Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

Myuu’s Spring Vacation Scars of Battlefield

Powerful sea spray rose in V-shape from the advance of BD through the sea.

A barrier that didn’t let water getting in was enveloping the whole ship’s frame, so not even a drop of water got stuck on the ship even though it was rushing on the sea. It was a really strange sight.

And yet, thanks to the barrier function that could select some phenomenon to still pass through it, the sea breeze was blowing through fully, making it feeling even stranger.

「Oo~, amazing amazing! The sea breeze feels goood! It’s the besttt~!! Koone might like this better than sky travel!」

Koone didn’t pay any attention at all to her twintails that were flapping wildly from the sea breeze. She was leaning forward from her deck while holding on the handrail.

「It looks like Ku-chan too has the aptitude as a woman of the sea huh, nano.」

「The underwater was also beautiful……. The sight of a film of water covering the ship with the light of the sun swaying as the background is really pretty, fufu, I unconsciously raised my voice when those fishes leaped out.」

Myuu was leaning on the handrail with her arms crossed while making an atmosphere like 「The sea is my garden even in the different world」. She was acting like a hardboiled madam.

Hinata too was holding down her hair with one hand while enjoying the pleasant sea breeze that was bathing her body. She was recalling the unique underwater experience with an entranced look.

It was a really picturesque sight. Even more than the current Myuu who was overflowing with “coolness” like a certain abyss lord.

That was only natural, When it came to the staple of the rich then it would be fancy cruiser. The rich would get on cruiser during summer and had vacation on foreign sea! The holiday of the wealthy that the ordinary people liked to dream of was something that Fujiwara family always did every year without fail. Hinata must be the one person here who was the most familiar with “vacation on ship”.

「Even so……as expected, I really cannot get used to this kind of outfit.」

Hinata put her hands over her navel to hide it shyly.

A pants look with loose and fluttery fabric that had white base color. The navel and shoulders were exposed and the fabric’s transparency was getting higher the lower it was. It could be compared to a dancer outfit.

It was an outfit that should be called as the casual version of the formal dress that Koone wear at the welcoming ceremony.

Speaking of sea, then swimsuit would be the first thing that came to mind, but it wasn’t like they would actually enter into the sea and play in water. And so the three little girls all wore outfit that was close to it. In other words, Myuu and Koone were also wearing the same outfit.

Though there was difference in color. Myuu’s was light blue, while Koone’s was faint red.

As thanks for the matching pajama with color variation that was gifted to her at the first day, she placed order for these outfits during their sightseeing in the rear territories. Hinata and Myuu’s size had been measured before the departure, so the outfit perfectly fitted Myuu and Hinata’s body shape, unlike the traditional outfit with one size fits all that Koone had prepared as souvenir from the start.

It was one of the many gifts from Synclea Kingdom that Hinata and Myuu got during the farewell party after they returned to the capital.

Yes, Myuu and Hinata were already wearing the outfit that was one of such gifts during this day, the sixth day of the trip.

They toured the rear territories, then yesterday, they returned to the capital where there was a grand farewell party. Currently they were leaving the continent and continued advancing further and further north.

「Hina-chan, you look really good in that nano! I took your picture in it, so you can show it to Endou at home nano. There’s no doubt he’ll get excited nano!」

「N-no, Endou-sama is an exceedingly wholesome person so I think he will not get excited or anything……」

A university student who got aroused by a nine years old girl wearing dancer outfit……I see, that’s bad. I want Endou-sama to get interested to me but, him getting aroused from my current figure feels wrong somehow. Though I want him to at least tell me that I look cute, it suits me……

Hinata-chan fidgeted with such maiden heart inside her chest.

「Even Hi-chan had at least worn swimsuit before hadn’t you? Is it really something to feel that embarrassed about? Koone ask doubtfully.」

Koone tilted her head with a puzzled look. Also, when it came to swimsuit of Synclea’s females, it was fundamentally bikini type.

「I-I had only ever worn the one-piece type before. Because Otou-sama would not allow anything else than that.」

It stood to reason.

The time that Hinata spent at sea was fundamentally at private beach or private cruiser where there were only family, servants, and bodyguards around.

And so, Chikage-okaasan said 「It should be fine. You can wear it if you like」 tolerantly but, Taisei papa insisted 「Bikini type is too early for elementary school student!」 stubbornly and wouldn’t give ground.

「However, I was a little bit interested, so I am happy that I can wear this kind of outfit. Ku-chan, thank you very much.」

「Ehehe, it’s great that you’re happy with it!」

「Let Myuu say thanks too nano. After all papa love this kind of outfit so much he made the Onee-chans wore dancer outfit and flirted with them for several days, so Myuu is happy Myuu can wear this too nano!」

「「Eh, ah……is that so」」

Koone and Hinata unintentionally replied similarly.

To think that the demon king had that kind of hobby……no, perhaps he was the demon king exactly because of that?

A groundless misunderstanding was spreading between the girls.

Ankaji Dukedom’s traditional outfit was more or less looking like dancer outfit too, and Yue and others were wearing such outfit when staying there for several days. That was all but……

During the Tortus travel, it seemed that when Myuu saw that through the past replay she thought “papa was a matchless lover of dancer outfit”. Papa was making a perverted gaze nano……she thought. That papa would definitely want to die if he heard that.

「N-now that you mention it, there is also a desert country in Mi-chan’s home world isn’t it? Koone remember that was mentioned during the pajama party in our first day.」

Koone felt like he got a glimpse of the demon king’s naughty side for some reason and hurriedly changed the topic. She really could read the mood.

「Myu! You mean Ankaji Dukedom nano. Come to think of it, it might be really similar with Ku-chan’s country? Like the tradition or the dress, the skin and hair color too. The princess Airi-oneechan too, she reaaally treasure her country, so she might see eye to eye with Ku-chan nano.」

「Hoee~, perhaps the desert environment naturally made the countries similar in culture and sense of value. Koone want to see Myuu-chan’s birthplace too one day. At that time let Koone visit that place too by all means. Koone, is super interested with other world’s desert country!」

Of course, the queen going to another world that easily in the current situation where Synclea Kingdom was still far away from being stable was impossible.

