Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 851: Main Project

Chapter 851: Main Project


This time, Vale’s Avatar, still in his Demonic Form, tried to hypnotize Sloth, one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

However, it wasn’t easy. Vale tried using his Mind Break Spell to weaken the Sloth’s defenses, but even after doing so, he failed to control the Sloth’s mind.

This means that it had stronger mind defense than the Immortals and Demon Saints, who were currently under his control.

‘Is there no other choice but to kill him?’ Vale considered for a moment. After all, he couldn’t Extract this creature…

At this time, he checked his current set of Spells.

After browsing them for a long time while his Astral Chains were still active, he finally found an answer.

It was one of the Spells he had extracted from the Demon Lord, the Soul Extractor Spell!

“That’s enough, Demon Shadow Immortal. If you want to hypnotize me because you want to ask me questions, then you can go ahead and ask them now. I will answer you truthfully as long as you promise to let me go.” Sloth weakly said as he was also struggling to defend against Vale’s mind attacks.

“Is that so?”

Vale stood before the bound form of Sloth, the Sin struggling against the strong grip of the Astral Chains that coiled around him like serpents of ethereal energy.

Soon, he made a decision, Vale raised his hands and began to chant the Soul Extractor Spell. Although he already had its Spell Model, this was still considered a forbidden ritual that would extract Sloth’s soul. The backlash would weaken if he did the proper chant and with his Demonic Form still active.

Well, he was only an Avatar so he had to take this seriously. He couldn’t obtain too much backslash from casting spells, or he might disappear in the end.

“You! Is that Soul Extraction?! Are you really one of the Demon Lords?! Wait… No… Did you extract this?! You’re—” Sloth exclaimed in horror.

“Sloth, your time of slothfulness and decay has come to an end…” Vale’s voice rang out, cutting through his words.

“Your soul shall be mine to command, a prisoner of my will.”

Sloth’s eyes blazed with defiance as he struggled against the chains that held him captive. “You dare to defy me, fake immortal?” Sloth’s voice was a chilling whisper that would probably sent shivers down Vale’s spine if he wasn’t bound by Astral Chains.

Nonetheless, the Sin continued.

“I am Sloth, one of the Deadly Sins, eternal and evil. You cannot contain me!”

Ignoring Sloth’s taunts, Vale finished up his Soul Extraction Spells and used plenty of Corrupted Divinity in the process. He had no way of replenishing Corrupted Divinity, but he had to do this.

Soon, patterns of magic that formed the Soul Extractor Spell were finished.

Shadows danced around Vale, merging into a swirling vortex of darkness that reached out towards Sloth with hungry tendrils. The very fabric of reality seemed to ripple and distort under the weight of this forbidden magic.

As the shadows enveloped Sloth, a non-human scream echoed through the region! Sloth’s form contorted and writhed in agony as his soul was wrenched from his body, he couldn’t defend against the tendrils of Shadow no matter how hard he tried to defend!

Nonetheless, Sloth was truly tough as Vale needed more than two minutes before a luminous essence that struggled against its fate started coming out of Sloth’s body! Thud!

Sloth’s body dropped to the ground, lifeless.

Then, with a final surge of power, Vale sealed Sloth’s soul within his own Shadow… However, he wasn’t merging the essence of the Sin with his own being.

He was simply trying to store it inside his Shadow, where Yvaine was also staying!

“Yvaine… Help me!” Vale said as he realized that Sloth’s soul was still trying to escape…

“I got it…” Yvaine replied as she swiftly suppressed Sloth’s soul within the Shadow.

After this happened, the surroundings fell silent…

“Whew…” Vale wiped the sweat on his forehead as that was really challenging. Nonetheless, if he would ever extract another soul, he already knew what to do.

Vale then turned to his Shadow.

“Are you alright there, Yvaine?” Vale asked.

Updat𝓮d from freewēbnoveℓ.com.

“Yes… The soul was now unresponsive inside your Shadow… It had fallen into slumber, I believe.” Yvaine replied as it seemed as if the soul just accepted what had happened. It was certainly not a bad thing.

“Really? He surely lives up to his reputation.” Vale said as he shook his head.

“This soul is really strong, and if we remove its memories, it would be a very precious gift to Denise. She’s been looking for a strong blank Soul.” Yvaine reminded.

“R-right… She mentioned that before.” Vale replied with a hint of surprise in his tone. Well, he had just recalled this after Yvaine mentioned it again.

“I’ll ask her if she wanted this Soul… I’m sure Magnus had a way to clean this one.” Vale muttered…


In the meantime, within Vale’s Castle in the Forbidden Forest, Magnus made his way through the winding corridors of the castle…

After some time, he finally arrived at Denise’s main laboratory located in the Arcane Tower on the west side of the castle.

This was a place he rarely visited now. Nonetheless, he saw that there was a note that he could just enter the room if there was something he needed. It seemed that Denise wasn’t at a critical point in her research right now.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door, Magnus stepped into the laboratory and beheld an awe-inspiring sight.

Countless androids stood at attention, their metallic frames gleaming in the ambient light. These mechanical guardians were a testament to Denise’s skill… Each one of these humanoid metal golem was a marvel of engineering and magic.

However, it was the figure standing at the center of the room that truly captured Magnus’s attention. Before him stood a slightly taller humanoid metal golem or android, unlike any he had ever seen. Its form was imposing, towering over Magnus with an aura of power and strength that seemed to defy mortal limitations.

Indeed, Magnus felt an aura similar to Immortals in this golem that was Denise’s main


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