Almighty Sword Domain

Chapter 2148 – The Sword!

Chapter 2148 – The Sword!


Yang Ye glanced at the man and said, “Looks like that person was very strong!”

The middle aged man nodded slightly, “Unprecedentedly strong. His attack… It’s absolutely difficult for me to describe that attack. Actually, if he hadn’t attacked me, I wouldn’t have thought that he was a sword cultivator. Unfortunately, I was dead when he drew his sword.”

Yang Ye shook his head slightly. He’d guessed who that sword cultivator was.

Who else possessed such strength in the large universe?

It was obviously the Unfettered One!

Suddenly, the middle aged man said, “No matter what, everything is in the past. I’ve fulfilled my wish by leaving my inheritance behind!”

Yang Ye laughed bitterly, “Luckily, you don’t want me to avenge you. Otherwise, I would probably be helpless to accomplish that!”

The man grinned, “Good luck!”

His figure gradually vanished once he finished speaking.

Meanwhile, a huge amount of information surged into Yang Ye’s mind.


The information was the technique the middle aged man had promised Yang Ye.

Yang Ye didn’t leave the room. He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes. A long time later, his face gradually became solemn.


It was much stronger than he’d expected! If he could truly learn it all, then if he took someone by surprise at his current realm of cultivation, instantly killing a Sage wouldn’t be a problem at all. He would even be confident in being able to instantly kill a Sage in a direct confrontation!

Backstab was actually something like Yang Ye’s own Burial. However, it was a technique to take people by surprise. It used the user’s slaughter intent and vital blood to increase the user’s speed and teleport to the back of the enemy, and then launch a lethal strike. It sounded very simple, but it wasn’t that easy to accomplish!

It required speed and the right angle. Especially the angle. It couldn’t deviate at all. Even the slightest mistake could cause a huge problem.

Moreover, how to perfectly utilize his blood energy and slaughter intent while teleporting was another problem. However, as far as Yang Ye was concerned, it wasn’t a huge problem. Moreover, he had new ideas. He’d decided to merge his own Burial with Backstab. He planned to merge their advantages and remove their disadvantages.

This time, he didn’t just plan to use his slaughter intent and blood energy, he planned to use his physical strength, Sword Dao, and Sword Domain too. Especially his Sword Domain, it can be said that teleporting within the Sword Domain was doubly efficient!

Moreover, he had various Laws to use too. If all of them were combined, and then merged with these two techniques, then its might would definitely be shocking!

He immediately put his thoughts into action!

While Yang Ye was merging them together, An Nanjing was cultivating too.

An Nanjing shocked all the phantoms in the room.

A genius!

At this moment, all of them felt embarrassed when they looked at her. How terrifying was her natural talent?

She understood everything immediately!

So long as she was told something, she would immediately understand. Moreover, she could even learn from it and remove the aspects of it that she felt was not good. Besides that, not only did she comprehend fast, she learned fast too. Sometimes, it only took displaying a technique just once before she would immediately learn it and create something new from it.

The Martial God!

The Martial God of this generation!

At this moment, the phantoms here had truly confirmed her identity. If someone like her wasn’t the Martial God of this generation, then would anyone else have the right to that identity?

Just like that, Yang Ye and An Nanjing cultivated madly in the Hall of All!

Meanwhile, in the outside world, or to be more precise, in the large universe. The large universe was filled with a rare moment of peace. The god race didn’t cause trouble, and the Alliance of All wouldn’t go out of its way to cause trouble either. As for the three paths, they were exceptionally quiet and didn’t take any action.

The entire large universe was extremely harmonious!

At a corner of the large universe and on an unknown planet, a black robed mysterious figure appeared here.

There was a large black ‘天’ character on the mysterious figure’s chest, the character for sky.

The mysterious figure glanced at the surroundings, and it was extremely calm.

A long time passed before the mysterious figure looked down slightly and said, “Has it begun?”

It seemed normal, yet it was actually not normal at all. The spirit energy in the surroundings was slowly vanishing. It wasn’t the work of man, nor was it the work of a Sprite Lord, it was just vanishing normally!

This planet still had some life on it, and those living beings had clearly not noticed this.

A long time passed before the mysterious figure looked up, “The End Times? How many living beings will vanish because of it? The laughable part is that the living beings of this universe aren’t thinking about protecting this universe, and they’re trying to look for a new universe instead. How laughable indeed.”

The mysterious figure’s voice suddenly became ferocious at this point, “All of them are so ungrateful. If the large universe dies, I’ll definitely drag all of you down with it! I won’t let a single one of you escape!”

The mysterious figure vanished into the sky once those words were spoken.

