Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 626.2 - Nothing’s Impossible for the Deviant Corp (Part Two)

Chapter 626: Nothing’s Impossible for the Deviant Corp (Part Two)

“Watch out!” a mercenary shouted, and the three mercenary clan leaders jumped off the car to dodge. The ground Xu Cheng landed on collapsed into a big hole.

All the mercenaries surrounding Xu Cheng started to fire at him.

But the bullets all went back and shot through the mercenaries’ heads, so with Xu Cheng as the center of the circle, the mercenaries around him fell down like flower petals.

Suddenly, Xu Cheng saw a rocket flying towards him.

Xu Cheng jumped up and dodged as the rocket detonated and blew up the surrounding mercenaries into a bloody mess.

The head of the Li Family recognized Xu Cheng in the air and screamed in terror, “It’s him!”

The three leaders all recognized Xu Cheng. Including those living descendants who couldn’t forget him, and they shouted in fear. “Finish him! Kill him!”

Xu Cheng smashed down like a meteorite and directly crushed the chief of the Li Family into the ground like a pile of flesh. Dirt and gravel chips flew into the air, and with Xu Cheng’s telekinesis, these dirt and gravel chips in the air became as powerful as bullets as they penetrated the mercenaries’ heads.

Some fell to the ground dead with their brains pierced through by a single gravel rock.

When the leaders of the Murong and Ye Families saw this, they crawled away hurriedly as if they saw ghosts.

The descendants could not care less about the other mercenaries and ran away fleeing.

But how would Xu Cheng let them leave so easily!

No one was leaving today. This feud was going to end here forever!

He stretched out his hand, as a lightning bolt struck towards the head of the Li Family, and as if the bolt had a spirit controlling it, it directly electrocuted him to death. These flickering electric currents then chased after the fleeing descendants of the four clans.

After Mario was out of ammunition, he put on his helmet and rampaged across the crowd. Everywhere he went, people directly toppled over with blood flowing out of their mouths. He was like a human tank carrying a very powerful momentum.

Zhang Xiu rushed in, spitting out venom and killing five within one step.

Chekhov pulled out two pistols in his hands and killed people as he walked by them.

All three of them surrounded Xu Cheng in the center and rushed in.

Xu Cheng was like a super boss in the center, and anyone charging towards him was blown away or killed.

The three hundred or so mercenaries wasn’t anything for these four people as they could easily take them down in less than 10 minutes.

Plus, the three leaders had perished, so the mercenaries lost their backbone and the Continental Mercenary Corp vowed to fight them to death. Once someone within the three mercenary clans fled, they were immediately followed by those others who wanted to run away. After all, it was the three big clans who were not necessarily united from before, and seeing that the situation was uncertain right now, they wanted to escape. Their bosses were dead anyway, so who cared about them?

Kush, who had been taken aside by Dulson, looked at it all and muttered. “No way! He couldn’t have recovered that fast, no way!”

“Nothing is impossible,” Dulson said faintly, “Anything is possible for our Deviant Corp! From today onwards, there are two kinds of mercenaries in the land of mercenaries, one are the Deviant Corp mercenaries and the others are those trash bags who don’t belong to the Deviant Corp!”

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