Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Chapter 475

Chapter 475

The Response Division Was Peaceful Too Today

「And you know? Our arms or shoulders would bump with each other so naturally like this you know-. This is definitely something like that already rightt!?」

「No, I don’t think that’s the case perhaps……」

「We were normally walking side by side, what’s more it wasn’t like the path was crowded or anything you know? You think our arms touching each other at that time was just a coincidence? The sense of distance is crazy right?」

「Yeah, it’s crazy.」

「It might just be my imagination, but it feels like she often smiled at me, can you believe it? She also often talked to me outside of mission……She told me, Noboru-san’s story is so interesting, so I want to hear moree, she said-」


Well, that’s her mission after all. She obviously really want information of us “returnees”. Kousuke thought while staring fixedly at Noboru who was getting carried away with slapping his shoulder, but the dreaming boy showed no sign of noticing at all. He was absorbed with talking by himself.

Kousuke sent a glance at the resting area that was set up at the corner of the office. There Liu and Zhu were sitting side by side eating tempura bowl happily.

Liu sent him a gaze that was mixed with a bit of nervousness and apologetic feeling. As for Zhu she was sending him a very cold gaze even while sipping on a glass of hot tea.

「See-, even now she’s sending glances at me! Crazy, it’s crazyy I told you!」

「Yeah, it’s really crazy. ……Just how easy you are.」

「Eh? What did you say?」

It seemed that Noboru-kun’s part-time work had ended at afternoon, but he had been waiting here in the office all this time.

Even though he had tried inviting Liu to eat together just now and got rejected, he didn’t go home and instead said 「Then perhaps I’ll also buy something in the store and eat together with you!」 before making a lousy wink.

First thing Liu did was making a smile that was clearly forced in the eyes of anyone watching from the outside, then she made excuse that she had to report her return to her superior and also asked Tsuchimikado to treat Zhu’s curse before retreating from that place together with Kousuke and Zhu. (Result-wise, Zhu accepted the curse dispelling from Tsuchimikado in order to match Liu’s excuse, so that helped)

In the meanwhile Noboru was still going 「The diligent Liu-san is also lovely!」 while grinning cheerfully. Liu-chan had stopped trying to even hide the twitching her eyes at that point, then she secretly admitted 「He fell that easily, even so I haven’t done anything」 with a desperate expression while explaining herself.

Although, it wasn’t any complicated story.

When everything was summed up, it boiled down to just this one sentence.

──Aikawa Noboru’s easiness was beyond imagination

It went without saying, Aikawa Noboru was one of the returnees. He was a comrade of Kousuke and the demon god who had the world’s energy under his thumb.

Therefore, Liu was feeling very nervous inside at the beginning when he was accompanying Noboru in his part-time work.

She thought that her role to form friendship and obtain as much information about returnees as possible wouldn’t be achievable with just some straightforward means. Furthermore, it was important to be careful so she didn’t come off as having any ill will at the slightest.

There was no way she would use anything like magic technique. Something like “words of power” was out of the question.

Till the end she would only rely on her natural interpersonal technique to build up trust and friendship while paying attention to not give any reason for displeasure or distrust, so she could have him give her information under his own initiative……

It was truly a most difficult task. However, that was Liu’s job.

For the time being her first objective was to position herself as a coworker who could be relied on. She would interact with him as amiably as possible. She would leave as much good impression as possible to him.

She interacted with him under such resolve──

And when she noticed, he had already fallen for her.

Even Liu-chan didn’t understand what happened. It felt like her mind would go strange from bewilderment. It wasn’t anything cheap like love in first sight or reverse honey trap, not at all. She experienced how it felt like running into someone who was terrifyingly easy.

「Look here, I think you already know but, just to remind you, she’s an agent from foreign country.」

「That’s so cool isn’t it. Even though she’s even younger than us. Her language comprehension is also like that without any cheat y’know? To be strong, smart, and cute too……fuu. Angel is a perfect being. In other words, you get what I mean?」

「Let’s set that aside for now. What I’m saying here, don’t just carelessly prattle about our information.」

「If it’s our story while at Tortus then I’m telling it often. Anyone obviously would want to talk if they got badgered with such happy expression.」

「Y-yeah, well, it’s not like we’re keeping any of that secret, or rather that’s a part that we’ve been open with since the start but……」

「No worries. Liu-san is an owner of a pure heart. Words like purity, or loveliness, or genuine, I believe those words exist just to describe her-. There’s nooo way she’ll do anything that might disadvantage us!」

「Yep, for the time being I’m convinced that it’s necessary to keep you out of loop for some things.」

This guy is hopeless, something needs to be done quickly……Kousuke thought while holding his head.

By the way, they were in the office’s kitchenette right now. Kousuke called him here after he really dashed to the store. For interrogation.

Liu was secretly peeking inside from behind the door with a worried look. As soon as his gaze meet hers, Noboru smiled disgustingl──not, the person himself must be thinking that he was doing it refreshingly while winking.

Kousuke could sense how Liu was shivering. She hurriedly dropped her gaze and radiated an atmosphere that expressed 「I’m immersed with the tendon right now!」.

「Heheh, she’s cute even when embarrassed.」


Kousuke couldn’t say anything else. This guy is real hopeless. His thinking is exactly that of a misunderstanding guy. Kousuke thought while unconsciously covered his eyes with his hand. He couldn’t bear to watch.

Certainly, there might be room to excuse his current condition based on the extenuating circumstance of him “being made to misunderstand” by other party. Although, if what Liu did had to be described, it was just like her giving him a poke with her fingertip to announce her existence.

Even the girl didn’t expect anything like this in her wildest dream. That her little poke would end up being the push that neatly dropped all the dominoes. That at the end of her poking, it would end up with her heart dropping and making her wanting to scream 「Aaa-, stopp~~~」.