Although, it was truly an enticing prospect to talk about it as a dream for the future.

「Let’s play together again, with the three of us at that time. Please do not leave me behind okay?」

Hinata laughed playfully. Myuu brushed up her hair theatrically.

「Leave it to Myuu, nano! Myuu will present the seaman race’s swimsuit to you two──it’s like the everyday wear there though. Fufu, it’s gonna be the bikini type yeah, nano!」

In fact, the outfit of seaman race was extremely risqué. Even with the children. They wore things like dress or pareo when on land but……the females fundamentally wore bikini type swimsuit as their everyday wear.

「Uu, that’s……no, there is the saying when in Rome, do as the Roman do, so I will also do my best-」

Hinata clenched her fists tightly and resolved (?) herself to fight her embarrassment.

Seeing Hinata like that, Koone recalled Kaori and Shizuku who she had met before and got a thought.

「As expected is the sense of values between earth and Tortus also differ? Should Koone say that earth’s women are reserved, that they don’t really want to show their skin……while Tortus on the other hand is more open? That is what Koone feel……」

「Myu? Rather than difference of world, Myuu think it’s a difference of country or individual though……」

Why do you reach such conclusion? Myuu asked with a tilted head. Koone answered with a serious face.

「Because, seaman race exposes a lot of skin right? Tio-sama too fully opened the chest part of her kimono. To a degree that they looked like they could spill anytime. Yue-oneesama’s existence itself is lewd. And most of all……Shia-sama is, you know, like that……」

「M-Myuu can’t refute that nano……」

「A, haha……central trade territory Vialattera, was it? ……It was problematic there wasn’t it……」

The three looked at each other’s face.

Myuu muttered quietly and made her “treasure warehouse” shined. A lot of the souvenirs that they received from the territories they visited came out.

There were the usual souvenirs like local specialty food and handicraft, then there were special clothing and accessories with the crests of various territories engraved. There were also various things like rare jewel and gem. Myuu was also holding Hinata’s share, but this time Myuu was only taking out hers. Even then there were so many that the floor was completely covered.

The three sat femininely on the floor with the war booties surrounding them.

Koone took a unique hair ornament (?) that stuck out from the mountain of souvenirs. Hinata fished out a cloth bag that was embroidered with that hair ornament’s shape from the mountain of souvenir. She then spread it out. Her face was a bit red.

Myuu and others looked at each other once more. For a while an atmosphere where they didn’t know what to say drifted around them……

「Umm, Myuu’s sorry for our Shia-oneechan nano……」

「N-no, this isn’t Shia-sama’s fault so……everyone in Vialattera is just a bit strange in the head──no I mean, twisted──not that too, they’re too high spirited? That’s all so」

「Ku-chan, your true feeling is leaking out.」

The three naturally recalled it.

After sightseeing at Arquette, the next sightseeing area they visited was──a territory that was ought to be called as the center of commerce of the rear territories, Vialattera. In a sense it was the sightseeing area that left the most intense impression to them.







When the sun had slightly passed the zenith.

「「「「「Welcome!! To the beautiful Vialattera!!!」」」」」

Like all the times before, Kouki’s group was receiving passionate welcome too at their second sightseeing destination, the central commerce territory Vialattera.

BD (Black Dragon) landed beside the highway slightly away from the city just like at Arquette, but both sides of the highway from BD until the city’s gate were packed full with the citizens lining up to welcome them.

Everyone was all smiles while looking up at Kouki’s group that was looking down on them from the deck.

All of them were people who actually never saw the savior in person, so there weren’t just feelings of welcoming and gratitude there, but also joy and curiosity in their shining eyes like fans who were boisterous from being able to meet the celebrity they were rooting for.

Standing at the forefront, right in front of BD’s ramp was the feudal lord, Affieli Vialattera who was spreading his arms widely like a stage actor to show his welcome.

Naturally there was also his wife beside him. She should be in the middle of her forty, but her blonde hair and her chocolate skin had glossiness to them. There was also how she had a baby face and small stature so she looked really youthful.

And beside her was a young man around the same age like Kouki, and also a girl who looked like the age of someone who had just entered high school. They had blonde hair and chocolate skin like their parents and both also had attractive face and figure.

The wife’s face was bright red. It seemed that she was feeling extremely embarrassed.

In contrast the daughter was similar to the father. She was holding her head high as though to proclaim that there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

The family was giving out such welcome, however, Kouki had no reaction. No, should it be said that he couldn’t react?

Naturally the feudal lords of various territories and their staffs, also Koone and Moana and the group from the capital, and even the owner of the strongest communication ability Myuu were either having their mouth hanging open while showing a stupid look, or their expression was twitching completely.

「Wha-, wha-, what in the world is thisss———–!?」

Should it be said, as expected from the queen? Koone was the first one who returned to her senses. Her scream was reverberating far and wide.


「Yes, your majesty!!」


「What is there to explainnn!!!」

「Obviously about that appearance-, aaah!?」

Spenser whispered into Koone’s ear 「Y-your majesty, your speech is becoming crude there-. I……understand how you feel though」.

Yeah, really, Kouki and others also agreed with Spenser. Certainly, they could understand his shaken feeling. After all they themselves also felt absurdly shaken.

When they arrived to Vialattera, Affieli requested that they waited just for a little bit. That was the happening of around half an hour ago. This was a rare chance, so he wanted to inform his family who stayed home and the citizens about the savior’s arrival, so they could create a welcoming mood as much as possible.

Kouki and Koone agreed.

And then, in that short time the citizens flooded out from the capital with Affieli and his family riding on arous at the forefront. That created the bizarre sight below them like this.


「Ooh, you mean this outfit! Of course, this is the outfit of one of savior-sama’s party, the saver of our beautiful Vialattera──Shia Hauria-sama-」

「Ain’t that rightt!!」

Shia-ization of the whole populace plan!! As though to proclaim that, the women and children (and even some of the boys) of the beautiful Vialattera were all unified in their appearance!

