
Chapter 1087: Greeny Village - Part 2

Chapter 1087: Greeny Village – Part 2

Tang Shaoyang took a deep breath once more as he got even angrier when he remembered what had just happened to him. After a while, he calmed down as the sound of cheering came from outside. It seemed the villagers were excited about the Steeer meat they got.         

“What should I do now?” He mused as he recalled all the information he got from the Starter City #5. “Can I even believe that information?” Most of the information he had about the God Alliance and the God Ranks was from Gortham’s mouth. He was unsure if he should believe it or not after what that old man had done to him.     

Tang Shaoyang’s eyes twitched as he recalled that old man’s face. He could not believe that he was tricked by Gortham’s friendly mask.     

[I think you can trust that old man’s words; all he said before the Epic Rank Garden raid, Master.] Orlean, the Demon Prince, shared his thoughts with his Master. [I think he changed his mind after seeing what you are capable of. He might not covet Wrath, but he might want more information about you. Your class, talent, and others. I can see him being genuine before the incident.]     

“If that old man is telling the truth, then I should not worry about the God Ranks anymore. They will not be able to come at me again.” His only concern right now was the God Ranks. He was afraid that if the news that he was still alive leaked, the God Ranks might come again for him. “Ah, shit. That old man is no longer on my side. He can tell the God Alliance after me that I am still alive.”     

Tang Shaoyang just realized that Old Man Gortham might mess him up by leaking that information to the six God Alliances that wanted him dead. While it might not be possible for the God Rank to descend to the tower anymore, they could still send their followers. They might even send the Demi-God Rank after him, and not just one, but many of Demi-God Ranks.     

“Returning to my Starter City is not an option.” The Divine Church was there, so the Nirvana Alliance really might send their Demi-God Rank there if the news that he was still alive spread. “I have to tell Mengyao to stay low for a while.”     

“It seems there’s no other choice than staying in the wild until I at least reach Primordial Rank.” Only when he reached Primordial Rank that he was confident of returning. While he might not be able to face the God Rank, he could still escape from them. It would be vastly different from the previous encounter. As for the Demi-God Rank, he was confident to face them. Three Demi-God Ranks, while he was still Primordial, might be feasible.     

“Then let’s focus on the resource. Looking for the boss monster is the best way for me to increase my level.” Since there was a boss monster that guarded the resource, he might as well look for the resource. It was the same as killing two birds with one stone. He got level, and his empire would use the resource.     

“Talking about the resource, I haven’t transferred the ownership of the Epic Rank Garden to the guild….” He suddenly realized that the Epic Rank Garden was still in his possession. Eril told him that he needed to hand over the ownership of the resource to the guild once they returned to the city. However, everyone forgot about the resource because of the council’s meeting. Old Man Gortham was never seen in the guild until he met Tang Shaoyang to inform him about the testimony.     

“Huh!?” Tang Shaoyang suddenly realized that the cheers and laughter outside had changed into screams. “What happens?” He activated the Spirit Eyes and found the issue.     

The one so-called bandit came to Greeny Village and tried to claim the beast he defeated. He could hear it, albeit low, that the bandit claimed they injured the beast and accused the Greeny Village of stealing their prey. They came to take their prey with them.     

“This is weird? Why would they come now all of a sudden? It’s not the time to harvest yet, and I am sure no one was around when I killed the beast. I don’t leave any track since I am flying.” Tang Shaoyang furrowed his brow. “There’s only one conclusion. There’s a snitch from this village. Or else, how those bandits know we have Steeer.”     

He got off the bed and took the bed to inventory once more before leaving the house. He had noticed through the Spirit Eyes that one of the villagers had come for him. By the time he opened the door, there was a young man running toward him.     

“Sir Tang! Sir Tang! Please help our village! The—”     

Tang Shaoyang raised his hand. “I know. Lead me to the bandit.”     

The young man’s face flashed with surprise, wondering how Sir Tang knew the bandits came to the village. However, he knew that he did not have much time. The young man nodded and ran toward the center of the village.     

By the time the two reached there, the Village Chief, Urun, was still arguing with the bandits. Apparently, the Village Chief of the Thorny Village came to claim the beast.     

“The Steeer is a gift for our village from our guest. I will not give it to you!” Urun insisted on his initial argument.     