She must be anxious. Nobody could be blamed if they suspected her of having used some wicked ways after seeing someone expressing his good will so abruptly like this toward a foreign country agent like her.

And naturally, Liu didn’t have any romantic feeling toward Noboru.

And, what she feared the most was the returnees harboring distrust toward her. That they would suspect her using some kind of inhuman method──in short some kind of curse on Noboru to make him fall for her and then squeeze out information from him.

Or rather, was someone this easy really existed in the world? He wasn’t even a middle school student who was in the middle of puberty, and he was one of the returnees who had accumulated some terrific life experiences.

Then, perhaps this is a reverse honey trap just like I thought? Liu also couldn’t clear away such wariness from her mind.

(──”If Noboru-san is serious, I too need to treat him with the appropriate sincerity. If not my relationship with all the other returnees might also worsen”……huh. Yeah, that’ll be a natural concern for someone in Liu’s position though)

Liu was looking this way with worry whether Kousuke was suspecting her of any hostility even while stuffing her mouth with shrimp tempura. In respond he waved his hand to say 「It’s fine, it’s fine」.

「Hey, love shitty master Aby-san. Now that you’ve found out about my relationship with Liu-san, there’s something I want to consult with you on the count of your status as an expert of that path.」

「I want to escape right away because of that envy that you can’t fully hide and how extreme your wrong impression of me is but, what is it?」

「That, um. Tell me how did you guys do it when greeting each other’s family.」

「Stop. Stop right there, Aikawa. Let’s keep your charging bull mentality to just that much.」

Also, you won’t be able to greet Liu’s parents. After all those guys sold out their daughter. Those words, naturally couldn’t be said. After all it seemed the person herself hadn’t disclosed it to Noboru.

「When you shitty Aby marry, your connection with England or Vatican will get stronger won’t it? In other words, the possibility is high that I’ll also end up in the same position.」

「What happen with the brake inside your brain? Have you checked it in hospital lately?」

「So to speak I’ll be a bridge between countries, no, between us returnees and other country? That’s an important post isn’t it? Hehe, I want to listen to your experience as fellow kindred soul should I say?」

「Okay, I get it that you’re beyond help already. What you need to listen to is the reality you know?」

The conclusion, Liu didn’t need to worry about anything. Nobody would suspect of Liu having done anything wicked to reduce Noboru into this state. From any kind of perspective, this was clearly just him running out of control due to springtime (misunderstanding) visiting him for the first time in his life.

Rather, she would even be sympathized for being targeted by an insane guy whose thought skipped over 「This girl, she might like me?」 right into planning their wedding as something fixed in place just from being given a little smile.

If the upper echelon of “Shadow Monk” learned that Noboru was approaching her seriously, they would definitely ordered Liu to get into relationship with him. In such situation, Liu wouldn’t be able to go against it, nor would she even try it.

Or rather, from what he gathered when asking her secretly just now, it seemed that Liu herself didn’t feel bad about being liked in itself. If the other returnees wouldn’t suspect her of using any curse, then for the time being she didn’t want to change her stance of wanting to be “a reliable coworker” which was her first goal.

And so, following the extension of that line of thought……Noboru’s chance to get on with her wasn’t completely hopeless. Perhaps.

But, the way he was over the moon, or perhaps even over the Mars right now was simply scary, so apparently she would take wait-and-see approach while keeping the appropriate distance for now until he calmed down.

Also, Noboru originally wasn’t this kind of guy. There were three real harem bastards around him, and he hadn’t experienced any special encounter even after going to university, so this must be the result of his heart getting twisted by jealousy, which could be seen from how he always added “shitty” behind Aby, so in a sense, this was also their own fault──a fact that Kousuke averted his eyes from.

「Listen to me, Aikawa.」

「Oh, you’re giving me advice? Thanks-」

「Firm your mind, and prepare your resolve.」

「Of course. It’s gonna be international marriage after all. What’s more she’s an agent, I’m resolved!」

Forget Mars, it felt like he was going to be over the galaxy. The current Noboru wouldn’t understand anything that he was told right now. And so, Kousuke hardened his resolve.

「Everything, is your misunderstanding.」


「Liu, doesn’t harbor any particular romantic feeling for you. She’s simply making effort to build a good working relationship with her coworker seeing that she’s dispatched to a foreign country.」


「Rather, it’s creepy how easy you’re from falling this hard just from a girl acting a little bit cordial with you.」


「It’s impossible someone this easy can exist. It’ll still be better if this is just a reverse honey trap. But, it’ll be over for me if other thought I put a curse or something on him, she thought fearfully. That’s this current situation’s──truth.」

Kousuke placed his hands on Noboru’s shoulders and looked at him with serious eyes.

Noboru’s puzzled face became dubious. Then, that expression was gone and replaced with a grim face.

The two stared at each other silently. Somehow a strange atmosphere was leaking out from the kitchenette, so the staffs of the response division and the people of Tsuchimikado clan were going 「What?」 and peeking in.

As expected she must got curious with the talk. Liu stood up to come over here, but Zhu grabbed her hand and held her back. She was sipping her tea calmly with one hand while only sending an intelligent glance over here.

Her feeling of implicitly saying 「Take care of this problem somehow you bastard! Make it so my little sister doesn’t get troubled anymore!」 got keenly expressed from that glance.

「I see. So it’s like that.」

「So you get it, Aikawa. But, I think it’s nothing to feel discouraged about. From here you can take it slowly──」

「So, in short. What you want to say is this.」


「Both Liu-san and Zhu-san are mine. I’m not just gonna get a seventh wife, but also the eighth yeah, is what you’re telling me.」

「EH!? T-that’s not──」

「You fucker Aby-sannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!」


There wasn’t even any time to make a retort like Ain’t no way that’s the case, or you’re speaking crazy like my big brother. Kousuke instantly bent backward like he was doing limbo dance. A fist grazed his jaw overhead as it passed through.

