Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 771 Trapped

Chapter 771 Trapped

?The entity, Pride, was now fully exposed to the elements as he found itself outmatched but refused to yield.

“Don’t feel too happy, Immortals! I’m not done!”

Pride, drawing upon the power of its original form, summoned more mystical energy…

Its aura soon started swelling with a dark radiance. It was beautiful yet terrifying at the same time.

“Pride… It’s your biggest to enter this realm.” One of the Immortals said as he dashed forward to attack the Deadly.

The other Immortal felt that this fight wouldn’t last for too long as he cast a Celestial Art that could burn Demonic Beings.

The Deadly Sin didn’t listen to any of their words as he unleashed a barrage of spells: Chains of Hubris to bind its target, Mirrors of Vanity to reflect their attacks, and Gaze of Contempt to paralyze them with fear.

“These Spells would be incredible if they were cast on Half-Immortals or normal Immortals… We’re already too strong for these basic spells, Sin of Pride.” The other Immortal, who had long blond hair, finally spoke.

Even after receiving several attacks from Pride, the Immortals stood firm, countering with their own formidable Celestial Arts—Divine Arcane Shield to break the chains, Tyrant Gaze to shatter the mirrors, and Breath of Clarity to pass through the paralyzing gaze of the Deadly Sin!

These Celestial Arts weren’t taken or Extracted by Vale for one reason: his Incorruptible Body could also cover the effects of these Spells!

In short, the Immortals were still lucky to have these Celestial Arts while fighting Pride.

Outside the castle, the denizens gathered after noticing the commotion and after Faith warned them to take cover…

Of course, they all failed to take cover as quickly as possible and watched the event with astonishment.

Their eyes are wide with awe and concern.

“I think we should leave now… Those two are the rumored Immortals, aren’t they?”

“That’s right… We should leave quickly. If they have to work together to fight an opponent, then it must be a monster.”

“Hurry! Let’s leave this place. A stray shot from these beings, and we’re a goner!”

The castle staff working in the kitchen, maintenance, garden, and various fields felt the earth tremble as they swiftly left for the designated shelters assigned to them.

Chad, the half-dragon, his scales glinting under the moonlight, watched with a warrior’s keen interest. His draconic heritage allowed him to sense the ebb and flow of the battle, and he stood ready to intervene should the need arise.

Well, he also knew that it was quite unlikely that his help would be needed, but he still prepared himself since there might be other intruders coming to their castle.

Thankfully, Vale had already lessened the restrictions of the two Dragons, and because of that, they should be able to inform him if there are other intruders taking advantage of the ongoing battle.

At this time, a few Arcanists from the Shadow Consortium and Church of the Lord of the Secrets whispered among themselves, their voices a mixture of fear and fascination.

“Look at the power of the Immortals… It’s incredible. I can feel the Divinity from here!”

“Indeed! I knew it! It’s a good thing I got assigned to work here as the coordinator.”

“That’s true… I even think that it’s actually better to stay at the Church. Now, I can even see the ferocity of the Deadly Sin. This is a good reference!”

“Yes… I can’t flirt with Miya while I’m here, but this is still a blessing in disguise.”

Apparently, two representatives from each organization had been sent here to the castle to act as the coordinators. Well, their partnership hadn’t ended yet, and their existence here would help them further deepen their relationship with the Shadow Immortal.

There was no way they would waste this opportunity.

Chad just listened to their conversation before shaking his head. He turned his attention to the battle and used his Draconic Sense to observe the surroundings.

Boom! Boom!

The battle raged on, as the two forces continued to fight against each other.

Nonetheless, the victor was already clear.

Pride, despite its efforts, was slowly being overwhelmed. The Immortals’ combined might was a force that even a Deadly Sin struggled to contend with.

With a final, desperate act, Pride conjured a sphere that was like a sun, a last-ditch attempt to encapsulate and crush its adversaries.

However, the Immortals, seemed to have expected this attack and summoned the Twin Pillars of Ice!

Bang! Bang!