The Thorny Village’s Chief sneered. “Guest? Do you think you can trick me? Do you think you can scare me with your imaginary guest? This beast is clearly our prey. We injured the beast and had been hunting them for a few days. If you are not going to give it to us nicely, then we will take it by force.”     

“Imaginary guest?” For some reason, Urun’s lips curved into a smile. He could tell that the opposite party was lying because he could tell how Steeer died. There was no trace of the beast getting into a trap or injured. The beast died because of one wound, right in the forehead, one shot. While the villagers from the Thorny Village might be stronger than his village, none from the Thorny Village could achieve that. “Just wait. I will send someone to call our guest.”     

“Call him! Do you think I am afraid?” The Thorny Village’s chest slammed his chest, challenging Urun as he showed off his muscle.     

“I am the guest of the Greeny Village!” Tang Shaoyang came out from the crowd. The young man, for some reason, still followed him, tailing him closely.     

The Thorny Village’s Chief scanned the black-haired man in front of him. While he could not see the black-haired man’s build, he could tell that he had a bigger frame than the man, giving him a little boost of confidence.     

“So you are the thief who stole our prey?” The Thorny Village’s Chief approached Tang Shaoyang with a smug face.     

“You prey? Did you kill that beast?” Tang Shaoyang asked. He could solve the issue by simply kicking the man, sending the Thorny Village’s Chief on his way. However, he had another purpose, to gain a positive impression on the villagers. He wanted to earn their trust so he could get information about the resources from the villagers. No one knew this place better than the natives themselves, after all.         

“No, but we injure the beast with the traps, and we have been hunting the beast for a few days, but you steal it from us.” The Thorny Village’s Chief came with the same argument.     

Tang Shaoyang tilted his head and looked at the beast that was still intact. “You injured the beast? But why don’t I see any wounds on it? Everything is intact except for the hole on its head.”     

It seemed the other villagers were restless with the bandits. They did not notice that until Tang Shaoyang said it. Everyone started to look at the beast more carefully, and as Tang Shaoyang said, there was no wound. If the beast is injured by the trap, there should be a trace of it. The fur was not even stained by the dried blood, and everything was intact. There was not even a scratch on its steel fur.     

“You….” The Thorny Village’s Chief’s face turned red, fuming as he pointed his finger at Tang Shaoyang. “If I said it’s my prey, then it’s my prey. We have developed an advanced trap that can kill the beast in one shot.”     

Tang Shaoyang let out a chuckle. Even an uneducated thug like him could easily find the hole in Thorny Village’s Chief argument. The bandit said they injured the beast, and now they changed the statement that they killed the beast with the advanced trap.     

“So which one? Did you kill it, or you just injured it with your trap?”     

Looking at the black-haired man’s smile, the Thorny Village’s Chief realized that he could not win with just arguments. What infuriated him, even more was that the Greeny Village’s villagers, who initially feared him, not they tried to hold their chuckle, smiling mockingly at him. “I will make you regret humiliating this Savage Thordan!”     

The Thorny Village’s Chief sheathed the blade on his waist. The blade was similar to the saber with the curve, but the blade was not in good condition. The blade was crude, and some parts of it chipped.     

The villagers let out a gasp as they subconsciously took a few steps back, unintentionally giving more space for Tang Shaoyang and Thordan. The bandit who followed Thordan cheered for their leaders while Urun also stepped back to make more space. He was confident in Tang Shaoyang and pitied Thordan for not being able to see things clearly.     

Thordan let out a big hoorah as he rushed toward Tang Shaoyang and swung the blade toward Tang Shaoyang’s neck. It showed that Thordan would not show mercy to his enemy. However, the blade cut nothing but air.     

Tang Shaoyang ducked and turned his back slightly toward Thordan. Then he followed it with a kick to Thordan’s jaw. He controlled his strength so he did not detach Thordan’s head. There were kids around, so he did not want to turn this bloody.     

Thordan let out a pained grunt as his jaw forcefully clenched. He released his grip on the blade as he could also feel that his body was in the air. The kick sent Thordan up to three meters in the air.     

Tang Shaoyang jumped in the air and executed a spinning kick in the air. The kick landed on Thordan’s chest and….     


Thordan spurted out blood from his mouth as his body flew backward like a rocket. The villagers from both villages followed the projectile until they lost sight of Thordan. Everyone had the same conclusion after witnessing that. Thordan was finished.     


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