it the wolf that had killed people?

"But what animal leaves the dead body behind? There was not a chunk of flesh missing. I don't think that it is some animal's doing." The first woman said.

The other woman gasped. "Are you not agreeing with the O'Dells? Do you think that they are lying with their people or are hiding something?"

'Were they?' Ruth wondered.

"Maybe. They are not God, for heaven's sake! They might be wrong about analysing the situation." The first woman put her honest thoughts.

"Oh, hush! Lower your voice! You can't say anything against the O'Dells, or you will put both of us in a trouble. I personally believe in them. If they are investiagting the matter, then they will definitely find the culprit sooner or later. Now stop talk gibberish about them."

And the two women changed the subject after that and Ruth also lost her interest in their next conversation.

"Here are your bags, Miss." The shopkeeper's voice broke her train of thoughts.

"thank you! Here is the money of today's order and here is the money that I owe you." Ruth put the bills on his counter.

Looking at the money in surprise the shopkeeper asked, "Are you sure about this? If you have any problem then I can wait till the next month."

Ruth smiled at the man. "Thank you for your concern. But I have found a good job for myself and this money is from my salary. I know this is not enough to clear the amount but I will do it next month."

Giving another surprised glance at Ruth, the shopkeeper took the money then nodded his head. "Very well! Please visit again!"

Picking up the bags, Ruth started heading back to her home. She kept replaying that conversation of the two women that she heard at the grocery shop in her mind. She thought about asking about this matter Rees. He might give some answers to her.

Ruth stood in front of Florence's door again with the three bags of items in her hands. That left her with nothing but using her leg to tap on her door.

This time the door swung open to reveal a swollen face of Florence. Ruth took in her appearance and cringe visibly looking at the other woman's dishevelled look.


Florence's fluffy and red eyes steadied on Ruth's face and after a couple of seconds, recognition appeared in them.

"Oh, Ruth! My dear friend. How are you?"

Ruth pursed her lips in a thin line hearing her slurred words. She peered inside her room to see the bottles of alcohol sprawled in the living room. The stench of it was evident in the air.

"What is wrong with you? Are you unwell?" Ruth asked in concern after making sure that she had no company inside.

Florence's face became serious for a moment and the word left in a whisper from her mouth. "No."

Ruth considered leaving from there but the sad face of Florence compelled her to not move. Not having an idea of how she should respond to that, Ruth cleared her throat and showed the bag of oranges to Florence.

"I came to give you these."

Florence lifted her eyes to look at the bag with an inscrutable face. She then gave Ruth a confused look.

"Yesterday I got my first pay. I bought these oranges for you as a grateful gesture. You helped me with the landlord. So... um..."

"Oh yes, yes. I helped you. I am a kind person, isn't I?" Florence gave out squeaky laughter that made Ruth more uncomfortable than before.

"Come in."

"Um.. no, thank you but I have some-" Ruth was unable to finish her words as she was pulled into the room by Florence.

Her grip on Ruth's wrist was so tight that the poor girl couldn't escape it.

"Seat" Florence ordered and Ruth obliged involuntarily.

She noticed Florence's appearance that made her confused. During all these years, she had never seen a single hair of Florence's out of place.

So watching her in a dress that she probably had not changed in two days, her red and puffy eyes as if she was crying all this time, her messy brunette hair made Ruth wonder what might have happened with her.

"You got your f-first pay, you said."

Ruth nodded her head not knowing why she was acting strangely.

"Con-congratulations, Ruth! I am sooo ha-happy for you!" Florence picked up the glass of alcohol and offered it to Ruth.

She looked at it with wide eyes then declined the offer politely with an uneasy smile. "No, thank you but I don't drink."

Florence blinked then laughed tauntingly. "Of course, you don't! How could you? H-how could an innocent lady like you have such an f-filthy habit?"

Ruth noticed the sarcasm dripping from her words but she didn't retaliate immediately.

"Florence, would you tell me what is wrong? Did something happen?" Ruth couldn't help but concern.

After a minute of silence, Florence asked with a passive face. "Why should I tell you?"

Her question took Ruth back. She didn't know what she should answer to that question?

"Um... maybe I can be some help?" She answered slowly.

"You want to help me?"


"Will you tell me the truth i-if I ask you s-something, Ruth?" Florence's dim brown hazel eyes stared straight into Ruth's beaming hazel ones.

"I will!"

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