Badge in Azure

Chapter 611 - Genesis (Part 2)

Chapter 611: Genesis (Part 2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The greenery proximal to Green Dragon Stone had been totally eroded by the white fog, forming a region of vacuum with a width of almost one mile. The white fog had stopped expanding, but its concentration was one-hundred times higher than before.

A gigantic eagle formed by the white fog appeared in the sky. It was circling above, observing the targets on the ground.

In Northtown, dozens of miles away, the army had set off. This time around the auxiliary soldiers were included, the army consisted of almost five-thousand people. Back in Green Dragon Stone the remaining soldiers who were trapped were protecting the mages and the emblem group commander. They were still wildly hoping that the important figures of the enemy would emerge, so that the mages and commander could still kill a few of these important figures.

The emblem group commander gazed at the circling gigantic eagle above as though he had thought of something. In the past, when he first learned knowledge from a mage, he had asked a very naïve question during the lesson; what was the strongest holy spell, and how could one overcome it?

That sorcerer never mocked him, the sorcerer shared tons of knowledge with the commander and his comrades. There was one particular thing which he had almost forgotten already. The sorcerer said that such a divine spell required the involvement of a god in order to be completed.

The current situation before him was very similar to the divine spell described by the sorcerer. Its power was not that great though. The process and form of this divine spell was unusually similar to the one depicted by that sorcerer.

It was a type of ultimate divine spell that was similar to the forbidden spells of magic; Genesis.

In the god’s code of laws the god had created this world and all life originated from god. Qin people did not believe this, but such a divine spell still existed.

Within the range of this divine spell all killed beings would be continuously resurrected and would evolve until the world created by this divine spell crumbled.

“If this spell is really Genesis, then a camp of soldiers would also be useless right? Before the divine spell disappeared all efforts would be useless no matter how many targets were killed. This world was cyclical and developing. The more external power added, the stronger the creatures created by Genesis. At the very start, the fog people were very frail, a normal soldier could kill them in one hit. If the sword was smeared with powder, then it would be even simpler to kill the fog people. Various monsters began appearing as time progressed. About three to five soldiers are needed to kill each of them. At the moment, a gigantic eagle has appeared in the sky and most of my comrades have turned into giants. If this spell is truly Genesis, then these giants could be a few hundred yards tall by now. The current divine spell should be a truncated version of the Genesis. That sorcerer have said that one will not be affected as long as they do not get close to such a divine spell. Once trapped inside, even the sorcerer himself would not be able to escape anymore.”

“My brothers, we will never be able to escape.” The emblem group commander said calmly, “This is a divine spell akin to a forbidden spell. By remaining here we will only attract more people who will try to rescue us. We should have died long ago. They didn’t kill us because we are being used as baits. My brothers, for our comrades in Northtown, we…we should die…” After the emblem group commander finished his sentence, he wielded a cutlass and aimed it at his own heart.


The two mages looked even more shocked. They had guessed the enemy’s technique, but they were not willing to die. They had kept quiet. Since the emblem group commander had spoken, they could no longer be reluctant to die. No markings of life were placed on a mage’s body, these markings only existed on a soldier’s body.

Once the soldiers died, no one would try to enter this place to rescue them anymore.

The remaining over one-hundred soldiers did not react very vigorously. Simultaneously, they stopped resisting, then they pointed their weapons at themselves. All the creatures who were produced by the fog stopped their assault.

“Ah!” The emblem group commander used the cutlass to stab his own heart without hesitation. He knew that no one could save him, but he could salvage many other Qin soldiers. An icy sword pierced into a fiery heart. As the sword was lined with poison, the emblem group commander died within seconds.

The other soldiers acted at the same time piercing their weapons into themselves. The two mages looked extremely grieved. Without these soldiers the Northtown army would discover that the army had been wiped out. Consequently, the reinforcements would only try to destroy the spell array from the periphery, they would not send people in to conduct rescue.

The two white-robed mages glanced at each other sighing helplessly. They also began preparing spells, but they did not commit suicide. Genesis had its flaws too. Being inside it, the mages did not want the enemy to use their bodies.

The bodies of the two mages began emitting flames, burning from the inside out. The temperature of these flames had exceeded that of the fire still burning in Green Dragon Stone. In an instant, the two mages had been incinerated into ashes. All creatures near the two mages were also destroyed and burned into nothingness.

“Hmm?” The red bishop realized that this team of soldiers had committed suicide and he felt dazed at this event. He never thought that Qin people were so ardent, they were willing to give up their lives rather than becoming his baits. “Could these people have been tempted by the evil god? Why did they choose death without any hesitation?”

The red bishop was stunned momentarily as a chain explosion took place at the spot where the two mages immolated themselves. Air gushed into the region of vacuum, then began burning once again. Hundreds of creatures were incinerated. These creatures had been formed into very real beings, they even howled in agony while being burned by the flames. At the same time the giants, which had been transformed from the Qin soldiers, were also destroyed.

