Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Chapter 473

Chapter 473

Surprise Workplace Visit

Hajime met up with Hattori using the compass and a gate. After around one hour passed.

「Good grief……even though it couldn’t be helped, you were really working me hard there, Hattori-san.」

「Ahaha, sorry for that.」

The two were walking side by side in the middle of the urban district where high-rise buildings were lined up.

Also, the purpose of calling Hajime this time, the talks with an important person of a certain country still hadn’t been held. The two had just finished cleaning up in order to make the talk go smoothly.

「I want to make the talks this time to be a success at any cost, so absolute safety is desirable.」

「Well, it’s also greatly beneficial to me, no, to us so I don’t mind though……」

People who were walking through this business district were mostly wearing a suit. They were people who had just finished their lunch and returning to their office, or people who were heading out to have a late lunch. Such people were coming and going.

It seemed that these days company that was endorsing to their employees to dress casually was also on the rise, so Hajime didn’t really stand out even though he was wearing jeans, sneaker, shirt, and a thin cardigan over it.

Although, the one walking beside a young man who really looked like a college student like him was Hattori, someone with exactly the appearance & atmosphere that was like the concept of “weary middle-aged man” taking the shape of human. Originally such duo would attract attention in a bad way but……

「Putting that aside, you’ll look like an elite public servant if you always dress up like that, and yet」

「No wayyy. It’s stuffy. I’m already doing nothing but stuffy works all the time, I really won’t be able to breath anymore if I need to pay attention to how I dress too.」

Today Hattori-san was really dressed up to the max just like Hajime said.

Her usual shabby suit was replaced with a brand new clean suit. His loosened up collar was also properly buttoned up tidily right now, with no yellowish stain or anything dirtying it.

There was also no tabaco smell from his body. Rather he even had the scent of soap. Even his messy hair was coolly arranged in swept back style today. Of course, he also didn’t have any stubble on his face. Even his back was upright as though his default hunched posture was just a lie.

「Well, your eyes are dead like usual though.」

「They’ll look crisp when it’s time so please overlook it for noww」

And they really would. Most likely. This person was genuine.

No matter how pathetic he looked usually, this man was one of the people shouldering the burden of protecting the country behind the scene. If it was necessary he could become as cruel as necessary. He looked absentminded but he was constantly observing his surrounding, analyzing them, and thinking ahead continuously.

In the inside he was the same type like Britain’s security bureau director──Sharon Magdanese. His true essence was of an iron blooded agent.

「Aa, my stomach hurt. ……Nnguh. Talks with other country’s big shot isn’t the job of a mere police. It should be a politician’s job.」

「Yeah, well, the other side is asking for you just like how they asked for me so it can’t be helped but……more importantly Hattori-san, it has been around one hour since we met up right?」

「Yes? That’s right, what about it?」

「The stomach medicine that you were drinking as naturally as breathing just now, it’s already the sixth pill isn’t it?」

「? Is that so?」

「I think it’s not something that should be taken once every ten minutes though……」

「Even if you tell me that」

「Just how many you’re taking every day huh……」

「Hahah, a funny question. Even if it’s you Nagumo-san, there’s no way you can remember how many grain of rice you have eaten until now right?」

「……At least use something like bread for example there」

Even Hajime couldn’t help but feel sympathy. What a very sad thing to say with such ephemeral smile, he thought.

Hajime quietly put his hand inside his pocket.

This kind of condition was already an occupational disease. Hattori nonchalantly glanced at him to confirm what he was taking out. Hajime thought 「This person, it looks like his boundary line between private life and work is already gone huh」 while taking out a special magic medicine from his treasure warehouse out of sight of the people around them.

It wasn’t the energy drink that was also a medicine to put off various damages. It was a proper recovery medicine. He compounded several drops of god water that he extracted using the unlimited magic power, so its healing effect was outstanding.

「Nagumo-san……uu, even though I suddenly called you out here for a troublesome work like removing agents of other countries before the talk, you’re still being so kind to me-」

「Can you stop crying for real like that in the middle of the street? Everyone is staring here.」

Hattori-san accepted the small bottle that was camouflaged as vitamin drink that was sold in the market and drained it in one gulp while crying.

*Paaa~* His face shined. He spread out his hands in a pose of taking in the sunlight with his whole body. Embarrassing. It was even more so when a pair of office ladies looked startled and hastened their pace to pass through beside them.

Anyone would definitely avoid a middle-aged uncle who was drinking vitamin drink in the middle of office complex at broad daylight while looking like he was going to get invited to heaven anytime now.

Furthermore, he had stopped walking so he was being a great hindrance.

「I held back because the addictiveness might increase but, should I prepare a bit stronger stomach medicine next time?」

「I’m in your debt. No, really.」

Hattori spoke his thanks cheerfully while casually running his gaze to the surrounding.

Hajime smiled wryly at that while taking out the compass and lightly waved it around.

「Relax, Hattori-san. I’m constantly searching the enemies with the compass. There’s no reaction right now, and I myself am on my guard.」

「Oops, sorry for that. This is already my habit.」

「You’re just like the third son of an assassin family somewhere. Seriously, your walk aren’t even making any sound.」

「Oops, it’s embarrassing. I’m still in a bit of alert. Got to make sound properly when walking.」

Really, even though he looked like a middle-aged salary man who could be found anywhere, at the inside he was this. Even Hajime couldn’t help but deepened his wry smile.

Although, it was also a fact that Hatorri today was especially on edge.

「Until the talk……there’s still thirty minutes huh.」

「Yes, ahead there’ll be a traditional restaurant that’s like a hideout. That’s the place.」

「There’re a lot of spies other than Britain and China. I’m amazed you can say that this is a secret meeting. Will it be fine?」

「Rather than calling the other side incompetent, you should blame the current state of affairs for making the intelligence agency of other countries to be real desperate investigating this.」

「Even that USA?」

「Even that USA.」

Both looked at each other’s face and spoke of the affiliation of the other side that they would meet after this with expressions that didn’t know of what to say.