They put on hair ornament that was modeled after rabbit ears, and wearing outfit that was designed after the attire that Shia was wearing at that time.

By the way, Shia’s attire at that time was her outfit during her Tortus period like the other members because they were heading to battle.

It was that attire that was almost no different from swimsuit. The one where her panty would be completely visible if she moved around quickly and the like. Also, according to the person herself 「There’s a way of moving that won’t show it! But even if other people see it by any chance, I’m already wearing the panty for show that I bought in Japan so there’s nothing to feel ashamed about!」, it seemed.

Hajime still didn’t understand what was its difference from normal underwear. It wasn’t even a panty that was designed like short pants, rather it was an erotic one that dug into Shia’s plump bu ──omitted.

Anyway, although the attire had arrangement in each of its details, such risqué Shia Style + rabbit ears & rabbit tail’s ornament were apparently becoming an unprecedented big craze among the girls of Vialattera that originally had been well versed in fashion too as the center of commerce.

Everything was due to their idolization of the strong and cute Shia-sama.

By the way there was part 2. If it was just the rabbit ears then even the men and boys of Vialattera were also wearing it. Affieli also wasn’t an exception. And then, Affieli had a macho body even though he wasn’t a warrior. His physique was like a pro-wrestler with height nearing two meters. And, he was wearing rabbit ears. It looked like he could get along with Hauria.

The macho manly man was putting on a really nice smile while the rabbit ears were swaying on his head……

Koone had the look of someone who was watching a nightmare. However, as expected from the queen perhaps, she somehow maintained the composure of her heart and asked.

「There isn’t anything like this mentioned in your report though?」

「There are signs of new fashion. I wish to expand a new business to accompany the war victory, I had included those words in my report!」

「Koone never imagined that they could be about something like this……」

「HAHA-, actually I intentionally made it vague because I wanted to unveil it in an auspicious day like today!!」

「Ain’t that right!!」

「All males of Vialattera are thankful from the bottom of their heart. They won’t say thankful about what though! They also say that their sore eyes are feeling extremely blessed everyday now」

「You’re practically saying it there, Affieli.」

When they looked across the sight from the deck, indeed, the smile on the males’ face felt like there was a slightly different meaning to it.

Thank you Shia-sama! Thank you to the savior too for calling Shia-sama here!

Thanks to you the women around us are wearing lovely outfit that made our heart go pyon pyon everyday!

The meal today taste delicious too! They looked like they wanted to say that.

「Please look, Koone-sama. This embarrassed look of my wife. This too is very arousing in its own way correct? In addition to that, when it comes to the cuteness of swaying and shaking rabbit ears and tail! This is truly the fashion revolution! My heart is dancing everyday thanks to it! The meal today is also delicious! HA-HA-HA! A second son or second daughter might be born before long at this rate!」

He actually said it out loud. The feudal lord of all people said it. The males of Vialattera, from young man to the elderly were all nodding deeply.

Seeing that, the females of Vialattera too weren’t looking all that dissatisfied.

They were dressing like the person they looked up to and also got showered with attention by nearby males. Truly wonderful, they praised.

From the start this was a city where people with ardent personality gathered in great number, so apparently the males and females were both greatly satisfied by the current situation.

「Affieli, just what are you making my Koone-tan listen to? There are also Myuu-chan and Hinata-chan here you know? My fist is roaring you know? I won’t say roaring for what though.」

「!? My deepest apologiesss-, Moana-sama!!」

Moana’s completely opened eye pupils were locked on to the crotch of the pleased feudal lord. Affieli-san who noticed that turned pale and bowed his head. He wouldn’t be able to create the second son or second daughter at this rate! He thought.

The wife was weakly hitting and slapping the back of that husband of hers with red face & teary eyes. She was red from shame and happiness and anger, her feelings were just overflowing. How to say it, she was a really adorable person. It was understandable how she was able to revive the lord’s passion.

In any case, it seemed the relationship between the husband and wife was doing well. All were well.

Queen Koone convinced herself somehow like that.

Because it couldn’t be helped.

「Good grief, you’re simply unbelievable.」

It wasn’t the line of an eight years old girl but, it couldn’t be helped that Koone’s gaze was reproachful when she looked back across her shoulder.

「How wonderful. As expected from the beautiful Vialattera.」

「This is certainly revolutionary. To think that putting rabbit ears on a girl can attract one’s heart this much.」

「That cursed Affieli, how envioutrageous-」

「This kind of scenery, everyday? ……Perhaps it is time for me to retire and move away soon.」

The feudal lords of other territories were all looking at Affieli with praise and envy!

For a lord to endorse this kind of craze and backing it with all your strength……you’re, a real man! They were looking impressed as though to say that. There were even some scattered applauses mixed in!

Perhaps because his wife hadn’t been at his side while staying at home, his true feeling was completely leaking out. His female subordinates and his daughter were looking at him with scorn, but he was so absorbed with the beautiful Vialattera females that he didn’t even notice!

「U-umm, your majesty. Could it be, it is disrespectful to imitate that person’s attire like this?」

Affieli asked fearfully after seeing Koone’s expression.

The citizens also gasped and looked toward Koone. That’s a lie right? Tell us it’s a lie! Pleading gazes that seemed to be saying that were coming from all the males.

「No, you shouldn’t ask that to Koone but to the person herself though……」

*Glance* Koone sent a glance at Kouki. Everyone’s gaze snapped toward Kouki with a harmonious movement. Scary.

「W-welll, even if you ask me that. It’s not like it’s impossible to contact her but……」

He didn’t want to waste energy to contact another world just for this kind of thing. That true feeling was transparent to see.

「If it’s Myuu-chan then it should be fine for her to give a temporary permission at least, I guess?」

Everyone’s gaze snapped toward Myuu next. Hinata who was right beside her let out her voice 「Uu」 while backing away. The multitude of gaze contained just that much pressure.

Myuu’s gaze wandered about for a bit before she showed a thinking gesture.