The office became stirred. Liu became flustered and was about to run this way, but Zhu-oneesama blocked her. She hugged her tightly on her lap, in addition she grinned and showed a provoking expression that said 「Nice, do it more!」.

This Onee-sama, this along with her barrage of statements that induced misunderstanding with the polices. As expected perhaps her recent enjoyment was getting Kousuke into trouble.

「It bothered me a little! Enemies working together at the end and then staying together even after that is completely a heroine route ain’t it! You Aby should just die for my happiness!」

「That’s a completeee misunderstanding, and there are things you can say and things that you can’t-!!」

Noboru was a vanguard regardless of how rotten he was. He had the vocation “Axe Warrior” which made him a power fighter. Every single jab he launched could easily break even the bone of an ordinary person.

Kousuke moved only his upper body like in Matri* and even left behind afterimages to keep evading the surging barrage of jealousy and anger.

The people in the response division started to get noisy seeing that. A falling out between returnees was breaking out in the kitchenette. It wasn’t funny. Other people like temporarily loaned staff from ministry of foreign affairs that wasn’t that deeply involved with this division was going pale.

「Oi oi oi, what the hell are they doing!?」

「Doesn’t it feel like they’re fighting over Liu-chan?」

「As expected from our idol. The healing that came to bless this division that’s filled with filthy middle-aged man and also stomachache as a side. Of course the young’uns are gonna beat each other over her.」

「No no no, why are you guys so calm about this!? We got to stop them!」

「Personally I want to cheer for Aikawa-kun. A brat getting real harem is just unforgivable, is what I think.」

「This isn’t the time to say that!! It’s a quarrel between returnees you know!? Contact Hattori-san!」

The ones panicking were loaned staffs from ministry of foreign affairs and the like. Relaxing on their chairs and entering spectating mode were those who were originally members of the public safety and subordinates of Hattori.

「It’s me that Liu-san is looking at! I won’t let you violate even her-, you damn shitty Aby-sannnnnnnnn!!!」

「Don’t say that kind of defamation!! Or rather get back to your senses! Your eyes look totally scary!」

Noboru and Kousuke grappled with each other with their hands locked and pushing the other like in pro wrestling.

Noboru was unable to accept the cruel truth and interpreted it as the shitty Aby-san scheming to increase his harem. There was also his desperation of not letting go of the springtime’s arrival on his life that he was exhibiting abnormal power……

Kousuke’s knees were gradually approaching the ground. Crappp, I’ve got no way out except turning into Abyss Lord!? Not thattt! I already did that today! And I just took my medicine! Kousuke thought as he desperately hanged in there.

It was then,

『Please stop-, don’t fight because of meee-!!』

A voice slipped in to resound directly inside their heads. Liu-chan had shook off her Nee-sama’s arms before anyone realized and came running to use her “Kotodama(words of power)”.

Noboru-kun who had transformed into a fierce god of love gasped and returned to his senses. His hands were still grappling with Kousuke, but strength left them and his gaze turned away.


「Noboru-san! I, don’t want to see Noboru-san’s face becoming like that-」

「T-this isn’t-! I’m trying to protect you──you don’t know! The danger of this shitty Aby-san! He’s indiscriminate when it comes to woman, little girl or non-human older girl, this asshole will seduce anybody without any care!」

「Hey, Aikawa. Can I snap already? How about I beat the danger of shitty Aby-san into you?」

「Even if the Abyss Lord is a shitty asshole-」

「Woah, Liu-chan? Why did you stab me from the side?」

「Even if he’s a lolicon with peculiar fetish, painful speech and gesture, and an extremely freaky person-」

「It’s there isn’t itt-, there’s obviously malice in there isn’t ittt-」

「Even so-, he’s still your comrade! Noboru-san always looked proud of your comrades when telling me about your story in another world!」


「That relationship you have feels wonderful to me Noboru-san, that’s why I, was imagining what if I can also become a comrade like that with Noboru-san before I realized it……」

Liu-chan stared at Noboru with moist eyes. Noboru too regained his calm and stared back awkwardly at Liu.

Aby-san was already gone from the two’s sight. Even though he had gotten thoroughly dissed by them.

What in the-? Just what in the world is this atmosphere? Why does everyone like to stab me before treating me like I don’t exist right at the next moment? Don’t you think I’m pitiful? Aby’s heart, is crying you know?

Kousuke staggered out of the kitchenette, but then a hand gently touched his shoulder.

He looked back across his shoulder. Zhu-san was there. He pretended not to see her. Because she had a face that was really desperately holding back laughter. He slapped her hand away.

「I’m sorry for making Noboru-san misunderstand-. I just, what you to trust me……」

「M-misunderstand……I see, is that so……」

「But, me wanting to get along with you is true──no, these words, I don’t have the qualification to say them……」

「L-Liu-san……that’s, that’s not true at all!」


「It’s me who should apologize here! I really get it, that feeling of wanting to become a comrade that can be trusted! B-but-, my feeling still hasn’t changed! I swear I’ll definitely make you feel more about me than now! Please give me a chance!」

「Noboru-san……for you to say something like that, for someone like me. Thank you so much. I too can’t promise you anything because of my position but……please treat me well from now on too-」



Liu and Noboru shook hands firmly.

Just what am I watching here? Kousuke’s expression said. Some of the office staffs, those who were on loan from ministry of foreign affairs were also making the same expression. Only the people of public safety were saying things like 「Aah~ youth」 or 「You won’t get off scot free if you make Liu-chan cry okay」 while giving some scattered applause. What a cozy workplace (lol) this place was.