Yes, it was that major nation that made an overture for the meeting behind the scene this time. Or rather the leader of a faction belonging to that country’s intelligence agency should they say. In any case the other party was an important person of government.

But, the talks today that had only been decided several days ago in a great hurry had apparently been detected by a lot of countries.

Those countries moved to obstruct or spy the meeting. In any case, a fierce intelligence & counterespionage battle was going on behind this peaceful business district.

This was the reason why Hajime got abruptly called.

There was no plan for Hajime’s attendance when the meeting was decided at first. The content of meeting would be brought back, Hajime would be consulted, then back at the meeting which would repeat several times……that was the gist of the plan at first.

But, the information leaked out far more than expected. The meeting itself almost became impossible to be held, and in addition holding such meeting several times would be unfeasible in this situation……that was how it went.

Hattori sighed deeply and smiled bitterly.

「A country with the greatest intelligence and counterintelligence capability, which might become a thing of the past in this situation. They seem to be considerably panicking right now. They’re putting a lot of pressure to my superiors.」

「No wonder. Not to mention we also ended up getting connected to the Chinese even though it was simply because of the chain of events.」

「Yes, incomprehensible occult is becoming real and their national interest might get threatened for real. I heard the rumors from the grapevine that the head of CIA or NSA almost went crazy or something.」

「Someone like the head of an intelligence agency must find this situation totally unbearable huh.」

Therefore, their side’s panic kept accumulating and the hardliners’ influential voice was growing stronger day by day.

In other words, If information cannot be obtained from diplomatic source then there’s no other way! If it’s something that you don’t really understand then drag someone who understand here! Make them spit out everything! I don’t care what kind of method you use! That was how they went.

Naturally, their focus turned right toward Japan, and then the returnees.

After that, the conservatives calmed down the hardliners, then their thought went We want to obtain information from Japan peacefully, and going further we want to build a deeply cooperative relationship with them including teaching us the knowhow in the field of supernatural phenomenon……, and so their faction leader came to Japan for this meeting.

「They don’t want more of their agents to be awakened to volunteer spirit after all.」

「Have they forgotten the damage from the returnees commotion and so on?」

「Even if they remember, the pressure from the hardliners keep growing that it made them unable to just do nothing. In the meeting this time, it’ll also include the negotiation to return back those agents just like I said in the phone.」

「As souvenir to calm down those hardliners huh.」

「It’s a wise decision. After all this is like the other side intentionally telling us that this is the card you need so the negotiation can favor your side. The other side is also compromising a lot with this. You can see the level of their sincerity.」

「Other countries might also get affected by them and take strong measure. In fact there are already some of them doing exactly that at this point.」

「We too want to make a connection with them no matter what, in order to reduce the troublesome matters. Even without something like supernatural phenomenon, those guys are scary if they ever get serious.」

After all, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the fate of their nation was on the line.

Perhaps all their counterintelligence system until now would be totally disregarded and their information would be snatched away by something like supernatural phenomenon with nothing that they could do. They were even hesitating to send their agents to other country.

In fact, the skilled agents that they had sent to Japan were awakened to volunteer spirit and many of them handed their resignation as they pleased.

Of course, even Japan didn’t want to just let go of their absolute advantage so easily, nor did they have such plan. That was why, the government still hadn’t yielded against the pressure. But, that too was only a matter of time.

For USA’s side, there was another more direct emergency in addition of their late start in the information battle.

The most uptodat𝓮 n𝒐vels are published on freё

「It seems their side is also in urgent need to seek the way to deal against the awakened.」

「……Occult group huh.」

「Yes, such groups are steadily increasing. It’s also the same in other countries but, US has vast territory and also a lot of population, so it’s even more pressing for them.」

Although, Japan’s specialist against supernatural phenomenon──the members of Onmyou Bureau didn’t have infinite member. There would be a limit even if they wanted to send some people there. Hattori said that while sending intentional glances at Hajime with wistful eyes.

It seemed he wanted to have a chat that also doubled as a briefing before the meeting.

「Just in case, I’m letting loose the demons and making them monitor the whole world even now. I’m also periodically looking up for organization that might be dangerous with the compass. I’m also putting them under watch depending on how dangerous they are but……if it’s needed, I’ll make a show of strength in a visible way. That’s if you’re fine with puppets that are actually demons inside.」

There was no way he could dispatch his friends. Especially right now for a while. They were walking their own respective path right now. Hajime couldn’t bring himself to busy themselves all over the world until they got used to their new environment and livelihood.

Besides, demons who loathed boredom would happily work for him. After all they would also be able to receive temporary body to act in this world with that.

To Hajime who said such thing,

「Aa~, won’t that be too conspicuous in a bad way?」

「I’m currently researching a version up golem. I want to make want that look completely like human. It’s 90% finished. What’s left is to make the demons learn of human world’s common senses while filling the golems with the little functions……I’ll hurry up a bit to finish it.」

「That’s a terrifying development in its own way though……」

Hattori’s face was a bit twitching.

A group of demons that couldn’t be differentiated from human……furthermore, they were even learning the common sense of human world.

Certainly, it was plainly terrifying. It was to a degree that made him wanted to reconsider whether it was really a good idea to ask for help.

「Demon worshippers getting their expectation crushed or captured by demonic puppets……isn’t it a nice irony?」

Hajime grinned. Hattori too could only smile wryly in respond. This is the demon king, no, right now he should be called a demon god already perhaps.