Meanwhile, Affieli informed the nearby citizens 「She’s demon king-sama’s daughter. In other words, she’s Shia-sama’s family!」. That information was spreading until the very end of the line with a speed like water ripple.

The citizens and feudal lords were watching while holding their breath.

Myuu quietly walked toward Koone. Koone who was standing imposingly on top of the handrail skillfully crouched from there without going down to bring her ear near. Myuu stood on her tiptoe while covering her mouth with her hand to hide their talk and asked with a small voice.

「For Ku-chan yourself, are you troubled that Shia-oneechan’s fashion is booming like this?」

「……It’s not like it’s troubling. In the first place people are free to dress as they please, so Koone won’t say anything if Shia-sama herself won’t have any objection with it.」

In fact, Koone herself was also interested with the attire for having fun personally together with Myuu and Hinata. Especially the rabbit ears & rabbit tail, they were cute……

The sourc𝗲 of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.

But, when she considered the possibility that even the warriors of the capital would start wearing rabbit ears……

And if more than half of the kingdom’s population ended up wearing attire with exposure rate at the level of swimsuit, would the public order last? She couldn’t wipe away that kind of worry. Because, she was seeing with her own eyes how the men around her were so excited. The feudal lords looked like they would start child making activity again after decades of not doing it.

And so, Koone’s expression became completely lost. She looked like she was conflicted.

Seeing that, Myuu went 「Fumu」 and nodded.

And then, she faced the feudal lords and the populace who were holding their breath,

「Errr, people are free to choose on their own what kind of attire they want to wear, so Myuu think there isn’t really any problem!」

She yelled her conclusion loudly.

Instantly, applauses and cheers shook the air. They were so loud it felt like her eardrum would burst. Just like at the capital when the victory proclamation was announced! It made them this happy!? Both Koone and Moana couldn’t stop their face from convulsing.

Myuu took out her smartphone in front of the erupting people of Vialattera and feudal lords.

She quickly fiddled with it while climbing up on the ship’s edge and stood beside Koone.

「By the way!!」

The people fell silent from Myuu’s voice. Their expression was serious thinking that there was condition.

In front of their eyes, light was let out from the smartphone and it expanded on the air to project a photo. It was a function to project photo that was stored inside the phone like a hologram.

That was a photo of,

「S-Shia-sama! Shia-sama is gracing us with her presence!!」

The hologram showed Myuu and Shia making V sign at riverside. It was a photo of them camping. Affieli was super excited. Of course the populace were also super excited.

But, they immediately noticed the strangeness.

「Mu? The skin exposure……is low? H-her rabbit ears……」

Shia was wearing denim hotpants and sleeveless shirt. Her feet were wearing sport sandal. Her skin exposure was quite high as usual but, not as much as during her Tortus period. Her hotpants had a bit of a loose design, and her shirt also wasn’t showing her navel.

Since she moved to Japan, she properly paid attention to the public gaze and held back with her clothing’s exposure. Of course, her rabbit ears were also invisible to outsider.

「Shia-oneechan, also love this kind of outfit!!」

「Impossible-, her legs are, hidden-!?」

The hologram was showing photos in slideshow. It was Nagumo family’s photo set that was taken while strolling inside forest. Shia was wearing cargo pants and sneaker, while for the top she was wearing a shirt that exposed her navel but her chest was hidden. It was a photo that was taken during autumn as could be seen from the red leaves at the background.

「And she’s like this during winter!!」

「No way!? Shia-sama is looking all lumpy!?」

She was wearing a quilted jacket and knit with pompom attached, combined with jeans and boots. It was a photo when she was making a snowman together with Myuu.

The populace were making noise. Affieli and the feudal lords were astonished.

Myuu said this to them who were in such state.

「Shia-oneechan is a fashionable person! Times where she doesn’t show her rabbit ears, times when she’s wearing proper clothes──there’re properly such timee—ss!!」

What did you sayyy–!? Such shock burst out. Then another blow hit them.

「That attire that everyone is imitating, is Shia-oneechan’s────combat attire-!! In various meanings!」

「「「「「In various meanings!?」」」」」

Various meanings (suggestive meaning). The populace somehow guessed what meaning that was. I see……this attire with a lot of exposure, it’s actually a maiden’s battle outfit. It’s not a casual wear huh……they thought while looking at each other.

Myuu-chan dealt the finishing blow.

「Myuu will show a looot of Shia-oneechan’s photo! So if everyone want to copy her then let’s do your best to be su~~per fashionable!」

This was a masterful solo incitement that stopped risqué fashion and also rabbit eared warriors(uncles) from being widespread.

「Who’s here want to know about the other world fashion that Shia-oneechan love——-nano!」

The hearts of the people and the feudal lords became as one.

「「「「「We want to knoo~~~~ww!!!」」」」」

This day, new concepts of fashion were arriving in great amount to Vialattera.









「Looking back, our time at Vialattera was mostly occupied with Mi-chan’s fashion lecture……sorry, Mi-chan. If only Koone was more alert」

Koone returned from her recollection and knitted her eyebrows apologetically.

「Don’t apologize, Ku-chan. We were able to sightsee enough nano. Right, Hina-chan?」

「Yes, it was enough. Besides the artisans who allowed Vialattera to claim to be the best also made these for us.」

Rabbit ears and, Shia’s cosplay goods……. Of course, they were Myuu sized. There were also Hinata’s share. The rabbit ears were very well done they could be mistaken as the real thing. Just how were they able to produce this fluffiness despite being imitation?

Also, rabbit ears and cosplay goods were lined up normally in the shops of Vialattera right now. It looked like they would be sold as combat attire (hidden meaning) from now on. Of course, apparently other outfits were also being produced continuously along with photo and explanation from Myuu.

「It feels like new fashions from Vialattera are going to sweep over Synclea after this. Mi-chan at the end even got called and worshipped as “evangelist-sama”.」

「That’s embarrassing yeah, nano. But, actually Myuu mostly was just repeating mama’s words nano.」

「Fufu, Myuu-chan’s mother is working as fashion designer after all. Surely she will be very happy if she learn that her daughter is holding her teaching dearly.」

The three chuckled together and took the souvenir from each territory while animatedly (?) reminiscing their memories.

