Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 680.2 - Lin Hu’s Request (Part Two)

Chapter 680: Lin Hu’s Request (Part Two)

Luo Yi withdrew his gaze as he turned around and looked at Lin Dong with a smile on his face. “Wow CEO Lin. To be able to rent this office space in Shangcheng is really something. The biggest television screen in the city is right beneath this level right?”

Lin Dong slowly recovered from his injuries and laughed bitterly. “What CEO? Big Brother Yi now you’re mocking me as well. You know I’m not suited to be a CEO, and there are many things I don’t even need to do myself. I’ve been sitting here becoming moldy and I miss the old days. When you go back this time, please tell Master to bring me back. I’m not a businessperson, or else I would be fighting with my brother for our family business already.”

Luo Yi laughed. “You will still look at your family’s business now? Don’t think I don’t know that you managed the casino business for Big Brother Cheng before, the profits alone was probably leagues ahead of your family’s business, right?”

Lin Dong nodded. “You’re not wrong. If I was willing to ask my master, he would absolutely not treat me badly. Maybe not billions of dollars, but he would absolutely give me a few hundred million to do anything I want. So I really don’t need to think about my family’s few hundred million yuan. Master is generous with his own people, as long as he has it and his brothers want something, just say a word and it would be enough. He will never be stingy towards us. Just take a look at Stenson who’s living a great life, it shows that Master is not suspicious of anyone he uses, and he would not use anyone who’s suspicious. Stenson, who’s so stingy and cowardly, took responsibility and stood against the FBI so no one knows that it’s actually Master behind everything. That’s enough to show that Master has even brought Stenson to stand on our side.”

Luo Yi nodded. “That’s why Li Wei and I were willing to resign and follow him out in the first place, especially since I owe him my life! In the past, when the three of us went on a mission, he saved me. I wouldn’t be here if not for him.”

Suddenly, the secretary knocked on the door and said somewhat cautiously, “President Lin, someone is here to see you.”

“Didn’t I say no visitors?” Lin Dong said angrily. He barely knew anyone in this country, and everyone he met here were basically all business partners that he didn’t bother dealing with.

“Umm… they said that they’re your mother and brother,” the secretary said hesitantly.

Lin Dong and Luo Yi looked each other in the eye, and Luo Yi shrugged his shoulders. “Should I leave you guys alone?”

“There’s no need, my brother must have dragged my mother here to play the family card. It’s better if you are present. I’ll wrap it up nicely and go back to the headquarters to find the Master later without any worries,” Lin Dong said.

Luo Yi nodded and sat onto the sofa drinking his coffee.

The secretary escorted Lin Dong’s mother and Lin Hu inside.

His mother looked at Lin Dong’s entire CEO office and found that it was luxurious. To have an office space in this expensive building, it would be quite a shame to Mandala’s title if the décor wasn’t luxurious looking.

Lin Hu also looked around at the imported office chair, desks, expensive bonsai, and some antique paintings and carpets hanging on the walls; it was much more luxurious than his own office.

He thought that Lin Dong’s investment was only a few million, he didn’t think that his office itself was actually worth several million.

“Have a seat, mother,” Lin Dong greeted them and asked them to sit down.

Mother Lin was also a knowledgeable person, so after looking around, she smiled and said, “Mom is just wondering how you’ve been doing. Is this the company your master put you in charge of?”

Lin Dong nodded. “Yeah, temporarily. I’ll have to go back once I’m done.”

Mother Lin heard that it was only a temporary placement and said in a hurry, “Little Dong, do you remember the company your brother runs?”

Lin Dong nodded as he looked at Lin Hu and asked, “I remember. Brother, what, did you run into trouble again? Tell me.”

Lin Hu smiled bitterly. “It’s not trouble, thanks to you last time when you helped us get the last opening spot. Now the company has also started research, but …”

Lin Hu wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to say it; he didn’t expect that one day, he would have to ask his little brother for something.

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