「Please don’t lose control of them okay? Though I don’t think you need to be told that by someone like me.」

「No, I’ll take it to heart.」

「Then I’m relieved. It’ll be useful as a card for the negotiation. Aa, by the way」


「It seemed, the occult groups that are recently increasing aren’t consisted of only conventional demon worshipper.」

「Is that so?」

Hajime looked puzzled. Actually, as expected his information processing capability wouldn’t be able to keep up at this rate, so he didn’t make the demons who were doing the monitoring to report every single thing about the occult groups.

「Yes. It feels like group that singing about doomsday, or appealing about departing to heaven, that kind of group is increasing.」

「Hmmm? Well now, you can also call that kind of slogan as common but……」

「There have been some reports here and there too from the respond division. The awakened……those who suddenly woke up to power one day, well, how should I say it, perhaps they tend to want to find some kind of reason for it.」

「”There’s a meaning of why I obtained this power”, “There’s something that I have to accomplish!”, that kind of thing?」

「Yeah, like that.」

「In that case, there’s a worry that they might turn terrorist. Demon worshipper whose common tactic is doing things sneakily is still better isn’t it?」

「With Nagumo-san in control of the willpower, what an individual can do with their own strength isn’t anything much. Rather, the fastest way to deal with them is to get close and punch them.」

「You’re speaking like Shia there.」

By the way, the one who said that was Justice-san of Tsuchimikado family. Apparently Justice Punch was more effective than using Onmyou technique or Shiki. He heard that recently that person was devoting himself to enhance his muscle rather than his magic.

「Well, at any rate」

USA was in a predicament. Japan kept being evasive would only worsen their impression to them. Even the position as friendly country that had been built up until now through the surface politics would be threatened.

There wasn’t that many people who would happily walk through a path that would increase the number of victims with accelerating speed.

Therefore, both sides wanted to make the meeting this time a success no matter what. Hattori-san once more emphasized that strongly.

Of course professionals in diplomatic would also be present in the meeting. Some big shot politicians would also attend. Those people would be in charge pf the meeting in general, but they would mostly be just like the moderator.

For the main talks, Hattori would have to be at the forefront no matter what, and Hajime’s decision would be needed for the concrete substance of the negotiation.

Regarding the personnel dispatch, restoring the agents back to their senses, and also about providing willpower and other things too, everything would be depending on Hajime after all.

「I get it. I’m gonna show them just who’s boss so they won’t look down on us, that’s what you’re saying right?」

「That’s not it you know!? No, certainly it’s true that we mustn’t be underestimated though!」

I’m joking, joking, Hajime said with a laugh. Hattori quickly started rubbing his stomach in respond.

「That’s a horrible joke. Aa, my stomach is getting destroyed again……if it’s like this, I’ll need you to help with the interrogation of the captured agents too.」

「Spare me. Even I’m a student. The respond division has Endou’s clone, so just ask that guy. He’s already a magnificent villager producer.」

「He too is doing something else that I asked him to do right now.」

It seemed that Hattori-san didn’t ask seriously from the start. He said 「Can’t be helped then」 and easily withdrew.

A call came at that timing.

『This is Unicorn 1. We’ll arrive soon.』

It was the leader of the bodyguard team that was sent to pick up the VIP from USA at the airport.

By the way, when asked why the team name was Unicorn,

「Could it be, from Unicorn Gunda*?」

「Oh, you know it right away.」

「You also used the name from Gunda* Series for the team name at the sea of trees right? I heard from Endou.」

「Good idea isn’t it? It fires you up. Gunda* Series is supreme.」

「Hattori-san, you’re unexpectedly familiar with subculture too huh.」

Perhaps mixing hobby a little even with official business was a trick to be able to continue working for long without surrendering to the exhausting work.

By the way, the captured other countries agents were right now be held and monitored by a team with different frame name.

Also, some of the captured agents went 「T-these guys-」 with twitching faces when listening to their exchange.

After all, the individual code names of Hattori’s subordinates were actually using character name of Gunda* Series too.

Furthermore, those subordinates were occasionally saying familiar lines like 「Then to the lockup van, Amu*o, launching!」 or 「Stop that, there’s no way you guys can win if the demon king fight seriously right?」 when dragging away the agents.

For some agents of other countries to understand the reference, perhaps it was just like Hattori said, Gundam Series was supreme……

In any case, as expected from Hattori’s subordinates. Just like their superior, it seemed they also didn’t forget to have a bit of fun even when in the middle of work.

Also, the code name changed in every mission, but in case more than one people wanted to use a certain code name (usually the name of the main character from each series), they would apparently decide it by mock battle with each other. Source: Kousuke.

Getting back on topic.

「In unrelated matter, there’s a traditional restaurant in this kind of office district huh.」

「Ordinary people won’t know about it. You also won’t be able to find it in internet.」

In other words, it was a restaurant for doing that kind of secret talk.

They veered off from the main street and passed through several alleys. The number of people around decreased and the atmosphere turned quiet.

「Rather, won’t it be better to use government facility or something if the talk is that important?」

「That was the plan at first. But we urgently switched to this location.」

「Why’s that……no, I see. Because it’ll be difficult to hold the second or third meeting.」

「Yes, I wish that we can make as many decisions as possible through the talk this time. After all it’s going to be a bit of a marathon.」

If he had to say more, when the negotiation became a bit tense, extraordinarily delicious food could soothe down the irritable feeling.

This meeting would become a severe and hard negotiation. It would be better to have as many ways to soften the stormy mood as possible.

「Nagumo-san too, you just missed a lunch right? It’s meager but, I’ll treat you as the reward for this time. Well, it’ll be with the government’s money though!」

「Looks like it’s gonna be impossible for me to go back before all of today’s lectures are finished huh.」

Although, this too was for the sake of maintaining the peaceful days as much as possible.