For example the seaside territory Parablerro that they visited at their third day. There they had their fill of fresh seafood, and actually steering the fishing ship──a ship that was towed by trained large sea serpent(saloupa) that was also called as arous of the sea──that was unique to this world, and many other things.

「As expected we had to decline the present of a saloupa itself but, my impression of sea snake has changed. They are unexpectedly adorable.」

「They’re as smart as arous and gentle creature after all. There’re many people who think that their round eyes are cute.」

「When Myuu jumped into the sea, a lot of them approached near and swam together nano!」

「Mi-chan, please never do something like that again okay? Koone’s innards froze when you yelled I can’t hold back nano! and dived from 20 meters cliff top. This is a promise with Koone okay!?」

It was a textbook example of a beautiful dive. Like a pro diving athlete. There was almost no splash from her entry into water.

Ignoring Kouki and the feudal lords who turned pale, her figure smoothly swimming around as though she was gliding on water fully showed that she was indeed from the seaman race, children of the sea.

A lot of saloupas were approaching in worry around her. Such sight looked exactly like a little kid who was in the verge of getting devoured by wildlife. It made Kouki turned even paler that he drew out his holy sword but……

「Myuu-chan got along with the saloupas in the blink of eye weren’t you?」

「Our eyes met and we understood each other nano.」

That seemed to be the case. Seaman race had diving ability and swimming ability that were impossible for normal human to replicate. When Myuu swam fast underwater, the saloupas let out their unique crying voice ryuu~ ryuu~ while following her.

It was as though they were doing synchronized swimming. They were unveiling their performance happily with Myuu in the stage of sea.

Seeing that, Koone and Hinata and the others, along with even the local citizens were clapping and cheering.

「The lord(Rezso) was smiling wryly, saying that they were the one who got entertained even though they were the one who should do the entertaining.」

「Myuu-chan, you got likened to a character who appeared in Parablerro’s fairytale and got called as “The sea’s beloved child” there.」

「I-it’s a bit troubling to get revered like that nano. Even though Myuu just wanted to enjoy other world’s sea」

It’s the reenactment of legend! The elderlies were especially harboring respect toward Myuu.

Putting that aside, the three didn’t really touch about the souvenir from Parablerro that was buried among the other souvenirs. They were exchanging gaze with each other as though to ask Who will broach the subject?

It was only natural for them to be like that.

「……Umm, Myuu’s sorry for our Tio-oneechan nano.」

「N-no! Tio-sama hasn’t done anything bad after all! T-this sculpture is lovely in its own way should Koone say, yes, Koone say that it is good I guess……」

「……Even though it looks like the statue of a shady evil god?」

Koone quietly averted her gaze. Hinata was also smiling wryly.

*Thump* The thing that were given as souvenir from the feudal lord Rezso was put in the middle of the three with a heavy sound. Myuu looked like she was a bit reluctant to touch it.

It was a black dragon. A sculpture that was modeled after Tio’s black dragon form. The craftsman’s skill was shining through. It was a magnificent work where every single detail had been worked with great thoroughness.

Although, the high level of reproduction rate didn’t mean that it would always lead to the best result.

Yes, for example, the face part was excessively loose and slovenly, so to speak it was an expression of rapture. Then there was the tail part that was rolled between the crotch like a scolded dog, the one arm that was stretched to cover its ass, etc, etc.

How to describe it, even though it had the appearance of an evil dragon, it was exuding hard to describe blasphemous atmosphere in the form of obscenity.

At that time, Tio had just gotten shot on her forehead and buttock with rubber bullet, and after that she was tossed like a trash through a gate into the sea. She was in the middle of great delight from such treatment so it couldn’t be helped. It was Hajime’s consideration. He raised her base strength (with pain conversion) just in case the worst happened.

「Rather, please forgive the people of Parablerro who mass produced this kind of sculpture of Tio-sama and even turned it into an object of worship.」

Koone bowed her head. Hinata pulled out a chain from among the mountain of souvenirs. The end of the chain had a palm sized black dragon Tio attached. As expected it also had the same pose and expression.

For the people of Parablerro right now, this was apparently something like a cross that Christian would wear. One house would have one statue enshrined in it, while a gigantic statue of this was placed in the middle of the city.

It seemed that the people of Parablerro were offering their gratitude and worship daily to it as a kind of a protector god. Nuts.

「As expected, Myuu should be the one who say sorry for our Tio-oneechan nano. The lord Rezso-san, his eyes were a bit dead nano……」

Actually, Rezso Parablerro was a youth who had just turned twenty. He took the position only a few days after Tio’s rescue. It was by the order of none other than his father, the previous lord Clive Parablerro.

According to him, apparently his father retired after feeling like his head would go crazy from the savage breathing(haa haa) that was resounding from the sea and the disgusting muttering that sounded like moan that kept echoing inside his mind.

Fearing that if they didn’t properly offer gratitude and worship, the black dragon might appear again not as a protector god but as a wrathful god next time, he gave the order to turn Tio as an object of worship as his last order.

Of course, information also got shared with the rear territories and they learned that Tio wasn’t an evil god or anything but a member of the savior’s party but……

It was the last order of the previous lord and even Rezso couldn’t revoke it so easily……the situation where a new religion looked like it would be born, and the premonition that his father would become its founder made the young lord’s front hair starting to decline already.

「Regardless of the impetus, the feelings of gratitude and veneration are genuine, and the people of the city look like they are already starting to turn the worship into a custom……」

「Myuu really apologize for Tio-oneechan……no-, the culprit is Myuu’s papa though, no but, as expected Myuu apologize for Tio-oneechan too!」

「N-no no, please don’t worry about it, really! Demon king-sama and others hasn’t done anything wrong at all! Koone and everyone only feel gratitude for them!」

「B-but the other territories also……」

Myuu apologetically picked up the souvenir that stood out even more than the rest. No, should it be said that she shouldered it? Myuu somehow put her arm through the shoulder strap and held it like a rucksack.

