Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 878 - For Free?

Chapter 878: For Free?

However, the impact of the explosion left many seriously injured. Some had broken their legs and some suffered a hemorrhage, while others were accidentally injured by their comrades during the battle. There were even some who had broken their necks, and were currently paralyzed.

Although the situation for the Tower of Dusk was better, that didn’t mean there weren’t any injuries. The other three factions fared worse. Even in this magical world with all kinds of amazing potions, such injuries still could not be easily cured. Some of these people might have to end their exploration here.

Looking at these seriously injured men, the leaders of the other three factions all looked glum. Only Lin Li didn’t seem to be worried at all. Instead, he turned and asked Hoffman, “Master Hoffman, what potions are you using?”

Hoffman paused for a second. He couldn’t quite understand what Lin Li was implying. However, he still answered, “We’ve specially prepared superfine Healing Potions made by the Tower of Dusk for this exploration. However, the injured probably cannot recover fast even with these potions.”

Healing Potions weren’t omnipotent. Although they could help to stop bleeding and speed up the recovery process, serious injuries such as bone damage and hemorrhage required a few days to fully recover as the patient needed a period of time to regain their vitality. Thus, Hoffman said that it was difficult for Lin Li’s subordinates to heal in a short time. They could either send them all back or wait here for a period of time for them to heal.

“Haha, don’t be worried, Master Hoffman. We’ve brought this time some Life Potions which are more effective than Healing Potions as well. Use them on the injured,” Lin Li commented as he took out a box directly from the Ring of Endless Storm.

What? Life Potion! As he was a pharmaceutics Master himself, Hoffman’s eyes lit up upon hearing Lin Li mention Life Potion. After all, the Life Potion was a Master-level potion, and totally not on the same level as the Healing Potion. Healing Potions could heal a patient by using his vitality. Thus, the patient still needed a period of time to regain his vitality even after he had healed his wounds. However, Life Potions would directly recover the patient’s vitality. Although they couldn’t allow the patient to fully recover immediately after drinking the potion, the patient could regain his ability to fight very fast.

However, the Life Potion also cost much more than the Healing Potion. It was possible that the price of 100 Healing Potions wasn’t enough to buy even one Life Potion. As a true pharmaceutics Master, Hoffman could concoct a Life Potion himself. However, it was impossible to produce them on a big scale. One of the reasons was the rarity of the ingredients used, while the other was that he couldn’t guarantee the success rate. Without his current pharmaceutics standards, it was difficult to even ensure a success rate of 50%. On the other hand, each failure in concoction meant the wastage of a large sum of money.

Thus, in the Glittergold Trade Union, only leaders such as Hoffman kept one or two tubes of Life Potions in case of emergency. Now, Lin Li took out a box of Life Potions just like that. If not for Hoffman’s understanding of Lin Li, he would have thought he was kidding.

However, even though he knew Lin Li wouldn’t lie to him, Hoffman still couldn’t help but gasp when he saw the rows of light-green potions arranged neatly in the box, radiating a strong aura of life.

“T-this….” Hoffman was a little embarrassed to receive such a valuable gift. After all, he had asked Lin Li to collaborate in this exploration. He wouldn’t be so embarrassed if they had made plenty of gains from it. However, the truth was that they were still empty-handed now. How would he dare accept such precious potions?

“Master Hoffman, this doesn’t seem like you. I still have plenty of Life Potions, so just take them. Don’t we still have to continue exploring the relics? It’ll be advantageous to the exploration later if your men can recover fast.”

“Haha! Then I will gladly take it.” Hoffman didn’t really want Lin Li to take back the potions. He ordered his men to take those Life Potions to heal the injured.

Almost all the injured men from Glittergold Trade Union and the Tower of Dusk were healed by the Life Potions. Such powerful potions were sufficient for them to regain their strength and power in a very short time. However, things were different for the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family. They used the superfine Healing Potions produced by the Tower of Dusk. This was already the best Healing Potion they could find on the market, but how could that match the Life Potion? It was already very good if it could help to recover a person to half of his usual fighting power.

Joseph was already extremely unhappy over the fact that Lin Li managed to come out of the explosion alive. Now that he saw those two factions use Life Potions to heal the injured so lavishly, his face turned even more glum. However, the Mithril Alliance and the Tower of Dusk had been enemies for a very long time. It was already a feat for the two to collaborate in this exploration. Thus, asking the Tower of Dusk to supply some Life Potions to them was totally impossible.

