Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 840

Chapter 840: Senator Jerry’s support

In fact, other states had also wanted to poach the mandala lab. Even if it wasn’t listed, it gave Jerry a lot of tax from the state he was in. Plus, the private hospital opened by the mandala lab only had a membership system. Looking at his member information, those people who had ill intentions gave up. The mandala International Hospital accepted appointments for treatment for any disease, but they needed to become a member and pay the membership fee every year. The benefits were that they could have free annual checkups and make an appointment to see the doctor whenever they were feeling unwell. When the mandala International Hospital was first established, business wasn’t very good. However, as the various rich people’s diseases were cured and alleviated, in addition to the reputation of the mandala Lab’s medicine, it could be considered to have made a name for itself. As more and more patients were relatively cured, its reputation and medical strength were confirmed, so rich people from all over the United States rushed to apply for membership treatment. The wealthy Wall Street businessmen would all apply for membership here. Half a year later, it would be a lie to say that the Rockefeller family consortium within the capital society didn’t think about it. However, the state government where the mandala lab was located was very powerful. In addition, the members that the mandala lab absorbed were spread across the vast lineup, which led to the Rockefeller family giving up on using improper means to forcibly acquire it. Of course, they also made a bid in the proper way, but the mandala lab ignored them. The highest bid was 80 billion US dollars! If this deal was closed, it would be the highest amount of gold in history. But Stenson didn’t even look at it. Every day, Wall Street and even the Rockefeller family’s legal team called him to talk about this matter, but Stenson refused. Don’t think that Stenson was just a lawyer. As long as you investigated, you would know that he had the backing of the four major Mexico gangs. These people had been taken care of by Mr. Fang in the past and successfully entered Las Vegas to gain a foothold. Now, Las Vegas was almost entirely ruled by Mexicans, and they had the final say in this state. It could be seen that their influence was growing by the day. Stenson, who owned two of the biggest casinos in Las Vegas, wasn’t someone to mess with. If anyone wanted to touch him, they would have to go through the four big Mexico gangs. They had connections with the black market and intelligence. If you offended them, you might be targeted by the black guns every day. This group of people could do anything. This was the biggest reason why Stenson was able to stay in the United States to control so much money and the mandala lab without anyone looking for trouble. The FBI had looked for him, but it was forcibly suppressed by the state government where Senator Jerry and the others were. In the United States, every state government was independent. Every continent sometimes did not give face to the White House, so each state had their own work arrangements that were not controlled by the White House. So, when the White House wanted to investigate the mandala lab, the state government would not care at all. To put it bluntly, don’t even think about touching our state’s star company! Senator Jerry represented Montana, which was famous for its many ranches in the past. But now, when the Americans heard about this state, their first reaction was mandala! In order to distinguish between the different businesses, the mandala group was officially registered. The mandala group currently had two businesses. The first was the studio, and its products included: The revival series. The second was the mandala International Hospital, which currently had 130000 members. Although 130000 members were not to be underestimated, they were the majority of the rich in America. With a 10% increase in membership fees in the second year, the revenue from membership fees alone last year was 10.4 billion US dollars! He had earned back the entire construction cost of the hospital. Moreover, the number of members was still increasing. Xu Cheng was the one who came up with the membership system, and the process he set up was: Any member who wanted to join the club would be reviewed to see if their background, job, and income could afford the membership fee for 10 years. The first year was 50000 dollars, the second was 55000 dollars, the third was 60500 dollars, and the fourth was 67000 dollars. Why did it get higher the higher it went? As you get older, you’ll definitely get sick more and your body will age faster. Naturally, the frequency of you seeing a doctor will increase. So, as you get older, the membership fee will increase every year. The advantage was that as long as you were a member, you didn’t need to pay any medical fees at any time! Yes, that’s right. It was like buying insurance. No one knew when an accident would happen, but rich people didn’t lack the money, so they would all become members. This was because the mandala hospital had another rule. If you were seriously ill and wanted to become a member to reduce the burden, it was impossible, but they could treat you. The high cost would be paid according to the market price without any discount. Therefore, the membership system was still very cheap. However, members over the age of 60 in the first year would have to pay double the medical fees of 100000 members, 110000 in the second year, and 121000 in the third year. However, even so, members from all over the United States came to join. Even if you were not seriously ill, you could come for a physical examination at a certain time to ensure your health condition. Once you were seriously ill, you would not lose anything. Of course, there were also those who were not members, but the mandala hospital could also receive treatment, but they had to line up and pay according to the market price. Xu Cheng’s biggest goal was still to get more members so that they could protect the mandala lab in the future. Whoever wanted to lay a hand on the mandala lab would have to consider the benefits of other people’s medical insurance. Why was the Montana government so protective of the mandala International Hospital? As long as you were a resident of Montana, you could get free medical treatment! You didn’t hear wrong, free medical treatment, which is equivalent to saying that the mandala lab guarantees the medical treatment of the entire monta! It wasn’t an exaggeration at all that this policy had directly increased the immigration boom in other states. Therefore, the people of the state loved and respected Jerry, who had won for them, which also led to Jerry’s popularity among the people. Jerry’s reason for running was simple: “my dream is to spread the mandala lab all over the United States and serve everyone!” With this sentence, the people of other states below the stage applauded him. Sometimes, no matter how distant a dream or future plan you said, it couldn’t compare to the current policies that benefited the people. Senator Jerry had won many speeches to campaign for votes by relying on the mandala medical insurance as his trump card. This was the biggest reason why he was so obedient and cooperated with Stenson. Don’t forget what kind of people mandala hospital’s members were. When the time came, it would be easy to get them to help pull a vote for Jerry! What? You don’t want to do it? Alright, you can go to another hospital for your illness. Our medical equipment is too busy for the time being, so you can wait a little longer. Minor illnesses were fine, but what about difficult-to-treat illnesses? Other hospitals provide all kinds of treatment and torture, but our family only needs a few treatments. So, in terms of medical skills, mandala can shamelessly say to all the government hospitals in America: Everyone sitting here is trash!

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