Am I A God?

Chapter 421 - Dream World

Chapter 421: Dream World

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

“D*mn it! Where did this fool get his strength from?” In a moment of fury, Nightmare Cat stretched opened his mouth before sinking his teeth into Mango’s skin, ripping off a mouthful of fur.

The pain seared through Mango’s body, leaving him writhing in pain. Nightmare Cat expelled the fur from his mouth before chuckling, “Stupid fella, do you know who you’re up against? I’m the only cat trained in Wing Chun …”

Meow! A nasty grimace spread across Mango’s face as fury raged through his body. He pounced towards this violent cat before sending a barrage of slaps across his face. Before Nightmare Cat could even retaliate, Mango had already sat right on top of him, preventing him from fighting back. Mango was not done yet. He continued his assault with another burst of slaps until Nightmare Cat started cowering in fear.

“Hey, stop it! Stop it!” Nightmare Cat shut his eyes and shielded his tiny head with his even tinier paws, “I submit, I submit to your rule!”

Somehow, Mango seemed to have understood his cries and finally stopped the assault. He then embraced Nightmare Cat in his arms before sending another flurry of licks across his face.

Nightmare Cat absolutely abhorred this treatment, but there was nothing he could do about it. To him, Mango was as strong as a dog and he simply couldn’t break free from his clutches.

Suddenly, an ingenious idea sprang into his head. A tail reached out from behind and rapped against the back of Mango’s head.

Mango immediately swept his head around, only to be disappointed by the sight a furry tail.

This brief moment of distraction was more than enough for Nightmare Cat to slip through Mango’s claws as he made a dash for a bedroom. He had detected a presence of another apostle inside.

With one leap, his body had turned into a pool of purple fumes before they spread into Zhao Yao’s head, entering his dream state.

At the same time, a series of meows continued to puncture the air.

“Stay right there and wait for me if you dare call yourself a man! I will come back for you!”

A look of confusion was plastered on Mango’s face when this puzzling scene unfolded in his eyes. He sprang onto Zhao Yao’s bed before commencing his futile search for his doppelganger.

Meanwhile, Zhao Yao and a few of his cats were gathered in the extradimensional belly within the dream state. His serious gaze swept towards Sphynx Cat as he instructed, “I will test this hypothesis by committing suicide. If I’m not reived, it simply means that I’ve returned to the real world, hence validating this method of escaping. Then, kill Diana and send her to me. I need her to send me back here later.”

“Huh?” Diana was barely able to breathe when she heard those words ringing in her head. It can’t possibly be real. Before she could even move an inch, Sphynx Cat had already slammed his paw on her, restricting her every movement.

Tears streamed down Diana’s cheeks as her entire body quivered with fear, “Please don’t kill me! I promise that I’ll be the most obedient cat ever! I will only eat cat food from now on! No more premium human food! I will take my fluids regularly and I’ll never rub my butt against the bed anymore!”

A faint smile stretched across Sphynx Cat’s face as he comforted her, “Alright, little sister, stop crying. Didn’t you hear what Zhao Yao was saying? This is all a dream. It isn’t real …”

Zhao Yao was completely indifferent to Diana’s worries. With a flick of his fingers, a tiny dagger had appeared in his hand. With his arm stretched in front of him, he thrust the dagger towards his neck, only for it to stop centimeters away from him.

Baiquan asked, “What’s the matter, Boss? Is there something that we’ve forgotten?”

Zhao Yao’s hand began to tremble as he explained, “Erm, everything’s fine. I was just thinking of another way to end my life. This method sounds rather gruesome. I’m sure there’s a more civilized method to end a life.”

Sphynx Cat could not believe his ears as he sneered, “Don’t tell me that you actually fear death?”

“Erm, I’m a little scared …”


Sphynx Cat’s paw was already resting against Zhao Yao’s chest as his heart was torn to pieces.

Given the physical distance between them, there was no way Zhao Yao could possibly avoid this attack.

In the real world, Zhao Yao could easily have easily swapped to timefreeze the moment he revived. Sphynx Cat would not have stood a chance.

But now …

Zhao Yao simply collapsed to the ground as his heartbeat grew slower and slower, “Ahhh! Why did … did you … have …” With one last breath, Zhao Yao had descended into complete unconsciousness.

Amidst the darkness clouding his sight, Zhao Yao could detect an intense stench stifling his breathing. Then, a furry hand began to tap against his head, again and again, jolting him from his sleep.