The pillars rose high, and their cold presence pierced the sphere and dissipated it into a thousand fragments of harmless light!

It happened as quickly as the sun sphere was formed!

“This…” Pride was shocked as he realized that all his moves were actually being read by the Immortals!

Defeated and diminished, Pride had no choice but to retreat, its form shrinking as it fled into the darkness from whence it came!


Pride’s essence wavered like a flame in the wind.

“Escaping now?”

The Immortals’ anticipation of its desperate move had turned the tide. Of course, they also knew that the Deadly Sin would certainly escape after what they did.

Nonetheless, as Pride sought to vanish into the night, it found its path barred by an invisible barrier!


It was a space-type magic laid down by Vale’s Dimensional Creature.


Pride, its form now flickering and unstable, recoiled from the barrier as if struck by a physical blow.

The shock of being trapped, of being read so thoroughly by the Immortals, sent waves of fear through its being.

It had always been the hunter, never the hunted, and this reversal of roles was a bitter draught to swallow.

The Immortals advanced, their expressions not of triumph, but of solemn duty. They had no intention of ending Pride’s existence; such an act would not follow Vale’s desire at all.

Instead, they sought to bind it, to contain its malevolent influence until Vale’s return!

“You’ll be staying here with us, Deadly Sin.”

With a series of intricate hand gestures and silent incantations, they wove an ancient spell of imprisonment around Pride.

This Spell wasn’t part of the 12 Arcane Spells. This Spell that could imprison even the Deadly Sin was created even before the Arcane Paths were separated. Needless to say, it was something that doesn’t require a Spell Model to be able to cast!

The surrounding was suffused with divine energy as ethereal chains materialized, wrapping around the Deadly Sin with unbreakable bonds.

“You! Just kill me! Why are you even bothering to keep me alive! You will learn nothing from me! Hey!” The Deadly Sin shouted.

However, the two Immortals did not listen and continued with their spells.

Clank… Clank… Clank….

The chains glowed with a light that was the opposite of Pride’s darkness, a light that promised eternal confinement.

Pride could feel the strength of these chains, but he was helpless about them. He didn’t gather enough strength. He also underestimated this castle that actually houses two more Immortals!

It was too absurd!

Pride thrashed against its restraints as he decided to use his Soul Force to escape!

Since he was about to be caught, he’d rather use his life to get a better chance!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He unleashed Spell after Spell in a futile attempt to free itself. It castArrogance’s Lament, a wave of dark energy that sought to erode the chains, andVanity’s Echo, a sonic assault that aimed to shatter them. But the Immortals’ art was unyielding, and each of Pride’s attacks was absorbed and nullified by the glowing bonds.

“Too strong… These two aren’t normal Immortals, either. Are they Pure Immortal?” Pride thought for a moment, believing that these two were actually born Immortals!

This realization just made this castle and the Shadow Immortal even more mysterious in his eyes!

In the meantime, Outside the castle, the commotion had already drawn a larger crowd.

Everyone felt that the battle was already over, so many of them felt more relaxed going out.

Chad, the half-dragon, watched with awe and concern, but with his draconic sense, he knew that there wouldn’t be a chance for the Deadly Sin anymore.

Pride struggled for ten more minutes but it became clear that the Deadly Sin’s efforts were in vain. The Immortals’ Spell was too strong…

With a final, resonant chant, they completed the Prison Spell, sealing Pride within an ethereal cage that no force of sin could escape.

The Deadly Sin’s form shrank further, its grotesque features smoothing out as it was forced into a state of dormancy.

The two Immortals actually delayed the completion of the Prison Spell to ensure that the Deadly Sin would be really weak.

The Immortals, their task complete, turned to the onlookers, their eyes conveying a silent message of reassurance.

“We will keep this one safe until Vale’s return…” They announced, their voices showed their authority in the castle…

Chad then stepped forward as he offered a nod of respect to the Immortals.

“The castle stands thanks to you… Please take care of the Deadly Sin.”

This content is taken from fr(e)ewebn(o)vel.𝓬𝓸𝓶

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