Liu averted her face in order to wipe the tears that were welling up in her eyes from relief. She moved her hand to hide her eyes while bringing her mouth toward her shoulder. Coincidentally, her posture was at an angle where only Kousuke and Zhu could see her expression.

Her tears vanished like they were never there at the first place. Her lips moved with a pretty crisp look in her eyes.

(Is something like this okay as compromise?)

She said.

What she was doing was definitely intended as a lifeboat for Kousuke in part. There was no doubt that the purpose of her moderate dissing was just to calm down Noboru (he hoped that was the case).

And then, even with the misunderstanding dispelled, she didn’t let the thread of good will between Noboru and her to be severed while still staying within the range that wouldn’t be interpreted as a hostile act toward the returnees.

Indeed. It wasn’t a bad point of compromise. For anyone. ……Yes, even for Liu and Zhu too even at this point of time!

Kousuke thought.

As I thought Liu-chan is the scariesttt~. Or rather, are all female agent like this? Hattori is also a scary person but, this was a scariness in a different vector.


Zhu-san placed her hand on Kousuke’s shoulder again. Her face was smug. Really smug. Was she boasting about her little sister’s skill……was it just his imagination that her gesture could also be seen as a warning (?) 「This is nothing more than the beginning. We’re going to devour you guys from anywhere if you show an opening-」, no, a verdict (?) to them?

He slapped away her hand once more and returned his gaze to Liu. Liu was already facing Noboru again with eyes that had already regained their moistness instantly. ……Really she was scary.

Today his heart was aching painfully already from the Abyss Lord transformation. The action of Zhu whose rate of going around in circles increased when together with Kousuke also caused him to wear down his nerves.

Furthermore, he had actually been doing a lot of things in another place too that he hadn’t been sleeping since yesterday.

And yet, his classmate who was being completely lovestruck right in front of him without even caring about other people’s feeling, and there were also these sisters who couldn’t be dealt with ordinary means in various senses, and he also got the feeling that the people of response division were looking at their exchange with exasperated or lukewarm expressions.


Somehow the exhaustion Kousuke felt suddenly became more pronounced. Aa, it’s going to be all-nighter too today huhh, the morning sun is burning my eyes……I want healing……

He thought. It was then. Kousuke’s greatest healing arrived!

「Welcome back, Kou-kuu~~~nn!!」

The biggest reason why he stopped by at the response division today even though he usually didn’t do so often. It was none other than to rendezvous with the beloved rabbit eared older girl──Rana Hauria.

She must have grasped Kousuke’s presence even before he entered (it was a profound mystery how she could do so). *Clack* The door opened and immediately she rushed in with a wide smile.

Of course, her rabbit ears were hidden. Her hair was tied into ponytail with a hair clip that was a concealment artifact. She was dressed in trouser suit. It was the stylish type, so her nice body style became pronounced instead.

She was hopping *pyon pyon* with sprightly footsteps that made one wondered whether the gravity was kinder only around her.

But, faster than Rana could hug him like usual,



Kousuke rushed. With an expression like a lost man who found an oasis after wandering a desert for ten days, he hugged his lover with his own initiative even though there were other people present, which was another unusual thing for him.

Rana who got hugged tightly spontaneously raised both her hands banzai as her eyes blinked in surprise.

However, that only lasted for a brief moment. The corner of her eyes quickly slackened down and she gently hugged Kousuke back in comfort.

「My my, really Kou-kun, this is unusual for you. Did anything painful happen to you?」

「No, I just got a little thought of how scary woman is.」

「Am I scary?」

「You aren’t so I hug you to get healed.」

「Fufu, really Kou-kun. Fine then, I’ll hug you tightly as much as you want?」

There wasn’t even a shred of rejection in her. A warm atmosphere drifted out when she hugged him tightly like the holy mother embracing her own child.

That was just how much affection was filling Rana’s expression. Kousuke’s expression loosened up.

Noboru’s expression was twitching. His face was saying 「T-these two, since when are they able to create “their own world” that isn’t at all inferior against Nagumo and Yue-san!?」.

Liu’s face was also reddening a bit. And as for Zhu, for some reason she was acting strangely restless and fidgety.

「Here, is really the office of the response division right?」

「I know what you want to say.」

The loaned staffs from ministry of foreign affairs who were aware that there was an important negotiation with USA today became dead in their eyes.

It couldn’t be helped. They thought that there was a scene of bloodshed between fellow students, but then a development like a drama with the theme of workplace romance (?) unfolded, and at the end of it all two lovers were creating a world of their own.

Even though this was one of the divisions standing at the frontline of the information war! Even though an important discussion that might decide the future of the nation was being held right at this very moment!

Though the people who were originally from the public safety were all being business as usual. They were either grinning 「Ah, it’s nice being young」 or looking vexed 「Dammit, showing off like that, this cursed Abyssgate-san」.

Rana separated a little from Kousuke and then kissed him with a terribly natural movement. It was only a light kiss where their lips only touched for a bit, but then she did it for the second time, and then third time. It was like the substitute of a mother patting the back of her son to comfort him.

A gauge could be imagined floating above Kousuke’s head. It was the gauge of his heart’s HP. That gauge that was in the red zone could be imagined somehow rocketing up *GYUINN* back into full HP.

Although, it would be troubling if their lovers flirting kept escalating anymore than this. They should have these two to understand the right TPO (time, place, occasion) for such thing.

And so, an uncle of the pubic safety yelled a scolding 「Enough of that already!」

「HAH!? I-I’m sorry-, doing something like this here!」

Kousuke turned beet red. Even though he had become able to produce a pink colored barrier just like Hajime & Yue, he didn’t happen to have the guts──no, was it common sense in this case?──to be unashamed about it just like those two. He repeatedly bowed his head in apology.

