
Chapter 864: First Floor ~ Encounter With The First Order Guild

Chapter 864: First Floor ~ Encounter With The First Order Guild

Revalor frowned at the bizarre sight in front of him. At least a thousand meters of the area was covered by the

shadow, and he could not see it through. It was as if a big chunk of that area had disappeared into the void. The most

bizarre thing was the fact that the shadow area reached the sky like a pitch-black tower. He knew it must be Lu An’s

skill, but he did not like this skill because he could not observe Lu An. He did not know what happened inside that

space, whether Lu An was winning or losing.

The former Elven King was helpless, but at the same time, he was surprised that Lu An could pull up such a trick. He

never saw the ability like this; even no demon he had encountered so far had the same ability.

"What should we do?" Helia was panicked. She was asked to follow Lu An by Kang Xue to ensure Lu An’s safety. With

the current situation, she did not know what happened to Lu An inside that thing. With the tower-like shadow in

front of her, she was not sure that her Light Elemental Power could neutralize the shadow.

Yeon Hee and The Miragul were shocked by Lu An’s ability. Yeon Hee compared herself with Lu An, and she quickly

realized that the gap between them was just too big. At this moment, she realized that Lu An’s Shadow Elemental

Power was more complete than hers. She could not achieve what Lu An had achieved during the

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