Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 764 Saved

Chapter 764 Saved

?Lesley sighed after reaching this thought.

The reason why she had tried to unveil the secrets of the Tier 3 Variants for so many years was because of her physique. She wanted to learn its secrets and apply it to herself!

Of course, she also had other plans to exceed the limit of her body, like stealing various techniques or robbing the physique itself! She actually obtained many candidates for it, but the problem was the fact that they were still too lacking and needed to develop for several more years before she could take advantage of them.


Kyle sheathed his Rift Blade, his gaze softening as he looked at the woman who was previously brimming with life and confidence…

Since Lesley was already in a helpless situation and the other Vessels were already subdued by the Moonlight Specters, he knew that the battle was over.

Kyle took a deep breath as he asked Lesley…

“Do you remember me?”

Lesley’s expression froze as this question meant one thing, the person in front of her, although several years had already passed, was definitely Kyle Marshall… He was one of the young men she had killed in the recruitment years ago!

She could never forget all the people she killed or people who died because of her doing, so she was sure of it!

“Are you really Kyle? How did you survive?!” Lesley couldn’t help but ask.


Before Kyle could respond, the fabric of reality contorted…

Kyle was barely able to sense the disturbance in space before it immediately heralded the arrival of three old and perhaps venerable figures.

His Magic Zone felt their aura and knew that these figures weren’t simple…


Their sudden appearance caused Kyle’s brow to furrow, questions forming in his mind that were left unspoken as the trio acted with swift purpose.

He wanted to ask them who they were, but it seemed that they were in a hurry.

In a fleeting moment, the Moonlight Specters that had subdued the Vessels evaporated, whisked away by the arcane prowess of one of the elders.

‘That’s fast…’ Kyle thought as he felt a breeze near his face…

Just like that, Lesley was spirited away, her form growing distant in the grasp of another elder.

The final elder simply stood, his gaze fixed upon Kyle, an unspoken challenge hanging between them. It was as if he would act the moment Kyle tried to stop the other two venerable figures.

‘These old or maybe ancient men aren’t simple….’ Kyle thought as he observed them carefully.

Even if they didn’t introduce themselves, he already had an idea about their identity.

The three sages wore robes that spoke of ancient lineage and formidable power.

The intricate designs and emblems adorning their garments were unmistakable. They were the insignia of the three families that Kyle knew very well!

They were from the Featherstar, Moontomb, and Ravinie Clan!

These were not mere Arcanist Families; they were scions of the founding families of the Dark Arts Faction, three of the five pillars that upheld their Dark Creed.

“Just what are these three doing here?” Kyle muttered under his breath. He couldn’t believe that these powerful and ancient figures of the three families would come and corner him!

‘No… Perhaps they just wanted to save Lesley?’ Kyle thought as he felt that he genuinely had no idea about Lesley.

‘Aside from being a genius and niece of the previous headmaster, I don’t really know that much about her.’ Kyle sighed, realizing how little he knew of Lesley’s significance. He didn’t expect that three of such formidable figures of the Dark Arts Faction would act to save her!

Their presence was definitely a testament to the gravity of the situation, a clear indication that the stakes had risen beyond the scope of a mere skirmish.

‘Now… Do I have to fight them?’

Kyle, recognizing the sigils of their heritage, understood the depth of the conflict he was now entangled in.

Nonetheless, he wanted to ensure that he really understood what was going on.

‘I can’t use my Divine Sense on them… They must be strong.’ Kyle thought as he tried to assess the strength of these three individuals.

In the meantime, the elders now stood before him, their visages etched with the passage of countless years.

The elder who stayed in his spot stepped forward, his robe was a deep midnight blue with silver threads that formed constellations across the fabric. Kyle knew this insignia very well as he had seen this from Maya.

“I am Sade…” He spoke. His voice was deep and old and seemed to carry a Dark Spell that he couldn’t identify…”I’m from the Featherstar lineage.”

To his side, a woman clad in a robe of purples and blacks, the emblem of a crescent moon cradling a tombstone woven into the cloth, regarded Kyle with an intense gaze.

“Morganna of the Moontomb clan…” She introduced herself, her tone sharp as the edge of a blade.

The last of the trio, draped in a dark green robe embroidered with thorns and ravens, had an air of solemnity as old as the forests.

“And I am Gavrie…” he declared, “of the Ravinie bloodline.”

It seemed that it was only right to introduce himself after the three bothered to do so themselves.

‘Well, I still have some manners, I suppose.’ Kyle thought.

“Ahem… I’m Kyle Marshall…” He said after clearing his throat.

He then looked around and confirmed that Lesley and the other Vessels had already vanished. It seemed that they actually used a spell to control their bodies.

The elders’ intent became clear as Sade spoke. “We seek to offer you a place among us, to become the Guardian of our Faction.”

“Wield your might for our cause.” Gavrie added after seeing Kyle’s reaction.

“As a fellow Half-Immortal, we will give you the resources you need to increase your Divinity. Our family had already existed for many generations. We have various methods to accumulate Divinity and learn more Arcane Paths. You just need to become one of the Guardians that will protect the Dark Arts Faction.” Morganna added.

‘They want to recruit me? That’s unexpected.’ Kyle thought as he heard their words.

Of course, his response was firm, his resolve was unshaken by the offer.

“I walk a path of my own choosing. Your offer, while grand, is not my destiny.”

He replied while shaking his head.

Morganna stepped forward, her tone laced with incredulity.

“Do you grasp the magnitude of what you refuse? We are Half-

Immortals and there are many other hidden Half-Immortals in our Faction. Our lineage is steeped in power. With us, you could achieve greatness beyond measure.”

Gavriel’s eyes narrowed, a silent understanding passing between them. “Your defiance is folly. We offer you a place among the legends of this continent… Consider well, young immortal.s”

Kyle met their gazes, one after another. Then, with his steady voice, he replied. “Then why not stop the invasion of the Abyss Realm if you have so many Half-Immortals?”

“It’s not that simple… The Dark Arts Faction has to ensure that its main force would not be revealed to enemies.” Sade replied.

Kyle understood where they were coming from, but he still had no plans to join them.

“I seek not legend nor power. My journey is one of balance, not dominion.” He replied with a mysterious smile on his face.

The three elders obviously didn’t like his reply.

The standoff was intense, as the tension in the air started getting heavier.

“Then you choose to stand against us?” Sade’s question hung in the air. This was a challenge he laid bare!

“I stand for my principles.” Kyle replied, “even if it means standing alone.”

The elders or perhaps patriarchs of the three Clans exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of respect and regret.

They had encountered a rare fellow who was not easily swayed by promises of wealth and power.

Kyle’s declaration hung in the air as the three Half-Immortals didn’t expect that even with the three of them facing the young man, he was still too arrogant.

The elders’ faces, once masks of ancient wisdom, now contorted with displeasure.

The atmosphere grew thick with the scent of an impending storm!

“You leave us no choice!” Eldric Featherstar intoned, his voice a low rumble. “We cannot allow a wildcard such as yourself to roam unchecked.”

Morganna Moontomb’s eyes glinted with a cold light. “You could have been a great ally, Kyle. Now, you shall witness the true might of the Dark Arts.”

Gavriel Ravinie raised his hands, and the ground beneath them began to tremble. “The dead shall heed our call. Rise, servants of the eternal night!”

With a chorus of incantations, the three elders summoned forth their legions.

From the earth, spectral figures emerged, their forms were translucent and shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

In just a blink of an eye, the land was suddenly filled with the whispers of the undead, a symphony of the damned that chilled the very soul.

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