「My, I’m sorry? But I can’t help it. Kou-kun is just too adorable after all.」

Hauria was Hauria as expected. The inside of their mind was at demon king’s side.

The number 2 superior who was taking command while Hattori-san was absent──the person who Liu and Zhu also reported to before this──rebuked with a voice that heavily resounded until the bottom of your guts.

「Rana-kun, do something like that after you finish your work. You’re securing a dangerous cursed item right? The elder and others are already waiting in another room. They’ve also prepared the barrier.」

The superior──Ichinohara was the person with the scariest appearance in the response division. His crew cut hair and body that was like super heavyweight class judoka were also packing a punch, but the scariest part of him were the three lines of scars that were running diagonally on his whole face.

How did one get that kind of scar huh? Did you go fight against man-eating bear or something? His appearance made one wanted to make that kind of retort.

The place’s tension became tightly stretched just from him who was usually taciturn opening his mouth like that, but the one facing him was an Hauria.

「Yes yees, I’m going now? Kou-kun, sorry. Wait a little bit more for me okay?」

It was more or less a top brass of a friendly organization, so she was at least using polite language, but attitude wise she was being casual like she was interacting with an ordinary person. Her heart was made up to only be genuinely respectful to her boss’s family.

And so, she still gave another additional kiss *chuu* while leaving. Ichinohara let out a deep sigh.

「As expected from Abyss Lord’s lady wife.」

「C-certainly. Even I would get slightly nervous when in front of Ichinohara-dono……」

*Te-te-te-te-* Rana left to another room with sprightly footsteps. Meanwhile Liu and Zhu were watching off her back as they unconsciously commented like that.

Then Zhu gasped at her own muttering and cleared her throat to cover it up. It seemed that she also didn’t really want to recognize Rana. She was really hating to lose.

「By the way, what did Rana Hauria do? What is this cursed object? You unusually showed up here today is also because you know that she would come here right?」

「Yeah, apparently it’s a matter of their hidden village in the sea of trees. It looks like there are intruders……or rather some people poking around in there.」

「As expected huh……are they alright over there?」

「Yeah, well, over there……it has Nagumo’s defensive system, and Hauria’s brutal hidden village.」

In the past, it was a matter that Hajime felt concern over and denied.

Fuji’s sea of trees is just perfect for Hauria’s hidden village isn’t it! Karm and others proclaimed with expectation, and that expectation was actually being realized.

The cause was naturally the “dragon incident”.

The shocking truth that Japan=dragon apparition. Now that the existence of the hokora (small wayside shrine) that could possibly allow it to revive had come into light, it was only natural to take measure to seal or protect that place.

Although, the government wouldn’t be able to protect it from supernatural phenomenon even if they took responsibility of its protection. It was inevitable that the onmyou bureau ended up taking responsibility for it, but even at the best of time they only had limited manpower and their work had the trend of increasing, so they couldn’t be told to permanently garrison their people there.

And so, it was only natural to put Hajime’s artifact and apparition through Hinata and Hidzuki’s intermediary as defense there. And another group that could be trusted to make use of those while adapting to the situation, and showed their face to the public or the response division if necessary was needed.

So, when it came to a group that could happily live in that sea of trees’ deepest part, it was inevitable for the Hauria clan to get chosen.

Or rather, they went This is our chance! and promoted themselves for the role.

There was nothing terrifying than Hauria inside a forest. That was even more so when they were equipped with trap and artifact.

There was nobody more qualified than them. As expected even Hajime could only nod.

At Tortus when they received the notification at that time, The quota for moving to earth is increased! Oh yeah! I’ll be the one dispatched there! Haa? It should be me though? Are you sleeptalking you trash. Shaddup die you shitbag──it went without saying that kind of extremely barbaric exchange and infighting at the level where resurrection became necessary broke out.

By the way, Nea, Par, and also Mina who were originally in the sanctuary were included in the group moving to the sea of trees.

Just like how it went with most Hauria, they all had the habit (?) to want to be as close to boss’s side as possible. Nea and Par also weren’t exception.

Also, in this current time where supernatural phenomenon was on the rise, the safety of Myuu with her peculiarity was always a concern. She was their very very important “young lady” so strengthening her protection to an excessive degree was just right.

They were also close to her age and perfect to take the role as her protectors. They wanted to go to the same school, go through the same daily routine, fufufu. They were constantly petitioning to Hajime so they were allowed to be like that.

But however, regrettably they were Hauria in their heads.

Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at ƒrē Only.

Myuu’s daily life might go Hauria. So papa mercilessly rejected it.

The two were in despair. Their expression was just tragic. There were even liquids leaking out from various parts of their bodies.

The scene of two children soiling themselves in various ways while doing dogeza and pleading 「Please we beg for a reconsideration!」 made even the family to look at Hajime papa with disapproving eyes──well, he gave in then.

He said……at least learn to be able to speak and act with common sense at the level that could persuade us.

You’re saying that? Such retort came to him from a part of the family but, of course he ignored it.

And, this plan to move to Japan was raised at just the right timing, which was a godsend for the two and they joined in moving here.

Getting back on topic.

「I’m told, the intruder this time is accompanied by apparition.」

「Fumu……and a cursed object is recovered from them, which mean that they aren’t using their own technique, but that cursed object is the source of their power?」

「Maybe. It looks like the number of people who got their hands on that kind of “object” and become able to display power even if their own strength is weak is increasing. Or rather, perhaps I should say that it also includes people looking for that kind of “object” in order to raise their base strength?」

「I see. So the intrusion into the sea of trees is also not because they’re looking for “dragon” but to see if there’s that kind of thing too in there huh.」

「We still don’t know because they haven’t been interrogated yet. Though, perhaps that is the case I guess?」

「And, this time it was Rana Hauria who apprehended the intruder and the cursed object?」

「Yeah yeah. There were also others though.」

Also, if asked why Rana who was moving her living place to Britain was involved with the arrest this time, it was only natural if seen from the conclusion.