Hajime convinced himself like that even while sporting a wry smile unconsciously. Then……



A voice suddenly called out from behind.

Hattori turned around in a flash like a soldier who just heard the warning 「A sniper!」.

The caller seemed to have just gotten out from a nearby building. Hattori’s eyes were quickly widening when he saw that person. Even Hajime never saw him so shaken like this before.

「R-Reina……why are you here-」

No, Hattori-san, she’s in the middle of part-time no matter how you look at it……Hajime made a tsukkomi inside his heart.

The girl called Reina who seemed to be a high school girl was wearing a uniform that had stylish logo on it. If Hajime’s memory was right, it should be the logo of a nice café that served sandwich and had branches all over the country.

Looking closer, there was also a moped with box attached that had the same logo painted on it, parked on the bicycle space along the walkway. She must be on her way to deliver ordered lunch.

Hattori asked such stupid question even though he should be able to grasp all those instantly was as expected because his agitation was great.

Sure enough,

「Are you stupid? It’s obvious just from looking right? I’m working part-time.」

She spoke as though spitting out those words.

Her appearance seemed to be of a blonde gal with slender physique. Her hair was streaked with multiple colors. She was also wearing sufficient makeup, had a lot of piercing, and her nails were also glittering.

It was a really flashy appearance. Her stare was also sharp, and her mouth seemed to be foul too.

But, it seemed she had the common sense to take off her accessories during her work. She was also wearing her uniform neatly.

(Is she Sonobe type? Even so……)

The way she looked at Hattori was severe. No, if he had to say it without any sugarcoating, her eyes were like someone who suddenly saw an insect sticking on their room’s wall.

This wasn’t because of something merely at the level of rebellious phase or family quarrel.

There wasn’t any warmth at all in her gaze. There was also loathing oozing out from her voice.

(A-awkwarddd. The air is freezing……)

Hattori’s expression became as though he had bitten at least a million sour grapes. The young lady too, seeing Hattori’s expression and his current getup made her looked like she was looking at a suspicious person, making the atmosphere even more awkward.

And so, Hajime thought.

(Yosh, let’s run.)

「Hattori-san, I’ll go ahea──」

「I see, part-time huh……. Then go back quickly.」

「Haa? I don’t want to be ordered around by you though?」

He failed. This wasn’t a good timing for him to interject. Then it couldn’t be helped. He would use Presence Isolation while promptly withdrawing from this scene that was like the embodiment of cold war──

「Or rather, what’s with that getup? Even though you always looked slovenly……」

「No, this is……」

「What’s more, you’re bringing someone who look like a college student with you……isn’t it suspicious?」

The focus, turned this way! The young lady’s ey glint stabbed Hajime!

「He is……it’s nothing. Just drop it already and go.」

「I told you don’t order me around. ……That person, he doesn’t look like a rookie police. You aren’t in the middle of coaching aren’t you? He’s also not a captured suspect. He doesn’t show any sign of wanting to run away or you showing any sign of won’t letting him get away. In the first place, you have dead end job right? An eternal paper pusher is going out of his way to dress up like this, your job shouldn’t require anything like this.」

T-this young lady, she was definitely Hattori-san’s daughter! Her discernment was impressive! Hajime was shocked inside. He reflexively looked alternately at Hattori and Reina.

Aa, looking closer her eyes looked exactly like Hattori-san when in serious mode……he was thinking like that even while the talk was rapidly developing.

「Even my work got various circumstances. Otou-san is busy, so I’m going already.」

Hattori decided to be the one who turned around if his daughter wouldn’t let it go. His eyes glanced at Hajime as he turned around……

(S-serious mode. That gaze is saying he gonna do a murder if he isn’t obeyed……)

To give an example, those eyes were like Director Patrick Dime, Omnibus’s absolute demon killing man.

Recently Hajime’s frequency of having discussion with him was increasing but, each time, he would look at Hajime who was controlling the demons with eyes that seemed to say 「If you betray mankind then I’ll kill you for sure even if I have to chase you to the bottom of hell!!」. Though according to Kousuke, that seemed to be just his default gaze when he wasn’t particularly thinking of anything.

In any case, it seemed Hattori really didn’t want to get his daughter involved. In the first place, Hattori who was affiliated with public safety department had a lot of things that he couldn’t say about his work even to his family. Or rather, he couldn’t tell them almost everything.

Just in case, he had a dummy position and affiliation in the form of an inconspicuous post but it was made to look like a really demanding and busy job, but seeing his usual shabby appearance seemed to make Reina thought of her father as a [useless police officer who had no hope for promotion].


「That so? It’s not like I’m interested in what kind of work you have but──just don’t make any trouble for Okaa-san and me.」

「……Otou-san is a policeman you know? There’s no way I’ll do anything like that.」

「Hah, what kind of idiot will believe the words of the guy who abandon his family.」

「Quit it already. Certainly, Otou-san rarely came home because I’m too busy but──」

「Aah yes yes, I don’t care for your excuse. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s not our business. Just do whatever you like far away from us.」

It seemed the relationship of this father and daughter was the worst. Reina seemed to think of her father as [someone who abandoned his family and lived for his work].

In fact, that was just how it looked like when seen from the side. Hattori’s busy schedule was abnormal. It was also the same with the importance of his work.

Taking a day off because of wanting to rest, taking a break properly in accordance with the standard of the law, absolutely refusing to take a call from work because it was holiday, such things were impossible to be applied to his work.

After all his work would decide the fate of many people’s life and fortune, and also the peace of the country.

Reina looked away as though to give up on her father as hopeless and walked toward her moped.

(She’s harboring hatred……that kind of impression is still na?ve huh. This is, already at the territory of apathy……)

Hajime glanced at Hattori. He was quietly staring at the back of his daughter that was growing smaller.

