Almighty Sword Domain

Chapter 2295 – Hell!

Chapter 2295 – Hell!

At this moment, Exalt Qin was shocked to the extreme.

Yang Ye was clearly not in a normal state. Especially the vengeful spirits around Yang Ye. They were mad and ferocious, and if they were allowed to enter the city, they would be a calamity to Initial City!

But the vengeful spirits weren’t even the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying was Yang Ye!

At this moment, Yang Ye wasn’t a normal person!

However, those two True Dao Realm experts couldn’t stop him at all, so Yang Ye led the vengeful spirits into the city.

Once they entered the city, heads shot up into the air wherever Yang Ye passed.

They hadn’t been killed by him, but the vengeful spirits around him. However, anyone who obstructed his path would be sliced into two by a ray of sword energy.

“Activate the formation!” Suddenly, a furious roar resounded in the city.

In an instant, the entire city shook violently, and then rays of white light surged up into the air from all directions and converged in the sky above the city. At the same time, faint light appeared on the ground throughout the city, and they started wriggling like snakes.

Meanwhile, Yang Ye suddenly stopped while vengeful spirits filled an area of over 1km around him!

All the vengeful spirits were circling around Yang Ye with monstrous ferocity and resentment.

Their resentment had been accumulated for far too long, so it was obvious how terrifying it was now that it had been released!

Since he entered into the city, over 10,000 had died at the hands of these vengeful spirits, and corpses covered the path from the entrance of the city until where Yang Ye stood. However, there was no blood in those corpses because Yang Ye had absorbed it all!

Slaughter intent!

Yang Ye’s slaughter intent was growing in strength from all this blood. However, even if it was growing in strength, it was still fully suppressed by Yang Ye’s madness intent. Not to mention that these vengeful spirits were on the madness intent’s side.

Countless experts of the Shiyuan Clan had converged from all over the city.

In just a short while, Yang Ye was surrounded by countless experts, and there were three True Dao Realm experts among them. They were two old men and an old woman in a red robe. Besides that, there were seven other Progenitor Realm experts!

All of them had extremely solemn expressions on their faces as they gazed at Yang Ye who stood at the center of the city.

Yang Ye’s body was trembling incessantly. He had his fists clenched tightly while a ray of sword energy flickered ceaselessly around him. Besides that, he kept muttering something. He seemed like he’d completely lost his mind.

“Yang Ye!” Meanwhile, an old man from the Shiyuan Clan suddenly spoke solemnly, “What do you want?”

He didn’t attack immediately because they had notified their patriarch, Shiyuan Xing, and they were waiting for him to rush back.

What did he want?

Yang Ye suddenly looked up. He gazed at the old man with his eye sockets that had no eyeballs, and it caused the old man’s heart to shudder.

Meanwhile, Yang Ye suddenly opened his mouth, and a word slowly emerged, “Kill!”


The vengeful spirits around him converged into his palm and formed a black sword!

A black sword!

Meanwhile, the old man roared fiercely, “Attack!”

At the same time, the wriggling light beneath Yang Ye’s feet suddenly shook, and then numerous blades of light flashed out from the ground and shot at Yang Ye. These blades of light formed a dense storm of blades, and every single blade carried powerful might. Everywhere they passed, space was sliced open with ease.

This formation was supposed to be used against enemies from the outside, but Yang Ye was within the city. So, activating it now was no different than a calamity for Initial City. However, they had no other choice. So long as they could kill Yang Ye, even sacrificing this entire city was worth it!

In the storm of blades, Yang Ye suddenly grabbed the black sword with both hands and stabbed it into the ground.

The Sword Domain!

Practically every single attack Yang Ye executed was enhanced by the Sword Domain now, as only the Sword Domain could allow him to fight against these formations and True Dao Realm experts!

It could be said that the reason he could surmount his realm of cultivation and fight True Dao Realm experts was the Sword Domain. Now, he was at the Progenitor Realm, so while he still couldn’t use it limitlessly, it wouldn’t completely exhaust him upon using it just once.


The entire city quaked beneath his sword and cracked open. The formation was instantly blasted apart by Yang Ye’s attack. At the same time, his black sword transformed into countless vengeful spirits that rippled into the surroundings.

Every single one of the vengeful spirits carried a strand of intent and sword energy!

The blades of light in the surroundings vanished, layer after layer, before the vengeful spirits. In just a short while, not a single blade of light remained here.

The experts of the Shiyuan Clan had unsightly expressions on their faces when they witnessed this.

Suddenly, Yang Ye stretched out his hand. In an instant, the vengeful spirits converged into a black sword and appeared in his grasp. Yang Ye stomped his right foot down and transformed into a ray of black sword energy as he flashed forward.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Everywhere he passed, everything in the city was sliced into bits. Suddenly, the three True Dao Realm experts vanished on the spot, and then three powerful waves of energy rippled out of the space in front of Yang Ye.


Yang Ye was instantly blasted over 10km away, but as soon as he stopped himself, the space before him was suddenly torn open. An aged hand stretched out from there, and then it pushed lightly. An invisible wave of force surged out like a volcano eruption and exploded in front of Yang Ye.