Rana had the pride as Kousuke’s first wife. And so she was making effort to show herself frequently in the house of Endou family. She also often going to the hidden village in Fuji’s sea of trees to check the situation there while she was at it. She had been given her own personal key, so it was easy to travel there using gate.

「I was coincidentally in the middle of mission, and in that case there was also a need to deliver the prisoner and the cursed object to here.」

「So it was just perfect for you two to make this office as your rendezvous place huh.」

「Yep. I too had to bring Zhu-san here anyway. You were stubborn after all.」

「Kuh, you don’t need to say that……」

She thought that she was managing to trouble him, but he was actually bringing her here because it was also on the way for meeting his lover. Zhu’s face became sour for some reason when she learned that.

「It’s also just right for us to eat out with just the two of us after so long……heheh」

「So that was why you were sometimes looking passionately at your phone while in the middle of mission.」

「Keh. Damn showoff」

Liu made an exasperated expression while Noboru was sending him a fixed stare.

「Even though I had gone through the trouble of waiting for you here to share some information.」

「Eh? Aikaway was just stalki──wanting to meet Liu-san right?」

「Who’s a stalker! Rude, it’s pure lo──nnnh. Anyway! Look at this!」

Saying pure love in front of the person in question seemed to be a bit embarrassing for him. Even though he was able to confess his feeling in quite a manly way just now although he was also being guided a little to it, it seemed that he became a good-for-nothing when sober (?).

Noboru pushed forward his smartphone to cover up himself.

「Hm? What’s this?」

「It’s Yoshino’s Yout*be channel.」

「Eh, there’s something like this?」

「She already had it since quite some time ago. She’s exploring place like unexplored region as adventurer type Yout*ber.」

Yoshino Mao. The buff magic user of Kousuke’s party. That my pace type of girl said t the graduation party that she would enjoy touring around the country using the part-time job earning from Hajime to fund it, but to think that she was making good on her words.

「Err, in other words you want to notify me of Yoshino’s current status?」

「That’s not all, till the end this is just a secondary to meeting Liu-san. Look, that Nagumo, he’s being considerate of us right? Telling us to prioritize our new livelihood.」

「Well, I guess. There’s also almost no request coming from him.」

「Especially with you. Even without Nagumo’s request, you got quite a lot of request from Hinata-chan or Claudia-san right? Like today there’s also a case that needs Aby.」

Your clone is just too convenient. Refuse it when you can refuse okay? Noboru said with a wry smile. Kousuke who had a personality that couldn’t really refuse when being asked to do something scratched his head with an expression of not knowing what to say.

「Well, anyway, right now this kind of insignificant information isn’t reaching you right?」

「In other words, you’re saying that Yoshino’s Yout*be channel isn’t anything important but, there’s nothing wrong with knowing it huh?」

「It helps that you catch on quick.」

Indeed. From the start Kousuke wasn’t the type to frequently watch the video site, and he was the next one after Hajime when it came to being busy. In fact, he didn’t even know that a former party member of his was setting up a channel like this.

Noboru guessed that and thought to tell him about their comrade’s recent situation although it was just something he was doing as a secondary to something else. Kousuke gave him his honest gratitude in respond.

Noboru lightly waved it off and replayed an archive that Mao streamed yesterday,

Liu and Zhu were also peering in with interest. By the way, Hajime already learned about this from Mao herself, while the response division had learned it from Noboru’s report.

「Fuuhn? She’s in a real jungle like place huh? Where’s it?」

「Well, just watch.」

Just like Kousuke said, projected in the screen was a jungle with greeneries growing in abundance.

In the middle of it was Mao dressed like an explorer──most likely she was matching her outfit with her channel’s aim──advancing forward briskly while taking video of herself.

『Heyo, starting today too good after mao mao! It’s everyone’s favorite adventurer type Yout*ber Maoyoshi!』

「Who’s this?」

「It’s the character she’s building as her Yout*uber persona. Don’t mind it.」

Mao placed a horizontal peace sign over her eye while smiling mischievously in the middle of a jungle that looked really humid and sultry. Her figure made Kousuke’s eyes opened wide in astonishment.

Always being languid, that was Mao. At the very least that was Kousuke’s impression of her.

It seemed that Mao had been thinking properly and putting in effort in her own way to be a Yout*ber. When he glanced down, the number of her subscriber had already surpassed a hundred thousand people.

The comment section was also flooded with greetings like “Good eve mao mao!” or “Good mor mao mao!” that were spreading from the show. Perhaps the different greeting was because of the time difference. That might be a proof of her global popularity.

In fact, Mao had been using her cheat language ability to give greeting in various languages.

The rests, were the first time viewers perhaps. Sometimes there were questions in the comment asking what kind of technology she was using to not only connect to internet, but also streaming without any lag while inside a jungle. None of them would even be able to imagine that it was thanks to the quality product of other world fantasy technology by the demon god.

Or rather,

「No, that’s Brazil! The tropical forest of Amazon River’s basin she said, just where’s Yoshino planning to go!?」

Mao-san was wandering in a very distinguished place. With a wide smile on her face. It was a live streaming so it wasn’t just mere acting, she looked like she was normally enjoying it. She looked exactly like she was just taking a stroll in a place with good scenery.

「As expected returnees are nuts huh……」

「They had traveled through a fantasy world of sword and magic that is infested with monster, so a mere jungle in earth must be nothing at all isn’t it.」

Kousuke was listening to such impression that was whispered between sisters while,

「I’ll skip it forward for a bit.」

「No, I want to watch normally though.」

Kousuke was hopelessly curious by the new path that his former party member was walking. Why hadn’t he seen this until now? So stand-offish. They were comrades so she should contact and notify him if she was setting up a channel!