「Just why is someone who got saved by Kaori-oneechan always want to be given wings, nano……」

The second gathering territory Rizzgal. It was the territory where Kaori used the miracle of resurrecting the dead and also showing an overwhelming and absolute battle where she returned the “Dark Beings” into dust.

It needn’t be said what happened there. The sight that was once seen in Ankaji Kingdom when they had the trip at Tortus was also unfolding in Rizzgal. Everyone at Rizzgal was going, Hello New World!

The silver lining was that a group of crazy believers still hadn’t appeared there. It was a level of idolization “because it’s lovely” just like Vialattera. In other words, while it was rabbit ears at Vialattera, it was wings at Rizzgal.

「And the place that got saved by Suzu-oneechan and Ryuutarou-oniisan……」

「Everyone in Eirahha was completely traumatized wasn’t it? Just like Rothko.」

「Should I say that they’re nervous toward insect to an abnormal degree……I thought it was a bit scary how they were searching with bloodshot eyes to make sure that no insect entered into the mansion……」

A single fruit fly. It also slipped inside when Myuu and co got invited into the feudal lord’s mansion. Seeing that, the servants shrieked 「「「「「KIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-」」」」」 like a certain Satsuma swordsman while jumping at it.

It was a wonderfully agile movement. It didn’t matter whether they were male or female, each one of them equipped themselves with tableware like knife or towel wrapped around their fist as improvised knuckle duster or cleaning tool while exuding fighting spirit as though to say 「Absolutely finish it with the first attack-」.

And then, as soon as they finished doing the completely overkill removal of a single fly with more than ten people, they said 「Please pardon the ugly sight. There is not a single insect here! Please, feel free to relax!」 with a bright smile as though the bloodcurling expression they had been wearing before that was just a lie.

It was scary. At that time the group was in the middle of feasting on the best quality fruits that were the local specialty. It completely caught them off guard so the effect was even more pronounced. It was to the degree that the three little girls went 「What in the worlddd!?」 while jumping on their seat and hugging each other tightly.

Also, Kouki and Moana and Aularodde also ended up in the same state. Even the hero and former warrior queen and former goddess were paralyzed with fear from the drastic transformation into absolute insect killing man & woman that they displayed.

「Eirahha is the major territory in charge of cultivating fruits. Insects are a constant in orchard……」

Although insect extermination was something natural, Eirahha still coexisted normally with harmless insects. People who were bad with insect were also few there.

However right now the whole Eirahha people was united in their hearts, 「Let’s exterminate them-. Not a single insect shall remain in this territory!!」.

Suzu’s insect army trampled the insect type “Dark Beings” or hid inside a host and secretly devoured it from inside. Their battlefield’s guro meter was at max. Apparently it planted a trauma and madness that couldn’t be erased inside Eirahha’s people.

There were also beneficial insects so the lord was desperately advising them against doing such thing but……the trauma of the populace was deep.

「Myuu apologize for Suzu-oneechan! But, Suzu-oneechan is a pitiful person who is only liked by bug! Inaba-san too has broken off his employment contract with her so-!」

「Ah, no, Koone doesn’t mean to blame her. Also Eirahha might have been destroyed at this time if she came slightly late so Koone only feel gratitude for her. The territory’s lord Postre also said that right?」

「……Myu. Theeen, it’s fine if Myuu doesn’t ask help from Aiko-oneechan and others? To have them heal everyone’s heart with soul magic──」

「Please ask them that no matter what.」

「Ah, yes.」

Myuu nodded her head up and down in front of the serious faced Koone. Hinata smiled wryly at that while picking up a wooden sword that was dyed black from among the souvenirs.

「In the end, it might be Andreal that was rescued by Yaegashi-sama that was the most peaceful.」

If there was any strange thing to be mentioned, at most there was only a corner of the city that became like souvenir shop of Kyoto. In other words, things like black wooden sword or metal fake sword were getting sold in great amount.

It was getting popular among the children to play sword fighting using those. And apparently training of sword drawing technique was also getting popular among the vigilante corps.

There were talks that there might be a tournament of fast sword drawing, like gunman’s quick draw contest getting held in the near future.

「As expected from Shizuku-oneechan nano. She’s the most peaceful one result-wise no matter at what kind of situation!」

「Certainly……even the southernmost territory(Rasviet) that was saved by Yue-oneesama……in a sense, Koone feel like it can be said as the worst one.」

Koone raised her head and stared at the horizon ahead for some reason. Hinata took out a picture frame that was covered in cloth. After she carefully removed the cloth, a picture of extremely sublime goddess appeared.

Yue in adult mode with three layers of shining halo behind her was gently spreading out her hands as though to welcome the people. The picture’s background was dark clouds but there wasn’t any ominous aura. Several streaks of light were shining down from among the dark clouds like angel stairs, which furthered the sublimity of the picture even more.

Myuu took out another picture. It had the figure of Yue smiling sweetly with lightning dragon waiting upon her, like she was the queen ruling over the night.

There were several more pictures of Yue being drawn artistically.

However, the titles of the pictures were──

「──”Foltina-sama’s Descend”」

「This one is “The Smile of the Greatly Exalted Foltina-sama”.」

All of them had the name “Foltina-sama”. Miraculously, Rasviet was also a territory with a lot of artists. Work that expressed Yue at that time overflowed in the blink of eye.

Myuu and Hinata looked at Koone. Koone was holding her head.

「Information had been shared with them you know? We told them that this person isn’t Foltina-sama. Koone had properly notified them that she’s the demon king-sama’s wife!」

However, the holy precinct & adult mode Yue was, yes──she was just too beautiful. She exuded divinity that was off the rail. She was unrealistically and overwhelmingly bewitching that the reasoning of everyone who saw her got melted, no matter their gender or age.