Zhao Yao opened his eyes to Mango’s furry tail slapping against his face. Fear splintered his heart when Mango saw Zhao Yao’s opened eyes. He immediately jumped down the bed, before disappearing into the living room.

“What the hell?” Zhao Yao’s eyes swept across his room and immediately recalled everything that had happened in the dream. Usually, it was impossible for an ordinary person to recall the details in their dream. Everything in the dream would feel so blurry and hazy. However, Zhao Yao was no ordinary human. Everything which happened remained deeply etched at the back of his head.

“I guess my hypothesis was right.” With that, Zhao Yao dashed into the living room and started fishing for Diana’s body from the pool of unconscious cats.

Currently, Diana was still asleep as a trickle of saliva drooped from the corner of her lips.

“Sphynx Cat should have killed her in the dream world already.” Zhao Yao’s fingers started running through her fur as he muttered, “Based on my experience, she should still be asleep in the real world even though she’s already dead in the dream world.”

With that thought, Zhao Yao began to shake Diana’s body violently before consciousness started seeping into her. Suddenly, she let out an ear-splitting shriek with her eyes wide open.

“Alright, Diana. It was just a dream. Everything’s fine, you’re awake now.” Zhao Yao comforted her by cradling her in his arms, “Isn’t your own power related to dreams? Why couldn’t you differentiate it from reality?”

“Oh?” Diana’s beautiful sapphire eyes started to examine her surroundings. Disappointment sagged through her as she moaned, “It was all just a dream? My carefree lifestyle was all but a figment of my imagination? Why did you have to disturb me from that beautiful dream? I want to sleep! I want to return!” Finally, she recalled her purpose for returning. What Sphynx Cat had mentioned was probably true.

“Are you finally awake?” Zhao Yao sent another burst of slaps across her head, “Can you help me re-enter the dream?”

Diana pondered for a moment but hesitated to reply, “I should be?However, I’ve never used my power for such a large-scale dream state.”

“Just try your best.” With Diana cradled in his arms, Zhao Yao brought her to the side of his bed, “However, try to be fast. Even with my strength, it will take quite some time for me to kill everyone.”

“However, I need you to be asleep in order for my power to work.”

“That’s easy,” Zhao Yao grabbed a pillow from a corner before casting ‘five sense deprivation’ on himself. Immediately, he had collapsed onto the bed.

Despite his physical and mental strength, even Zhao Yao was not immune to the effects of the power.

Rays of white light started to sweep across his eyes. By the time he had awoken, he found himself standing right in front of an ATM machine.

Someone was complaining behind him, “Hey, what’s the holdup? Do you even know how to use the machine?”

Zhao Yao knew that something was amiss. He looked skywards and saw a regular sun staring straight at him. Immediately, he knew what had happened, “Diana, stop playing, let me enter their common dream state.”

Suddenly, the gentlest female voice you could ever imagine echoed in Zhao Yao’s head, “That was just a dream. Who is Diana? You don’t even have a cat.”

“If you continue bullshitting, I will shave you bald when I get out.” Zhao Yao threatened.

“This devil,” Diana commented as her lips drew into a snarl. Immediately, his vision when blur before his unconscious mind was transported to the common dream state.

Once again, he raised his head. This time around, the sun was still there. However, it was shooting out lights of all sorts of colors, turning Jiangmen City into a giant dancefloor.

With a curl of his lips, Zhao Yao muttered, “Fish Ball, that fella …”

Meanwhile, Nightmare Cat was also staring at this incredulous sight. He could hardly believe his eyes as he lamented, “What kind of bloody cat would dream of this? To think that he had successfully achieved this in the common dream, just how bad does he crave for this?”

With his control over the NPCs, including the various media outlets, Nightmare Cat broadcasted a series on information, reminding the masses that it was just a regular sight, nothing out of the ordinary. He could not allow anyone to realize that this was just a dream.

“The composition in the air has caused the light rays to refract in an unorthodox manner, hence producing the variety of colors in the sky.”

“Global warming has caused detrimental impacts to our environment. The beautiful colors in the sky are but a warning of what is to come if we continue destroying our environment.”

Thankfully, a large majority of the supercats and apostles took in the information hook, line and sinker. However, the few skeptical ones had started doubting the world they were living in.

Nightmare Cat slid the revolving sun a condescending glare and threatened, “This stupid cat! I have located your position! I will never invite you into the next dream!”

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