He wondered just where in the world Yoshino had traveled until now. Was she actually able to give a greeting like now without stumbling when she was streaming for the first time!? What kind of face she made when doing her first mao mao!? Hey, what kind of face you made!! I can’t stop imagining it! I gonna check the archive when I got home! Ah, also don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and gave a high rating!

Noboru completely ignored Kousuke’s interest and skipped the video all the way until the part that he intended.

Inside the screen, Mao was showing the surrounding scenery while speaking of her objective once more. It seemed that she heard of a rumor of a ruin inside the jungle and came here to investigate.

Furthermore, it seemed she unexpectedly wasn’t alone. Was she with a local guide? But they were ten odd adults with complete equipment around her.

There was another person who was taking video recording like Mao, and there were also some people who were carrying various heavy luggage. Here and there a man with an atmosphere like a handsome actor appeared in the video while giving instruction. Perhaps he was the leader of the men.

「It’s here.」

Right after Noboru said that, there was something crossing through at the top part of the screen. The thing that was like a shadow emitting a strange luster from trees to trees was passing through in high speed.

The people around didn’t notice. Only Mao sensed it. Her camera was swiftly following the shadow, but it hid behind a veil of branches and leaves in the blink of eye, leaving its true form to be shrouded in mystery.

However, although she was a rear guard type, she was still one of the other world cheat group. Even though her camera couldn’t keep up, Mao’s kinetic vision had apparently firmly perceived the shadow’s mysteriousness.

『What was that just now? Jaguar? No but the color was strange. Besides, can jaguar move that quickly on trees?』

The comment section was also exploding. There must be also some viewers who were knowledgeable about animals in Amazon River basin. The shadow was too fast that the camera’s focus speed couldn’t match it. The shadow’s true form still wasn’t clear even after various parts of the video was slowed down or paused. But, at the very least they knew that it was a four-legged animal with fur that seemed to have seven colors. That revelation sent the comment section into an uproar.

The adults around Mao were also checking the camera image and their expression turned grim.

According to them, it seemed that among the information about the ruin there was also the reason why the local people avoided the place. It said that there was an unknown existence protecting the place.

『Oo~, it might be just some trick of light or something but, feeels like this is shaping up to be a nice adventurer ain’t it?』

Among the viewers there were also commenters who started writing that perhaps it would be better for her to go back, but Mao’s expression was sparkling even brighter instead.

Mao gathered the surrounding adults and started a discussion.

「With the King Tree’s revival, some myths might also got revived, so be careful. Nagumo said that right?」

「Yeah, he said that it’s vanishingly unlikely because he’s in control of the willpower but just in case.」

「In fact, the dragon’s revival was also accompanied by “dragon myths” all over the world almost materializing after all. It’s only natural to be on guard.」

「When human is in the picture, it’s not impossible for something to happen due to human-cause after all.」

In other words, the shadow that Mao encountered might also be something that was a materialization of a part of local myth? It seemed that based on that thinking, Noboru had already reported this to Hajime just in case.

Although, Amazon was a treasure trove of animals in the first place. It was an unexplored region where new species got discovered every year in terrific number. Therefore, this was regarded as “It mustn’t be anything big but it should be reported just in case”.

「Yoshino called herself an adventure type but, she’s mainly exploring unexplored region after catching wind of some local myth or rumor, so she’s mostly more like an unexplored region hunter or ruin hunter.」

「Nagumo must be thankful for someone like her huh.」

「He’s paying her a lot of information fee, so it looks like Yoshino herself is also helped a lot. By the way, in the overseas group there’s also Akito, but it looks like that guy too is being a magician while gathering information. Mainly about the awakened.」

「Is that so?」

「Yeah. Before this too he caught wind of information about awakened though it’s one that can only use light hypnotist. Apparently he then went to check it out.」


「There was really an awakened but, that person was getting money with a method that was like a scam so he “taught him a lesson”. He said, a magician using fantasy power is unforgivable, can you believe it?」

「……That Nimura, if I remember right, didn’t he say something about becoming the best magician in the world using illusion magic?」

「He said that.」

Actually, Nimura Akito-kun was already starting to gather attention as a promising supernova in the business world of stage magician. Apparently he was going all over the world, finding awakened who could only use a little bit of ability that barely qualified as superpower, while also almost straying into the wrong path. He would “teach a lesson” to that kind of people before bringing them into his own magic group.

On the outside he was a stage magician. But behind the scene he was a leader of dark hero organization that was using magic to secretly save people.

As a founder of magician heroes organization, he would surely encounter a heroine one day (his wish) and got into a romance with her (delusion). When he revealed his identity to her (wild delusion), he would do it by removing his glasses and brushing up his hair while speaking his signature phrase. It seemed that such was his dream.

「Feels like, he’s getting a bit carried away isn’t it?」

「Yeah. I can imagine him starting saying things like “I will stand at the top” someday.」

In that case, Noboru apparently had made a promise with Atsushi that they would punch him until he snapped out of it.

「Well, anyway. That Yoshino, while she was walking around at unexplored regions only, it looks like she found a lot of strange things, so that’s why I’m thinking that you should also know just in case. Though her streaming is also unexpectedly amusing.」

「I see. Thanks then. I wouldn’t find this out for a while if not for you so this helps.」

Even so, someone said. Zhu pointed out when she saw that Noboru and Kousuke’s conversation had come to a stop.

「Who are the people around this Yoshino Mao? Are they also the comrades of you people?」

「It looks like they’re taking great pain to try to hide it, but from the way they move and look around, don’t they feel like from military?」

Yes, those who were in the know would realize after watching for a while. The adults around Mao sometimes showed a glimpse of it in their movements for them to be just simple local guide. The particular movement of people who had received training.

