Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 782 New Companion

Chapter 782 New Companion

?The journey of the two Time Manipulators continued.

In the town of Silverbrook, they stayed at the Rusty Griffin Inn. The innkeeper, a stout woman named Hilda, eyed their cloaks.

“You’re not from around here…” She said while looking Fox… Needless to say, she was also an undercover agent of the Arcane Bureau and the two agents wanted to make a report here about the suspicious thrall they’d seen.

Of course, that would be done away from the prying eyes of the two clients they have.

“Yes… We’re travelers.” Fox replied. “And we just need a good night’s sleep.”

Hilda nodded, her eyes looked shrewd as she looked at Jin.

“We only have two rooms available… Just share with each other.”

“We’re fine with that…” Axe replied that he wanted to make his report already. After making their payment, Fox informed Jin and Giorgi that they would just buy a few things they needed.

“We’ll go ahead and rest then…” Jin replied. Although he was already feeling a bit suspicious of these two Arcanists, he wasn’t worried at all since he wasn’t feeling any killing intent from them.

It means that even if they had secrets they were hiding, it probably wasn’t too important. Anyway, they knew that there weren’t a lot of Arcanists or Immortals who could deal with them.

Anyway, their journey continued for a while since after resting in this town, they boarded another train, and this time, they were caught in an incident.


The rhythmic chugging of the train had been a comforting constant for Axe and Fox as they journeyed from Silverbrook Town.

Jin and Georgi also seemed relaxed as they confirmed that there were no longer any traces of Temporal Energy in their bodies after several days of discontinuing their use of Time Spells.

Now, they were confident that they would not be detected as Time Manipulators even if a Dimensional Creature was in front of them… At the very least, they would need some time to observe their bodies before they could tell their identity. Of course, it was something that would be difficult to happen.

But as the train slowed to an unscheduled stop in a small, unnamed village, a sense of unease crept over them.

The doors hissed open, and onto the train stepped a group of figures that were unmistakably not human.


Metallic golems, androids with surfaces gleaming like polished armor, moved down the aisle with mechanical precision.

Their eyes, if they could be called that, emitted a soft glow as they scanned the passengers. Jin and Giorgi exchanged a look of alarm, having never encountered such beings.

Fox, noticing their concern, leaned in. “We’re nearing the Immortal’s territory…” she whispered. “Expect the security to tighten.”

Jin’s brow furrowed. “These are the Immortal’s minions?”

“In a way,” Axe interjected. “They’re the creations of a genius alchemist in the Immortal’s employ. Talent is a valuable currency here. If you’re skilled, I’m sure that Immortal will also invest in you.”

Jin and Giorgi could only wryly smile after hearing this.

Soon, the androids approached, one extending an arm.

From its palm emerged a device that pulsed with an eerie light.

It swept over Jin and Giorgi, emitting a series of soft beeps. This was also done to Fox and Axe…

Axe then explained that the artifact was designed to detect demonic possession or malevolent spirits…

After a few moments, the androids found nothing amiss with the two Arcanists. With a nod that seemed almost courteous, the androids continued on.

“Interesting…” Jin muttered as he watched how naturally they moved.

However, their relief was short-lived as a commotion erupted from the next cabin!

Shouts and the sound of scuffling feet reached their ears.

The other androids hastened towards the disturbance, their earlier calm efficiency replaced by swift, decisive action!

“Demon!” A passenger shouted, creating panic in the other cabins!s

A demon, somehow undetected until now, had revealed itself.

Its form was a swirling mass of shadows, eyes like burning coals set deep within a face of horror.



The passengers screamed, scrambling to escape the cabin as the androids engaged the creature!

Seeing this, the passengers felt relieved as they believed that they were finally safe.

The battle was fierce but brief.

The Demon lashed out with tendrils of dark energy, each strike dismantling an android with terrifying efficiency!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In moments, the five metal golems lay in ruins, their parts scattered across the floor!

Another panic ensued. The train’s whistle blew a shrill warning as the conductor attempted to regain control.