Joseph secretly made up his mind that he wouldn’t let go of any chance to deal with the Tower of Dusk in the following part of the exploration. As long as he could trap the Tower of Dusk’s team in this mausoleum, he had ways to turn everything the Tower of Dusk currently had—its lands, businesses, and talents—into the Mithril Alliance’s. As for whether he had the chance to achieve this, that was a question for later. Now, Joseph was having a headache over how to recover his subordinates’ fighting strength.

Joseph wasn’t the only one who was jealous of the Tower of Dusk and Glittergold Trade Union’s lavishness. Claus from the Caesar Family also watched those injured men from the two factions take each precious Life Potion with jealousy. Looking at his own team, everyone was in a state of feebleness. Claus hesitated for a moment before clenching his teeth and walking towards the Tower of Dusk’s side.

“President Felic, we managed to escape death narrowly thanks to you,” said Claus awkwardly. This wasn’t just polite words. Everyone present knew that the explosion of that monster had to do with Lin Li entering the pool.

“You’re too polite, Patriarch Claus. We’re all collaborating partners. If I hadn’t done that, my own men would have been dead too.” Although the Caesar Family had always sided with the Mithril Alliance, Lin Li didn’t show a cold face to Claus.

Seeing that Lin Li didn’t humiliate him, Claus calmed down a little. With a troubled expression, he continued, “President Felic, you see, the Caesar Family’s side also has many people who are severely injured. It’ll be very hard for them to recover their power with the Healing Potions alone. May I know if there’re any spare Life Potions on your side? I’m willing to buy some at market price… No, higher than market price.”

“What are you talking about, Patriarch Claus? Aren’t we partners? Just take these 20 potions.” Lin Li took out a small box and handed it over to Claus directly.

Claus was surprised by Lin Li’s generosity. He was prepared to pay a large sum for those potions should Lin Li choose to overcharge him. Little did he know, Lin Li didn’t even mention anything about money. He accepted the box, and sincerely replied, “You’re too kind. How can we take these precious potions for free?”

“Don’t decline anymore, Patriarch Claus.” Lin Li didn’t look reluctant at all to give out 20 Life Potions just like that. It was as if he had just given out some useless things.

As the patriarch of a clan, it wasn’t suitable for Claus to say any exaggerated words of gratitude to Lin Li, even though he had asked for the potions shamelessly. After expressing his gratitude appropriately, he carried the potion box back to his team and started using the Life Potions to treat the injured.

After Claus left, Hoffman glanced at the Caesar Family’s team, and asked Lin Li, “Master Felic, did you just give out 20 Life Potions for free?”

“For free? Not exactly. I’ve always loved to make others feel uncomfortable.” Lin Li laughed and said no more.

However, Hoffman was an intelligent man. He immediately turned towards the Mithril Alliance’s side. Seeing Joseph’s increasingly glum face, Hoffman let out a sly smile. The Caesar Family was the Mithril Alliance’s firm ally. Now that the Caesar Family managed to get help from the Tower of Dusk, it was clear how Joseph would feel about that.

Just as Hoffman thought, it was impossible for Joseph not to feel anything upon seeing Claus come back with a box of potions from Lin Li. He was very clear that with the Mithril Alliance alone, it would be difficult to deal with the Tower of Dusk, not mentioning the alliance between the Tower of Dusk and Glittergold Trade Union. What was keeping this exploration team in balance was the fact that the Mithril Alliance had allied with the Caesar Family.

However, now that the Caesar Family had gotten help from the Tower of Dusk, would they still commit to dealing with the Tower of Dusk in the future? Joseph also knew that the Caesar Family wouldn’t be easily bought over by a few potions. However, whether the Caesar Family would give its all to fight the Tower of Dusk should the two alliances turn on each other was a question.

With the Tower of Dusk’s Life Potions, the severely injured men from the Caesar Family quickly received the best treatment. With just a little bit of rest, they could recover about 80% of their fighting prowess. This scene made those from the Mithril Alliance extremely envious. However, Joseph would never bow down to seek help from the Tower of Dusk. He would only be humiliated even if he did that.

After each faction settled the problem of the injured men, the leaders of each faction led those who had recovered as well as those who hadn’t been injured to continue searching the incubation room. After all, their real objective here wasn’t to fight, but to make some gains from this relic site. Thus, searching for valuable things was the prime goal here.

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