“Damn it!” A moment of distraction had caused the red bishop to lose hundreds of giants. He had planned to use the giants to attack the metal house. It could not be opened using flames. The mages inside kept using slimy fluids and snow to lower the temperature of the house. It was possible that the mages’ magic chords would not even be half depleted by the time Genesis ended.

The red bishop stood under a colossal statue, it seemed as though that statue and he had become one entity. That moment of distraction caused him to expose himself.

“I have discovered their leader!” Cuisi was exhilarated, the person was actually a high grade professional.

“Don’t make any noise, Uncle Fellett, please sustain the spell.” Speaking, Saleen sat down and closed his eyes. In that concentrated white fog, a fist-sized spider prostrated on the ground. It was the witcher spider which had been modified by Saleen.

The core of the spider was now a fragment of the dragonshard. Its appearance was very normal, all the magic patterns had been concealed and magic words filled its complicated pupils.

Joey’s technique had caused massive changes to the concealment ability and control method of the witcher spider. The illusory magic array was still around, but it was not an offensive installation. At the moment the witcher spider had received Saleen’s order, it was using its eyes to scan the fog on behalf of Saleen.

White fog began converging the surface of the spider’s body. The witcher spider, which had been engulfed by white fog, looked like any other creatures in Genesis. The naked eye would not be able to identify the differences.

The witcher spider crawled forward cautiously, the other creatures in the white fog did not attack it. The spider’s eyes had been obstructed by the fog, Saleen was only relying on his perception to steer the witcher spider to the location where the leader had appeared just now.

The statue which the red bishop sought shelter at had a base measuring over two yards in height. The witcher spider crawled up along the base. When it reached the edge, it stopped advancing, it simply laid there and waited in silence.

Saleen was extremely patient. The statue’s base was not small and the witcher spider was at least five yards away from the target. Launching an offensive rashly would be unfruitful. Saleen only needed to wait like an assassin.

As long as the enemy could not release a high level Magic Shield or divine spell instantly they would not be able to withstand those pincers which could tear through Sword Aura, no matter how powerful they were. A wee bit of poison was also added onto the witcher spider’s pincers. Saleen had extracted this poison from the withered leaves of the Tree of Taboo.

Saleen had learned this extraction method from Eleanor, any withered plant would contain some residual toxins. The higher the plant’s grade, the scarier the toxins. When the Tree of Taboo died, the poison produced by it was stored in the leaves. Even a god would sustain severe injuries when infected by the poison. A high grade professional would surely be killed.

What an elf would do was to activate such toxins, it was not some simple negative energy.

No one would expect a tiny witcher spider to contain such a horrifying substance. Joey had told Saleen before; the more neglected the enemy, the more perilous they were.

On the road from the Northtown towards Green Dragon Stone all the red dots in the compass representing soldiers had been extinguished. The grand mage told the emblem group commander helplessly, “Sir, the targets are all dead.”

“All dead?”

“Yes, over a hundred people died at the same time, they must have committed suicide. They were bait and we were to become the next wave of targets for the enemy. Request reinforcements from Holy Rock City, we cannot deal with a trap which made an emblem group commander kill himself.”

This emblem group commander contemplated, “Since the rescue targets are all dead, then the initial objective is no longer important. What’s important is that there are such mighty enemies hiding at a location so close to Holy Rock City. This matter has to be reported to Holy Rock City.”

“Everyone, stop advancing. Mr Guderian, please send a letter to Holy Rock City.”

This team with almost five-thousand people came to a stop slowly. The emblem group commander wrote a letter, then handed it to a grade-5 mage. This grade-5 mage immediately built a teleportation portal and sent the letter back to Holy Rock City.

A one-time use teleportation portal did not require any assembly or carvings, it could send small items back to Holy Rock City’s teleportation portal directly.

The mage then began drawing another one-time use teleportation portal on the spot, awaiting orders from the Holy Rock City.

In less than three minutes, a flash of light appeared. A small metal box appeared out of the teleportation portal. The metal box contained a reply from Holy Rock City. The message was simple, “Travel to Green Dragon Stone immediately and deploy magic equipment at the periphery to destroy everything in Green Dragon Stone. Do not enter rashly and don’t try to rescue County Queen Lex’s envoy, all this shall wait until the manpower from Holy Rock City arrives.”

The red bishop felt anxious. The genuine Genesis could last for up to a year, there were no enemies it could not kill. This one was a simplified version. At best, it could only last until daybreak. There were insufficient souls for combustion, while the low ranking warriors from the inquisition had been used to maintain the array of this divine spell.

When the red bishop’s attention was slightly deflected the witcher spider hiding at the edge of the statue’s base moved. It quietly climbed up to the platform approaching the red bishop from behind.

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