Hajime couldn’t describe the emotion inside those eyes well. Even if his vocabulary range was at max level, surely he still wouldn’t be able to do something like describing it.

Even so if he was forced to describe it, perhaps he should call it a conflicted expression where feeling of guilt toward his daughter and cool-headed feeling that had come to a clean decision that this couldn’t be helped were blending together.

「……I’m sorry, I made you wasted your time. Let’s go, Nagumo-san.」


Hajime was an outsider. A stranger. He shouldn’t poke his nose into other people’s family matter.

Even Reina must have arrived to her current conclusion after a lot of things had accumulated inside herself. After all there was no way she had hated her father right from the start.

Even so, it felt like his hair was being pulled from behind, there was this murky feeling inside him that was asking him if it was okay to just leave this alone. As expected that was perhaps because Hajime too was a father who had a daughter.

When he imagined Myuu and himself in the place of Reina and Hattori……

(……Ah, impossible, I’ll die……)

The demon god would peacefully depart this life from his daughter’s apathy──Hajime returned to his senses with a gasp and shook his head in high speed to clear away the imagination that was just too terrifying.

He moved to catch up to Hattori’s back even while thinking of such stupid thing──

It was then.

『Shamblo 1 to Garuda 1. We might be followed. Requesting instruction.』

「! This is Garuda 1. Tell me your current location and the situation.」

A sharply commanding instruction came out from Hattori’s mouth.

Even though his voice wasn’t loud by any mean, it was an electrifying voice that felt like it shocked the brain directly.

Reina who was about to put on her helmet at that moment jerked and her hands stopped moving. She unconsciously looked toward her father.

「W-what? Just what is it……」

She let out a small mutter.

Hattori’s expression changed. His listless aura vanished like a dream and in exchange a leadership aura filled him. His eye glint too was so sharp that weak-willed creature would faint with just a glance from it.

「Reina, what’re you doing? Get going quickly.」

「Eh, w-what’s with you……someone like you──」

「Nagumo-san, I’m sorry but please send off my daughter. ──Garuda 1 to all teams. Shamblo is changing route. Switch to configuration B6. Banshee is to give cover. Block the back of the suspicious car.」

A father’s face peeked out for an instant before it returned back to the face of an agent. It must be an appearance that he didn’t want to show to his daughter, and yet the speed he came to the pragmatic decision was staggering as usual. He was giving out instructions rapidly.

It seemed that the team guarding the car that was carrying the diplomat and politician who would participate in the meeting today reported a strange car nearby.

Reina was bewildered by the urgent atmosphere and the change in her father’s state but, seeing Hattori acting like she was already gone from his sight made her expression gradually turning grave.

「Is this your first time seeing your father like that?」

Reina who was glaring at her father gasped and looked to the side. Her eyes widened seeing Hajime had been standing beside her without any sound. But, that too immediately returned back to a glaring face.

「Ha? What’s with you, so suddenly」

She was really scathing. She was showing her wariness toward the unknown person who didn’t look like a rookie police or a criminal who was suspicious walking together with her father.

Hajime didn’t look like he minded it at all and continued looking at Hattori. It was at that timing several of the subordinates who were scattered at the surrounding to be on guard came running.

「Your father is doing work that he can’t tell to even his family. It’s not that he isn’t telling. It’s a work that he can’t tell.」

「I-I don’t get what you’re saying」

「I don’t mean that he’s doing something bad. It’s just that there are events in this world that can’t be publicized.」

It wasn’t like Hajime didn’t feel any guilt blabbering about what Hattori was hiding even though he was keeping it vague.

He also had no intention of persuading this daughter to understand her father, not at the slightest.

Right now, what he was saying was just needless meddling. Rather to Hattori it was an act that could invoke his fury.

He was completely aware of that.

But, he thought that this was just too much. A man who was destroying his stomach while doing life threatening job to protect the country and also his family, wasn’t even being treated as family by his daughter.

「You see, I’m more scared getting attacked by your father alone rather than a hundred bloodthirsty demons. Do you know why?」

「There’s no way I know. Just what are you saying──」

「Because of the difference in resolve. Hattori Koutaro will do anything if it’s to protect this country, and the people living in it. He’ll lower his head to anyone, and if needed he’ll give chase to the end of earth, he’ll even risk his life.」

「L-life you say, that’s exaggerating」

Hattori was giving instructions to the nearby subordinates. He was a bit far so she couldn’t hear what he was saying but, it was conveyed without any doubt that the air was tense.

People who looked really capable even in Reina’s eyes were following her father’s command with full trust in him. She could somehow see that.

She didn’t know. She didn’t know that side of her father.

He always looked shabby and slovenly, a pathetic guy who could only laugh flippantly no matter what was said to him. Even when he got abusive language hurled at him by her who was his daughter, he would only respond back with a calm admonishing tone. She had no memory of him ever yelling angrily.

「It’s not a job that anyone understand. It’s also not a job that anyone can do. Your father is undoubtedly, a one and only person who nobody can replace in this country right now.」

For some reason, it felt excessively irritating.

What’s with this guy, speaking with a face like he know everything. Reina spontaneously wanted to slap the young man before him with all her strength.

「……Who’ll believe that. In the first place, so what? Do you want to preach to me or something? Are you saying it can’t be helped even if he abandons his family because of that? Who even are you?」

Words flooded out. Even though she should have given up on that kind of father since a long time ago and held not the slightest interest toward him.

Her pent-up resentment couldn’t stop coming out.

Whether it was her birthday, or school event, or other important event, he neglected them times and times again. Even when they were in the middle of precious family trip, he would always easily return to work. In the first place she had almost no memory of them doing something as family.

He didn’t come home even when she was confined on bed and suffering from sickness. Even when her mother got injured and hospitalized, he only came running after several days had passed.