「I was also concerned about that but……Nagumo isn’t saying anything about it even though he had known about Mao Channel from before right?」

「Or rather, apparently it was Nagumo who introduced them you know? Yoshino’s specialty is in strengthening other people after all, and she’s an amateur when it comes to investigating unexplored region or ruin itself, so he said something about how it would be better if she has a specialist team to support her.」

Also, when Noboru asked, according to Mao, it would be fine to use them as meat shield or the like when push came to shove……

Though he didn’t mention it because that was definitely just some kind of joke.

「Then there’s nothing to worry huh.」

「That guy, just where did he make that kind of connection?」

Even while they were having such talk, Mao and her group apparently had finished their discussion inside the video.

It seemed the route of the mysterious animal and their original destination were slightly apart from each other. And then the opinions inside the group were split, where Mao wanted to pursue the mysterious animal, while the adult group wanted to go to the ruin just like they planned at the start.

『Yep, then we’re going after the mysterious animal yay~!』

『Dammit. Why is this thing called life always veering off track like this-』

The mister leader who looked like a handsome actor stomped on the ground. It seemed he got defeated in the argument.

『Even though I thought I finally got independent and can chase after OOPArt as I please! My luck ran out when I ran into boss at that time!』

『What’re you doing muttering over there? Come on, let’s go, Luffy-san!』

『How many times I should tell you I’m not a rubber man before you get it, Mao! My name is Wilford!』

『Aren’t they similar? Or rather, fake name isn’t good you know? We’re a team here.』

『It’s not fake name! It’s my real name! Luffy is wrong!』

『But I heard from Nagumo that you’re Luffy……』

『He’s forcing me to go to dangerous area even though he doesn’t even remember my name! Boss is really nuts! If it’s like this can’t he just send us right at the final destination point with his fantasy power!?』

Kousuke thought.

Ah, this person is a kindred! Like the way he was being toyed around by something, or how he was cornered into a position where he couldn’t help but made a retort.

He didn’t have the slightest idea that this person was actually a pro in investigation that got into a scramble with Hajime for an ancient bacteriological weapon that in the end got given to Emily and him before it was decided that he was going to Vatican and got into that incident.

In any case, that man was able to become the boss’s dog just like he wished at that time, so surely Luffy-san too was happy.

There, Rana returned. The streaming also stopped.

「Kou-kun! Sorry to make you wait!」

「Rana, welcome back. It went smoothly?」

「Yes, the cursed object also had been transferred properly. It doesn’t look like there’ll be any problem too. Kiyotake-kun was also in high spirits.」

「Kiyotake-san did?」

「Yes, after all I brought him a letter from Mina.」

「Aa, I see.」

Tsuchimikado Kiyotake. A youth who was a direct descendant from Tsuchimikado clan. He was also an eccentric youth who carelessly fell in love with Mina during the decisive battle in the sea of trees.

Even Mina who was in a state like a love monster due to jealousy and envy and impatience making her went mad was being really well-behaved lately due to the good reaction from an opposite sex toward her for the first time. She even modestly said something like 「Both of us are busy, so first let’s start from letter……」.

Though to Kousuke and Rana, she only looked like a hungry lion who was pretending to be a cat so to not let the chance of the lifetime escape from her grasp……

Perhaps, surely, Mina too was just being bewildered because this was her first time going through something like this, no doubt about it. Her reason for moving to the hidden village in Fuji’s sea of trees was also to make it easier to do the letter exchange. Or rather, they hoped that was the case.

「More importantly, what now Kou-kun? If you’re tired should we do the eating out next time? It’ll be better to go home first before eating right? Being a clone, your stomach won’t be filled even if you can enjoy the taste after all.」

Yes, actually the Kousuke here was a clone. The main body was of course at England for studying abroad. Rana too originally was living together with Kousuke there.

「No, it’s fine. After all the main body is also eating breakfast properly over there.」

It was morning in England right now. There and also at Vatican in the same time, a clone had been active for the whole night so it was certainly tiring. But, that was that.

「Most of all, I don’t want to let go of the chance to be alone with Rana.」

「Geez, really Kou-kun!」

Rana once more gave a kiss to Kousuke with a flow so natural just like how water would go from high place to lower place.

Without pause she muttered keyword and activated her exclusive treasure warehouse. Then she executed the quick change that she worked hard to learn for the romance of transformation.

It looked like she was enveloped in light before she instantly changed into the outfit of a sexy older girl.

When she folded her arms under her breasts, her voluptuous breasts looked like they were going to spill out. Even the elites in response department unconsciously had their gazes attracted toward that sight.

「Then let’s go, Kou-kun?」

「Ah, so as you guys can see, I’m going ahead!」

The two were clocking out while intimately snuggling on each other.

The others were seeing them off like that while,

「Liu-san, if you like, after this do you want going with me to──」

「Ah, Noboru-san, thanks for your hard work today! Now, Nee-sama, let’s finish up our written report!」

「Y-yeah, you’re right……」

Noboru-kun was left to stand alone.

He looked up and let out a sigh. 「Guess I’ll go home……」 He said and clocked out. The adults of the response division watched that smoldering back leaving with expressions that didn’t know what to say.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

※Material introduction

– Prepare your resolve

It’s apparently from the written protest to Wazap. I learned for the first time the material source when looking it up this time.

– How rude, it’s pure love

It goes without saying, from Jujutsu Kaisen’s Okkotsu-san.

– I will stand at the top

From Bleach’s Aizen-sama. Perhaps the day Akito will be able to say it won’t come.

– Final destination point

From Luffy of One Piece. Of course, Wilford-san won’t be able to reach it.

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