Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 791 Sneak

Chapter 791 Sneak

The Stormbringer Sword hummed with lightning energy as it cleaved through the air, leaving trails of shimmering light in its wake, while the Creation Ring wove intricate patterns of energy that merged into ethereal blades that danced around him!

Indeed. Kyle created a dozen floating swords made of his Divinity using the Creation Ring!

“Hahaha! Now, this is getting exciting!” The Demon Lord laughed as he saw Kyle’s attack coming at him.

He relied on his overwhelming Demonic Essence to resist the lightning strikes of the Stormbringer Sword and the Flying Energy Swords of the Creation Ring!

Then, after showing how powerful he was,?Bael?countered with a barrage of?Dark Magic, summoning forth shadowy tendrils that lashed out at?Kyle?with unnatural speed and precision!

Demonic Whip!

The air crackled with malevolent energy as he cast a few more demonic spells seeking to overwhelm Kyle with the sheer weight of his malevolent power!

In response,?Kyle’s aura flared with renewed intensity, a radiant shield of light that repelled the dark magics of the Demon Lord appeared!

Kyle also used his Void Claw Spell that he got from a Dimensional Creature to block the numerous Demonic Spells.

Then, with each swing of the?Stormbringer Sword?and each invocation of the?Creation Ring, he destroyed the remaining Spells coming at him!

Even if there were a few that managed to sneak through his defenses, his Spell Dispersion would completely wipe it out before it reached his body…

“I’m not done yet!” Bael, his form wreathed in a swirling maelstrom of Demonic Aura, unleashed a torrent of malevolent spells and curses, each more twisted and deadly than the last.

It was as if Bael wanted to use a huge number of Demonic Spells to lessen the vast amount of Demonic Energy within his body after he removed his third-limiter…

Well, after Kyle used his True Dragon’s Sight Spell, he was able to tell that the Demon Lord’s Avatar wasn’t capable of taking all the Demon Lord’s power after the limiter was removed..

There was plenty of Demonic Energy that was leaking out of its body and being wasted. Because of that, Bael would rather use the leaking energy to cast a massive number of mid-tier Spells on Kyle in order to weaken him!

Bael cast Demonic Bind, creating vine-like energy that snaked towards Kyle, seeking to entangle him in a web of shadow, restricting his movements and draining his strength.

At the same time, Bael cast Soul Break Spell, a curse that threatened to fracture Kyle’s very soul, filling his mind with doubt and despair, weakening his resolve with each passing moment.

Bael wasn’t satisfied with this as he also used Abyssal Fury and summoned forth a wave of pure Malevolent Energy that crashed against Kyle’s defenses, threatening to overwhelm him with its sheer destructive power.

‘Is he getting desperate?’ Kyle thought as he saw the oncoming Demonic Spells… They were spells several times more powerful than the ones he encountered from the Demon Saints.

‘So these are the Demon Lord’s Spells.’ Kyle commented in his mind as he could tell that these Spells may appear simple, but all of them were actually filled with the intense power of corruption.

If he were a normal Immortal, he would soon succumb to this barrage of spells as it could slowly corrupt his body and suffer from internal injuries.

After all, the Corruption that the Demon Lord uses was several times more powerful than what the Demon Saints use.

Nonetheless, he was undeterred by the onslaught.

Kyle stood firm, his aura blazing with the combined power of the Artifacts of the Three Paragons!

As Bael prepared to unleash another devastating attack, Kyle raised the golden pocketwatch – the Temporal Timepiece – activating its ancient powers with a surge of divine energy.

With a swift motion, Kyle harnessed the Temporal Timepiece’s abilities, bending the fabric of time and space to his will. A shimmering Temporal Bubble enveloped him, shielding him from Bael’s assaults and granting him a moment of respite to gather his strength.

Then, Bael finally realized how terrifying Kyle could be with the unsealed Temporal Timepiece in his possession!

The speed of time around Kyle slowed to a crawl, allowing him to move with unparalleled swiftness, evading Bael’s attacks easily! It was none other than the Time Dilation of the Artifact!