She also couldn’t stomach it when he tried to give her some kind of present. Just how much he had to make light of her until he was satisfied, thinking that he could butter her up if he gave her some kind of present.

The same about her school, or her dream for the future, he wouldn’t be interested anyway no matter what his daughter wanted to do.

「You get it? That guy is a failure of a dad. Can a stranger who don’t know anything stop butting in? It’s annoying.」

Reina looked at Hajime like looking at a pest, but didn’t look particularly offended or anything. He quietly listened to her words until the end and even agreed with her 「Well, that’s one horrible dad you got there」 with a wry smile.

Reina narrowed her eyes with the feeling like the wind was taken out of her sail.

「I got no intention of meddling. This is just something like me talking to myself. It’s fine even if you ignore it. Or rather, just pretend that you don’t hear anything. I’m prepared to get punched by that person but, that doesn’t mean I like to get punched.」

「What’s with that……」

「After all, it’s something that he doesn’t want his family to know. In order to keep away danger at the distance, and also because he doesn’t want to show the dirtiness of this world.」

Surely Hattori kept quiet not only because of duty of confidentiality, but also simply because he didn’t want his daughter to learn of such world. He should want her to live under the daylight, without knowing something like the darkness of the world.

「In other words, it’s just my selfishness. I’m just thinking that it’ll be nice if that person who has been helping my friends and me to not get called a shitty day by his own daughter.」

Reina hadn’t done anything wrong at all. Her father wouldn’t be at her side, and she also didn’t really know the reason why he wouldn’t be there. A child who could love their parent even after that would be abnormal instead.

And if it was said as the failure of Hattori for failing to properly make preventative measures so that she could understand about his absence even if she couldn’t accept it, then true it was his failure.

Although, apathy was the most painful thing to experience. That was even more so when it came from a precious daughter.

(I’m going to cry just by imagining it. I need to be careful myself……)

Such feeling was surely also playing a part to make Hajime unusually doing something needless like this.

Reina’s eye glint stabbed him. This guy prattling whatever he like, she might be thinking something like that.

At the same time, an eye glint also came at him from Hattori. Why are you two still there? That eye glint asked. It felt like he might drew out his gun and shot him anytime now.

These two were really the spitting image of each other. Their impactful eyes that is.

(As expected I’m doing something unnecessary huh)

Report was coming form the wireless that Hajime also shared. It seemed that the check had finished while they were talking. It seemed the strange car was just accidentally going the same way with the protected car for too long. It was just an ordinary person’s car.

Hattori directed his subordinates to return to their position while walking toward them. But, it seemed there was no spare time for them to exchange more words.

A car slid in at that timing. It was the car carrying the VIP from Japan’s side.

Perhaps because they were travelling under secrecy, the car’s appearance was a minivan that often got used by normal company just in case. But the inside was of course different. From the exhaust amount, it seemed to be bullet proofed.

The camouflaged car stopped slightly ahead from Hajime and Reina’s spot.

Hattori looked at Reina and knitted his eyebrows, even so he changed direction. He tightened his tie and straightened his back while rushing toward the car.

The window opened and he exchanged some words with the people inside. Then Hattori’s gaze turned toward Hajime.

「Nagumo-san, this way.」


He waved his hand in shooshing motion from a position that couldn’t be seen from inside the car. It might be a signal to Reina, Just go already! It must be a signal. Yes, no doubt about it. His eyes were saying so.

I’ll just leave now……Reina was going to put on her helmet for real this time but, her eyes rose seeing that gesture.

Because of Hajime, she was feeling excessively ill-tempered for some reason. That feeling reached the peak and she slammed back her helmet on the moped’s seat half in obstinacy before approaching with stomping feet.

Hattori-otousan’s face was convulsing! *GLARE* His stare pierced Hajime!

Hajime-san walked toward him with a look of feigned ignorance. Reina-chan followed diagonally behind him. Seeing her father’s convulsing expression made her lips twisted as though she was thinking 「Serves you right」……but, that too only lasted until she saw the face of the man peeking out from the car’s window.

「……Eh, Minister Yokotani……?」

Reina unconsciously let those words slipped up in front of the well-known influential politician who she had seen from television as the minister for foreign affairs. Her eyes opened wide and she froze.

「Hm? That young lady over there……aa, no matter. She must be Nagumo-kun’s friend.」

「Ha, no, well, yes.」

Hattori-san was sweating rivers with cold sweat. There was no way he could say something like, she’s my daughter, what’s more just an ordinary person.

Yokotani Kiyomori, minister for foreign affairs. He must be the politician with the deepest involvement with Hattori right now. This man also had various dark rumors about him but, he was capable as a politician and was well-known as shrewd in diplomacy.

He was also a man whose hair roots were considerably damaged because of the changing world recently. His grizzled hair that was still thick even in his sixty would wither up completely in the blink of eye right now without Hajime’s quality (actually it was Emily’s compounding) hair restoration medicine.

「More importantly Hajime-kun. My thanks for agreeing even though this call is so sudden.」

「No, it’ll be something beneficial for me too after all.」

「I’m counting on you today. The useful cards for the negotiation are mostly in your hands. I sincerely hope that you won’t prioritize your personal desire and make the adult decision.」

「Of course I will. Yes, protecting the nation’s interest means protecting my family and friends too. I won’t forget that fundamental no matter what happen.」

「……How reliable.」

With a nice smile Hajime implicitly drove in the nail that he wouldn’t be picky with the method if there was anything that disadvantaged his family and friends. Minister Yokotani also replied back with a soft smile. Inside his heart of hearts seemed to be pitch black though.

After all this man was involved in the returnees commotion. Even after getting hit with a painful retaliation, he was able to come forward wearing a face of “an understanding politician” like he was innocent. In that regard the thickness of his skin was first class.