They went, There was no way such existence could be the wife of a single man even if that man was a comrade of the savior, absolutely not! Ain’t no way I’ll accept that! Then that person must be none other than the goddess! In other words she’s Foltina-sama no doubt about it! QED!

Or perhaps, they would go, Uh huh? Now then you must be jealous right? Foltina-sama descended only to save Rasviet so you got jealous and claim that it was someone else right? and the like.

There were also others who went, There is no doubt that the royal family is respecting the wish of Foltina-sama who actually doesn’t want to show herself, no doubt about it. I get it, I get it. Let’s just say you’re right *wink wink*.

「They won’t accept that it’s someone else no matter what! They’ve no intention for it! They’re fanatic! Complete fanatic! Everyone got charmed by Yue-oneesama!」

「Myuu apologize for our Yue-oneechan.」

「It can’t be helped because there was no way they could resist being in front of Yue-oneesama’s charm! Koone too want to get patted on the head by the adult mode Yue-oneesama. Koone want to be whispered in the ear──」

「Ku-chan! Please return to your senses!」

Hinata slapped Koone’s cheeks *slap slap* and she returned to her senses with a gasp. Without realizing it she was hugging a picture frame tightly and sinking into her wild delusion. It was truly terrifying, Yue’s charm.

By the way, among the three Koone was the one who procured the greatest amount of Yue’s pictures.

「Cough. Anyway, Koone hope that Foltina-sama won’t be angry by the profanity……」

If the feeling toward the personification of Blessing Tree in this world was faith, surely even the people of Rasviet wouldn’t do as they pleased to that degree.

However, in actuality it wasn’t religious faith, much less a religion that worshipped Foltina, such thing didn’t exist. Just like how people were feeling gratitude in their daily life toward nature and its blessing, their feeling toward Foltina was more of a deep affection rather than reverence.

「The people of Rasviet is slightly becoming like religious organization. From the perspective of Foltina-sama, this situation might looks like someone else is using her name to create a religion……」

「Hi-chan, please don’t say anything more than that……」

「Or rather, we should consider what papa will think before thinking about Foltina-sama……Myuu will report this just in case nano. Painting eradication might start if their interests matched.」

「Mi-chan, please tell demon king-sama everything fully. However, Koone will defend Koone’s paintings to the death.」


As expected, perhaps it was this little queen who was the one who got charmed the most. She must have a strong longing, a longing of wanting to become this kind of adult lady. Her actual sister might cry.

There, BD suddenly started increasing its altitude. Koone raised her voice 「howah」 because of the floating sensation. She then looked down shamefully.

The sea spray stopped forming and the sea surface was getting further away.

「You three, looks like your talk got really lively.」

「Koone-tan, you look like you’re having a lot of fun. Even though you always followed behind me while calling Onee-chan, Onee-chan in the past──」

「So you have that kind of delusion──ah, that hurts-」

「Onee-chan is feeling a bit lonely.」

Kouki, Moana, and Aularodde were coming down from the spiraling staircase of the right arm part.

The figures of three girls sitting on the floor surrounded by a lot of souvenirs while talking passionately must be visible from the observation deck in the head part. They were looking at the three girls really warmly.

Moana was looking at Koone with a loving expression. Aularodde was looking teary while holding her forehead. It was because she got flicked there.

「Kouki-oniisan……our lively talk……that’s because, the reinforcement of papa and others, they’re leaving quite a deep scar (?) in the battlefield huh~」



Kouki and Moana agreed heavily. Especially Moana, she was unable to hide her worry that Synclea’s culture was changing heavily in various area, or that the culture itself might be turning into chaos.

「W-well, what’s important is life! A lot of people were saved. There is nothing more important than that! Koone declared that there is none!」

「Koone-tan, aren’t you forcing yourself a little but? You look desperate……」

「New era, banzai! Synclea is changing!」

「As I thought, there’s desperation in you.」

Koone stood up and dashed toward the bow. There the queen stood imposingly with one hand on her waist and her other hand pointing toward the great ocean. Synclea’s tomorrow is that way! It’s fine like this!

Myuu couldn’t bear to see that and dashed toward her. She hugged her from behind and,

「Myuu will report it to papa nano! Myuu will ask if papa and others can also give postwar aftercare!」

She yelled. Koone looked back. This time she hugged Myuu back.

「Mi-chan!! I love you!!」

The two girls reaffirmed their friendship. Hinata hurriedly ran toward them as though fearing that she was too late and she floundered a little in front of the hugging Koone and Myuu. A second passed and she yelled eiyah while hugging them. It seemed she hated to get left out. Cute.

Kouki and co watched the girls warming scene for a while, then,

「Errr, can you three hear me? I think we’ll arrive soon……」

「Oh, already? As expected it’s really fast!」

Koone separated from Myuu and Hinata. The three walked back while holding hands harmoniously.

Myuu was returning the souvenirs back into “treasure warehouse” lightheartedly. Meanwhile Koone looked up at Kouki with her eyebrows knitted apologetically.

「Sorry, Kouki-sama. You went out of your way to listen to Koone’s request」

「You don’t need to mind it. It’s on the way anyway. And Moana also requested me.」

「The direct friendship itself wasn’t something that happened for long, but I too am worried that there isn’t even any reply for our letter……」

BD was heading toward the Blessing Tree just as scheduled today, the sixth day of the trip. The location had been pinpointed already.

Kouki took out his pocket watch from his pocket and flicked it open. It had a clock that accurately showed Japan’s time, at the same time its fourth red needle was an artifact that was pointing to the great tree of the corresponding world.

Hajime recorded the location of the great tree of each world that he discovered using the compass, then he made the compass with limited ability to show those trees’ position. Kouki was calling it the “tree guideboard”.

That red needle was pointing directly forward.

However, the ship wasn’t heading toward the location of the Blessing Tree that was almost at the opposite side of the planet from Synclea Kingdom, but to the island country──Siltrayte Kingdom that was on the way.

