Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 855

Chapter 855: Value evaluation

Stenson was speaking on stage, but everyone had their own thoughts. Originally, they had invested enough money tonight just for the ‘revival’ agency rights. They didn’t expect that there would be more products under the name of mandala in the future. Didn’t this mean that there would be other products besides the revitalization series tonight? If it was also a popular product like the ‘revival’ series, it would probably be another highly profitable product. In other words, the funds prepared tonight would be more than what was needed. However, more people were curious about the new item. “Mr. Stenson, may I ask which field will the mandala Lab’s new product be in the future?” Stenson smiled slightly and kept him in suspense. He first reviewed the growth of the mandala lab in the past year. There was a set of pictures behind him, and Stenson began to say,””In the beginning, after more than ten years of accumulation, the mandala lab finally developed two bottles of medicine to treat cancer cells. I think everyone knows that three years ago, under the effects of our mandala medicine, not only did Dr. Hawking stand up, but he could also talk and walk. “But in order to make a name for ourselves, we developed this drug, and we were almost bankrupt. “In fact, when Hawking agreed to cooperate with us for treatment, we were very nervous. We were afraid that if we couldn’t cure it, the mandala Lab’s reputation would be destroyed. We took the products to other hospitals and private tycoons, but no one believed us because we couldn’t give them the only two bottles to try. That was our everything, but when we said that it could cure cancer, they thought we were crazy and sent away.” The group of people below the stage roared with laughter. “If it were me, I would think so too.” Stenson joked to himself and then continued,””But we don’t have the money, and we don’t have the resources to promote it. So, what’s the way to succeed in one fell swoop and get the attention of the world? That’s right, we have our eyes on Hawking! We have to admit that our marketing and strategy were right, but what made us successful was the product we were confident in! “It successfully saved Dr. Hawking’s illness, and our reputation soared. The last remaining medicine also became our life-saving straw. With that 3 billion US dollars in research and development costs, if we continue to research and develop the cancer cell medicine, we will definitely have to pay until we don’t even have a butt left. So, we changed our thinking and decided to focus on business development first. Otherwise, we won’t have the funds to burn research and development in the future. So, we set our eyes on the global Women market. Thus, the ‘revival’ series of products was born. In just one year, 240 billion US dollars in revenue, other than the tax deductions from the sales of each country, we also brought 40 billion US dollars in industrial profits for our agents!” There was a round of applause from the audience, especially from the agents from last year. They were very grateful for the cooperation that had made them a lot of money, so their applause was the most enthusiastic. Stenson paced back and forth on stage as he continued,””The Wall Street investors probably want to kill us now because we rejected their multiple attempts to go public and dilute their equity.” The representatives of the venture capital companies in the audience all laughed bitterly. Stenson laughed and said,”a year ago, they were willing to spend 50 billion USD to fully acquire the entire mandala group, but we rejected them because we thought the company’s value was far more than that. In fact, we were right. Now, it’s worth at least 300 billion!” Another round of applause was given to Stenson. A year ago, if he sold it for 50 billion, a year later, he would have a minimum of 300 billion, which was almost six times more! It was no wonder some Wall Street investors vomited blood and hated them. It was because of the stubbornness of the mandala lab that they lost their high interests! Back then, even if the mandala lab had given them a few percent of the shares, they would have gotten six times the return now! How could he not hate her? “But!” “It’s not just that,”Stenson said confidently. At this moment, the venture capital representative couldn’t help but ask,””Since the mandala group is always short of funds, why have you repeatedly refused financing requests? “To be honest, if you were to go public at this time, with a stock price of 300 billion US dollars, you only need to dilute 49% of the shares and you can raise 147 billion US dollars! This money can make all of you the world’s top tycoons, and the research and development costs will be more abundant. Even if other groups want to catch up with you in the field of biology, you have such a large amount of research and development funds, and you don’t have to be afraid of them catching up. To be honest, I don’t think it’s wise to choose not to go public. ” Stenson listened to him seriously and nodded with a smile.””You’re right, but there’s one thing that we believe and are sure of. In the next ten years, no technology company will catch up to us in the biology field! That’s why we don’t apply for patents for our products, allowing international groups to buy our products for research and development. I can send a signal to those groups interested in biotechnology. If you want to burn money in the field of biotechnology, you’d better not get involved if you don’t have hundreds of billions of dollars, or you’ll only give up halfway. That’s why we didn’t even look at the 50 billion offer. ” This was what Xu Cheng meant for Stenson. He had dug a hole here. In this world, people and companies that could spend hundreds of billions of dollars were really rare, and probably only a few capital empires would dare to do this. Xu Cheng deliberately made them spend so much money on biotechnology. If they could really invest hundreds of billions of dollars into a company worth 400 to 500 billion dollars, those financial groups would probably rush in like a flock of ducks. But, could hundreds of billions of dollars really be developed? The answer was not certain. Even if they developed it, it would only be in the superficial field of biotechnology. After they spent hundreds of billions, they would still be suppressed by the mandala lab. “Since mandala is confident that there won’t be any other competitors in the next 10 years, it should go public all the more. At least the valuation will rise steadily in the next 10 years to form a monopoly,” said a venture capital representative. Stenson shook his head and said,”so what? So what if the stock price surpassed Apple and became the world’s top market cap? How much market value could it reach? Eight hundred billion? Or one trillion? Even if it breaks a trillion dollars, what can it do?” Venture capital firm: “is one trillion dollars not enough to attract mandala’s shareholders? By then, even if you only hold 1% of the shares, it’s still 10 billion US dollars! It was enough to enter the world’s top 20 Forbes! At that time, the mandala lab could give birth to at least 100 multi-billionaires! That’s amazing!” “No! It’s far from enough. ” Stenson said word by word,”our evaluation of our company is 2 trillion dollars!”

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