Perhaps it would be impossible for someone to compete with other country unless someone could at least do something like that.

Reina was getting creeped out seeing the exchange of nice smile between Hajime and Yokotani. Or rather she was making a face that seemed to say 「Just who in the world is this guy……」 at Hajime, meanwhile Yokotani who seemed to come here to give a reminder to Hajime before the meeting turned back his attention to Hattori.

「I’m counting on you too Hattori-kun. Think of the meeting this time as the crossroads. It’ll decide our relationship of our country with that side. As the one who know the scene on the ground more than anyone, it will depend on you how many negotiation cards we will be able to draw out and render obsolete from the other side.」

「……Please don’t tease me too much. I’m just a mere policeman you know?」

「Hah, that’s a funny joke. Even the NPA (National Police Agency) director has to be considerate with you right now. In fact, right now even authorities of other countries will be respectful when they heard of “Japan’s Hattori” you know?」

「You jest.」

Reina’s gaze was busily running back and forth between Yokotani and her father. She looked like she was looking at something unbelievable.

「Fuh, well fine. Anyway, this me will act as supporting role in the diplomatic negotiation. I’ll have you produce the suitable profit in return.」

Perhaps he was satisfied after confirming Hattori was unconsciously pressing his hand on his stomach, Minister Yokotani didn’t even wait to hear the reply and gave a signal to the driver after applying such pressure.

At the end he grinned and even landed an additional blow 「My position is also hanging on this after all! I won’t let you say that you don’t understand the meaning of that!」.

「Kuuh……that damn shitty geezerrr-」

「Don’t mind it, Hattori-san.」

「Nagumo-san. One bottle, just one more bottlee」

Hajime smiled wryly while wordlessly handing the recovery medicine. Hattori-san drained it in one gulp.

『Unicorn 1 to Garuda 1. Approximately ten minutes until arrival.』

「Garuda 1, roger. There’s no problem over here. Keep going as you are.」

『Unicorn 1, roger.』

It seemed the other side would also arrive before long.

「Reina, really──」

「……I still have work, I’m leaving.」

Reina didn’t listen to Hattori’s words until the end and quickly turned around.

Hattori stared on her back once more. Hajime stared at Hattori who was like that from the side.

「……What is it? Is there something that you want to say?」

「No, nothing?」

He averted his gaze. He pretended to watch the sky. 「Aa, for some reason I really want to meet Myuu now」 He muttered something like that.

Hattori scratched his head in frustration. He didn’t even care that his well arranged hair got messed up because of it. And then he slapped the empty bottle on Hajime’s chest hard to return it and,



He stepped forward and called out to his daughter.

Reina jerked in surprise and her shoulders shook for a moment, but she didn’t even turn around and put on her helmet as though she hadn’t heard anything.


Hattori-san was at a loss for words. Reina straddled her bike. The engine was turned on.

In the end, the words that came out after worrying a lot was completely unrelated with what happened today. Those were just common words as a parent.

「Keep your work in moderation. You don’t need to worry about money. If you want to study abroad, Otou-san will pay it anytime no matter how much.」


Reina reflexively looked back across her shoulder.

「……You know?」

「About the studying abroad? You’re interested with design work right? It seems you’re saving money starting from now because you want to study abroad one day but……」

Reina’s expression twisted. She looked frustrated, she looked like she wanted to spit out the words that it was too late……that expression that displayed her complex feeling, was the spitting image of Hattori just now when seeing off Reina’s back.

「Why……you never even asked before.」

「Normally, you wouldn’t tell me even if I asked right? That was why, I asked Kaa-san.」

「……You went out of your way?」

「It’s about my daughter’s future. Obviously I want to know, and I’m rooting for you too. That’s why──」

「tsu, geez, shaddup! I don’t care-」

Reina cut off Hattori and accelerated her bike.

But, she stopped after going for several meters, and then she stomped her foot on the ground forcefully in irritation. A second later, she looked back once more.

She glared at her father with an angry sharp gaze. And then,

「……Work………………do your best. You shitty dad–!!」

She yelled that and then accelerated her bike without stopping this time.

Hajime glanced at Hattori once more. His eyes were wide open and he was freezing still.

Surely that was because the [shitty dad] just now hit inside his chest far harder than the [Otou-san] at the beginning. After all that yell contained far far more emotion from his daughter, no doubt about it.

And most of all, he just got 「Do your best」 from his daughter.



「I don’t know what you said to her but……」


「I won’t thank you. In exchange, I’ll cancel my plan to punch you.」

「Fuu, that’s relieving to hear.」

After all the fist of a father who was angry for his daughter would surely be heavy. Hajime patted down his chest theatrically.

Hattori snorted and brushed up his messed hair to put it in order again amd,

「Now then, it’s time to work. Let’s “do our best”.」

「Roger that.」

Hattori started walking forward to welcome the car that came into view ahead of them at that timing. His face was filled with motivation like never before. He also gave it his all to ignore Hajime whose lips split into a wide smile.













※Omake later development

The meeting resulted mostly in accordance to the wishes of both sides. Then at night several days after.

Hattori was working overtime like usual in the respond division. He was surprised by a sudden call, even so he left his seat with a happy face.

He went out of his way to talk at a corner of the hallway with lowered voice. Feeling suspicious, the staffs of the respond division watched over him from behind the door like a totem pole.

「I see, right right. I get it. Tell Kaa-san to take care from me.」

『Tell her yourself. Well, it’s fine though……』

The voice suddenly stopped.

It might have been around ten years since Reina called her father. She ended up thinking she wouldn’t phone him anymore when she advanced to the upper grades in her primary school.

Therefore she still could only have an awkward conversation.

Even so, it was unexpected for Hattori that she would contact him like this. Perhaps she would pick up even if he called her from his end. She might also return his message? He harbored such hope.