Jin and Giorgi, along with Fox and Axe, knew they had to do something. They couldn’t allow the Demon to wreak havoc…

The Demon that had revealed itself was a mass of shadows and malice, its presence a stark contrast to the mundane journey they had embarked upon.

Jin and Giorgi, careful not to reveal their true nature as Time Manipulators, reached into their cloaks and produced a pair of ancient artifacts.

These relics, etched with symbols of the Mystic Arts, glowed with a potent energy. With practiced motions, they began to chant, drawing upon the artifacts’ power to cast spells of containment and banishment.

“By the Mystic Arts, we command thee,

Bound by artifact, we demand thee,

Return to the abyss, from whence you came,

Sealed by our will, in the arcane flame.”

As soon as Fox and Axe heard their chants, they realized that these two Mystic Arts Practitioners were Ritual Experts!

They weren’t Shamans!

Nonetheless, they had no time to be impressed.

The two of them unsheathed their runic weapons—blades inscribed with mystical runes. These runes weren’t simple either, as they had received them from the merchant organization that had been established by the Immortal himself!

They believed that these Runic Weapons were actually made by the Legendary Arcanist of the Continent, Magnus!

As soon as they poured their Arcane Energy into the weapons, they dashed forward!

They moved in unison, their weapons humming through the air, carving runes of light that sizzled against the Demon’s form!

The Demon roared, a sound that threatened to shatter the very windows of the train, but the combined assault of mystic spells and runic blades held it at bay.

Passengers cowered, their eyes wide with fear, as they witnessed a battle that defied explanation—a clash of otherworldly forces in the confines of their carriage!

They knew that this was dangerous, so most of them could only pray that they wouldn’t die! They also couldn’t help but scold the train operators in their minds for not opening the doors immediately!

“This Demon isn’t too strong! We can win!” Fox said as she knew that reinforcement won’t be necessary.

Axe and the others also felt the same, as the Demon seemed to be really weak… Well, the androids must’ve taken a lot of its energy just now.


In the midst of the chaos, unnoticed by everyone in the cabin, a nobleman watched from the sidelines. His gaze was fixed on Jin and Giorgi, a knowing smirk playing upon his lips.

Had Kyle been present, he would have recognized this figure as the Demon Lord, the one who had met with Farah, the Fortune Goddess’ Avatar.

Anyway, the Demon Lord’s Avatar’s interest was piqued by the display of power before him.

As the battle reached its climax, Jin and Giorgi’s artifacts pulsed with a final surge of energy, while Fox and Axe’s runic weapons glowed with a fierce light.

Together, they struck the Demon. Their powers were able to cut through the Demonic Being in just less than a minute!


When the light faded, the Demon was no more—its essence was already scattered to the winds.

The train, once a scene of terror, was now calm. The passengers emerged from their hiding places, their expressions a mix of relief and awe.

The nobleman, the Demon Lord’s Avatar, leaned back in his seat, his smirk widening.

“Time Manipulators? Interesting…” He murmured to himself.

Jin and Giorgi, along with Fox and Axe, sheathed their weapons and artifacts. A dozen Elite Androids came equipped with Royal-Rank Artifacts, so they should be able to have a good fight against the Demon. However, after understanding what had happened, the cabin was just cleaned up, and everything was fixed… The train would then continue with their journey.

‘What a pity…’ Fox thought as she looked at the androids going away… Apparently, he knew that if the group of Elite Androids weren’t able to settle this matter in a specific time, a Half-

Immortal or even an Immortal would actually rush to this train to take care of the Demon.

It had happened several times already, and the Arcane Bureau was well aware of it.

But she immediately shook her head since that was a dangerous thought. Some innocent lives might be claimed if that happened.

Then, she looked at their clients, curious about the artifacts they wielded.

She wanted to ask them about it, but this time, a man wearing a nice suit and holding a cane approached them.

“Hello, are you also going to meet the Shadow Immortal?”

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

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