Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 690.2 - Descendants of the Dragon (Part Two)

Chapter 690: Descendants of the Dragon (Part Two)

“My opinion was enough to earn them more capital gains, and I have a right to be freed,” Kush said.

“That’s not enough. The greed of capitalists is endless. As long as they have the strength to defend themselves from threats, they will take as much as they can. There is only one kind of merchant in the world who would feel full from greed, those whose lives are threatened by some uncontrollable capital, and that’s when it will stop. While these ancient consortiums simply won’t!”

Kush: “Yes, capitalism will never be satisfied! That’s why I sometimes hate the mercenaries who make that money, so I killed every one of them I saw! I’ve spent all my money on city construction, and I can live with my conscience knowing that I was benefiting the residents on my territory.”

Xu Cheng: “But you have no way to give them security permanently. It will always be a stormy place here if you don’t stand up and establish a government.”

Kush chuckled bitterly. “Yeah, that’s why I chose to fight for once. I don’t want to be a puppet until the end without fighting back a little, and sometimes I admire you for that. You never cared how strong your opponent is, and you fight them if they displease you! Just for the hell of it! I’m really not as good as you are at this, but I suddenly feel like I also want to release my inner thoughts to have a good time, even if it means death this time. At least the impression I leave the residents here would be a heroic one, and that’s enough!”

Having said that, Kush looked at Xu Cheng seriously. “But I told you this secret, I told you that the world is actually more complicated than we thought. You dared to listen, and now do you still dare to make me establish the government?”

Xu Cheng looked at him dead in the eye. “F*ck ya! From the moment I decided to stand up against the world, my vision was on what’s above me and not below.”

“Your temperament reminds me of the first time I saw you. Honestly, I’ve never seen anyone so arrogant and unafraid of death, at least in that environment, anyone’s first reaction would definitely be to obey me or respect me!” Kush looked at Xu Cheng and said, “But you chose to fight me because you didn’t want to be lower than me! As it turns out, you do have that capability, but… you have to know that capitalism has been around for hundred years, so it must have its strength and advantages to be there for this long. Those who tried to take them down had failed, who are you to speak?”

“A hundred years?” Xu Cheng laughed. “Let me tell you, I just got rid of four clans with a thousand years of heritage! Also, let me tell you, you must be wondering why I had to eliminate the Ryong Clan that day! They were another branch of the Ryong Family that I’ve exterminated before. My initial reason for coming to the Land of Mercenaries was just to sweep the floor, but then I realized that this place is nice, and as a special forces veteran, it’s a good place for me to stay.”

Kush teased him. “Your retirement is truly a loss for your country, who was that insensitive? If one day, the country needs you, will you be willing to go back?”

Xu Cheng laughed. “Don’t you have an answer already? I’ve got the blood running through my veins, it’s a mark that cannot be erased. Not to mention that we have an awesome name: the descendants of Dragons.”

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