He also still held irritation to Hajime who revealed his work to her even though it was only a part of it, but the aspect of this being him reaping what he sowed was too strong for him to be able to completely declare that it was a needless meddling……

If the result was alright, then he wouldn’t be ungrateful……while he was thinking like that,

『Um, listen. It’s unrelated thing but』

「Hm? I don’t mind. Tell me anything.」

『Hm……then, um…………the man at that time, what sort of relationship you’ve with him?』

「……The man, at that time?」

『The man who looked like college student that you really relied on for some reason. You called him Nagumo-kun』

The staffs who turned into totem pole saw it. How Hattori’s broad smile was gradually darkening while still staying broad. Even though it was a smile, scary…….

『Ah, it’s fine even if you can’t say it because it’s related with your work.』

「Yeah, I can’t tell you.」

An instant answer. It felt like there wasn’t any ground for compromise. But, Reina-chan didn’t notice. Even though normally she would notice with the discernment that she inherited from her father.

In exchange, the father’s sixth sense was sharpened keenly. His discernment was doubled from danger to her daughter’s future. He somehow sensed his daughter fidgeting at the other side of the phone.

『But, it’s a different case for private matter isn’t it? I said a lot of rude things to him, so maybe I should apologize, and maybe I should thank him too for telling me things……』

「No need. Forget about him.」

『What’s with you!? It should be fine! Tell me! Like his phone number for example!』

All emotions fell off from Hattori’s face.

Certainly, that man was more reliable than any kind of existence. In fact, he also trusted him. He also understood that he wasn’t a bad person deep down.

But, but still. That was that, this was this.

His daughter was harboring interest, to a real harem man……. Something like that, there was no way a father could possibly tolerate it!!



「Absolutely not! That man is the only one that Otou-san absolutely won’t accept!!」

『Haa!? You’re speaking nonsense you knoww!?』

It seemed the two who were standing on the start line to fill up the family rift between them had fallen into another danger that might deepened that rift instead due to Hajime’s own existence.

Would he be able to hide Hajime’s personal information while skillfully breaking his daughter’s interest……

This was a place (?) for the shrewd agent to show his skill.














On the other hand, at the evening of the day Hajime and Hattori attended the meeting. At a back alley of a certain suburban city.

「Kuh, kill meee~~!!」

「Aa, yes yes. I won’t kill, I won’t.」

A woman’s pained voice resounded.

「How dare-, how dare you disgrace me like this-」

「Don’t use word like disgrace」

「How much are you going to trample on my dignity until you’re satisfied-, you demon! Cursed fiend-!!」

It was already completely an accident based only on the content of the conversation. But, in reality──

「You’re exaggerating from just a princess carry.」

「Carry me on your back at least-」

「I went out of my way to change how I carry you like this because it was dangerous when you struggled. You kept flopping back no matter how many times I carried you on my back, and in the end, it was like I was dragging you on the ground while holding your legs. It completely looked like just a crime……」

It was Kousuke who was returning from mission and, a former leader of “Shadow Monk”, “Zhu” who was currently on loan from China to Onmyou Bureau, who screwed up due to burning too hotly with rivalry toward Kousuke and became completely unable to walk temporarily due to a kind of curse.

「We’ll be able to go back with a gate if we can reach a place with nobody around. Endure it until then.」

「Are you telling me to accept curse release treatment from Tsuchimikado?」

「That’s how it gonna be if you refuse treatment from me.」

「Kuh, just kill me instead!」

Zhu-san whose catchphrase was “kuh kill me”. She was a beauty whose characteristic was her pretty black hair that was simply tied on her back and her almond eyes. Right now her face was twisted with humiliation and tears looked like they would spill from her eyes even now.

She was wearing a general women’s suit coupled with pants, but even those were dirtied and partly torn due to the mission, so it made her looked unnecessarily tragic.

「You there, can we talk for a bit?」

「Eh?」 ƒree𝑤ebnσ

Oh my, what a déjà vu. When he turned around, he found several policemen with smiles that didn’t reach their eyes at all.

Even though he was distracted by Zhu-san’s despairing act, for him to not sense their approach……it was already too late even if he cursed his lack of vigilance.

「I-it’s a misunderstanding. There’s a deep circumstance behind──」

「I see, I see. There’s a deep circumstance huh.」

「T-that’s right! I haven’t done anything to feel guilty about by all means!」

「Yep yep, is that so?」

The police officer was nodding with a friendly atmosphere.

「By the way」


「Actually we received a report. It said that there’s this woman being carried by a man, yelling things like just kill me, or how she was disgraced, see?」

Actually Zhu-san, she was someone really earnest deep down, so she would do what was required perfectly even while lamenting. She had diligently studied, so right now she also could speak Japanese normally.

In addition, her vocalization was also wonderful perhaps in order to chant her technique. Her beautiful voice carried really really well.

In other words, well, it was like that.

「By the way, you」


「Let go of that woman.」

「Zhu-san! Say something──」

「Hics, I want to go home already……」

「What happen to your usual guts!? Why are you acting like a kidnapped girl right now──」

「You, just now, did you say kidnapped?」

「T-that’s not──」

The policemen casually surrounded them with expressions that were filled with tension!!

It seemed that it would take a bit more time until Kousuke could go home. Another battle was apparently waiting for Hajime and Hattori.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

I think that in fact, someone with a job like Hattori would find it next to impossible to build a parent-child relationship that goes smoothly. But, he’s a somewhat pitiful person so I wanted to write a story with a bit of salvation……this is that kind of chapter. Also, the wife understood her husband’s position to some degree so the setting is that the couple’s relationship isn’t that bad (my hope).

※Material introduction

– Third son of assassin family

Killua of [Hunter X Hunter].

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