When the mysterious figure left, a wave of surging spirit energy suddenly appeared here. It just appeared out of thin air, and the arrival of this spirit energy represented that the speed at which this planet died would slow down a little!

Not long after the mysterious figure left, a woman in a white dress and a woman in green clothes appeared on the planet.

It was Ding Shaoyao and Zhi’er from the god race.

Ding Shaoyao glanced at the surroundings and said, “Someone used a supreme divine ability to delay the destruction of this planet!”

Zhi’er asked, “Is it her?”

Ding Shaoyao nodded, “Only Snowy and her can accomplish this. Snowy clearly wouldn’t do this for no reason. So, only she remains!”

Zhi’er said, “Looks like she doesn’t want to give up this universe.”

“She naturally can’t!” Ding Shaoyao continued, “As far as she’s concerned, this universe is everything to her. Unfortunately, she has to abandon it even if she doesn’t want to. This universe is probably going to be destroyed for real!”

“Hmm?” Zhi’er gazed at Ding Shaoyao, “You’re not sure of it either?”

Ding Shaoyao explained, “How can I be sure? I can’t see the past and the future! However, even existences as strong as the Void Spirit Race and Prehistoric Race weren’t able to escape this calamity. So, I don’t think this universe can escape this calamity now. Even we won’t be able to escape it unless we find a way out.”

Zhi’er spoke solemnly, “Are the endless black holes really our only way out?”

Ding Shaoyao looked up into the sky, “The secrets of the heavens are a mystery, so who knows for sure? However, that fellow, Yang Ye, is really lucky. He has a Sprite Lord by his side. So, no matter what happens to this world, he will be fine while the Sprite Lord is alive.”

Zhi’er nodded slightly, “Actually, I had the thought of taking the Sprite Lord because our god race needs one too much. However…”

“You can’t do so, right?” Ding Shaoyao smiled, “It isn’t just because of Yang Ye. There’s another reason, and it’s because that Sprite Lord is too close to him. If our god race takes her and kills Yang Ye, then once she decides to take revenge, and especially once the End Times arrive, our god race will be destroyed, right?”

Zhi’er nodded, “That’s the main reason. While that Sprite Lord is na?ve and innocent, since she’s been with Yang Ye all this time, she’s extremely close to him. She will stop at nothing to take revenge if we harm Yang Ye, and if she joins forces with that existence from before, then they would make quite a terrifying pair.

She gazed at Ding Shaoyao and continued, “That person is probably targeting the Sprite Lord too, right?”

“Of course!” Ding Shaoyao smiled, “Who wouldn’t fear her if she had the help of a Sprite Lord? Unfortunately, she made a foolish decision by sending that evil treasure to follow Yang Ye and devour Yang Ye’s karmic luck. That decision made that existence, who stands behind Yang Ye, warn her. While her strength is on par with that existence, she clearly would not get into conflict with that existence right now. After all, there isn’t any real conflict of interests between them!”

She shook her head and chuckled at this point, “Now, it’ll probably be very difficult for her to get close to that Sprite Lord. After all, Yang Ye has a terrible temper, and he would absolutely not give Snowy to her. As for taking Snowy by force, that’s very difficult too. Even the Evil Yin Sprite couldn’t do anything to Snowy, so even she will find Snowy difficult to take. Unless she kills Yang Ye, of course. Unfortunately, just like us, she doesn’t want to do that. Because the price she’ll pay for that is too, too huge!”

Zhi’er said, “But if she really has no other choice, she still may do that, right?”

Ding Shaoyao fell silent for a moment and said, “If that day really does come, then she won’t be the only one. All the other organizations, including the Alliance of All, the three paths, and even our god race would stop at nothing to take that Sprite Lord!”

Both of them fell silent once Ding Shaoyao said that.

A long time passed before Ding Shaoyao shook her head slightly, “Let’s go!”

Zhi’er suddenly asked, “Will that day come?”

Ding Shaoyao replied softly, “Who knows?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she vanished into the sky.

Zhi’er fell silent for a long time and vanished into the sky as well.

The Dao Dimension.

At this moment, Yang Ye and An Nanjing were still cultivating.

Yang Ye was seated cross-legged in that world, and days passed just like that.

A long time passed before Yang Ye suddenly stood up, and Judgment appeared in his hand. A moment later, the space over 3km away suddenly trembled slightly, and then Yang Ye just appeared out of thin air there. A moment later, Yang Ye grabbed his sword with both hands and stabbed it forward!


A hole instantly appeared in space. But just a moment later, the space trembled around 3km on another side, and then Yang Ye appeared there…

However, a strange scene appeared here.

There were at least 30 of Yang Ye’s figures all over the area!

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