Meanwhile, a wave of powerful intent swept out from within Yang Ye.

True Dao Realm madness intent!

The intent forcefully stopped the old man’s attack, but a red umbrella suddenly appeared above Yang Ye, and then it immediately started spinning as it descended. In an instant, red needles that were thin as strands of hair descended. In addition, a ray of red light enveloped Yang Ye, causing his skin to actually start decaying at a visible rate!

Yang Ye looked up at the umbrella. Meanwhile, the needless had gotten extremely close to him.

Suddenly, Yang Ye raised his hand and swung his sword.

A ray of sword energy ignored the red needless and instantly slashed against the red umbrella.


The umbrella was instantly sliced into two.

Meanwhile, at the instant Yang Ye had raised his hand to swing his sword, a figure had flashed, and then a palm slammed against Yang Ye’s back.


Yang Ye’s figure was blasted away, and at the instant his figure started flying, the madness intent before him was obliterated by three different forces. In an instant, they slammed down like a collapsing mountain and caused the space around Yang Ye to warp severely. Moreover, the monstrous pressure they exerted even made Yang Ye’s heart stop from the pressure.

The joint forces of three True Dao Realm experts!

The three True Dao Realm experts of the Shiyuan Clan were very well aware that they couldn’t fight Yang Ye in single combat. Because a single True Dao Realm expert couldn’t do anything to Yang Ye now. Moreover, it was even possible for that True Dao Realm expert to be killed instead! They could only suppress Yang Ye when they joined forces.

They really had been able to suppress Yang Ye when they joined forces!

Yang Ye ignored the injuries he’d sustained and just took a step forward. An instant later, he turned ethereal, and then he grabbed the black sword with both hands and swung it forward.


The pressure in front of Yang Ye was instantly slashed open. But right at this moment, another wave of energy assaulted Yang Ye from behind.

The Progenitor Realm experts!

Their objective was to stop Yang Ye from even having a moment to catch his breath!

While their auras were inferior to the three True Dao Realm experts, it wasn’t weak, and they were entirely capable of keeping Yang Ye busy for a moment.

Yang Ye didn’t even turn around. He just swung a backhand attack, and their auras were instantly obliterated.

Meanwhile, the three True Dao Realm experts were about to attack again. However, Yang Ye vanished on the spot. This shocked those True Dao Realm experts, and it made them wonder if he was fleeing!

But just a moment later, their expressions changed drastically, and they charged madly at Yang Ye!

Yang Ye hadn’t fled!

He’d charged at the Progenitor Realm experts in the surroundings!

Those Progenitors’ expressions changed drastically at the sight of Yang Ye charging at them. How could they possibly resist him? However, they didn’t just stand by idly and wait for death to arrive. Numerous powerful auras surged out like torrents from within them. These auras swiftly converged into one. At this moment, their converged auras were even stronger than a True Dao Realm expert!

However, it was so weak and fragile before Yang Ye’s Sword Domain, madness intent, and the countless vengeful spirits!


Just one swing of his sword obliterated their auras, and then a ray of sword energy flashed.


The head of a progenitor flew into the air.

An instant kill!

That Progenitor hadn’t even been able to fight back before being instantly annihilated!

The other Progenitors’ expressions changed drastically from the sight of this. Meanwhile, a voice resounded, “Those below the True Dao Realm retreat now! Right now!”

Those Progenitors immediately turned around and vanished into the city when they heard this.

At this moment, the Shiyuan Clan was very well aware that besides True Dao Realm experts, any other cultivator would just be courting death if they went after Yang Ye!

However, Yang Ye didn’t let go. He transformed into a ray of black light that chased after them.

The three True Dao Realm experts were behind Yang Ye!

They chased after him like they’d gone mad too!

It didn’t take long for sorrowful howls to fill the city.

Because everywhere Yang Ye passed, corpses filled the area. Countless strands of blood converged into Yang Ye like a river, and there wasn’t just a river of blood behind Yang Ye, there were countless vengeful spirits there too!

The vengeful spirits were madly devouring the resentment in these corpses, and they were gradually growing in strength!

The entire Initial City had become hell!

Just like that, around 10 minutes passed before Yang Ye suddenly stopped, and there was a bloody head in his left hand!

Yang Ye looked up at the sky. An aura so powerful that it was suffocating was approaching!

The patriarch of the Shiyuan Clan!

The experts of the Shiyuan Clan heaved sighs of relief when they sensed this.

Suddenly, Yang Ye’s figure shook and appeared outside the city.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” A furious shout resounded in the sky, and then a towering palm slapped down at him.

Yang Ye raised his sword and slashed!


Sword energy surged up into the air. However, it was instantly blasted into nothingness by the palm. An instant later, Yang Ye was slapped flying.

Yang Ye crashed into a forest far away. His entire body was covered in cracks, and blood was streaming out of him like a fountain.

His meridians had been shattered!

Suddenly, a woman in a white dress appeared beside him. She had her hands behind her back as she gazed at Yang Ye’s unconscious figure with indifference.

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