However, Bael’s passive abilities still cause Kyle trouble. After all, these Spells could somehow defy the Time Dilation and activate on its own without Bael’s input. Several Curses actually hit him and most of them were deadly!

In a daring gambit, Kyle channeled his divinity into the Temporal Timepiece, causing time itself to flow in reverse for a brief instant, undoing the effects of Bael’s curses and restoring his strength.

It was Time Reversal, and it quickly removed the curses on his physique!

Then, realizing that he could not follow Kyle’s movement, Bael waited until Kyle got close and decided to explode his Demonic Aura around him!


Since he could not catch Kyle, he decided to attack the area instead!

However, Kyle’s mastery over the Temporal Timepiece had already reached an incredible level.

Kyle used the final ability of the golden pocketwatch…

Distortion Wave!

With this Spell, he unleashed a wave of temporal distortion that rippled through the battlefield, disrupting Bael’s spells even his corruption energy with its chaotic energy, throwing the Demon Lord off!

“Are you still having fun?” Kyle muttered as he watched the Demon Lord looking confused at what had happened just now.

Kyle’s mastery of time and space proved to be a formidable advantage, allowing him to outmaneuver Bael’s dark magics and counter with devastating blows.


As the battle betweenKyleandBaelraged on with overwhelming intensity, the clash of their powers destroyed the landscape and disrupted even the weather of the whole region.

Well, the two’s Celestial Arts created maelstrom of light and darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path!

After all, despiteKyle’s mastery over theTemporal Timepiece,Bael’s passive abilities continued to pose a challenge, with curses and spells that defied conventional time manipulation..

Meanwhile, asBaeldetonated hisDemonic Aurain a desperate attempt to strike atKyle, theTime ManipulatorsJinandGiorgiwatched from a safe distance, their awe could be easily seen as they witnessed the incredible display of power unfolding before them.

“Temporal Timepiece… I never thought I’d see it in action,”Jinexclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of the legendary artifact inKyle’s possession.

He had heard about this item and knew that it had more to it. It had many legends about it about being able to even save souls…


Giorginodded in agreement, his expression grim as he considered the implications ofKyle’s mastery overTime Magic.

The twoTime Manipulatorsknew that their hidden identities could be at risk ifKyle’s powers was already at the same level as them.

“Let’s not worry about it now.”

Setting aside their concerns for the moment,JinandGiorgirefocused on their mission to steal theGolden KeyfromKyle…

With the barriers destroyed or removed during the chaos of the battle, they seized the opportunity to make their move.

“Did you sense theGolden Keyon him?”Jininquired, his gaze fixed onKyle in the distance while they headed to the castle.

Giorgishook his head. “I’ve been trying, but there was no response. Even if he hides it using a Space Ring or Pouch, I should be able to sense it. However, not even a weak scent of it could be felt.”

“Alright… It must be within the castle. Let’s make our way there while they are engaged in combat. The time is ripe for us to act.” Jin said as he made sure not to get detected.

He also glanced at the two Immortals watching the battle and confirmed that their presence wasn’t known yet.

As long as they were careful, nothing should go wrong with their plans.

With a sense of urgency, the two Time Manipulators set off toward Kyle’s castle, their movements swift and calculated as they navigated without making any sounds…

As they approached the imposing structure, a sense of foreboding hung in the air…

“Be careful… Even without the Shadow Immortal’s presence, there are still formidable figures living here.” Jin said.

“Then it’s time to use our time spells while he’s busy…” Giorgi said.

Jin agreed to this as the twoTime Manipulatorsfocused their energies on concealing their presence using a powerfulTime Spellknown asChrono Veil, masking their movements from prying eyes as they ventured deeper into the heart of thecastle.

However, their stealthy advance was abruptly interrupted as a sudden assault on their minds sent shockwaves of pain rippling through their consciousness.


In a surreal moment,JinandGiorgi’s mental barrierswere breached by two formidable beings! Within their heads, they saw the image of two Dragons looking at them menacingly as if giving them a warning not to continue with their plans!

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