
Chapter 859: First Floor - The Unknown

Chapter 859: First Floor – The Unknown

Scot Moran looked up and saw Callahan was under Lu An’s feet. Callahan had a

pleading look on his face, asking for his Guild Leader to save him from Lu An.

After experiencing what Lu An was capable of, he lost his arrogance and


Scot Moran wanted to save Callahan for what he had done to him and his guild,

but it was not a smart decision from the guild leader’s perspective. Staying here

longer would put all his people in danger because they let the elf escape earlier.

Once the elf returned with the reinforcement, he was not sure if half of them

could get out of here.

Scot Moran bowed his head, "I am sorry, Callahan, and thank you for

everything you have done for the Blue Vest Guild and me." After saying that, he

turned around and rushed out of the shadows. "Go to the east! Don’t stop


He stayed in the backline and watched Lu An as he retreated with his guild. It

was fortunate that Lu An did not chase after them, but this way, he just lost two

Vice Guild Leaders at once. Yes, he did not wait for Hurst Milton to return as he

decided to escape from Lu An. He did not know where the Tang Empire’s main

force was, so he did not want to take the risk of staying around longer.

If the Tang Empire’s main force was close to them, then Hurst Milton and the

others were done for. Less than

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