「I think you mentioned that you’re exchanging letters with that country using the sea serpent that we saw at Parablerro?」

「That’s right, Kouki. After all going through sea is the safest way of communication.」

「Saloupa is well-behaved after all. We’re also using the same method with Jabalshan Kingdom. That way is faster than crossing the mountain district, and it’s safer.」

Letter that was written with cloth and ink that were strong against water was put into a small bottle. A saloupa would then swallow and transport it. It then would hand it over to the liaison at the receiver’s location by vomiting it out.

「Ku-chan. Is there no “Dark Being” at sea?」

「That’s how it looks like. Strangely there is no confirmed sighting of them at sea until now.」

Even though there was also insect type or flying type among the enemies, there was no “Dark Being” that lived at sea. Far from that, they never even went to sea to circle around and target another place.

In the past, there were those who suspected that Dark Being might be weak against sea water and tested it, but it didn’t really do anything even when poured on Dark Being.

「In the first place, we don’t really know anything about “Dark Being”.」

「Those guys can’t even be taken prisoner so we can’t interrogate them……they would kill themselves immediately. They said it’s so they won’t live in shame.」

Although Synclea’s warrior would also do the same if they were put in the same situation, Moana’s expression was bitter.

They were able to manipulate miasma, they sucked miasma from nature, they had savage nature, those were almost all that human knew about them. Chance to obtain information about them was extremely few.

「At least we know about their reproduction method (?) because in the past a scout accidentally witnessed it and a record was left but……」

「R-reproduction method?」

Kouki looked slightly shaken. He wondered whether it was alright to allow Myuu-chan and Hinata-chan to listen.

Koone continued without looking particularly concerned. She didn’t look embarrassed at all, so apparently this method wasn’t anything like what Kouki imagined (for some reason the image of handsome guy Lilin formed at the back of his mind) for a moment.

「Yes, apparently those guys are born from miasma somehow. Apparently several Dark Beings would expel miasma and maintain high density condition locally. According to the witness, he could see something like black egg or something, as big as an adult crouching down.」

「Apparenty at that time it was a birth scene for scaled dragon type but, apparently the Dark Beings cut off a part of their own body, like scale or fang and put them inside.」

「Were they leaving behind some kind of genetic information? Perhaps they decided the type of their brethren that would be born with that……」

「Genetic? Koone doesn’t know what that is but, most likely that is their way to decide the newborn’s race. That is Koone and other people’s hypothesis.」

Well, that was all the knew about the enemy’s ecology, Koone said with a shrug.

「Anyway, the sea is relatively safe because there’s no Dark Being here. And so, it shouldn’t be strange even if the reply from Siltrayte has arrived……」

If nothing had changed then the reply should have arrived one month ago. Although it could also be said that the reply had only been late for a month. The sea was just that much of a danger-infested place. There could be storm or even other ferocious marine life.

There were many unforeseen situation that could happen, so they weren’t that worried about the late reply. In the end this visit happened simply because the location was on the way.

「Well, at first our plan was to tour underwater or doing high-speed cruising or enjoying the sea while going to the destination, so there’s no problem with making a side trip like this. If you want Koone then you can even directly announce the Dark King’s subjugation to the people there directly.」

「Yes! Thank you so much, Kouki-sama!」

「Fufu, just be careful not to get detained there okay, Koone-tan?」

「But but Moana-oneesan! Just in case we left two days alone to have some leeway, so Myuu think we’ve time to sightsee the island country nano!」

「Another world’s island country, just like Japan……I am curious!」

Myuu and others drove away any worry to the corner of their head and started chatting noisily once more.

There was one person, a former goddess who was saying 「That’s so isn’t it. I too am going to meet another world’s goddess, what’s more an original goddess from the creation of the world……I’m in the retired group so thinking carefully it’ll be awkward to meet her, I want a bit more time to prepare my heart」, but they ignored it.

It was then. The lax atmosphere of vacation was suddenly broken.

『K-Kouki-dono! Please return to the observation eck! No, before that stop the ship!!』

「!? Spenser-san?」

Spenser who was staying in the observation deck in the place of Kouki and others was yelling with a tense voice. His voice resounded through the communicators that were set all over inside the ship.

Kouki didn’t ask the reason any immediately used his bangle to drop the ship’s speed gradually.

『T-the front. From your location……can you see it too?』

「Spenser-san, just what in the world is going on?」

Kouki was increasing BD’s altitude bit by bit while rushing toward the bow because he thought it would be faster than returning to the observation deck. Spenser was a veteran warrior who was always calm, cool, and collected. For him to sound so terribly shaken made his nervousness heightened up too outside of his control.

Moana and Myuu and the others also hurriedly followed behind Kouki.

And then, they saw it.

「……Eh? No way……」

Koone unconsciously muttered. Her eyes were opened wide.

Moana and the others were also similarly astounded.

It couldn’t be helped.

Siltrayte Kingdom. The island country with size as big as Japan’s Kyushu was now──enveloped with miasma of unbelievable scale.

They couldn’t see the coastline. They couldn’t even see the island’s horizon from their current altitude. It was as though the whole island was being completely covered by black mist.

At the very least the location where Siltrayte Kingdom’s capital should be visible was inside the miasma.

That showed its figure while they were being astonished by that scene.

As though their approach had been detected, from inside the sea at the location between them and the miasma.

If they had to make a comparison, perhaps they should call it as the figure of Myuu when she was getting entangled by Aularodde in her heaven sword mode, but enlarged to be as big as BD.

It was a gigantic sphere made from countless tentacles entangling with each other. It was pouring out outrageous amount of miasma. To a degree that only the surrounding of the monster looked distorted.

Was that a <Dark Being>?

They had never seen or heard anything like that. The existence of that was just too weird and gigantic caused such question to rear its head──then at the next moment.

「Tsu, it’s coming-!!」

It rapidly approached with a tremendous speed along with overwhelming malice.

There was no <Dark Being> at sea.

This was the moment that common sense was overturned.


AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

I’m sorry, Shirakome is Shirakome as expected……

※Material introduction

– I’ll exterminate you!

=>From Attack on Titan.

※I changed the name of Eirahha’s feudal lord. Thank you to the person who pointed it out.

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